Chapter 804 Pros and Cons

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Just as Wen Yanbo thought, once Li Po spoke in person, it would be difficult for everyone to refute. Asking the king to retract such a decision would be equivalent to a slap in the king's face.

Moreover, what he said has a beginning and an end. It is obviously not a sudden idea, and I don’t know how long I have been thinking about it. Thinking about it, this is really something that the king can do... It is always unexpected.

But... Tang, Li Yuan's family is the Duke of Tang, and he also started in Jin, so his country was named Tang. Moreover, he was forced to death not long ago, and you actually want to snatch his country's name and use it. This is too cruel.


Since ancient times, I have never heard of such a thing. Even Wang Mang usurped the throne and got his own country title. Although everyone does not admit it, you are so good. Don't you want to be Li Yuan's son?

The emergence of a country's name has only one meaning, which is different from others. If the country's name is changed, it means that the dynasty has been changed. In fact, it means that if a person with a different surname becomes the emperor, the country's name will be changed.

There were so many things to complain about that Wen Yanbo and others didn't know where to start. They just felt that what happened today was extremely absurd, even a hundred times worse than when he was crowned king.

Imagine that when the national title was read out, the faces of those Kansai people must have been very exciting. Wen Yanbo just wanted to cry and make a joke during the national title, so he couldn't live without it.

Is he beginning to miss Chen Xiaoyi now? Despite his age, when it comes to intelligence, he, Wen Yanbo, is willing to be outdone? In comparison? Su Dan, this bastard, really deserves to be killed.

Thinking of this? He turned around and glared at Su Dan fiercely.

Su Dan also regretted it at this time. This habit of talking too much is really hard to change. You must be more careful in the future... It seems that you are always unlucky these days? Could it be that Chang'an and I don't get along?

Li Po noticed that these people looked strange, looking here and there, and continued to work hard.

He deliberately lowered his voice and said: "There's no need to be so embarrassed, right? You all claim to be talented, but you don't even want to find a good excuse with me?

What's more, don't you really think that this is destiny? Don't talk about the guidance of the gods in my dream? Just say that I have the same surname as Li Yuan? There was a Chang'an nursery rhyme saying that I was the successor of the Sui Dynasty? It can be seen that it has been there for a long time.


And Li Yuan and I both started in Jin? We also headed south and settled on Chang'an? It's just that Li Yuan was a step ahead and declared him a false king, so what he built was not a false Tang Dynasty?"

This style is very Hanwang, and the paradoxical truth sounds good at first glance. But after thinking about it carefully, I always feel that something is wrong.

It was silent for a long time. Everyone in the palace was thinking rapidly, thinking about what to do about this matter. No one was willing to speak easily, so as not to spoil the matter.

Li Po's voice was full of persuasiveness. "As the saying goes, everything in the world will always happen for the first time. I am the first in the world and save some time for those who come after. Isn't it a good thing?"

Everyone ignored him. It was the first time that King Han’s joke had been given a cold reception since he entered the city. Of course, they also felt that King Han’s joke was too big and it would be nice if they didn’t cry. They still laughed, it was ridiculous.

The person who spoke first was a bit surprising, it was Cen Wenwen. Cen Wenwen was temporarily living in Guishizhong, and he was an official serving the emperor in the province.

In fact, what I can see is that Cen Wenwen has quick thinking and gorgeous notes. He can refine the rhetoric of political orders for Li Po at any time, which is much easier to use than Yang Xu.

The person from Zhongshu’s side was a man named Yan Shigu. He was well-known in Chang’an. Li Po also met him once. He was not bad, he was in his thirties or forties, and he was not bad looking, in the parlance of the time.

, is to describe handsome and well-behaved people.

In the position of Zhongshu Sheren, he is destined to be a knowledgeable person, but the contact time is too short, so he can't see much. If his impression is not bad, he should be replaced by Cen Wen. After all, this person was very appreciated by Li Yuan before.

, often attend some kind of feast of beasts.

This is exactly the current situation in Chang'an City today. Many people were appointed by Li Yuan. It is impossible to replace them one by one. We can only do it slowly.

It’s normal for one or two people among them to have bad brains and want to do something for their old master, isn’t it?

Cen Wenwen has a clear voice and always speaks slowly and logically. In fact, his style is more and more similar to Chen Xiaoyi. He was appreciated by Chen Xiaoyi in Jinyang and it is said that he treated him like a father and mentor.

"Since the king has made up his mind, I dare not stand in the way. However, I have to explain the pros and cons to the king clearly. This is the responsibility of a true minister. I hope the king will allow it."

Li Po nodded and said: "Only through negotiation and consideration can things be accomplished, you say."

Cen Wenwen stood up, bowed, and swallowed secretly. This was probably the most important question he had ever asked since he submitted to the King of Han. Moreover, it was related to the foundation of the country, and he could not say anything wrong.

"The name of the country is also the symbol of the country and the surname of the emperor. The rules have not been determined, but there are precedents to follow in Qin, Han, Wei and Jin.

Now the king wants to use Tang as his name. In the opinion of the ministers, there are advantages and disadvantages.

What is beneficial is that what the king said before is conclusive and well-founded. If it is spread to the ears of everyone, the theory of destiny will definitely appear in the world. Even though the two Tang Dynasties followed each other, it can also be self-supported. As long as the king implements benevolent policies and gathers people's hearts, it will surely happen over time.

