Chapter 933: Bashu

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In May, midsummer gradually entered the north, and there was more rain. Henan, which had been tense a while ago, entered a strange period of calm.

Because the south entered the rainy season earlier and the roads were muddy and difficult to navigate, Zhou Faming's strategy of first accumulating food and grass and then reorganizing the army encountered difficulties to a certain extent.

However, more and more Liang Jun scouts went to Luoyang, Tongguan, Hongnong, and even Hulao and Zhengzhou to investigate, showing that Liang Jun had not given up on his strategic intention to compete with the Tang army in Henan.

Similar to the expectations of the Ministry of War, the princes showed great restraint in the first half of the year. They just played some tricks in the exchange of letters and did not take many actual actions.

Taking advantage of this rare gap, Li Po began to step up the pace of organizing the interior.

General Dou Cong, Liangzhou Governor Li Wu, Yizhou Governor Li Jing and others were all vigorously suppressing banditry in the territory.

Dou Cong is relatively relaxed. He led troops to inspect Guanxi and joined forces with local defenders and government troops. So far, he has eliminated more than 60 areas where bandits were infested and arrested hundreds of people and sent them to Chang'an for trial.

In fact, most of these people were refugees in the mountains at the end of the Sui Dynasty or during the Li Yuan period who could not bear the oppression of the government. After they stayed in the mountains for a long time, they formed villages one by one. When there were more people, they became bolder and began to move slowly.

Slowness evolved into local banditry.

If we go slowly, people will gradually live a good life with enough food, clothing and warmth, and there will be fewer people willing to do evil. With those cottages unable to continue, the local banditry will naturally subside.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with leading the army to suppress the army. At the beginning, the refugees who gathered together might want to plant some fields to resist the government's suppression and live a good life in the mountains without being oppressed by the government. They did not want to live casually.


But when they pick up swords and guns, it is actually difficult for them to become ordinary people again. They just grab whatever good things they have. How easy is it?

In the past, people who were at a high level were knocked to the ground by them, and they naturally felt extremely happy. In the past, common people like them became slaves at their will, and they also felt the joy of being condescending.

Princes, generals, and prime ministers, would you rather have your own kind? This sentence has been shouted across the land of China for countless years. Who is it for? Anyway, judging from the current world, refugees are the group most willing to spread this view.

In short, it is like this. When the official rule in the late Sui Dynasty became increasingly cruel and no matter whether the people lived or died, people rose up and formed many rebel armies to resist the tyranny or seek the right to survive.

And when the situation gradually stabilized, those scattered teams that had not been shattered to pieces in the war became a scourge that affected local peace.

First appeasement, then suppression, Dou Cong went around in a circle and gained a lot, but people at this time of year understood that suppressing bandits was the most unskilled job nowadays and did not have much credit to speak of.

Zhang Xutuo and Wang Shichong were typical examples of those who regarded the suppression of bandits as their main achievement. They received many unnecessary attacks. One of the important reasons was that they accumulated too much credit for suppressing bandits.

Dou Cong was helpless and sad. He had always been arrogant, and the job of suppressing bandits was simply an insult to him. During the years when Li Yuan was in power, he would never have dreamed that he would lead troops to chase after some bitter people.

It's so shameful to see homeless people wandering around behind their backs.

But he didn't dare to neglect. Today was different from the past. The Dou family, as the in-laws of the Li family in Longxi, was hanging in the air. No one of the Dou family members dared to relax. His brother, whom he had always admired, also recovered from his serious injury.

, went to escort the grain and grass immediately?

This is the price that must be paid to change the family. There are probably not many Dou family disciples who do not understand this.


In fact, Dou Cong was much more relaxed than Li Jing and Li Wu's uncle and nephew in Shu.

Since Li Wu took office, he has been competing with the barbarians in Hanzhong and the refugees in the mountains, and he even has to be wary of cold arrows from behind.

Not long ago, Yuan Renqing was killed. Li Wu took the opportunity to launch an attack, wiped out some mountain barbarians, and repaired the officials of Hanchuan County. It can be said that it greatly weakened the strength of local forces.

Then he gathered the mountain barbarians and organized them into an army, and at the same time, in the name of suppressing bandits, he began to destroy the forts entrenched in the local area.

