Chapter 589 Weird

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"What do you want to do when you sneak into the palace?"

"It's unfair, Your Majesty. I have an old relationship with your Majesty. Now I'm in Jinyang and I'm eager to see your Majesty and express my feelings, but Wang Shiyun stops me. I have no choice but to come up with this strategy. With the help of my Majesty's subordinates, there is no time to take advantage of it late at night.

I have no place to bow to you, but I hope that the king will not blame me, and I will go to pieces to repay the king for not killing you."

"You see the queen and want to express your true feelings?"

"No, no, no, my empress is unparalleled in beauty and is famous all over the world... but I don't dare to spy on her. Only a hero like the king can match her. I am really forced by the situation, so I want to see my empress... This is a reckless move.

, I just want to embrace myself, and have no other intentions. Please be aware of it, Your Majesty."

"Then why are you meeting the Queen?"


Judging cases is actually one of Li Po's best skills. He thinks that he is only inferior to his cooking skills because he can always find flaws in people's flashing eyes and words.

It's just that for a long time, just like cooking, he has been able to use it less and less. Instead, he has become more and more good at some things that he was not good at before, such as knowing people well, making overall decisions, etc.

It is so easy and has a tendency to catch up from behind.

This time I wanted to be the official to decide things again, but the people in the hall were really not good enough. They neither resisted to the end nor were evasive. They almost said whatever came to mind, and used every opportunity to add various compliments.

Li Po was also amazed by his words.

It's really better to meet someone than to be famous. Such a weird thing... Well, you can be considered a person.

No matter what Li Po thought, he did save Yun Dingxing's life. Under Wang Shichong's rule, everyone was in danger, and Yun Dingxing might lose his head at some point.

Li Po, who had already made plans in his mind, was indeed shocked by this man's shamelessness, but he still felt that Yun Dingxing was no different from Yang Gongren, or even Wang Lu and others.

If they had such strong bones as Wang Rengong, they might have gone to the underworld to play with Yang Guang long ago, and they wouldn't be still alive and kicking now.

Yun Dingxing threw himself into a trap and saved a lot of trouble.

Li Po's skills have matured day by day. After giving Yun Dingxing a few blows, he sent word that Wang Shiyun came to see him and severely reprimanded this unruly behavior. He was completely turning his back on him.

Wang Shiyun was so shocked that he repeatedly complained and tried his best to distance himself from the incident.

This was all within Li Po's expectation. Now that Wang Shiyun had expressed his stance, he accepted Wang Shiyun's statement magnanimously, but detained Yun Dingxing.

At this time, Wang Shiyun couldn't care less about Yun Dingxing's life or death. If possible, he would personally cut off this man's head with a knife and drink it.

In fact, no matter how bad Yun Dingxing's reputation was, Wang Shiyun had to face the problem of how to explain it to Wang Shichong when he went back, because Yun Dingxing served as Minister of Industry.

Moreover, this person also participated in the construction of Luoyang City and was very familiar with the four cities of Luoyang. He was able to keep Li Mi at bay, and it can be said that this person contributed a lot.

Therefore, Wang Shiyun was also very worried. He could not figure out how Yun Dingxing had the courage to climb on the Queen's wall.

Then he was shocked, couldn't it be that Yun Dingxing got the emperor's hint or something? Could that bastard Yun Dingxing be trying to make a secret arrangement between the emperor and Empress Xiao?

Thinking of this, Wang Shiyun was horrified and couldn't laugh or cry. Is this possible? Hehe, Wang Shiyun knows much better than outsiders about the virtues of his brother. Do you think this is possible?

At this time, Wang Shiyun also felt that he could not see the world clearly. In such a situation, he still wanted to compete with others? Go to hell.

Li Po felt the wonders of the world even more than he did, because Li Po met Cen Wenwen again, who had just recovered from a serious illness.

This one was pretty decent at the beginning. Compared to Dou Jiande and Wang Shichong, Xiao Mian posed the least threat to Jin, and he was at war with Li Tang. It can be said that Xiao Mian was Li Po's natural ally.

Therefore, even though Xiao Xian sent an envoy over, with the obvious intention of bringing Xiao Hou back to the south, Li Po still showed enough enthusiasm and tolerance for Cen Wenwen, and expressed his intention to reconcile without much concealment.

Some things about Cen Wen, such as etiquette, euphemistic words, elegant gestures, and even his height and appearance, are unique to southerners and are obviously different from northerners. Li Po was very surprised.

It feels a bit fresh.

But Li Po was naturally not someone who could sit down and discuss things. His understanding of the world never came from Confucius, Mencius or Lao Zhuang. This made his advantages obvious and his shortcomings equally clear.

His lack of ability to quote scriptures and good literary and artistic accomplishments greatly highlighted his aggressiveness and pragmatic style.

