Chapter 697 Study (2)

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"Er Niang, Er Niang, Your Majesty has summoned his ministers to discuss matters, and asked Er Niang to wait on you. We will be there soon..."

Wang Qi's personal maid flew over chirping like a bird, her little mouth as trivial as before. The difference is that both the master and the servant have grown up, and they are no longer as childish as they were then.

Wang Qi sat up lazily, stretched her stiff body a little, and rolled her pretty eyes, "Why are you panicking? Could someone else come and eat you?"

The maid shook her head and began to work around Wang Qi, arranging her makeup and clothes. She was not idle at all. She secretly complained that Er Niang had been suffering from autumn fatigue recently. She had no energy to say and was a lot lazy. She wanted everything from her.

Come and worry... Humph, there are so many domineering people in the house, what's the point of eating someone?

The master and the servant are so small and thin that even if they are put together, there is not enough space between their teeth...

"Second mother, it's not me who said that...another queen came to the house earlier. I went to take a look. She was young, had many followers, and was timid. As soon as she came, she fell into Li Da's body.

The lady's eyes, hehe, are now circling around the eldest lady... The second lady needs some snacks, we came earlier than her, we can't let anyone get there first."

Naturally, Wang Qi has heard about this matter. Wang Shichong's marriage to the King of Han Dynasty. It would be damned if she, the reporter, knew nothing about such a major event. Even if she was not interested in it, someone from the Wang family would come to talk about it.

Listen to her, this is the relationship and state of mutual connection and support between the family members and the foreign ministers.

It's just that judging from the current situation, Wang Qi is a bit weak here and cannot talk about honor and disgrace with the Wang family.

The daughter of the Wang family in Baicheng... Thinking of the new Wang Zhen, Wang Qi shook her head secretly. Wang Shichong was defeated in Tongguan, and his marriage to the King of Han became a joke. Moreover, the Wang family in Baicheng was based in Guanxi, unless Baicheng

The main branch of the Wang family in the city came to vote, otherwise it would not be so easy for Wang Zhen to gain a foothold with the King of Han.

Thinking of this, it can be seen that aristocratic women like Wang Qi are not cowardly and submissive people.

It's just that these things have little to do with her. She is still far away from competing for favors, and it doesn't give Wang Qi the slightest feeling of threat.

At this time, she just thought for a moment, then glanced at the maid in shame, and then scolded: "Don't talk nonsense. If you let others listen, you say something to us... Humph, I will cut out your tongue."

After saying that, he went ahead and passed through the corridor, guarding the entrance to the back.

The maid was making faces behind her, her bright red tongue kept sticking out to show off her flexibility, and she was still muttering in her heart, cut my tongue? Humph, let's see who will talk to you to relieve your boredom.

After standing with Wang Qi for a moment, she still couldn't stop talking and whispered to Wang Qi: "Er Niang, there are three princesses waiting to be crowned in the palace now. Er Niang can't wait any longer. If she can't find a place in this palace, she will be afraid of the future.

You will regret it beyond words."

Wang Qi's little hands tightened. She really wanted to turn around and kick her a few other people in the school, but the facts could not be changed. Her situation would only become more and more embarrassing as time went by. What kind of ending would she have now?

I dare not even think about it.

Of course, as a smart woman, she also has her own ideas. Just as the maid said, there are three princesses in the house to be named, and it will be a matter of time.

And she has her family by her side, so she doesn't need to worry too much about herself. Once other people in the family are granted titles, how can she, the daughter of the Wang family, be left behind? In fact, the only thing that worries her is that she has one more reporter room than others.

Position...don't wait until the end. It would be too bad to make yourself a female official in the Han Dynasty.

She stood there, rolling her eyes, no longer talking to the cussing maid, just thinking that it seemed like she would have to show up more in front of the princess in the future.

Because her stay in the palace is not short, and she knows that matters in the inner palace always require the princess's nod... How should she speak to prevent the princess from leaving her behind at the critical moment?

This kind of thing is obviously a relatively embarrassing proposition for Wang Qi, and the complicated taste also makes Wang Qi feel a little dizzy, as if she is in a dream.

Suddenly, Chen Xiaoyi and others have arrived.

Seeing from a distance that they were the close ministers of the King of Han, Wang Qi did not dare to neglect them and immediately put her hands on her belly and bowed to salute.

Shen Qingnu, who was walking in front to lead the way, was startled to see a woman greeting him. He was a little overwhelmed and immediately jumped aside and got out of the way.

This is the bad thing about newcomers. No matter how cautious you are, you will inevitably encounter emergencies. There is nothing you can do about it. The hero spectrum has not yet had time to prepare.

According to his guess and the result of his secret observation, this must be one of the king's concubines, who is doing some shameful things with the king in the study, but they came faster...

Thinking of this, the new and unobtrusive prison guard was very upset. He just walked slower, but you should tell us in advance. Who knew you had such grace?

At this time, he took another peek and said, well, she is soft and weak, not very vicious. Why do people say that all the women in the house are not easy to deal with?

