Chapter 378 Sweat

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The Turkic nobles showed great anger towards the enemy who brought them war and terror. They hated such an enemy, especially when this enemy was not far away from them.

At that time, the Turkic royal court moved south, partly due to the anger of Shibi Khan, and partly because of strategic needs.

The Sui people used despicable means to kill Shibi Khan's cronies, and he wanted to burn the anger of revenge on the land of the Sui people.

Strategically, the Sui people fell into civil strife, and the Turks finally obtained the complete Yunzhong Grassland. The main Turks moved southward, which could stabilize this newly occupied territory. Moreover, it became more convenient for the Turks to move south.

But now, the disadvantages of moving the sweat accounts southward have actually emerged.

They could no longer control the Tiele tribes well, so rebellions among the Tiele tribes began to increase in recent years.

At the same time, the city of Dali was too close to the Sui Dynasty. Not only could they directly threaten the enemy, but conversely, the enemy could also easily threaten the royal court.

This was not obvious before, because the Sui people were in civil strife, and the Sui people in the north were all showing their favor to the Turkic royal court.

But now, a fierce enemy appeared. In the autumn of the fourteenth year of Daye, his name finally blew across the grassland like the wind, and was deeply engraved in the minds of all Turkic people.

After this, no one will say that he has never heard of this name, because it will not make you look noble, and not remembering those little people will only make you look ignorant and stupid.

By the late autumn and early winter of the 14th year of Daye, there were whispers among the Turkic royal court that they would move the royal court back to its old location.

Of course this is impossible. The relocation of the Royal Court is a major event and has many reasons. However, there is one that is absolutely unacceptable, and that is being driven away by the enemy.

Needless to say, the reason behind this is similar to the Central Plains Empire's capital relocation in the south. The dynasties that were forced by the enemy to move their capitals were only surviving, and there was almost no possibility of revival.

But in the grasslands where the strong are respected, the situation will only get worse.

In July, the Turkic royal court was troubled.

The fact is that no matter how much they hate the enemy in the south, after the enemy left, the Turkic nobles in the royal court had to face an unprecedented situation.

When the Khan was about to ascend the throne, he suddenly lost his inheritance rights. Now that the Khan has not left a will, the situation is even more bizarre.

Those who hope to succeed to the throne are all ready to make a move.

But when their eyes moved away from Ashina Eliver, he suddenly discovered that if they wanted to ascend to the throne, they could not avoid one more person.

If Shibi Khan and Ashina Erivo could naturally gain this man's allegiance after ascending to the throne, then no one who does that now will get the results they want.

The acolytes guarding the royal court, at some point, gathered around that person, causing both the inside and outside of the royal court to be shrouded in that man's shadow.

The four major tribes in the main part of the royal court, except for the southern part of Acre, all speak of the good things about that person.

Even some nobles in the royal court who never spoke easily expressed their loyalty to that person openly or covertly at gatherings large and small.

No need to ask, she is Princess Yicheng of the Sui Dynasty, the extremely noble Turk Ketun, Ashina Yang Huan.

Having served two generations of Khans, she did not feel sorry for herself after marrying a Turk. Instead, she spent more than ten years becoming famous among the Turks for her tolerance and wisdom.

In particular, as famous as her beauty is her graceful and thoughtful etiquette from the Sui royal family, which caused countless Turkic nobles to imitate her, making her the most noble woman in Turks. Similarly, among these Sui royal families

In the face of etiquette, her majesty also penetrated.

Today, everything has finally come to fruition, so that the descendants of Ashina, who have strong ambitions, have to scramble to please her.

For a woman to receive such honor in this land where tigers and wolves are rampant, her strength no longer needs too many words to describe and highlight.


At the end of July, the chill in the autumn wind is getting heavier and heavier, symbolizing that winter on the grassland is coming.

In Dali City, not far from the palace complex, there are some stone houses that seem to have been built not long ago. These are accommodations prepared for those who are about to be summoned by the Khan.

It's a bit shabby, and its appearance is gray and not very beautiful. Therefore, any powerful noble will not live here.

Since Shibi Khan became seriously ill, the place has become deserted because Shibi Khan no longer receives outsiders.

But now, some guests have moved into these buildings, including the owner of Ark South, Ashina Biji.

They were "accompanied" by Wang Ting's subordinates and moved in. Everyone knew what this meant.

Now, the disheveled Ashina Biji was drinking continuously. The dripping wine flowed down his leather robe and onto the ground, and he didn't notice it at all.

