Chapter 675 Riverside (2)

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"Okay, everyone, sit down. Send someone to call Zhao Dalang over... Don't make fun of me. There is truth in this. As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people. We have good food here.

We will definitely have enough food, clothing, and warmth below, so that everyone can feel at ease."

"If I have a lot of fish and meat here, but there are people down there who are starving to death, that would be a bit unreasonable, don't you think?"

Yu Chikai was immediately shocked by His Highness the King of Han's "shamelessness". You should know that His Highness the King of Han's temperament of not being tired of fine food and meticulous food has long been known to everyone.

When he was still a general in Heng'an Town, he took the cooks from Yunnei City into his mansion... Later he led his troops into Jinyang, and the mansion also had many famous chefs from Jinyang. It is said that once the food does not suit the taste,

He would vent his anger on his family members or the ministers he was visiting, which made him look a bit "foolish".

Even when he was on an expedition, some of the "private soldiers" around him were proficient in cooking, and the food they cooked was simply unmatched by others. It is said that His Highness the King of Han himself was also a good cook. He often cooked in person in the past, but later his status became more and more noble, so

No one will be able to enjoy the craftsmanship of His Highness the King of Han.

What Li Po said now is actually the same as what others said later. Officials can no longer afford to eat, let alone the common people. What he said is the same thing. It seems reasonable, but in fact, a slightly smarter person can figure it out.

This is a shameless quibble.

But in Yu Chikai's view, he was probably the only one who could express such absurd truths so openly. Yu Chikai immediately expressed his admiration, "You can see the big from the small, and the king's words are deafening and enlightening. In the end, the general will deeply feel that


Luo Shixin didn't want to think so much, and then said: "Brother, the food here is good... But what I remember is that when I went to Zhuojun with my brother, we cooked meals for those noble people. Although we only used some leftovers.

It’s a dish, but I thought from the beginning, there is nothing more delicious than that in the world.”

This is a real person, and what he praises is exactly what he deserves.

Li Po often worries about whether the people below him can eat well, but whether he eats well or not has little to do with it. He only knows that if others cannot eat well, his quality of life here will also be different.

will decrease.

Just like when he was in Yunnei, he snatched back so many cattle and sheep, but when he thought that he might still be hungry next year, Li Po felt that nothing he could eat tasted good anymore.

In fact, no matter how you say it, he is actually doing pretty well as the leader, so it is really not a big problem if he eats better.

Of course, His Highness the King of Han has always made a lot of fallacies. Even if it sounds a little wrong, Yu Chikai will definitely not come to trouble him, because even well-educated people like Chen Xiaoyi and Wen Yanbo have suffered greatly from it, and are sometimes criticized by His Highness the King of Han.

I was left speechless.

When Zhao Shixun arrived, the food was put on the table. It looked rough on the outside, but once you taste it, you will know that it is completely different from the food made by those clumsy guys in the camp.

So a few sturdy men buried their heads in it, and soon everyone was half full.

His Highness the King of Han then straightened up, drank a few mouthfuls of soup with satisfaction, and said: "If there are no other changes, I will set off back to Jinyang soon. Yuantong will be stationed on the shore. Remember..."

Yu Chiqi raised his neck with all his strength, swallowed a piece of mutton, and then looked at Li Po with wide eyes.

"First, take good care of those who cross the river and screen them carefully to avoid causing any trouble."

"Secondly, Zhang Lun is the leader on the other side. You must do your best to help. Don't get angry over trivial matters. If you miss important matters because of this, I will only ask you two."

At this point, Li Po's tone became stern.

Yu Chikai has nothing to say. He has a criminal record. When he was stationed at Longmen, he had some unpleasantness with Yuchi Gong of Puban. Now he is stationed on the north bank of the Yellow River, holding the food and grass for the army on the south bank, so Li can't break it.

Don't knock him twice, just give him a heads up.

As for whether Yu Chikai would blame Yuchi Gong for his treachery, Li Po didn't care very much. The relationship between the generals in the army was like this. In fact, it was still the old saying. If everyone was in harmony, he, the King of Han, would do the same.


"Third, your troops must coordinate with Puban and Longmen. If there is an accident, respond as appropriate and don't neglect it... Furthermore, your soldiers have been fighting for a long time. They should have returned to the army to rest before winter, but now they have changed their defenses.

There is nothing we can do about increasing the number of troops."

"How about it? Your subordinates are all elites. They should be able to support themselves, right? If you are homesick and war-weary, tell me as soon as possible, otherwise..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yu Chikai stood up suddenly, hammered his chest and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the morale of the troops is strong..."

He doesn't want to be like his elder brother, guarding Jinyang. He has been in front of the army in the two battles this year, and his military exploits are no less than others. If he goes back like his second brother, after a long time, wouldn't he be able to let others down?

