Chapter 867 Small talk

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After the Great Court Meeting, Li Po did not intend to deal with government affairs in the Tai Chi Hall anymore. He went back to the Man Dew Hall to rest for a long time. He originally wanted to take a tour of the harem, but he was too lazy to move in the cold weather, so he huddled in the Man Dew Hall and could not go out.

But the emperor had no free time. Just after lunch, his servant Feng Deyi came to see him.

It's not a big deal, it's just that this man seemed to have nothing to do if he didn't see the emperor for a day. He looked determined to follow the emperor's pace, which really made people wonder what to say.

Moreover, recently, this guy has not been getting along well with Xiao Yu, the minister of Zhongshu. Every time he met the emperor, he would complain to Xiao Yu, saying that Xiao Yu had rejected several suggestions from his subordinates today, and what he said was ugly and mean, etc.

wait wait wait.

Xiao Yu was not very popular, and Feng Deyi was about the same as Feng Deyi. However, Feng Deyi's reputation was far inferior to that of Xiao Shiwen.

Moreover, Xiao Yu was aggressive and Feng Deyi was slippery. The two of them had incompatible temperaments. Now one is in the sect and the other is in Zhongshu. They are checks and balances. They are two institutions where you rise and one falls. Two people can look at each other.

It's like seeing a ghost if it's pleasing to the eye.

Feng Deyi kept nagging him every day and planned to brainwash the emperor. It would be best to demote Xiao Yu from the capital, as far away as possible.

Xiao Yu was also unambiguous. Every time he saw the emperor, he secretly said, "How can you keep someone like Feng Deyi around? Sooner or later, the emperor's reputation will be affected by it, so it is better to take precautions and keep him away from the government."

It seems that the two of them have not yet formed a personal feud, so even if they don't like each other, they still leave room for others and don't want to kill them.

Li Po felt that this kind of atmosphere was not very good. The atmosphere in Jinyang's officialdom was much more harmonious, and the methods used to fight for power should be gentler. It was not as explicit as Xiao Yu and Feng Deyi, which was too embarrassing.

Of course, he also knew that this was not a good comparison. The official atmosphere in Jinyang was relaxed because there were no such sharp conflicts of interest. Unlike here in Chang'an, which has a large population and a gathering of elites, no matter how valuable a senior official is, there are still people who are keeping an eye on your position.

, if you are not careful, you may stumble. A bloody head is a trivial matter, but losing your official position is ugly.

Feng Deyi and Xiao Yu had no personal grudges. What they were fighting over was actually the subordinates. The power of Zhongshu had only increased. At that time, the subordinate provinces were only a place where the emperor's attendants stayed.

But now you look at it, Menxia is tied with the other two provinces, and there is no distinction between high and low. It was not a reward from the emperor with a single mouth, but was taken away through many power struggles.

Now that Feng Deyi has come to this position, he must save his followers and never let Zhongshu take advantage of him. In addition, he has his eldest grandson Shunde beside him to help him, and he can often meet with the emperor. In fact,

Xiao Yu has gradually fallen behind.

Of course, this has something to do with Li Po's connivance. After all, the Menxia Province was an institution established for the emperor's own convenience. According to Li Po's nature, he would naturally give more convenience to the Menxia Province.

Otherwise, he would not have placed his eldest grandson Shunde and Feng Deyi in the position of servant.

But it was impossible for Feng Deyi to drive Xiao Yu out of the capital like Li Yuan did when he had a foul mouth, an even worse temper, and a hard head.

Because Li Po felt that Xiao Yu was more reliable, because of Empress Xiao, the Lanling Xiao family in Chang'an was considered to have been won over by him.

Li Po saved their face and did not blame or reject them because they served Li Yuan. In comparison, the Xiao family would naturally be more loyal to the emperor.

Moreover, although Xiao Yu had many faults, he did not form any cliques or cliques, he was honest and dedicated to the public affairs, and most importantly, he did have the talent to be in charge of Zhongshu.


"I heard that Yang Guang was very talented in literature. When he visited Jiangdu, he sang and answered poems and books with Jiangnan literati. He was highly respected by people, but I don't know whether it is true or not."

Feng Deyi stroked his beard and immediately cheered up. First he looked at the emperor's expression carefully, and then he said, "I don't know how many thoughts passed through my mind. I can't believe the rumors. The literary style in Jiangnan is at its peak. Even a three-year-old can speak well."

It’s not uncommon either…”

Speaking of this, Feng Deyi laughed and said, "The only people who can be respected by the literati in Jiangnan, apart from those talented people with far-reaching literary names, are probably only kings...

Therefore, although the rumors are wrong, they cannot be said to be completely wrong. Especially when Buddhism and Taoism in Jiangnan were very prosperous at that time, Emperor Wen felt that it was extravagant and wanted to ban it. Yang Guang begged for mercy and saved Buddhism and Taoism in Jiangnan.

If you are kind, you will naturally be very popular in Jiangnan."

Li Po nodded. He had only been in Chang'an for a short time, and he was busy with military and political matters all day long. Apart from occasionally wandering around and getting to know the roads inside and outside the imperial city, he had little entertainment.

He rarely talks to his ministers on weekdays. The main reason is that he has a weak foundation and is afraid of being exposed when talking to others. People's hearts are still a little unstable now, and the reputation spread at this time cannot be said to be good or bad.

, so be careful.

