Chapter 411 Gathering (2)

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"Okay, there's no need to compliment each other. I know all of you are talented people..."

"Please come here, there are some important matters that require your discussion."

Li Po lowered his hand and suppressed the praise of everyone without hesitation. If this continues, these guys may have to stay in the house to eat and drink with them. It is really not a pleasant experience. If it is not necessary, I will definitely

Should be avoided as much as possible.

"The first thing is that since I led the troops from Daizhou to now, I have repeatedly heard people mention the matter of becoming king..."

Without saying anything else, everyone immediately raised their heads and focused their gazes. This was no small matter, and some people's hearts suddenly became very hot.

Everyone here can estimate what it means for Li Po to become the king. Even if he does not become the king, as long as he calls himself a duke, many things will change.

At this moment, no one here cares about what happened to the Sui Dynasty. It is everyone's consensus that the Sui Dynasty has died, and fighting for supremacy in the world is today's theme.

Anyone without that ambition would not be sitting here today.

Li Po smiled, his voice clear and steady.

"I have no intention of discussing this matter with you, and I don't want to listen to any suggestions. I have been thinking about it since I took over Daizhou. I have made a plan in my mind and will not be influenced by others."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Everyone can hear the undoubted meaning in his words, and since Li Po raised his army, apart from military affairs, he has rarely acted arbitrarily in government affairs.

In such a big matter... he showed his self-absorption. Everyone looked at each other, not dissatisfied at all, but it was definitely unexpected.

Chen Xiaoyi, as the leader of the crowd, first held up his hands and said: "The general manager's talents and great plans are beyond our reach. Now that we have thought about it... I don't know what the general manager's intention is, but we will listen attentively."

Li Po smiled and waved his hands slightly, his tone also very relaxed.

"I can't speak of great talents and great strategies. You are all people whom I rely on. I am just saying this because I have a plan in my heart and I don't want to hear some words and look around to confuse other people's opinions."

After hearing what he said, everyone actually had a premonition in their hearts.

Sure enough, Li Po continued: "To tell you the truth, when I came back from the north, I originally intended to take advantage of the great victory and proclaim myself the Duke of Jin and the governor of Bingzhou, but after thinking about it later, I felt that the time was not right."

Having said this, Li Po's tone gradually turned solemn, and the smell of power became stronger and stronger on him.

"In the world today, how many people are called kings and how many people are called emperors. If you take a closer look at the princes in the world, there are many people who are not worthy of their names. Dou Jiande proclaimed himself emperor. He fought from Shandong to Hebei and called himself emperor in the devastated world. Hehe, he

How long can I sit on the throne...?"

"Li Mi of Henan has become the king. His descendants have been favored by the Sui Dynasty. He blocked the canal for several years and reduced Henan to a scorched earth. His throne is full of fishy smell. If I can help, I will kill this person to bring justice to the world.


"Wang Shichong is hiding in the city of Luoyang, coercing the emperor to order the princes? How many people in the world will listen to his instructions? This man should be on the throne soon, but in the eyes of others, he is just like a grave of bones."

Everyone listened to the names of the anti-kings popping out of Li Po's mouth one after another. After being surprised, everyone gradually became excited. When talking about the heroes of the world, the comments they gave were not high, but they showed the courage of this person.

Although the words are a bit harsh, think about it deeply.

This man raised troops from Yunnei and defeated the Turks many times. Even the position of the Turks was affected by him. Now he occupies the land that merged two states. Not only have strong soldiers and horses, but he can also love the people like sons, but he has already had the ability to comment on the world.

Qualifications of a hero.

Wang Qiwen recorded these words without adding any details, her hands were shaking a little, and she also wrote the ugliest handwriting since she claimed to be the master of Nanyuan.

But in her heart, a few words gradually emerged, hero and hero, and they became clearer and clearer.

She recorded it subconsciously, but the story of discussing heroes over wine appeared in her mind. What kind of splendor it was, what kind of state of mind, what kind of magnificence, what kind of courage, it seemed that she wanted to concentrate on it.

Above the figure of the man in the hall.

Li Po briefly mentioned a few famous ones. Now that there are too many grass-headed kings in the world, he didn't have the patience to list them all. Moreover, he also missed Li Yuan.

Of course, this was also the first time that he clearly expressed his desire to compete with the world's heroes in public. As if unknowingly, everyone held their breath and condensed their voices, which further increased his power.

"People say that those who are called kings must have the aura of a king, and those who are emperors must have the aura of a king with them. In my opinion, these are mostly nonsense. I think the so-called aura of a king actually depends on the terrain and the people's hearts.


"Li Yuan, who occupied Chang'an, had the spirit of an emperor. He changed the flag, revised the official system and laws, and rested with the people in a way that no one else could. But looking back at me, the two states were merged into one corner, let alone an emperor.