It can be said that in Cen Wenwen's eyes, Li Ding'an has a typical image of a noble noble from Guanxi, using graceful etiquette and solemn posture to cover up their domineering aura of claws and teeth.

It's a pity that Li Po received his envoy with the most peaceful attitude, but he still left such an impression on the other party, which shows that the southerners are indeed a little weaker...

The good emperor in their impression...well, he should be the same as when Yang Guang was still the king of Jin Dynasty. He was humble in doing things, courteous to all the nobles, reverent to heaven and earth, and could also recite some beautiful poems. Tsk tsk, in the eyes of the disciples of the Jiangnan clan,

That is simply the perfect image of a king.

When the sick Cen Wenwen resigned, Li Po rubbed his forehead and thought for a moment, thinking, the envoy sent by Xiao Mian actually wants to stay here and not leave?

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Dr. Jia Guanglu, is not a small official. He can be called a close minister of the emperor. Sometimes he can whisper a few words in the emperor's ear, which may be more effective than the six ministers.

Such a person wants to stay in Jinyang to serve Empress Xiao? What is his intention?

At this time, Li Po also realized that the envoys coming here were very strange, and the world was very strange. The envoys of Wang and Dou's family were somewhat decent, but the deputy envoys were in a mess. When they arrived at Xiao Mian's place, even the envoys showed weirdness.

, the deputy envoy was even more unlucky and lay down directly on Pu Ban.

Are you all here to test my IQ?

At this time, Li Po actually didn't have time to think carefully about whether his fame had grown, and Empress Xiao returned to the south, which attracted people to come to repair it, send some gifts, or other reasons.

Today's situation.

He still has a lot of things to do, and the place for the ceremony of conferring the title of king has been decided, which is at the main entrance of Jinyang Palace. The place is not small, and it is very solemn and solemn in front of the palace.

The entire process has been completed, and the royal robes, seals, ceremonial guards and other items have also been produced. In fact, they are just following the old practices of the Sui Dynasty and modifying them.

These things were supervised by He Chou and others, so Li Po didn't need to worry about it. However, the process had been modified several times. In addition to requiring Li Po to review it, he also needed to practice it in advance.

Moreover, after becoming king, an official office must also be established. Even if Li Po planned to spend some time completing various official positions in the official office, some things had to be done now.

For example, regarding the location of the official offices, Li Po felt that the General Manager's Mansion was very big, so it would be better to locate all the official offices in the current General Manager's Mansion. No one had any objections, but the General Manager's Mansion had to be renovated.

People like Bu Qun, Xue Wanjun and others thought that since the Jinyang Palace was so big and empty, it would be better to move in and save a lot of trouble.

This idea actually sounded good, but in the end, it was abandoned because proclaiming the king and proclaiming the emperor were not the same. If he occupied the former Sui Palace, it would cause a stain on his name. Others felt that there was no need to take the extra step.

It can be seen that no matter what everyone says, they actually think that Li Po will become emperor sooner or later, but the cautious people still account for the majority.

Empress Xiao's policies are also called Yi Ming, and most of them are against the rules, because it is the emperor's job to ennoble princes and princes. If the empress stands up, it is a violation of orders, but not many people care about it at this time of year.

The throne of Li Po came from the last remaining glory of the Sui Dynasty. It was not for the princes to see, but for their subjects and people to tell everyone that even if we are not inherited from orthodoxy, we are not without a path.

Therefore, the queen's strategy was drafted by Chen Xiaoyi, Wang Cong and others and sent to Empress Xiao for review. When Li Po entered the palace, he met with Empress Xiao again and walked around the palace. In fact, everything was ready.

, all it needs is the state of Dongfeng.


The chosen auspicious day arrived quickly, and it was impossible not to do it quickly, because Li Po wanted to get things done before spring plowing, and he did not want to waste time on a ceremony, even though it might be the most glorious ceremony since he came to this world.


But he is still young, and he is climbing up one step at a time almost every year. The days are still long, and no matter how great his achievements and honors are, he will undoubtedly be left behind. Therefore, there is no need to stay here for too long.

, when he gets old, this moment will naturally appear in his memory and become a part of his memories.

He was very open-minded, but his subordinates were very busy because of this.

The high platform in front of the palace has been built quickly, which slightly reflects the construction speed of the Sui Dynasty. The walls and houses in front of the General Palace have been demolished in pieces. With some main buildings as fulcrums, a series of official offices are taking shape.

In fact, Li Po doesn't want to start a big war on this. He is not sure how long Jinyang can stay, but he knows that maybe after the next war, Jinyang's central position under his rule will not be guaranteed...

But in the end, work was started, because no matter what the future holds, officials need to maintain their dignity now, and this will save them a lot of inconvenience in the future.

In the eyes of He Chou and others, these are all small projects as big as sesame seeds. He Chou himself didn't even bother to take a look at it. Almost everything from design to renovation was left to others to complete.

This chapter has been completed!
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