Chapter 718 Stupid

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Fan Wenjin, who narrowly escaped death but got a blessing in disguise and suddenly rose to a high position, well explained the meaning of seeking wealth through danger.

But having said that, Fan Wenjin, who was in a land of tigers and wolves, gained all the glory, apart from his own abilities, but also because of the prestige of the King of Han.

He is now another An Xinggui, but he doesn’t have a brother like An Xiuren by his side. Didn’t you see that the heads of the An brothers have been hanging on the top of the city? If he dares to be careless, he will probably die soon.

Following in the footsteps of the Shang An brothers.

Well, An Xinggui didn't escape from Guzang City after all. His brother An Xiuren was almost the same. He fled in Guzang City like a headless fly for a long time.

Ironically, the people who caught him and sent him to the butcher's knife were not the brothers' enemies, let alone the noisy Qiang people, but his fellow clansmen with the nine surnames of Zhaowu.

The cunning and ruthlessness of businessmen are similar to those of officials, especially since they don't want to be buried with the An brothers, so they have to make a choice. It's a good multiple-choice question, isn't it?

An Xinggui is a ready-made gift. Of course, as losers, they must pay a certain price. So for a long time, the merchants' wealth flowed into the empty treasury of Liang Kingdom.

It can be regarded as temporarily alleviating the financial crisis of Liang State.

In the cold wind of winter, the first thing Fan Wenjin did when he took office was to attend to the funerals of Liang Shuo, the Minister of War, Li Boyu, the Crown Prince, and Li Mao, the general of the Hussars.

Then there was the emperor's funeral. It could be said that the entire Li family went to hell at about the same time. What's even more ridiculous is that the new emperor's enthronement was also included in the process.

This incident obviously cast a layer of absurdity to Liang Guo. Everything seemed to be a joke, which made Fan Wenjin, who was busy, unable to feel the slightest sense of pride. He felt more like he was jumping headlong.

Once he entered the bandits' den, no matter how high his official position was, it would be difficult for him to let go.

Therefore, in the midst of a series of funerals and happy events, he sent more than ten people to follow Liang Shiming's team eastward and return to Jin to report to the King of Han.

Well, Liang Shiming is still alive, because he is lucky and did not die in the chaos. He only implicated Hao Bingxing, the general of the Youxiao Guard who had been secretly collaborating with Liang Guo. Soon after the riots were put down, Hao Bingxing was accused of killing without authorization.

The important general was responsible for causing great chaos in Guzang and had his head chopped off.

Hao Bingxing was quite unjust, because the crime charged on his head was really senseless. Of course, if he became a ghost and could still cause trouble, the first thing he would look for was Liang Shiming, the bastard who deceived his teammates.

And during the chaos in Guzang, Liang Shiming had a lot of blood on his hands, but if you ask him who he killed, he probably didn't know it very well himself, so he just killed people when he met them.

It feels a bit wasteful to use the words "ambitious and talented" on this Liang general.

Fortunately, Fan Wenjin was still there to stop him. Otherwise, whether he could get out of Guzang or not was another matter. You said you were a messenger and came to Guzang to kill people and set fires. If you don't cut off your dog's head, let Liang Guozhong

How can human feelings be tolerated?

Fan Wenjin didn't care so much, he only knew that the people in the northwest were crazy, and His Highness the King of Han, whom he had not looked down on before, was more reliable, so he sent someone to send a message to Li Po, and he would try his best to help the two princes in the northwest

Form an alliance and attack the Tang Dynasty together at the appropriate time.

This is an almost impossible task assigned to him by Li Po, but now... Fan Wenjin seems to really have this ability. The world is changing and unexpected, and it is difficult to explain clearly.

This winter, the blood of people of all ethnic groups in the northwest has been flowing. However, due to the blockade of news and the coming of winter, the chaos has not spread. However, under such a drastic change, the impact cannot be limited to

Hidden somewhere.

But whether this impact will affect the overall situation of the world, no one can guess at this time.


And this winter, the wind in Jiangnan was also very cold.

King Zhang Xiu of Qi led his troops to attack Lin Shihong. Within a few months, he defeated Lin Shihong and marched to Changsha. General Su Huer led his troops to capture Yuanling. After a series of great victories, the situation was overwhelming. The territory occupied by Xiao Mian also expanded in this year.

More than twice as much.

In addition to occupying most of the territory south of the Yangtze River, it also extended its tentacles into Henan, Bashu and other places. This year also became Xiao Mian's most glorious period, even more glorious than when Wang Shichong defeated Li Mi.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that Xiao Xianruo was called the King of Jiangnan at this time, and what he and Lin Shihong had been competing for was actually this position. Having Jiangbiao was the cause of Sun Wu's career at the end of Jin Dynasty.

The Southern Dynasties roughly occupied these territories, but the situation Xiao Mian faced was more complicated.

In September, the weather in the south of the Yangtze River was still mild, and Qi King Zhang Xiu organized his army to make persistent efforts to completely kill Lin Shihong, who was already in disarray. Xiao Mian's edict came to Changsha, ordering Qi King Zhang Xiu to return to the capital to pay tribute.


There is no need to ask what the meaning of this is. Zhang Xiu was so great that if he were allowed to single-handedly pacify Jiangnan, who would know whether the final king of Jiangnan would be Zhang Xiu or Xiao Mian?

