Chapter 633 Surprise

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Things in the world are very strange. God always likes to give you surprises from time to time. No matter good or bad, they will make your life wonderful.

Li Po's life has been full of ups and downs over the years, and his life is already very exciting. But when it comes to surprises, there are few things that can be called surprises in his opinion.

However, this time he was indeed a bit surprised and happy, because Li Po never expected that after Wang Shichong's chaotic Henan army was defeated, he had not seen the shadow of the rebel generals and deserters, and Li Tang's people

I ran across the river first.

More than a dozen people were unable to get the war horses onto the pontoon even after dragging and pulling. Li Po broke into a cold sweat for them. This pontoon was not prepared for war horses.

At this moment, he was still a little confused. Looking at the clothes of these people, they were obviously soldiers of the Tang Army. Did that old fox Li Yuan send an envoy here again? It would be better to fall into the river and drown.

The people sent by Li Yuan talked like farts, even worse than Wang Shichong, and had no credibility at all.

Then he became a little annoyed. This group of people even had a big goal. Why didn't anyone find out and report first, whose subordinates were the people sent to Tongguan?

At this time, the guards on the edge of the pontoon had been alerted, and roars began immediately.

At this time, Li Po looked gloomy and muttered to himself, "That son of a bitch, Zhang Shigui, is a little too messy. He doesn't know how many brain cells he will waste in the future."

Then he waved his hand and ordered: "Send someone over to ask, what are you shouting about? People are already on the bridge, can they still fly?"

During the tea time, the people who were sent out ran back and said, "Report to your Majesty, the leader of the people who came said... his name is Zhang Shigui, and he is here to help you."

Li Po was shocked. He blinked for a long time before turning to Luo Shixin and said, "Go pick it up and ask me if it is Zhang Shigui from Tongguan. If there is something wrong, just throw it into the river to feed the fish."

When Cao Cao was said to be here, Li Po's eyes were full of fantasy. Zhang Shigui, who had just defeated Wang Shiwei and Shan Xiongxin, rebelled against the Tang Dynasty overnight?

If this is true, how incompetent is Li Jiancheng? Can he defend Tongguan? Or is he trying to trick him? Isn't there a big river crossing here...

In an instant, countless thoughts arose in Li Po's heart, which would indeed consume a lot of brain cells. Not only was this bargain a bargain, it was also completely beyond his expectation. For someone with a strong desire for control, in fact,

The last thing I like to encounter is this kind of surprise.

Not only did Zhang Shigui actually come, but he also gave Li Po two big gift bags.

Ashina Danai is Ashina Rong's real cousin. He is not well-known and has not appeared a few times in later romance novels. He is not in Li Po's hero spectrum at all and can only be regarded as an addition.


Moreover, this guy was so ugly that Li Po was very suspicious that he was the son of the family next door. If this guy really has the blood of the Ashina clan, well, the Western Turkic royal family has degenerated very seriously.

The other one was a famous one in Li Po's mind. After the founding of Li Tang, there were countless famous ministers and good generals, and stars shone brightly. No matter before or after, no dynasty could compare with him.

The closest one can only be the short-lived Sui Dynasty. The two dynasties were of the same origin, extremely powerful in terms of military force, and equally outstanding in political achievements.

Strictly speaking, Li Tang inherited the legacy of the former Sui Dynasty, but carried it forward and made the civilization of the Central Plains a big step forward.

At this time, Wei Zheng, who had messy buns and was jolted so hard on horseback that his stomach almost vomited out of his mouth, was exactly what people later called him as a model for criticizing ministers. Through word of mouth from countless people, this person was known as

It has almost been deified in the eyes of future generations.

When Zhang Shigui prostrated himself in front of Li Po with two rice dumplings lying next to him, Li Po understood immediately that even if Li Jiancheng was possessed by Zhou Yu, he would definitely not stage such a show for him.

"The last general, Zhang Shigui, meets His Highness the King of Han."

Zhang Shigui was really honest now. Li Ding'an's name was known to everyone in the Tang army, and he was also demonized very much, which made Zhang Shigui worry all the way.

It can be seen that Zhang Shigui calmed down when he saw the real person.

His Royal Highness the King of Han is indeed very young, tall and strong. His appearance, after a quick glance, doesn't seem to be surprising, and he doesn't say he has three heads on his neck.

But when those bright eyes glanced over with interest, Zhang Shigui couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

In fact, he did not expect that he would appear in front of His Highness the King of Han so soon. He was a little unprepared. Who would have thought that this person in the early morning was not resting in the tent, but came to the edge of the Yellow River to blow in the wind?

Ashina Danai and Wei Zheng on the ground were already in despair. Who would have thought that overnight, they would be able to see the King of Han Li Ding'an in person? In addition to being frightened and desperate, the two of them felt as if they were in a dream.


Li Po was condescending, looking at Zhang Shigui's head, and then at the ravaged Wei Zheng next to him, and he finally felt happy in his heart.

It's just that at this time, his expression was even deeper, his expression was calm, as if he was an unknown person, and his words were even more calm.