Take what the king has established as Zhengshuo.

Ah, what I said is a bit small. In the future, when I will follow the king to conquer the world and conquer the nine states, who will mention Li Yuan, the king of Tang Dynasty who has been in power for several years?

Furthermore, the king has not only carried the banner of the sun, moon and stars, but also has the title of Tang, and he has the potential to lead the previous generation and carry forward the future..."

Hearing this, Wen Yanbo and others were slightly relieved, and they all thought to themselves that Cen Jingren was quick in thinking, clear in logic, and extremely eloquent, and what he said was quite reasonable. From this point of view, using Tang as his nickname was not a big deal.


Actually, everyone knows this truth. It was just that His Highness the King of Han made a surprise attack. In a hurry, no one could think clearly. In addition, Li Po kept nagging, which further disrupted his thinking.

Cen Wenwen just sorted it out briefly and comprehensively, but the effect was immediately different.

Why wasn't He Chou invited to the scene? He Chou was too old, and some things were very stubborn in his mind. Moreover, he had been in charge of a large government and was familiar with etiquette, rules, and even allusions, so it would be very difficult to convince him.

It was not like people like today. The eldest was Yang Gongren, who was in his fifties, and the youngest was Cen Wenwen, who was still young and was even younger than Li Po.

Such people are destined not to stick to the rules like old people, and they are more willing to help His Highness the King of Han achieve things than to dissuade him from doing anything.

Li Po has always considered things carefully, and this time is no different. He is also sure that the situation will develop as he wants.

In his mind, Tang Dynasty is so good. Although it was used by Li Yuan, it doesn't matter. Datang and Tang Dynasty sound smooth and generous. What if it becomes Han, Jin, or even according to the sun, moon and stars?

How can it be so awkward to clarify the meaning of the flag?

Again, it’s true that no one has done this before, but it doesn’t hurt if we try it.

Li Po looked at Cen Wenwen, who was working hard there, and thought to himself, is it time to talk about the shortcomings? It's best to take it easy, otherwise your career will be in our hands for such a long time at such a young age.

There is always time to settle accounts.

Cen Wenwen was ecstatic, telling his opinions according to the existing rhythm.

"There are advantages and disadvantages. Although Li Yuan is dead, the Li family in Longxi is still there and has many descendants. If the king takes Tang as his name, if in the future... Li family can use this as an excuse to launch an attack and do the treasonous and unethical thing...

If your Majesty is determined to do this, then the Li family of Longxi... I think we should make plans in advance to avoid the danger of raising tigers."

Cen Jingren, who has always been gentle and elegant, occasionally showed his prowess and suggested that Li Po take action against such a wealthy Kansai family. Li Po was surprised and muttered to himself, it is true that a biting dog doesn't bark much...

Cen Wenwen still had a lot to say, but after taking a look at the people in the hall, he wisely stopped talking, "I am not very resourceful and have only thought of so much. I would like to ask your Majesty to discuss with you how to make a decision."

This is very smart. One of the common mistakes young people make is to show off and not know how to restrain themselves when they are proud. Cen Wenwen has been an official for many years, but this problem has been almost corrected.

But after he started, the atmosphere was indeed not as tense as before. He explained it very well. In fact, several other people could figure out the meaning.

One is that Li Po has made up his mind and cannot be easily shaken by others. Instead of trying to dissuade him, he should try his best to help the king succeed.

Secondly, the matter of the country's title seems to be a big deal. In fact, compared with other matters, it does not have much substantive impact. Whether it is the Sui or Tang Dynasties, it will only make people feel uncomfortable. As long as they can unify the world in the future, these will not matter.

It's the minutiae.

I see that Liu Bang was very angry when he was named King of Han, because the King of Han was just a little king, but when he ascended to the throne of God, the title of the king was also Han, who would criticize him in the future?

Third, there must be some shortcomings. The Li family in Longxi suddenly became a big trouble, but now it seems that it is not a serious problem. At most, it will only surprise the people of Guanxi or other princes for a while.

With these foreshadowing, people's minds suddenly became more relaxed. In fact, the main reason was that the country title they presented to Li Po for selection was not so satisfactory and convincing.

"What Cen Zhongshe said is reasonable. God and man entrusted it to me in a dream. This is a destiny. God will not take it, but will be blamed for it. All I have to do is spread it to the world, and everyone should think that my Lord is Zhengshuo."

Yang Gongren began to express his position. As a "remnant" of the Yang family, he would definitely side with Li Po on this matter. He didn't care what the country's name was.

Su Quan took the opportunity to catch up, "The victory at Tongguan came a little early. I feel that Qu Tutong from the northwest will return sooner or later. Let them delay for a while, and then report this victory to the world, and there will be fewer rumors."


Then it seemed that arrangements were made, and Wang Ze also came to speak, "Xijing was initially settled, and people's hearts were quite unsettled. When the king entered the city, he showed tolerance and kindness and did not kill indiscriminately.

But there are always unruly people who do not care about kindness and think that the king is weak, so they just use this incident as an excuse to kill him as a warning to others."

It was equally surprising that these words came from Wang Ze's mouth.

This chapter has been completed!
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