Chapter 62

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The person who came was named Liu Wuzhou.

It's another familiar name. Unfortunately, Li Po is ignorant and can't remember this person's life.

He is from Shandong.

He is quite young, but very mature. He speaks clearly and unhurriedly, but still has a certain air of grandeur. It is easy for people to trust and like him.

Of course, the people who come in and out of Mayi are all the same, and no matter how peaceful they appear, they can't hide the ferocity engraved in their bones.

Let two refugees act as mouthpieces and break Li's appointment.

He did something wrong. Li Po looked at the two old men who were dressed plainly, nodding and bowing, but did not say who wanted to invite him out. He was wary and in a bad mood.

But he has seen this kind of thing too much, so there is no need to worry about it too much.

People are ever-changing, and sometimes you can't even guess what they will do.

But it's not like going out to the county house, it's not too far from the stables, so there's no need to worry too much when you get there.

Therefore, he soon met Liu Wuzhou.

The great thing about Liu Wuzhou is that he clearly explained the whole story as soon as they met.

It is said that a cousin of Sergeant Wang was interested in Li Po's house. Sergeant Wang was born in the Wang family of Jinyang. His cousin joined the army and came to Mayi, but he had no house to live in.

He was another guy with an idea. Li Po felt it without saying a few words.

However, just like when he met Cheng Zhijie and Yuchi, Li Po didn't take it seriously. No matter how awesome you were, it was only a few years ago. The person in front of you now is just a role running errands for others.

But what he didn't know was that Liu Wuzhou had a good reputation in Mayi. Needless to say, he was generous and generous, which was a necessary skill for a reckless hero.

Liu Wuzhou had a wide network of contacts, and the number of people he interacted with was much larger and more diverse than that of Cheng Zhijie. Even though he was not a high-ranking official, he was a man of great status among the three sects and nine sects of Mayi.

The most important point is that this person comes from a poor family, which means that his family is not big or small, he is a wealthy family, he has no shortage of wealth, and his speech and behavior are much less rude.

But Li Po didn't pay attention to him, and he didn't hesitate at all. He simply said: "For five thousand dollars, the house is yours."

Liu Wuzhou was stunned, not because it was too expensive, but because the price was very cheap, and it was so straightforward... Could it be that he was intimidated by the name of the Jinyang Wang family? It doesn't look like that.

Little did he know that the man in front of him was actually a little annoyed. He was already thinking in his heart last night, what the hell, Wang Canjun, Li Gongcao, there is nothing I can do to you now, but one day, I will ride on top of your heads.

Come on, if you can still have a place to live and food to eat, my name will be written upside down.

Speaking of which, he rarely holds grudges against others.

After arriving here, it can be said that I acted quite casually, with the idea of ​​singing songs of whichever house I went to.

But now, just after he came out of the refugee camp, and his life had not been stable for a few days, someone came to seek his house again.

Damn it, I really think I am a fool, everyone wants to bully and bully, right? Especially the damn Li Gongcao, who seems to be chasing after him, Li Po is even a little suspicious, this person

Did you have a conflict with him?

And he wouldn't think that this was a serious real estate transfer.

Look at this posture, it's full of the smell of using power to suppress others. What kind of Jinyang Wang family is this, and what kind of Wang Juncao you are. Just listen to it and you will know that you won't succeed if you don't sell it.

Of course, I'm afraid it's still about face and the like, and there may be a lot of filth in soldiers and meritorious officers.

He still knows quite clearly about the psychology of those so-called big shots.

Was there a fire at the city gate that affected Chiyu? Who knows? He is not far from the officialdom of Mayi, but it is definitely not close. There is no benefit in asking around.

But once he becomes angry, he is not so easy to deal with.

He didn't even think about finding the old man. It was just a house. It didn't have to be that troublesome. Since he could get two big houses with nothing at first, and now he has more friends and saved some money, it was really not a big deal to get a house to live in.


Therefore, he is going to sell the house directly, but whoever gets his hands on it won't be able to bear it.

Liu Wuzhou had no idea that the people he was dealing with now were different from all the people he had met before.

Although he was a little surprised, he still nodded with a smile, "Five guan of money is not much. It can be delivered in half a day, but I have to bother my little brother to go to the house deed..."

This man had a distinctive smile, his eyes were narrowed, and his face that originally looked serious and majestic suddenly softened, just like changing his face.

Li Po shook his head, "No need, the house deed is under the bed on the left side of the house. Just go and get it yourself. When you pass the deal, give me a pledge. Haha, Wang Canjun's relatives shouldn't be afraid of a little guy like me going back on his word, right?"

Liu Wuzhou was really easy to make friends with, and seeing Li Po so happy saved him a lot of trouble. He also knew that this person was recommended to the county by Cheng Zhijie.

After thinking for a while, he clasped his fists, smiled more, and immediately changed his title, "Da Lang is very happy. I came here as ordered to do today's matter. I have offended many people. If there is any difficulty in the future, Da Lang can go to the soldiers to find martial arts."

Zhou, Wu Zhou will definitely try his best to fulfill it."

Li Po also clasped his fists and said with a smile, "You're welcome."

Watching Liu Wuzhou leave with the two of them, Li Po pursed his lips, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, sneered, and turned back to the stable.

Just like anyone who has nothing to do, I take care of my body when I need to, cook when I need to cook, teach when I need to teach, and my life is very regular and peaceful.

After waiting for two days, he received five guan of money and put down a mortgage. The house was no longer his Li Po's.

That night, after everyone went to bed.

Li Po waited quietly for more than an hour before quietly leaving the stable.

Taking advantage of the darkness, he climbed over the high wall of the county government like a civet cat. In his opinion, the defense of the county government was as leaky as a sieve.

Of course, if you want to take Li Jing's head, it is probably impossible.

But it was easy for him to enter and leave the outskirts of the county.

He quickly found his way out of the county mansion and arrived at the house where the house was located.

The house has changed its owner, and it is probably being cleaned, so there is no one around.

It's spring now, the spring breeze is blowing slowly, and it's not considered a good weather for setting fires.

But the rainy season is far from here in Mayi, and the weather is dry. Light a fire and it will burn quickly.

Damn it, if we can’t live in our house, then no one will want it, just burn it all down.

Li Po left quietly, and the fire behind him grew stronger. By the time he entered the county mansion and returned to the stable, the fire had become extremely bright.

Since he entered Mayi City, he has done all the murders and arson today.

(Please collect, recommend, and reward.)

This chapter has been completed!
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