Chapter 925

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When encountering major events, do not seek help from others.

The situation was just as Xiao Lang expected. After someone described the information obtained in detail, there was only a moment of silence before someone couldn't wait to talk about their suggestions.

Because the matter happened suddenly, everyone did not think it over carefully or discuss it with each other, so their opinions were inconsistent and even caused unnecessary quarrels.

Zhang Shifan, a member of Zhongshushe, seemed very excited. He was a famous talent in Jiangzuo. He was very talkative and kept arguing with others, which annoyed everyone.

In fact, this is not the first time that such a scene has occurred. Zhongshu Province has been sidelined by the power of the Liang Kingdom for a long time. Both the Ministry of Internal History and the Ministry of Shangshu can easily suppress them. Therefore, the ministers of Zhongshu Province have been working hard to seek recovery.

The authority of Zhongshu.

On some major issues, Zhongshu was particularly stubborn and unwilling to succumb to the other two provinces. However, the efforts of one or two people had nothing to do with the overall situation and only delayed Liang Guo's administrative efficiency.

Xiao Lang watched with cold eyes, understanding the intentions of everyone in the various suggestions, and also guessing the emperor's thoughts.

Zhou Faming, like him, did not say much, but unlike Xiao Lang, he believed that he had said enough in more than half a year. Even if Wang Shiyun left today and brought changes, it would not be enough to change his position.


While the discussion was going on, the atmosphere in the palace continued to rise. Seeing the quarrel between Qi Yun, the Minister of Revenue, and Zhang Shifan, the member of the Zhongshu House, his face turned red and Wuming was moved.

One began to attack the other party as having no talent and virtue, only knowing how to care about things like a common man in the market, and not being able to talk about big things. The other one called the other party a lustful person, only knowing how to linger under the pomegranate skirt, and never having the slightest intention to serve the country.

Well, one of these two is lustful, the other is stingy, and each exposes the other's shortcomings. It is obvious that the gap is deep, and it is not just two days ago. Now they are blaming each other in Tianguang Palace, like shrews, which makes everyone really see the joke.


I'm not afraid of jokes, but it really wasn't the right time. Not to mention the digression, everyone in the palace felt that their faces were dull.

Zhongshu Ling Wu Wensheng coughed a few times, opened his eyes as if he had just woken up, and spoke slowly with a few words to calm Zhang Shifan, who was like a fighter, and Qi Yun, the Minister of Household Affairs over there.

Having suffered a loss, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to pursue him and get some advantages, but he was defeated by the deep look in the eyes of Shangshu Zuopu and Zhou Faming, and he shut up angrily.

Fortunately, he didn't use his fists or kicks... Xiao Lang thought mockingly, and then thought about the way the kings bared their teeth and claws, scolding the ministers if they disagreed with each other, Xiao Lang felt that now there were no such vulgar warriors.

Standing above the court, the situation is much more harmonious.

But he also forgot that with Zhang Xiu, Dong Jingzhen and others here, there would be no room for other people to interfere in war matters, let alone so many opinions.

In other words, after the kings left, the competition in Liang's court became more intense, and the situation became unstable, with more quarrels than cooperation... Of course, maybe Xiao Mian would like to see this kind of situation more, right?


Xiao Mian looked down at the crowd, his brows furrowed slightly, showing no emotion or anger, but people familiar with him knew that he was not in a very good mood, but it was definitely not to the point of being angry.

Xiao Mian was indeed very relaxed, similar to Xiao Lang's feeling. Without the constraints of the kings, their remnants of the party had been eliminated, and he felt that the atmosphere in the court had become much more relaxed.

As for the mutual accusations among his ministers, it was just out of anger that the king had violated his etiquette. He always boasted of his magnanimity and would not care about these small offenses.

When he waved his hand, everyone became quiet. Xiao Mian slightly curved his lips and said with a smile: "Wang Shichong was defeated the year before last, and Li Yuan died last year. There are no other changes than this..."

At this point, he sighed and continued: "Now that the king has moved to Li Ding'an from the west, Henan is empty for all to see. There has been a lot of discussion in the past six months, and it is time to make a plan. Xiao Qing, you have always been far-reaching and wise, and you might as well tell me.

What should I do?"

Hearing this, Zhou Faming frowned and looked at Xiao Lang opposite him, and said in his heart that it was indeed true, the emperor's tendency was already obvious, he wanted to use troops in Henan, otherwise it would have been him, Zhou Faming, who spoke at this time.

Xiao Lang stood up, bowed and said: "In my opinion, we should raise troops as soon as possible and march into Henan."

After speaking, he straightened up and said: "Since the supreme leader raised his army, he has wiped out the mob, pacified Zhu Can in Huaiyou, and driven Lin Shihong away from Jiangxia. After that, he did light corvee and paid little tax, rested with the people, and accumulated enough time. Then the people returned to their hearts, and heroes came to join them.


Thinking back to the days when Sun Wu occupied the south of the Yangtze River, he often thought of going north to the Central Plains. The Shu Han held Bashu and even counted Qi Mountain. Why? The south of the Yangtze River was rich and the Bashu was abundant, but they both tended to settle in a corner. If they could not compete with others in the hinterland of the Central Plains,

Sooner or later, others will take advantage of you.

In the former Song Dynasty, Qi, Liang and Chen, all had the status of princes, and they ruled across the river, which was just a temporary flourishing. Now, the Supreme Lord has inherited the ambition of his ancestors and once again led the Jiangbiao. If he cannot fight northward, what is the difference from the previous dynasty?