This cannot be said to mean that Xiao Mian is stupid, jealous or anything like that. Once a person with great achievements appears, the emperor will definitely react. If later people speculate on the situation at that time with words like "if" and "hypothetical", it is a boring move.

Not accurate.

Of course, this decision cannot be said to be very wise.

King Dong Jingzhen of the Jin Dynasty was appointed as the prefect of Changsha and the general manager of the Southern Expedition. Zhang Xiu's military power was completely reduced, which was similar to changing generals on the spot. The army's offensive was stopped immediately. Because the most urgent thing Dong Jingzhen had to do was not to drive Lin Shihong into the sea, but how to place cronies in the army.

, but also to appease the arrogant soldiers under Zhang Xiu.

Under such a situation, if you rashly use your troops, you are likely to be bitten by Lin Shihong. Zhang Xiu attacked Changsha. If you lose the first battle, it will be a trivial matter to lose face. The people below will have to rebel.

As a result, Lin Shihong had a rare chance to breathe, and he concentrated on running Lingnan, and sent an envoy to Du Fuwei to prepare a powerful report, hoping to join forces with Du Fuwei to resist Xiao Mian.

It's a matter of success or failure, but this winter, it is an indisputable fact that Lin Shihong and Xiao Mian re-formed a confrontation after being defeated.

What's even more frightening is that when Zhang Xiu returned to Jiangling, he was praised by everyone for his meritorious service and became the Minister of the Jin Dynasty.

Anyone who speaks before him will definitely be scolded by Zhang Xiu.

There are also rumors in private that Zhang Xiu once said while drinking with his friends that he admired the demeanor of Duke Cao back then, but the emperor treated him too poorly, and even refused to allow him to bring a sword to court or ride a horse into the palace.

These are all things that have no trace, but it can't be said for sure. After all, the courtiers in the late Jin Dynasty, especially some generals, had such a habit.

So Zhang Xiu died. He was executed by Xiao Mian for the crime of wanton power and disrespecting the emperor. He also followed Xiao Mian's consistent style and killed him very simply, just like killing a chicken. There was no fault in judging the crime.

one night.

It's just that Xiao Mian didn't expect that at this time, he was already an emperor and had many ministers. It was extremely inappropriate for him to act as he did before. And Qi Wang Zhang Xiu had made great achievements and was now a minister. Such an important minister was punished no matter what.

For any of these reasons, it would be a serious political accident.

Nowadays, rash killings without legal supervision will not only frighten the subordinates, but even if the charges are confirmed and true, they will not have any beneficial effect.

In other words, Xiao Mian made a mistake. He killed a hero who had just won the victory and returned to the court only a few days ago, as if he were joking. What was revealed was not the majesty of the emperor, let alone the generosity and virtuous reputation widely praised in Jiangnan.

A trace of hostility and extremely cold suspicion.

Even though he had just taken over the military power, King Dong Jingzhen of the Jin Dynasty who was far away in Changsha later sent a memorial, "The King of Qi may be guilty, but he has made great contributions. Please honor him after his death and bury him generously..."

He said it more tactfully, like King Lei Shimeng of Qin, King Zheng Wenxiu of Chu, etc. who were more fierce. After hearing the news, they all felt sad that the rabbit was dead and the fox was dead. The battle with Li Tang in Shu was stopped abruptly, and they all expressed their opinions.

, he shouted injustice for Zhang Xiu, and his words were so fierce that he almost pointed at Xiao Mian's nose and cursed.

The one who reacted most intensely was Yang Daosheng, the king of Song Dynasty, who was stationed in Nanyang and spying on the eastern capital. He was related by marriage to Zhang Xiu, and his position was similar to that of Zhang Xiu.

Zhang Xiu led his troops south and defeated Lin Shihong. He led his troops north and also occupied some counties in Henan. His achievements could not be compared with Zhang Xiu's, but he was not far behind.

When Yang Daosheng heard about Zhang Xiu's death, he was so frightened that he became furious and said to his confidants: "Xiao Mian is ruthless and ungrateful. How can we still go through life and death for him and make contributions? Just wait for him to be unhappy one day.

Come on, chop off our heads and show them to everyone?"

In November, King Yang Daosheng of the Song Dynasty killed Zhang Xiaode, deputy general manager of the march, Xiao Ci, the supervisor of the army, and others, and raised his troops to occupy Nanyang.

Dong Jingzhen was also in dire straits in Changsha. Zhang Xiu's subordinates became restless. Some immediately defected to Lin Shihong, some went to Du Fuwei, and some simply made trouble on the spot, occupying counties and counties to fight against Dong Jingzhen.

Su Huer, who occupied Yuanling, was not idle either. He recruited surrenders and accepted rebels. The intention of separatism was clearly revealed. In an instant, the southern expedition army was on the verge of falling apart.

Old officials of the Sui Dynasty, such as Wang Renshou and Ning Changzhen, also turned away from him at this time. Xiao Mian's rash actions finally caused extremely serious consequences.

In December, Li Pocai received an urgent report from Zhang Lun and others. The rebel generals and deserters of Liang State entered Hongnong one after another to surrender to the Han king, and by the way, the news of Liang State was spread to Jin.

Seeing the urgent report from Zhang Lun and others, Li Po was also dumbfounded. Xiao Xian, a fool, had played a good hand of cards to pieces. At the same time, Li Po knew that it was urgent to lead his troops into Kansai.

Damn it, is Li Tang really God’s illegitimate son?

This chapter has been completed!
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