Chapter 276 Arrive

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The riots in Mayi City are ahead of schedule.¢£

The granaries everywhere were wide open. At this time, the people in the city were gradually falling into madness. Even the most honest people, under the suggestion of herd mentality, followed the red-eyed crowd towards the granaries.

Generally speaking, grabbing food is the first obvious feature of the riot, and then it is the turn to kill the officials. After the place is in chaos, everyone quickly transforms into a "rebel army."

The processes of civil uprisings since ancient times have striking similarities. They have established steps, but they are also chaotic.

In fact, just the word "grain grabbing" reveals endless blood. Grain grabbing is not a release of grain. The disorderly people quickly fell into a melee in front of several granary gates.

First, they punched and kicked each other and squeezed towards the barn door, hoping to get some food out.

Then the people who came out carrying the food were surrounded and robbed back and forth. Finally, the red-eyed people finally took out their weapons and started fighting mindlessly.

Countless people fell down, and countless people squeezed in. The hysterical emotions completely overwhelmed people's minds. In just half an hour, several granaries became battlefields, and no one could think of taking out food from the granaries safely.

The originally precious grains and rice were scattered on the ground, stepped into the soil by people, and stained with blood, but no one cared about it.

After the Four Cities were opened, the officials fled with their families. The lucky ones were able to rush out of the city, but the unlucky ones were surrounded by mobs on the road and no one was spared.

The screams of men, mixed with the cries of women and children, became one of the notes of this chaos.

Some villains took the opportunity to form gangs and wandered around the city, robbing people and committing all kinds of evil.

Soon, the chaos spread to the entire city of Mayi.

Things like murder and arson are often connected together. Soon, there will be pillars of smoke rising everywhere. This is the psychology of the evildoer, who does not want to see the evil deeds he has done exposed in front of others, so he sets the house on fire, subconsciously

He wants to eliminate evidence of guilt.

When chaos occurs, there must be a reason, but the chaos in Mayi City has now completely lost control.

The two military and political leaders jointly ignited the flames of evil in people's hearts, but neither one could control the rhythm in their own hands. Therefore, unlike the riots in other places, if this continued, the number of casualties and the cruelty of the people in Mayi City would increase.

, it will definitely exceed people’s imagination.

At this time, Liu Wuzhou, the captain of Mayi County who incited the chaos, was sweating profusely and hurried to the outside of the governor's house with hundreds of people who had gathered, hoping to join Huang Ziying's subordinates.

Along the streets, people were running around, and various sounds were heard.

Liu Wuzhou was also panic-stricken. Such a scene was also something he did not want to see. With his talents, he had no idea how to quell this chaos in the end.

In fact, he only knows one thing now. Gather more people quickly and don't let anyone else get ahead of him. Otherwise, it will be completely bad.

At this point, he also hated Wang Rengong, the governor of Mayi, to the bone. If this old man hadn't resorted to other tricks, how could the city be in chaos now?

Of course, no one dared to provoke these hundreds of men with swords on their backs, and some people kept trying to follow them, so the number of people in the team grew.

This is obviously a process of the birth of a mob leader. The law of the weak and the strong has completely dominated Mayi City at this moment.


People kept escaping from Mayi City carrying their luggage.

Mayi Gong Cao Wang Lu came out a little late. There was no way around his mansion. The men of Mayi County Lieutenant Liu Wuzhou were ambushing him. When he learned that the city gate was wide open, he realized something was wrong faster than many others.

He is very clear about the situation in Mayi City. Even if the city gate is not open, he actually plans to leave for Jinyang in the next day or two.

The civil uprising was imminent and Wang Gongcao could not stay for long. This was Wang Gongcao's judgment. He even kindly informed several friends to let them be prepared.

Therefore, when he heard that the city gate was wide open, he immediately ordered his people to clean it up hastily. He didn't even care about the prefects who were not guarding. Those superiors who were driving or driving were summoned together with two of their favorite concubines.

He gathered all the servants in the mansion who were already ready to go, and poured out of the gate.

Two melees ensued. Two groups of people appeared out of nowhere and stopped his carriage. Without saying a word, they came up and handed over to the subordinates.

Wang Gongcao was able to lead his men out, not because of how brave his followers were, nor how loyal they were, nor because of Wang Gongcao's command, but because the people blocking the road were not organized and their numbers were smaller.

Only then did this one of the high-ranking officials in Mayi City escape the interception in a panic. He was originally going to leave the south city, but in a panic, he ran to the north city gate and left the city.

Wang Gongcao, who was hiding in the carriage, was knocked unconscious at this time. He hugged two concubines who also had circles in their eyes, shaking his body and crying.