The only thing that everyone is afraid of is Li Ding'an's military strength. Du Fuwei and Dou Jiande are also afraid of entering Henan because of this. How can I be cowardly at this time when I am showing my power?

Although Li Ding'an's army was sharp, in my opinion, he was just showing off his fierceness for a while. He was from a humble background and lived in a corner of Jin. Now he has entered Chang'an, the capital of the West, and has conquered Bashu. According to legend, Li Gui, Liang Liang in the northwest

The division capital was also merged with him.

As the saying goes, its rise is rapid, and its demise is sudden. With its humble body, it resists the heroes, and its defeat is only day and night, without knowing it. Looking at Henan, wanting to compete with me, this is the beginning of its defeat.


As the saying goes, if God cannot take it, you will have to bear the blame... At this time, Henan is empty and Dou Jiande can't patrol. If I send troops to capture it, I can first frighten Dou Jiande, and secondly, I can use the eastern capital Luoyang to lure Li Ding'an to the east.

As long as the front is slightly frustrated, the heroes of Kansai will definitely attack him on the back, unwilling to lie dormant.

When the time comes, it will only take a moment to conquer the world."

Many people in the hall were nodding in approval, which also showed who had the upper hand in a winter of debate.

Even though Zhou Faming did not agree with his point of view, after Xiao Lang prepared his speech for a long time, he was somewhat moved. He and Xiao Lang actually had a consensus.

That is because Li Dingan has recently entered Kansai and has not yet established a stable foothold. In other words, the pace of expansion is too fast and will inevitably stumble. This is a good opportunity to use troops against him.

In addition, Du Fuwei and Dou Jiande both wrote letters to form an alliance, so Du Fuwei was fine. Dou Jiande must have been frightened by Li Ding'an. If they couldn't take advantage of this opportunity to do something, how could they stand in the court?


But unlike Xiao Lang, he was experienced in battles for a long time. Many previous scouting reports made it clear that Tongguan and Hongnong may have gathered a large number of troops.

Since the weather got warmer in the north, grain and grass from Jin Dynasty were transported to Kansai like water. Zhou Faming would not think that these grains and grass were all for the people of Kansai.

All signs indicate that the Tang army is really prepared. Whether it is Dou Jiande or Liang Guo, sending troops to Henan at this time means that they will face a big war.

He sincerely believed that even if Li Dingan's foothold in Guanxi was not stable, it would not be wise to fight with him on the ground in Henan at this time. Now when it comes to elite soldiers in the world, Li Dingan should be at the top of the list.

If you fight against him, you will win miserably, and Dou Jiande will probably take advantage of him in the future. Needless to say, if you lose... So it is better to avoid the truth and attack the weakness, and go all out to fight in Shu to have an 80% chance of winning.

And what Xiao Lang said is very touching. If we don't take this opportunity to go north to Henan and be taken over by Li Ding'an, the situation will become very serious. The battle in Shuzhong may not be concluded yet, and here we have already moved south from Henan to Jianghuai.


When the time comes when we are faced with enemies from both sides...should we still count on Dou Jiande to help us?

For a whole winter, he had been unable to convince the emperor and ministers to agree to his strategy. The key point actually lay in this, and the allure of the Eastern Capital was only one of the factors.

After Xiao Lang finished speaking, he saluted the emperor again and went back to sit down. Everyone's expressions were visible in his eyes. He said with satisfaction in his heart that the overall situation was decided.

Xiao Mian no longer concealed his feelings, with a big smile on his face, "What you said is very much in line with my wishes..."

Then he turned to look at Zhou Faming, "Does Zhou Qing have anything else to say?"

Zhou Faming knew that the emperor had already made up his mind. If he talked about entering Shu at this time, he might be in trouble. Thinking about Zhang Xiu's fate, Zhou Faming sighed to himself.

"I think that if the Supreme Being intends to send troops to Henan, some things must be prepared for rainy days."

Xiao Mian breathed a sigh of relief, Zhou Faming was still rare, unlike Zhang Xiu and others who only knew how to show off their power without caring about the king's face.

Smiling and nodding, he said: "The Qing family has always known soldiers, so if you have anything to say, feel free to tell me."

Zhou Faming pondered for a moment, organized his words and said: "Dou Jiande has repeatedly sent letters to me, expressing his good intentions, but once I advance to Henan, it will be convenient for my army to rear... Empty words are useless, it is better to ask him to sacrifice his life in Hulao.

It's also a good way to prevent him from going back on his word.

Even if Dou Jiande refuses, he should be allowed to send troops to jointly defend against the enemy, and he must not be allowed to sit back and watch with his camera."

Compared with Xiao Lang's empty words, this is a practical strategic opinion. Xiao Mian nodded in agreement. In his opinion, it was only a matter of time for Dou Jiande to become a minister. Now it is not easy to instruct him to do something?

Zhou Faming added: "Henan has been devastated by the war. Most of the counties and counties are deserted, and only a few are still on the sidelines. Since the army cannot eat on the spot, food and grass have become a top priority.

It is common for Li Ding'an's cavalry and soldiers from all over the world to clash with each other and cut off people's food routes, so they must first stock up on food and grass in Luoyang, otherwise the war will be slightly unfavorable and they will be trapped..."

Xiao Mian nodded again, "The army has not moved yet, food and grass go first. You are thoughtful."

Zhou Faming wanted to say more, but after looking at Xiao Mian's expression, he swallowed his words. This was not a good place to discuss battle formations, and the emperor was impatient to hear this... He was getting a little impatient.

So he bowed and said: "In my haste, I didn't think too much. I will gather everyone later and discuss it before I report it to the Supreme Being."

This chapter has been completed!
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