Chapter 328 Brothers (1)

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In the city of Dali, the Turkic Khan's account.

Today's Dali City has a completely new look.

Only two or three years later, Dali City in Dingxiang County, which was once deserted and occupied by snakes, insects, rats, and ants, had already assumed the role of the Turkic political center.

The people living in the city are either wealthy Turkic merchants or Turkic nobles. Of course, the boundary between the two is very blurred these days. Many tribal nobles have their own caravans, and there are actually about the same number as merchants.

The palace complex in the south of the city has also reached a certain scale. What Khan Bi said to Princess Yicheng back then was not a joke.

He really wanted to build the city of Dali to be more glorious and spectacular than Chang'an.

It is a pity that building such a city on the grassland is simply a fantasy.

Therefore, after continuous construction, Dali City can only be said to be the first city in the grassland, and it seems to have its own unique style.

Because of the influence of the countries in the Western Regions, the architecture of Dali City is indeed very unique.

The architectural styles of the southern Sui people and the Western Regions countries were mixed together, plus the customs and habits of the Turks themselves. Although the miscellaneous mixture has a somewhat nondescript feeling, compared with the big cities in the Central Plains, today's Dali City is like those from the Western Regions.

She is like a Hu girl, with an exotic feel all over her body.

Of course, the city of Dali this winter has gradually taken on a solemn flavor since the first snowfall in early winter.

The most courageous and skilled demons patrolled inside and outside the city of Dali.

The former Western Khan Ashina Dubi was placed under house arrest in the royal court, but he did not completely lose power. His loyal subordinates came to Dali City one after another and worked hard to rescue their master.

Therefore, during this year, the Turkic dignitaries living in Dali City are relatively happy. They usually get a lot of unexpected wealth.

Dongfang Khan finally came to Dali City this winter and paid homage to his brother in the name of visiting a sick man.

As a result, the atmosphere in Dali City began to become strange. People seemed to be able to hear the heavy breathing and coughing sounds in the palace to the south. It seemed that they could also smell the aroma of medicine coming from the palace.

Rumors that the Great Khan fell ill were spreading quietly in the city of Dali.

At this time, no one thought about the rebellion of the Tiele tribe in the west, no one thought about the Turks' ambitions in the Western Regions, and no one cared about the Sui people fighting in the south.

As long as there are some sober Turkic nobles on the grassland, they will keep their eyes fixed on the city of Dali.

The inheritance of the Turkic Khanate has never been smooth, and the blood of countless Turkic nobles flows under the throne.

Therefore, similar to the Sui Kingdom in the south, no one dares to take it lightly once it is time to pass on the throne of Khan.

Because in such a change of throne, every decision means countless cattle, sheep, slaves, pastures, tribes, and even glory, power and wealth.

Such a game will not only affect the nobles of the main Turks, but countless people will be affected in the future. The nobles of the grasslands under the rule of the Turks cannot be distracted at all.

Many nobles in the city of Dali are praying to God to give his favorite son some favor and let him stay in the world for a few more days, because they are people who do not want to see chaos coming.

Moreover, although Shibi Khan did not lead them to win many glorious military exploits, over the years, during the reign of Shibi Khan, it was the most dignified and powerful period of time for the Turks.

They no longer have to follow the Khan to worship the Sui Emperor in the south, bending their knees and lowering their heads in humiliation. They no longer have to worry about those shameful compatriots in the west. They have been driven deep into the desert and dare not show their heads.

Their caravans traveled through the countries in the Western Regions, bringing them huge wealth every year.

The most important point is that the Turks were no longer troubled by internal wars from Qimin Khan to Shibi Khan. Of course, the internal wars mentioned here are by no means comparable to the rebellions of Tiele tribes.


It was about the horrific scene where the Turkic royal court was divided and Ashina's descendants killed each other.

And every wise leader, whether he is an emperor or a king, or a Khan, will be supported and appreciated by his subjects. Therefore, many people are willing to pray for the Khan and hope that he will get well soon.

But there are also some people who are looking at the palace to the south with the most vicious eyes, cursing in their hearts that King Khan is really as ill as rumored, and it is best to die quickly.

In this way, they would be able to seize greater power and occupy a place in the Turkic royal court.

Ambitious people never distinguish between races, and there is no distinction at all. They are all guys who are just afraid of chaos in the world.

But there are not many people who can decide their own destiny, especially where the Turkic Royal Court is. Everyone is shrouded in the majesty of the Great Khan. As long as Shibi Khan does not breathe his last breath, no one can

Dare to show your fangs, even a little bit of greedy peeking eyes, may bring danger to yourself at any time.

The loyal guards of the royal court will not hesitate to use their scimitars to tell those with bad intentions the price of their reckless actions.