Until his confidant opened the curtain and told him that he had left the city.

Wang Gongcao was stunned for a long time before he stumbled out of the carriage and looked back at the tall city gate of Mayi City. In a daze, he felt a sense of joy and happiness for the rest of his life, completely surrounding him.

He didn't notice the crowds of people constantly pouring out of the city gate, nor the cries of adults and children, so it was even less likely that he would notice that some black spots had been patrolling there for a long time in the distance to the north.

He himself wanted to cry a few times to vent the fear and joy in his heart, but reason quickly returned to him, and he hurriedly began to order the few remaining followers to leave this dangerous place quickly.

He also turned around and climbed onto the carriage shaft. Although there was the warm jade fragrance in the carriage that he had always liked very much, it was too stuffy inside, but he could get some fresh air on the carriage carriage.

But before he could sit down safely on the carriage shaft, someone screamed in surprise.

Wang Gongcao could no longer bear the fright, and his body immediately trembled. He followed the sound and looked over. Someone was pointing to the north.

The Mayi people who escaped from the surrounding area and the convoy also stopped. Everyone's eyes were looking towards the north. Not far away, someone got out of the carriage and climbed on the roof.

Wang Gongcao recognized this person as a minor official of Bingcao.

The guy froze on the roof of the car for a long time, his face quickly turned pale, and then he jumped down from the roof of the car like crazy, pulled out his sword, slashed it a few times, freed the horse pulling the cart, and got on the horse.

Hissing, he shouted to the servants, "It's cavalry, it's cavalry, go quickly, go quickly."

Wang Gongcao, who was not familiar with battle formations, was startled by him, but he had been frightened too much these days, and he had not slept peacefully for several nights.

Therefore, his reaction was very slow.

However, soon, he noticed something strange.

Suddenly, a dull rumbling sound began to be heard, and the ground began to shake slightly.

Wang Gongcao looked to the north blankly, where there was a piece of smoke and dust that had not fallen for a long time. Then, a black line appeared and quickly became clear.

The crowd gathered at the north gate suddenly dispersed.

The carriage was also moving and began to run along the city wall.

But it was too late. Groups of cavalry moved to the west and east.

There was no other sound between heaven and earth, and the sound of horse hoofbeats became the only main theme in heaven and earth, beating on people's hearts like a rapid drumbeat.

Wang Gongcao finally woke up, grabbed the deputy at the shaft of the car, and looked around in panic. What he was most afraid of seeing at this time was actually the Golden Wolf Flag.

The scene of the Turks marching south in the eleventh year of Daye is still vivid in my mind. The overwhelming Turks raised their troops and spread like a tide from around Mayi City to the distance, with almost no end in sight.

The atrocities committed by the Turks in Mayi, Loufan, Yanmen and other counties spread throughout Mayi City, making people frightened.

At that time, he was trying his best to be transferred out of Mayi. He did not want to become a slave held behind a war horse by the Turks, or simply beheaded by the Turks.

Unfortunately, it was not easy to transfer away from Mayi at that time. The news coming from the direction of Jinyang was to let him calm down.

So, he stayed in Mayi until now.

Amid the smoke and dust, he tried hard to distinguish the flag in the distance, and finally he could see it clearly. His heartbeat stopped, and then started beating violently.

His body had been trembling, but at this moment, he slapped the coachman hard and shouted in a human voice, "Pull the reins in, rein in the reins, stop, stop now..."

In fact, I had to stop.

From the entire north of Mayi City, cavalry swarmed in. Before the large group of troops arrived, their tentacles had already blocked people's escape routes.

They came well prepared. The large group of people gradually stopped outside the North City. Groups of cavalry broke away from the group and rushed into the city gate without slowing down.

After a while, soldiers hurriedly appeared on the empty city wall.

The Heng'an Town Army has arrived.

Under a high-flying battle flag, Yuchi Gong sat on his horse, looking at the mottled Mayi city wall in a daze. Almost a year had passed, and it seemed like a long time had passed. He actually felt a lot strange about this place.


Looking at the four wide open city gates, Yuchi Gong was also a little strange. Is this what the general said someone would come to respond to? Where is the person to respond to? It doesn't look like it, no matter how you look at it...

But this was no time to hesitate. The city wall had already been occupied and the city gate was under the control of the army. All that was left was to enter the city one by one as he and Bu Qun had discussed.

There are still many things to do. First, control the city gates to prevent Liu Wuzhou from running away, and then quietly wait for the main force of the army to arrive.

Of course, if the defenders in the city insist on seeing them in battle, then they don't mind letting the people in Mayi City see what an elite force the Heng'an Town Army is.

This chapter has been completed!
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