Feng Deyi was just fine. He was very docile at first, but after asking the right questions in front of Li Po two or three times, he became much more straightforward in his speech. I have to admit that this guy is really good at observing words and expressions.

"Then who do you think is better between me and Yang Er?"

Feng Deyi secretly thought to himself, indeed, the so-called companionship of a king is like companionship of a tiger. A person like him who hangs around the tiger all day long, stroking the tiger's beard today and cleaning the tiger's teeth tomorrow is crazy testing on the edge of life and death.


Therefore, the psychological quality must be excellent, and the brain must not be slow. Otherwise, do you really think that tigers are vegetarians?

"The Supreme One has come to give me trouble again. How can I dare to comment on the status of the king, whether he has merit or deeds, whether he has faults or not? Moreover, although Yang Guang is dead, he was still the king of me, and he was kind to me.

How can you criticize the old master wantonly?"

Li Po smiled and said to himself that you are talking about Yang Guang. I don't see how much you respect your old master. You are just afraid that if you say too much, you will make me unhappy or spread the word and cause trouble.

"Some time ago, someone submitted a memorial to Yang Guang and wanted to give Yang Guang another title. How do you think this matter should be handled?"

At this time, Feng Deyi did not dare to hesitate, and immediately said: "This man should be killed... Let alone Yang Guang's merits and demerits, it would be of no benefit to the Supreme Being and the Tang Dynasty to revise such an already agreed matter.

It’s useless. In this case, the person who raised the note can beheaded to put it in perspective.”

Da Yi was stunned for a moment, and then the guy blinked his eyes a few more times, "I wonder who has deceived his mind and dared to do such a crazy thing? If it's not easy to handle, just punish him, and it won't affect the overall situation."

Li Po rubbed his chin vigorously to keep from laughing. This is a very typical traitorous minister since ancient times, right? It's not that he doesn't know what to do with things, but he always likes to mix some messy things into it, otherwise he will

It seems very uncomfortable.

Then came the more treacherous person, "Xiao Shiwen, in charge of Zhongshu, actually bothered the Supreme Being with this kind of thing. I don't know what his intention was. Could it be that he was nostalgic for the Lord and wanted to put the Supreme Being in an unbearable position? And... why didn't I?

After seeing the memorial, could it be that Xiao Shiwen reported it directly to the Supreme Being? Isn't this a violation of regulations? "

Li Po waved his hand impatiently, "Can you calm down for a moment? You know you don't get along, so you don't have to talk about it all day long, right?"

"It's just a small thing. It's a gift to be polite to people who are far away. It's a lesson to go against the will of nature and abuse the people. It's a lesson to be cruel to the government. It's a lesson to be ungrateful and desolate. It's a lesson to be ruthless and unjust... Look at how appropriate this is. It's just a measure.

The body is made, so why should we change it?

But Yang Guang is not without merit. I heard that he likes to collect books, so people in Chang'an City built libraries one after another. Is this possible?"

Feng Deyi felt a little regretful for not being able to put a big label on Xiao Yu, but he was not discouraged. He didn't believe that Xiao Manzi was still safe and sound even though there were so many bad words.

It's just that the emperor changed his mind too quickly. Why did he think of the library again? At my age, I really can't keep up with my thoughts.

Besides, why are you still competing with Yang Guang? Emperor Sui Yang is indeed a good title. It is easy to pronounce and relieves anger. He caused everyone misery, especially Yu Gong, what a good person.

, but was chopped to death with random swords.

It can be said that there is no word of loyalty in Feng Deyi's heart. His loyalty is always to himself and the right itself. As for the old master and the old master, he just tells outsiders.

"Yes, collecting books became a fashion at that time, and it indeed started during the Daye period... Among them, the records of the products and local customs of the counties, the district maps, the collection of illustrations and scriptures of various states, etc., all ministers were fortunate enough to participate in the drawing and collection...

Alas, it cost huge amounts of money and wasted a lot of money. The achievements of great undertakings are always frivolous and gaudy. Later generations may like them, but the hardships and misery of people in the era are all caused by this. It is lamentable and sad."

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Li Po agreed very much with what Feng Deyi said. Whether it was the Grand Canal, collecting books, building cities, etc., almost all of them were big projects, which shows Yang Guangzhi's preference.

"I am asking the secretary to sort out the collection of books in the Guanwen Palace. There may be more than 100,000 volumes. I heard that the collection of books in the Guanwen Palace in Luoyang is even better. It seems that Yang Er is indeed a book lover...


Li Po praised, but he was muttering in his heart, he collected so many books, how could he love books? He must have a collecting habit.

Feng Deyi did not interrupt this time. He was wondering what the emperor meant by these words. He did not think that the emperor liked reading. After two or three months of getting along with him, he already knew how much writing and ink the emperor had in his mind.

He was almost as good as Li Yuan, maybe not as good as Li Yuan, but the talent of the emperor in front of him was not in reading.

To put it bluntly, he would rather still be an official under Li Yuan's rule than chatting with this person here and now... It is too dangerous for him to be confused by this person for more than two months.

Didn’t the emperor want me to be in charge of the secretarial department? Is this Xiao Manzi’s slander? Feng Deyi began to use his unique imagination again.

"Books always need someone to read them to be useful. Just like a sword, if it doesn't kill people, it's just for display. Do you think this is the truth?"

This chapter has been completed!
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