Chapter 532 Subordinates

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"Erlang and I hunted by the river, and we became kings and defeated bandits, which will be a legend for future generations. However, there are young men waiting by the side, hoping to reap the benefits of the fishermen..."

The letter is not too long, and the meaning is straightforward, even giving the impression of being perfunctory.

After reading it, Li Shimin rubbed his forehead vigorously. He never expected that he would believe it like this.

In his current city, when he saw the word Dugu, it still stung his eyes. A chill sprouted from his heart and went straight up his throat, making him vomit a little.

At this time, he had no time to think about whether the letter was written by Li Po himself, why it was delivered to him along with the monk, etc. He just wanted to know whether what the letter said was true or false.

If it is true... the corners of Li Shimin's eyes twitched, the Dugu clan... that is the Dugu clan...

A simple letter made Li Shimin feel like he had been hit in the head, and he felt a little bit blinded.

Therefore, when he raised his head, his eyes had become extremely scary.

Under Li Shimin's silent gaze, Yu Wenshiji felt that his gaze was like a poisonous snake's tongue, constantly licking at him, making him shudder.

The appearance of the two brothers during the Jiangdu Revolution suddenly appeared before his eyes.

This made him feel very bad. It was a scene that he never wanted to think about, so he turned his head to avoid Li Shimin's eyes, then nodded gently, and said, "Chu Ximing, Xu Yanzu

They are all outside, waiting for His Highness to summon them."

Li Shimin took a long breath and exhaled it slowly, finally suppressing the annoyance in his heart. There was no need to interrogate the monk anymore. He knew that this matter was probably very serious.

Yu Wenshiji has always been prudent, and he will definitely not lie about such a major event, and now, he has brought Chu Liang and Xu Jingzong with him from Tang Jian's army...

Chu Liang was a descendant of Xue Ju. Not only did he have a place in the Kansai literary world, he also made achievements in military and political affairs. He was a rare talent. His family background also belonged to a prominent family in the south of the Yangtze River. Today, he is famous for his Tiancefu literature in Tang Jianjun.

He served as a recorder and joined the army.

Xu Jingzong, on the other hand, was a descendant of Li Mi and also came from a prominent family in Jiangnan. His father was Xu Shanxin, the minister of the Ministry of Rites of the Sui Dynasty.

The two men had their own talents and were highly appreciated by Li Shimin, but they had only recently been conquered and were not yet considered the confidants of the King of Qin.

In fact, Chu Liang and Xu Jingzong are both candidates in Li Shimin's talent pool, because among the talents in Chang'an or even Guanxi, it is obvious that the title of King of Qin cannot compare with the title of Prince.

However, the people of Kansai are very martial, and there are not many people who are accomplished in civil affairs. Even if they are, most of them are followers of the East Palace. In this regard, Tiance Mansion is obviously at a disadvantage.

Li Shimin also felt this, so the talents who were transferred from various places became the first choice, such as Yu Wenshiji, Chu Liang, Xu Jingzong, etc., which were the talents Li Shimin had reserved to open the Qin Palace.

Paying equal attention to civil and military affairs, his intention to compete with the East Palace is extremely clear.

Chu Liang and Xu Jingzong were quickly called in. They were both members of the Qin Prince's Palace, and both were from Jiangnan. They were not closely involved with the Guanxi clan. Obviously Yu Wenshiji had thought very carefully.

Moreover, he really didn't want to face Li Erlang alone at this time... The furious Guan Xizi was undoubtedly a very scary creature...

Chu Liang was nearly fifty years old, his hair was showing signs of graying, but he was in good spirits. After he came in to salute, he looked openly at Li Shimin's expression with a pair of warm and restrained eyes.

The other one is much younger, more than 20 years old, less than 30 years old. Coupled with his rather handsome face and extremely smart eyes, he looks even younger.

However, Xu Jingzong looked a little sneaky when he was observing his words and expressions. His eyes flickered, and he glanced at Yu Wenshi and Chu Liang for a while. In addition, he was a little reserved. Compared with the other two people, he was a little more cautious.

Of course, this is obviously because he is too young and lacks experience.

But as the saying goes, no matter how young you are, you can't look down upon the people who came out of that hellish place in Henan, otherwise you will suffer big losses sooner or later.

Facts have also proved that Xu Jingzong is a true officialdom tumbler. According to the original trajectory, Xu Jingzong not only lived a long life, but also had a prosperous official career. The most important thing is that he died a good death in the end.

It's just that there is another Li Po in the world. Whether Prime Minister Xu can live as long as he wants depends on God's will.

Having said that, Li Shimin's vision for employing people is unquestionable. As far as the three people in front of him are concerned, their talents are first-class. It is not an exaggeration to call them "outstanding people in the world".

In addition, there were actually two uncles and nephews, Xue Shou, who together formed the group of literati who served as military counselors in the Shaanxi Province Governor's Office this time. However, Xue Shou's uncle and nephew were both from Puzhou, and Xue Shou had served under Yao Junsu.

, so he was sent to Puban by Li Shimin to help Dugu Yanyun defend the city.

"If you have anything to say, just say it..."

After two glances at Li Shimin, he knew that Chu Liang and Xu Jingzong already knew the inside story, so he asked directly without any nonsense.