The strong smell of alcohol and vomit mixed together in the room, making it nauseating. Of course, the smell of despair of an alcoholic was definitely missing from the room.

This descendant of the Ashina family is actually waiting for the result to come. This is his last carnival, and no one can stop him.

As a confidant of Ashina Ellivo and the master of the southern part of Acre, he is very aware of the cruelty of the struggle for the throne of Khan, and the winner will not show any mercy to the loser.

The surname Ashina cannot protect him, and similarly, the name Ark Nan cannot protect him.

A complete failure, no luck at all.

In fact, by the time he moved into this stone house and recalled all the previous events, he already thought that the shadow of failure had been hanging over them since the day Ashina Erifo entered the royal court.

Too hastily, Dongfang Khan left his tribe, and he eventually had to leave the southern part of Acre and come to Ashina Elivo.

So, when you fail, the results become even worse.

After thinking about this, Ashina Biji was completely desperate and no longer tried hard to find the reason for the failure, nor did he think about his brother. From the first day, he drank all day long and did not even go out of the house.

He wanted to enjoy himself, wine and women were all he could think of, and there were no women here, only enough wine for him to drink to death here.

He drank in a hurry. When he drank too much, he would go to sleep and drink again when he woke up. It is estimated that in a short time, and no one else needs to do anything to him, Aknan will be able to change its master as a matter of course.

The footsteps outside the house were getting closer and closer, and Ashina Biji heard them clearly because he had just woken up from his sleep today and was still quite conscious.

He didn't pay attention, but still put down the wine bag reluctantly, grabbed the leg of lamb on the table, took a bite, and looked towards the door with his red eyes.

The door of the room opened, and the figure swayed at the door, taking a few steps back due to the smell of alcohol.

Ashina Biji laughed nervously, like a prisoner who successfully teased the jailer, always feeling a perverted sense of satisfaction in his heart.

A figure walked in with a frown on her face, a woman, a woman Ashina Biji was very familiar with.

This woman's surname is also Ashina. According to blood, he should call this woman his sister. She is the attendant of Ke Dun. Some people call her the shadow of Ke Dun in private.

No matter in every aspect, this woman is more noble than him. Apart from power, this woman is undoubtedly one of the most noble women in the entire Turkic Khanate.

Ashina Biji felt cold in his heart, without much hatred. He seemed to have a premonition that his road was finally coming to an end. God was waving to him, and it would be nice to have such a woman to see him off.


He wanted to stand up and show his courage and fearlessness as a descendant of Ashina. Unfortunately, his legs had long been weak. He stood up, but after shaking a few times, he sat back down.

"Everyone get out of here."

The woman turned around and gave an order. The voice was so loud that it shook the stone house and made Ashinabiji's head dizzy.

The woman turned around and closed the door. Ashina Biji shook his head and finally woke up. His thinking seemed to become sharper all of a sudden. He did not think that this woman was here to have children with him.

His heart was beating loudly, it had never been so fierce, and his courage to face death was suddenly thrown into the corner.

The woman did not sit down, but kept standing there, examining Ashina Biji.

After a long time, he said coldly: "You really embarrass Ashina. Just look at you. The lowest slave in the city is better than you."

At this time, as long as Ashina Biji can go back to the south of Acre, let alone being like a slave, he can do even the most humble things.

But Ashina Biji understands that praying for mercy from others will not yield good results.

Just like many people prayed to him before, but he still sent those guys to hell. He hates the weak, and others will not sympathize with those weak guys, because the Turks here are not like other places.

He tried to speak clearly.

"You can't find a drunk slave in the royal court. Tell me, you didn't come here just to humiliate me, right? What is there for Ashinabiji to do?"

Ashina Mudan laughed heartily. Fortunately, this guy was still awake. Otherwise, she would have had to ask someone to bring a few buckets of ice water.

"Kedun asked me to tell you. Go and persuade Ashina Erivo. The Little League meeting is about to be held. Just ask him to appear at the meeting willingly. You might as well tell him that Kedun is willing to support him to board the meeting.

Khan position, you see, it’s a very simple thing, isn’t it?”

(Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, I looked at the alliance leader today, and I don’t know when there was an extra leader, ncil, when did he get promoted?

Also, a book friend is composing a song for Beixiong. He reads it very carefully. Ah Cao can only thank you for your praise. I feel ashamed.)


This chapter has been completed!
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