Chapter 391 Selection of Officials (1)

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Zhu Can died, and his cannibal army was originally a group of bandits. At this time, they threw away Zhu Can's body without cohesion and left it exposed in the wilderness.

Then everyone had an internal quarrel and then dispersed.

A few rogue bandits soon appeared in the Jianghuai area, and within a few days, they were wiped out by Xiao Mian with a smile.

As a result, the Demon King Zhu and his cannibal army, which had been roaming in the east of Jianghuai for a long time, disappeared, leaving behind only a reputation.

To Li Po, the two pieces of news could only sound good or bad.

In his opinion, except for himself, those anti-kings who separatist the world are not good people. If they hadn't caused chaos in the world, maybe he would still be in Mayi City, working step by step as a small official and living his life.

What about your Ansheng birthday?

Things are good now. He has killed too many people to count, and has no leisure time all day long. In short, the life is far from the life he imagined.

Therefore, for him, one of those bullshit heroes was really dead. When he heard such news, although he did not clap his hands and cheer, he felt very comfortable in his heart.

If Li Mi and Wang Shichong, who had a bone on the back of their heads and were killed in Henan, were dead, he would definitely invite people over to drink and have fun.

If Dou Jiande, who was killed in Shandong and Hebei, had died, he would have looked up to the sky and laughed a few times to express his joy.

If Li Yuan and his son died... Haha, that would be really surprising...

As for Yu Wenhuaji and Zhu Can, their weight is less.

Of course, whenever you get together with Chen Xiaoyi and Wen Yanbo, you will definitely talk about more than that.

None of them are Zhuge Liang, and they have no clear understanding of the general trend of the world. They will not make any predictions about dividing the world into three parts when the princes in the world are divided and the chaos is like an ant's nest.

Therefore, these news from far away were only discussed for a few words and then put aside.

While Jinyang is in control, Bingzhou is far from being as secure as a mountain.

What troubles both Chen Xiaoyi and Wen Yanbo is how to balance the various ethnic groups in Jinyang so that they can serve Li Po wholeheartedly.

In the final analysis, it is actually an official position.

At best, it's a matter of selecting and appointing the most talented people; at worst, it's a matter of dividing the cake and how to divide it to satisfy everyone.

In fact, ever since Li Po took charge of Daizhou, he had already wanted to determine the official system.

It is similar to the reason why he set up the left and right guards. He needs to create a smooth promotion channel for his subordinate officials.

In his view, when the officials feel at ease, the people under their rule will also feel at ease.

This doesn't sound very nice, but it is the true truth.

Looking at it from his not-so-excellent perspective, if the officials were all in danger, then there would be no need to worry about the people.

In fact, regardless of the official system, the military system, or the law, everything Li Po did was to restore order under his rule.

In Li Po's mind, nothing is more important than this.

This is actually the same as when he leads troops to fight, with very clear goals and directions.

As the concurrent master of the two states, if he has a clear mind, then the people gathered around him will never lose their way.

For example, Chen Xiaoyi and Wen Yanbo discussed with Li Po several times and gradually grasped the context.

They were also very pleased that the general manager wanted a stable territory, rather than going militarily, which coincided with what they were thinking.

What they fear most is that Li Po was born in the military. Once he holds great power, he will expand his army day and night to prepare for war. Whatever happens, his sword and gun will do the talking first.

In that case, I am afraid that these good birds will have to live in other branches.

And along the way from Daizhou to Jinyang, in their opinion, Li Po's performance could be described as amazing.

Needless to say, he is a talented leader. In terms of governance, he is also tepid and possesses the demeanor and magnanimity of everyone.

He spared no effort to resettle the immigrants from Youzhou. When he arrived in Jinyang, he did not go on a killing spree. Instead, he chose to appease the Jinyang Wang family first. This man was always trying to find ways to make the people under his rule eat well before talking about anything else.

What is the rules? This is the rules.

This is the image of a hero. At this time, both of them had a vague idea in their hearts.

It can be seen that the military victory made them very excited, but what they valued was very different from that of the generals.

Several people talked about it very late.

Li Po kept talking to them patiently. He did not have much insight, but he did not agree with Wen Yanbo's proposal to restore the imperial examination system and select officials in the two states.

In his opinion, it was too early, the territory was not big enough, and the talents were not large enough. Instead of selecting officials indiscriminately, it would be better to use the recommendation system, which would save trouble in name.

He got Chen Xiaoyi's approval on this, and Chen Xiaoyi also believed that the time had not yet come.

In fact, several of them understood that since the establishment of the imperial examination system, it was obviously aimed at replacing the nine-level Zhongzheng system, and the ultimate purpose was to reduce the power of the powerful families.

It can be seen from this point that Wen Yanbo was absolutely public-minded when he proposed this proposal.

But from the current point of view, let alone Li Po, even the anti-kings in the world can't change the fact that those who win the clan win the world.

Those who do not understand this principle will be eliminated.

Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty is actually a good example. With his dignity as an emperor, he ended up being killed in Jiangdu, let alone others.

Wen Yanbo's proposal was rejected directly by Li Po. He only argued a few words and then stopped.

Chen Xiaoyi looked at Wen Yanbo with a smile on his lips.

They are all sensible people. He knew that Wen Dalin probably had a deeper meaning. The so-called drunkard's intention was not to drink.

Wen Yanbo glanced at Chen Xiaoyi, then held his hands and smiled awkwardly.

It's not like upright people don't have their own little plans.

In Wen Yanbo's view, even though no one is talking about the imperial examination now, the imperial examination system seems to be in the process of being abandoned, but in the future, it will definitely become popular all over the world...

On this point, Wen Yanbo is convinced.

His proposal is actually just paving the way for the future. This is actually justice with selfishness hidden inside.

What he was thinking was that if one day in the future, the person in front of him could...then he, Wen Yanbo, would be able to compete for the position of talent selection in the world.

(Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, Ah Cao returned from a business trip, no more or less, second update, let Ah Cao take a breath first, and then resume daily updates. In early July, there was a big push, Ah Cao was very happy, haha.)


This chapter has been completed!
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