Although he had only been here for a few days, he had heard a lot of rumors here and there. This was also his job and he couldn't tolerate it.

Princess Han was once a general who led troops across the border, and was well-known. Although it was difficult for him to imagine how a woman could lead troops across the border, he didn't find it that strange. After all, Princess Han's father was

Li Jing, the Prime Minister of Mayi County at that time, and in a ghost place like the frontier fortress, it should not be surprising to see what kind of people appear.

In addition, there are two Turkic princesses. Shen Qingnu must give a sincere thumbs up to this one. Anyone who can attract the Turkic princesses and keep them by his side is a god.

If the two princesses are from the Eastern and Western Turks respectively... Tsk, the king is a hero, has many blessings, and is bold. Anyway, with his poor vocabulary, no words of praise used on that one will make him feel

There's something wrong.

And there is also a eldest lady in the mansion, the king's sister, who is said to have a long sword and dominate the show. She guards the door for such a family... Well, Shen Qingnu feels that her head is very unstable.

Just like now, with his flexible and cunning mind, he saw several Han Dynasty ministers coming forward to salute and greet each other with very familiar looks. He had already guessed that this person was probably the legendary talented Queen Qi of the Wang family of Jinyang.

"This is the Wang Jishi of the mansion. Please be respectful when you see him in the future."

At some point, there was a big living person beside Shen Qingnu, and he said something like this in a faint voice. Shen Qingnu was so frightened that Shen Qingnu trembled and almost didn't draw his knife to slash at him.

The man who appeared like a ghost was not very handsome, but he looked very scary. His face was weathered, as if a layer of dust had wrapped around his whole body. It was gray, and he looked like he had just traveled a long distance.

His face was covered with dead flesh and stubble. He only glanced at Shen Qingnu, and a deep chill came over him. If it were night, Shen Qingnu must have thought that this was a ghost crawling out of some twilight cave.

That's right.

"I am Zhang Jin, the general manager...well, the commander of the king's personal guards. You are the prison guard, right?"

Shen Qingnu calmed down her beating heart, quickly bared her eight teeth, cupped her fists and said, "Shen Qingnu, I have met General Zhang."

Zhang Jin hammered his chest, stirring up a burst of smoke, and yawned smoothly, which seemed very impolite, "Easy to say, easy to say, I just came back from the north, and we will meet more often in the future. When you are free, I will invite Supervisor Shen to drink and have fun." ."

As he spoke, he waved his hands vigorously, "Come over and see each other. Don't cause any misunderstandings when we meet again."

So five or six people appeared from all corners, gathered around, beat their chests, saluted, and reported their names.

Damn it, they are all Shandong thieves. Shen Qingnu, a Henan bandit, suddenly dwarfed in front of these majestic and vicious guys.

He understood that this was more like a demonstration. After all, the jailer was not only the steward of the Han Dynasty, but also the general of the palace, and his responsibilities had many overlaps with those of the guards.

He had just arrived, and there was no conflict at all with these people who had lived and died with the King of Han.

Someone is asking, "There are a few more over there, do you want to call them all over?"

Zhang Jin waved his hand carelessly, "Go back, everyone. I'll just let you recognize each other. Why is there so much nonsense?"

The men nodded, and one of them said in an indifferent tone, "Well, Prisoner Shen's appearance is easy to recognize, and you will never make a mistake."

A few black lines floated on Shen Qingnu's head, and he thought to himself, if the sons and gentlemen were here, they would throw you all into the river to feed the fish. What the hell is the world like? Monsters and ghosts have appeared...

In fact, Shen Qingnu himself was one of the monsters and monsters that emerged in the troubled times of the late Sui Dynasty, and he was a very unique one.

A few Shandong people are indeed very fierce, but they can't scare Shen Qingnu. After all, they are also characters who came out of the bandits' den in Luoyang. What kind of vicious people have not been seen?

Unless you are a guy like Luo Shixin, there is no way you can try to suppress this beggar gang leader.

The two people stepped onto the corridor together, and the quiet place was immediately given a somewhat ominous color. They were completely incompatible with the water, trees, and so on.

When everyone in front of them had entered the study, they stood by the door and became two door gods.

Listening to the faint voices in the study, Shen Qingnu smiled and said to Zhang Jin: "General Zhang went to the north? It seems that the journey has been hard."

Zhang Jin did not hear the sarcasm in Shen Qingnu's words. He and Shen Qingnu were completely different people. Guys who were killed with a knife would never think so much.

"I only went to Mayi for a walk, but it wasn't that hard. I was just afraid of snow, so I hurried on the road a little bit."

"Then after that, I will put some wine on the table and have a few drinks with General Zhang, so that I can give him a clean slate."

Zhang Jin grinned and smiled, "I'm just a captain, not a general. That's fine. If we have nothing to do later, let's find a good place to have a few drinks. Damn it, the Turks did it." The wine is really bad, but they still treat it as a treasure..."

This chapter has been completed!
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