The qi is the king’s qi, but it is also insufficient and unreasonable.”

"So it would be ridiculous to call me king. There are so many people in the world who are just waiting for others to take their heads. If I call myself king now, how will I be different from others?"

"Therefore, after today, if anyone dares to talk about becoming king under my rule, I will deal with him severely. When the time comes, there will be a prince waiting for me to sit on it. Claiming to be king and hegemony is nothing but a laughing stock.


When he said these words, Li Po stared at Yu Wenxin several times, causing Yu Wenxin to hang his head in silence and be frightened for a long time.

Everyone was silent for a long time, and what he said couldn't be more clear. No matter how exciting and courageous the words were, the bottom line was that they felt that their territory was too small, their population was too small, and they were not worthy of the throne or anything like that.

Most of the people quietly breathed a sigh of relief. They were not afraid of this, but of what this man would say about being loyal to the Sui Dynasty and wanting to protect the young master of the Sui Dynasty.

That would be too disappointing. It is not even considered as holding the prince hostage to control the princes, so it falls into the inferior category.

If that's the case, I'm afraid most people here will have to think about whether they should follow this person in the future. People who are too stupid will only lead everyone to lose their heads and fail to give everyone what they want.

Su Dan took the first step and said, stroking his palm: "If you look at the spirit of the General Manager, how many people in the world can match it? It is really a blessing for us to be able to attach ourselves to the tail of the wing."

Naturally, Yu Wenxin would not lag behind. Before, he was the most thoughtful person among those who wanted to push Li Po to the throne. In fact, this cannot be blamed on him. Li Tang surrendered because he wanted to play a role in this matter.

At the same time, he could stabilize his position. After all, most of Jin was still Li Tang's territory.

It was inevitable to avoid dealing with each other after that. As the most highly regarded among Li Tangjiang's people, he naturally had to do more to keep his position in order to gain solid trust.

For this reason, he even tied all his wealth and life to Li Po, and his intention to give it a try was obvious.

Therefore, at this moment, he needed to make amends for what he had done before. He had no choice but to pull the reins of the horse at the front suddenly, causing all kinds of discomfort.

"The manager has thought deeply about this... Tsk, tsk, this official is short-sighted. He made many false claims before. Now that I think about it, I feel ashamed. I hope the manager can forgive me."

The warning was over, Li Po waved his hand grandly, "Okay, I have made up my mind. No need to say anything more. I still hope that you can work together to push the throne over."

Li Po said several times that he had already made up his mind. What else could others say?

Moreover, the enterprising spirit in Li Po's words has never been so strong. This is a very reassuring force, and there is no worry about having too small ambitions.

Everyone looked very relaxed, and they were even thinking in unison, Lord Jin... After taking possession of the land of Jin, wouldn't the position of King of Jin be just around the corner?

Everyone knows what it means to possess the land of Jin. Chang'an, don't you hear it? The imperial spirit is very strong there.

Well, it's a pity that there is no wine, otherwise I could have had a few drinks for this conversation.

Li Po patted the table again and said: "The second thing is that I will send my troops south next year, so I won't be able to take any time off this year. How many troops to send and who will be the generals are all discussed by the left and right guards. But

The matter of food, grass and baggage requires you to plan carefully, so I would like to take this rare opportunity to ask you if there are any obstacles to what you are doing."

This is a relatively normal rhythm, and it is within everyone’s expectations.

There are three prefects here, so there is no need to brag, and there is no need to explain the ordinary government affairs one by one. There is no time for that, and it is not the time to report government affairs.

Everyone in the hall can understand the key points. Next year's war requires stability in the rear, but there is no need to make a big show of raising food and grass. It is certain to transfer food from Yanmen Tower to Jinyang.

These are things that everyone has been paying attention to and are within the realm of familiarity.

Let's come one by one. First, Chen Xiaoyi briefly talked about the situation under Bingzhou, the hoarding and distribution of food, grass and weapons for the army, and even where the large groups of war horses should gather. He knew everything about it and spoke clearly and logically.

, there is almost no pause.

Then came Wang Qing, then Yu Wenxin and Su Dan, and finally Wen Yanbo.

This is inevitably mixed with their own political achievements.

After everyone has finished speaking, it is a matter of mutual coordination. In fact, it does not need to be so troublesome. It is very fast to gather an army on behalf of the two states and go out.

However, the symbolic significance of this discussion cannot be ignored, because in the previous expedition, the Daizhou Army spent very little money, and chose the mode of quick victory based on the sharpness of the cavalry, coming and going like the wind.

Things are different now. If we use troops to the south, the infantry will show its role. Then things such as food, grass, and baggage cannot be ignored.

Therefore, the future war model will also be different, requiring better and more organized logistical support.

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This chapter has been completed!
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