Worry left behind?

Even if we don't consider these things, once the generals under his command return to the army, everyone will definitely blame him, the general, for failing to let everyone stay, and they will definitely lose many opportunities to make meritorious deeds in the future.

It can be said that after consecutive battles and victories, the enthusiasm of the Jin army to fight was definitely beyond people's imagination. No matter how the soldiers were, the generals did not want to go home anyway.

Li Po waved his hand, signaling Yu Chikai not to get excited, "You know best the morale of the soldiers, and how to appease the morale of the soldiers is also your business. What I want to see is a strong army that can fight and win when it comes.

, since you want to stay by the river, don’t relax this winter..."

"Also, Niu Jinda and Liu Anshi are quite courageous. From now on, they will be under your control. Most of the tribes' troops will stay here. How to make them look presentable is up to you."

Yu Chikai was overjoyed. Since the establishment of the Wei Palace, the Left and Right Guard Palaces were the first to take shape. For about two years, the generals of all ministries had to obey the orders of the Left and Right Guard Palaces. This made Yuchi Gong and Bu Qun form an almost unstoppable force in the army.

A shaky position.

After that, the six guards' offices started to be established together, and everyone's foundations were deep and shallow. However, they actually started at the same time when they opened the Yafu, and it's only been less than a year now.

In fact, all the guards, including the left and right guards, are very simple. Yuchi Kai is under the jurisdiction of the Youtun Guard. He is only under his brother Youtun Guard General Yu Chixin and serves as the Youtun Guard Lang General, and then there are nine military leaders.

The captain of the school commanded almost 10,000 soldiers and horses.

Except for the left and right guards, all the other guards are similar, with a strength of between 10,000 and 15,000. The strength of the cavalry guards is smaller, about 8,000.

In the past, the only two generals of the Wei government who could command the cavalry and infantry armies were Left Guard General Wei Chigong and Right Guard General Bu Qun, but now Zhang Lun is roughly included.

Of course, as long as King Li Po of Han is in the army, everyone must obey orders.

In the past two years, the various armies have not received any military orders to expand the army. The cavalry and infantry armies in Jin, plus the garrison at various locations, have only remained at about 130,000 to 40,000 people.

Some of them are still in the field, but for today's Jin region, so many standing armies are still a big burden. Not only Li Po understands this, but Yu Chikai and others also understand it.

Therefore, they not only long for His Highness the King of Han to relax this restriction and increase their power, but also admire the King of Han's forbearance. You must know that based on the number of soldiers in the Jin Dynasty, once the recruitment restrictions are relaxed, the number of troops will be greatly reduced.

It is not impossible to reach four or five million people at once.

In today's world, the person who can control the troops to a certain number quite freely and maintain sufficient combat power in each army is none other than King Li Po of Han.

Yes, most generals don't care about anything else. They only know that they have military power, so they can speak loudly. The more soldiers and generals under their command, the more authoritative they are.

In fact, this is the fundamental reason why most military generals have been jealous and wary since ancient times.

And now what Yu Chikai sees is the opportunity to expand the army. Once the Henan surrender army comes under his command, the strength of Youtunwei Mansion will immediately increase greatly. As long as he can train the Henan surrender army this winter, then by then

If we have to fight the enemy again, how can others compete with Youtun Weifu for credit?

Take a look at what this man is thinking, and you can actually understand what a terrible sight it will be once these proud and powerful generals let loose.

In fact, people like Li Po traveled happily all the way, leaving many people behind, and the places he passed along were also covered with blood and corpses... This is the picture that the warlords brought to the world.

In the end, only the victors can be praised. In fact, none of the people who came out of the war deserve to be praised. The people who pacified the world were also the ones who started the war... The only difference is that they

Successfully reached the top...

Yuchi Kai was making a promise to Li Po. Luo Shixin and Zhao Shixun next to him both looked at him with envy, which made Yuchi Kai feel a little elated. He seemed to have seen the prospect of leaving his brother's shelter and opening his own mansion.

Li Po looked at them and found them quite interesting. At the same time, he felt like he had mastered the overall situation and was at ease.

And in his plan, after Yu Chikai, he had to put some restraints on Zhang Lun, otherwise this man would be eager to make a contribution and lead his people into Luoyang... Well, it is unlikely, but it is not guaranteed.

He is a talented guy. The more courageous he is, he always wants to kill you first and then show you off, just like Zhang Shigui...

The guys on the other side are more evil than the other, but they are no more worry-free than Yuchi Kai.

At this time, the big people are thinking about big things, while the little people are doing small things.

After dinner, Shen Fan sneaked out of the tent cunningly. Taking advantage of the darkness, he used the skills he had developed in Luoyang City, dodged the patrol guard and came to the edge of another camp.

This chapter has been completed!
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