At this time, in the royal court of Nancheng, in front of a domed palace, a man stood with his hands behind his hands, standing there silently, looking to the west where the smoke was rising. That was where the Turkic shamans were exorcising the illness from the Khan.


This is a typical Turkic nobleman, with fair skin, thick hair, strong and tall body, and a pair of majestic eyes with a light blue color, showing that he has pure royal blood.

This is a man like a lion, exuding an aggressive aura from every part of his body.

And the depression in the corners of his eyes and brows made his whole person more dangerous and unique.

No one wanted to get close to him, and the brave men only watched from a distance. As long as the man did not go out of a certain range, they would not interfere, and they would not dare to interfere.

Because he is Ashina Dubi, the brother of Shibi Khan, the Turkic Jieli Khan who once held great power. Countless warriors followed him to protect the holy mountains and turn the Western Region into a smooth road.

Even though he is now in prison, as long as the Great Khan does not order his execution, no one will dare to offend his dignity.

After standing there for an unknown amount of time, this once powerful Turkic nobleman, who was only inferior to Shibi Khan, let out a loud snort, which sounded like the roar of a wild beast.

Then he turned around and walked into the palace. The guards breathed a sigh of relief. Although they were standing so far away, they still felt as if they were being burned by flames, which made them feel uncomfortable all over.

Some slim figures could be vaguely seen waiting there in the hall, but the man turned a blind eye and just waved his hand casually. The figures immediately disappeared.

Of course, I have never heard of these beauties arranged by the Great Khan for his brothers. Who can enter his tent?

Not long after, some people came from outside the palace and were in the royal court. These people also carried scimitars and were walking around. In addition to being tough and strong, the accessories on their bodies also jingled.

Such a gorgeous team is owned by only one person in the Turkic royal court today, and he will not be reprimanded by the frugal Shibi Khan.

That is his other brother. Ashina Elivo, the Eastern Turkic Khan of the Turkic Khanate. (Acao’s note, Ashina Elivo’s position should be a Turkic general. For the needs of the plot, it is written as Turli Khan here.

Yes, there may be some contradictions with the previous ones, please pay attention to them.)

Although they are brothers, this Dongfang Khan is different from his brothers.

He was tall and thin. When he walked over, it was like a pole moving. The decorations on his body were more gorgeous than anyone else's.

Like the people of the Sui Dynasty, they wore fine mink fur, and the cocked riding boots they wore were all trimmed with gold. Their ears, necks, wrists, and fingers were all shining with light.

At first glance, it looks like a human-shaped treasure house.

His eyes are also very strange. He is always looking around lazily as if he is not awake. He seems to be indifferent to everything. But anyone who has heard his name knows that he is also an irritable and ruthless person.

A great Turkic noble.

Moreover, he has a strong curiosity. For example, there is a rumor that he took the bravest warriors in his army into the dense forests of the Northeast, searched for half a year, and found the oldest tribe of the Mohe people.

He personally boiled the head of the wizard of that tribe in boiling water, then peeled off the skin and flesh. He just wanted to see if the other person's skull was all black like the rumors.

This is obviously a creepy story, but many people say that they once saw a black skull in the sweat tent of Dongfang Khan.

Therefore, this man is also a respectable guy, and seems to be more terrifying than the infatuated Jieli Khan.

The pole stopped at the entrance of the temple, raised his head and looked inside with hazy eyes for a long time. No one knew what he was thinking. In fact, it was more like a tiger invading the lion's territory. He was probably wondering whether he should greet the lion first.

With a cry, he just rushed in and competed with the lion for the position of the king of beasts.

After a long while, he waved his hand and asked the guards to step back. He took a box from the guards and walked straight into the hall.

No one came to stop him. The news that Shibi Khan was seriously ill seemed to have loosened everything. Of course, if Shibi Khan was still healthy, this Turli Khan would not appear here.

It was a bit dark in the main hall, and some women poked their heads in the distance. Ashina Allivo smiled, showing a row of white teeth, but did not stop, and walked straight into the depths of the hall without being informed.

There is a pool in the hall, and Ashina Dubi has been soaking there. Many scars and arrow wounds can be faintly seen on the strong body. Every scar on such a person seems to represent a story. Of course

, this is also the proudest honor of Turkic men.

With the sound of footsteps, Ashina Erivo appeared at the edge of the pool. Without speaking a word, only the jingling noises of his clothes betrayed his identity.

He looked at his brother who was soaking in the pool without even opening his eyes, curled his lips, and said to himself, after so many years of not seeing each other, this brother still has such a bad temper, God will definitely not like such a guy.

Look, can’t we just play in the water here now?

He has always liked to look down on others, and now there is only one person he can look up to. Of course, he may not be able to look up to him for long.

But he also knows that Ashina Dubi also doesn't know how to raise his head to talk to others. What's even more disgusting is that even Khan can't make this guy lower his head...

This chapter has been completed!
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