Xu Jingzong spoke first. All smart people know their own weight. He is the youngest and has very little qualifications, so he is the only one who has the job of making suggestions.

In his opinion, being able to participate in the secret this time is a good opportunity for him. Otherwise, with the current momentum of Tiance Mansion, when will it be his turn, Xu Jingzong, to talk in front of His Highness the King of Qin?

"Your Highness, some time ago Yuan Junbao ordered the people to repair Yongfengcang, but it has not been completed yet. Moreover, Dugu's subordinates have repeatedly used various things to prevent the transfer of grain and grass in front of the army. Now they have secretly communicated with the thieves. It can be said that the counterattack has been obvious.

, the crime deserves death, is not as good as retribution to the emperor to punish his crime."

Then Chu Liang nodded in agreement. Although he and Xu Jingzong were both from Jiangnan clans, they both had a deep understanding of the Dugu clan in Guanxi. As the old saying goes, even if the Dugu clan produces a dog, no one can.

It's so easy to move, let alone Dugu's legitimate son and now the head of the Dugu clan.

It's just that unlike Xu Jingzong, he is not really keen on officialdom. He is a well-read man of letters who likes to write.

So his answer can be imagined. He just added, "The lower official thinks that it is extremely inappropriate for Dugu Huaien to guard Yongfengcang, so he should report it to the capital as soon as possible to prevent any unexpected events."

Li Shimin glanced at the two of them and felt very dissatisfied. What about your scholarly character who refuses to drink the water from the stolen spring and refuses to eat the food he brought to you from hunger? Are you frightened by the name of a Dugu family?

Yes, the two people actually had one thing in common, that is, not to handle the matter at the Shaanxi Province Governor's Office, but to report it to the emperor.

Let alone anything else, how long will it take to go back and forth? And now the war is right in front of you, and there is a knife behind you, so how can you fight to the death with others?

The initial shock passed, and Li Shimin's mind soon became clear.

At this moment, what he was thinking about was not what happened to Dugu Huaien. He was scolding Li Po for not being a human son.

It was almost obvious that Li Ding'an gave him a "big gift".

Thinking about Dugu Huaien's family background and the position he now occupies, Li Shimin's heart began to twitch again. He almost gritted his teeth and admitted that if he were Li Ding'an, he would definitely not conspire with Dugu Huaien.

It’s not flattering…

So during the war, selling Li Shimin to him was a serious conspiracy. At a small level, it would distract him, but at a large level, if Dugu Huaien was convicted, Chang'an City and even the entire Kansai region would be affected.

Three earthquakes.

In addition, Wang Xingben, Lu Chongmao and others are also subordinates of Dugu...

And what Li Shimin hates the most is that Dugu Huai'en is now serving under his Shaanxi Province Daoxingtai. If something goes wrong, all the old disciples of the Dugu family may have to blame him, Li Er.

On this addition to worrying about the war, the prince and his family are probably going to celebrate each other, right?

Is this kind of plan really something that a humble kid from the border could think of?

In fact, when these chaotic thoughts appeared in his mind like lightning, he had already made his own decision...

Erlang Li has never been a person who looks forward and backward. Otherwise, he might have died in front of the northwest formation, and so many arrogant and powerful generals would not be so submissive under his command.

He does not lack a broad mind and hypocritical kindness, but what he does not lack even more is extraordinary courage and thunderous methods. All these are actually the necessary qualities of a king, and they are particularly obvious in Li Shimin.

He was dissatisfied with Chu Liang and Chu Liang because what they said was not in line with his wishes.

When he made a decision, all those scruples disappeared quickly like ice and snow in summer.

His heavy eyes finally came to Yuwen Shiji. He needed someone to help him share the upcoming consequences, and Yuwen Shiji was a very suitable candidate.

The Yuwen Clan has a great cause and is no less impressive than the Dugu Clan...

And Yuwen Shiji did not disappoint him.

"Your Highness, Dugu Huaien has been involved in an important position and has been involved in many things. Now the military situation is on fire and war is about to break out. Once this person discovers that the matter is leaked, it will lead to a big disaster... I think that even if his crime cannot be revealed, he will beheaded immediately.

If there are future troubles, we should also recruit them to come, imprison them in a private room, and get rid of their party members, so as not to be taken advantage of by the enemy..."

Seeing Li Shimin nodding his head repeatedly, Xu Jingzong next to him immediately said: "Yongfengcang is very close at hand, and there are tens of thousands of people inside and outside. They are all controlled by Dugu's confidants. I am afraid that things will change. If His Highness has made up his mind, I will send you the official

I would like to go immediately to invite Dugu to come."

Li Shimin nodded, but still hesitated and said, "Dugu Huaien is the elder of my king, are you trying to trap me in an unjust way?"

Such hypocritical words of overseas Chinese sentiment did not make them feel any strangeness to the ears of the three of them. By now, Li Shimin's intentions were clear to all of them.

The three smart men bowed almost at the same time. Chu Liang said: "Your Highness is the King of Qin and is connected to the country. How can such a major event be discussed with relatives?"

Xu Jingzong said: "Why should Your Highness be troubled by such a treacherous person?"

Yuwen Shiji's words were the most truthful and fierce, "Is Shiji willing to shoulder the responsibility for this matter and have nothing to do with His Highness?"

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