"General Zhang defeated 50,000 people in one battle. Sooner or later, his reputation will be known to the world. With such military should I reward you?"

After hearing this, not only Zhang Shigui was stunned, but Ashina Danai and Wei Zheng, who were already in despair, pricked up their ears. Why did this sound so wrong?

In fact, Wei Zheng is the smartest among the three of them, but right now his mind is so confused that he can't think of anything else. He is only thinking about how to get the dirty cloth out of his mouth. As long as he can speak, he can always find a way out, right?

Next is Zhang Shigui. After thinking for a long time, he finally understood what he meant. He was asked, "You have made great achievements, and you will soon be a high-ranking official and well-paid. But now you have defected here, how should I treat you in the future?"

If something goes wrong, will you just walk away?

The words were cryptic and so cunning, as if he didn't expect to get a satisfactory answer. Thinking of this, Zhang Shigui felt a chill in his heart. This was a sign of murder...

When a person like me comes to seek refuge, shouldn't you offer kind words to comfort and win over people's hearts? Don't you want to turn me into a gift and send it to Li Jiancheng?

This is generally the case for people who fall into the trap. They are frightened and always like to think the worst when thinking about things. People who like to get into trouble can scare themselves to death.

Thinking about it, his head was about to freeze, and cold sweat was breaking out from his forehead. How could he still have the majesty he had when he led 2,500 cavalry to defeat Wang Shiwei and Shan Xiongxin?

Li Po saw that he was speechless, and his expression was even more embarrassing, and thought to himself, it is such an easy question to answer, but I think it is difficult for you. If it were... Xu Shiji, he might not be able to answer it more neatly.

He said this, but he obviously valued Zhang Shigui a lot. Those who make promises lightly are mostly untrustworthy people. This man came to agree with him and must have thought up a lot of words in advance, but at this moment he was speechless.

, should be considered "honest".

Thinking of Xu Shiji, he turned around and looked around. Xu Shiji was not on duty and was probably still sleeping in the camp. He immediately felt a little uncomfortable. This guy was thinking about his sister. There was no way he could hide this from his eyes and ears, so Xu Shiji

From time to time, I would be worried about him. Now, if it was not my duty, I wouldn't dare to show my face in front of Li Po.

He murmured dissatisfiedly in his heart, if you don't work harder, how dare you spy on the palace? Humph...

"Send someone to call Duke Xu Mao to come over and say that an old friend is visiting. He is late and his head may not be saved."

The relaxed words aroused Zhang Shigui's arrogance, and at the same time relaxed his overly tense nerves. However, he did not have an old friend named Xu Maogong. He only knew that there was a guy named Xu Shiji, named Maogong, under Li Mi.

, should... have an old relationship with Wei Xuancheng.

Moreover, when Xu Shiji defected to the Tang Dynasty, he passed through his territory. Well, the two of them knew each other well, and there was no need to talk about any grudges.

"Your Highness's reward is better left for the future. Let's take a look at the general's words and deeds. In the future, if the general has made a small contribution, it will not be too late for Your Highness to reward him again."

This was said with great courage, and a smile finally appeared on Li Po's face. Surprisingly, Luo Shixin helped him by saying, "Brother, this person seems to be pleasing to the eye, so why don't you kill him?"

Before Luo Shixin's evil reputation spread, Zhang Shigui raised his head and glanced at Luo Shixin gratefully, saying to himself that this man didn't look like a kind person, but he could still discern people with his sharp eyes, which was much better than His Highness the King of Han.

How did he know that he was the only one who could make Luo Shixin open his mouth and beg for mercy now? It was not because of his discerning eye, but when Zhang Shigui was in Henan, he neither surrendered to Li Mi nor acted as a lackey for Wang Shi, and finally returned the favor.

He gave Wang Shichong a hard blow, which made Luo Shixin very satisfied.

So I also felt that there were no good people in Henan, so Zhang Dalang looked pretty good.

Li Po was not surprised at all. He knew Luo Shixin too well. It would be a waste of emotion for you to think more deeply about this guy. In his eyes, a man who can fight and kill is a hero. If he could kill all the people in Henan, it would be a waste of emotion.

I took advantage of this person's wishes even more.

Li Po stroked his hands and smiled, no matter how many times he encountered such a good thing, Zhang Shigui, the son of a bitch, had become a rare good general, but he still had some observation.

"General Zhang, please come up quickly. Any fight or killing is just a joke. General Zhang has come to surrender to me. How can I bear to abandon him? This is not the place to talk. Go, follow me into the camp... I still want to

Ask General Zhang why he came here in a hurry, but someone is chasing him? If that's the case, I won't spare him. How about beheading him to calm General Zhang's shock?"

Zhang Shigui stood up, his legs were a little sore, and he staggered. The word moody came to his mind at that time.

This person seems to be much more difficult to serve than Li Jiancheng. He doesn't even know which sentence is true and which is false while talking. As time goes by, the risk of losing his head is very high. He won't just leave the tiger's den and enter the wolf's den again.


This chapter has been completed!
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