Speaking of which, these are the beginning and end of Yang Guang's life. When he saw the war gradually sweeping the world but was unable to do anything, he gave the local government an order to build Wubao to gather the people to fight against the rebels.

This is obviously because he saw the fortress built by the Goguryeo people on the barren Liaodong plain in Liaodong, so he used his fantastic ideas to transplant it to the war-torn Central Plains, hoping that it would play a certain role.

His edict was almost a piece of waste paper at that time, and not many people listened to his nonsense anymore. However, it was of some use in mountainous areas, such as the Sichuan-Guizhou area.

Local wealthy families like to build some strong cylinders, which can not only resist the attacks of barbarians and bandits, but also serve as a place of residence. Because they can hold many people inside, they can also effectively control their slaves and villagers.


This obviously created conditions for the wealthy families to segregate the area. It was similar to the refugee villages in Kansai. It did play a role in protecting the people during the war, but when the government wanted to restore order, it became the most stubborn resistance.

Most of the local tyrants have a shallow vision and cannot see the long-term. Once they get used to being local bullies, they will want to be a local snake for everyone who comes.

Therefore, how to get rid of these Wubao masters as soon as possible who ignore the government orders, but feel that they are not ambiguous, and repeatedly collude with the barbarians to cause trouble for the government, has become an important task for Liangzhou General Manager and his subordinates.


In March and April, more than 40 large and small forts were destroyed. Li Wu originally thought that he had killed too many people in Hanchuan County before, but this time he wanted to be kind to people's hearts, so as not to cause anger and resentment in the world.

But he still underestimated the toughness and stubbornness of the people in the Hanzhong area... You do your thing, and if you don't give me some benefits when you get here, I will just live my life. Don't expect me to listen to you.

After the spring plowing was over, Li Wu was so angry that he had no good solution. He could only slowly deal with it one by one. However, at the end of April, Feng Li led his people to be assassinated while inspecting Tonggu County, Hanyang County.

He suffered some minor injuries, but it was found that it was caused by the county captain Liu Ju, a wealthy man in the county.

There seems to be no reason, but there was news in the county a few days ago that everyone with land in the county, regardless of good or bad, must pay for it. As a big landowner, Liu Ju was naturally very dissatisfied. His family has been serving as county captain of Tonggu County for three generations.

Now, when the county magistrate and others come, they must first pay homage to the Liu family in the county before they can safely serve as officials.

There are many families like this in Hanzhong. They are not the product of war, but the result of poor talent selection and bad governance. They cannot be eliminated. However, Liu Ju is much more courageous. The accumulation of several generations made him feel that the King of Heaven has come to Tonggu County.

You have to put some incense sticks on Mrs. Liu first for me.

When Feng Li, who was an official in Liangzhou and joined the army, came to the county, he did not go to see Liu. Instead, when all the officials in the county were present, but Liu Ju was missing, he said a few unpleasant words, which soon spread to Liu Ju.

in the ears.

So there was an assassin who wanted to kill Feng Li. There are always people who are bold and violent, but it doesn't show Liu Ju anything.

But at this time, Li Wu, the general manager of Liangzhou, was extremely angry. He had promised the emperor that Hanzhong would be able to settle down this year, and he would also ensure the supply of grain to Guanxi.

It is almost May, and he has not made much progress here. It is difficult to eliminate local forces, which have repeatedly opposed him. Yuan Renqing's incident has not achieved a good deterrent effect.

When the news of Feng Li's assassination in Tonggu County came, Li Wu was furious and personally led his troops to Tonggu County. Once the attack on Liu's Wubao was slightly frustrated, he ordered people to pile up firewood and set fire to Liu's Wubao.

Burned into a torch.

The fire burned for a day and a night. More than 400 people, men, women, old and young, including Tonggu County Lieutenant Liu Ju and below, were burned to death. More than 100 people escaped from Wubao when the opportunity came. They were all surrounded by the officers and soldiers who were waiting for them.

Beheaded in front of Wubao.

Some villagers who had relatives in Wubao cried for help, but were killed by the army. At this time, Li Wu had a deep hatred for the local people in Hanzhong and became cruel. Later, he searched Tonggu again.

The arrest of dozens of Liu family members and associates was not reported to the court, but the Liangzhou Governor ordered them to be executed on the spot for treason.

Heads rolled down, the wind roared in Tonggu County, and people were as silent as cicadas.

At the beginning of May, Li Wu summoned the governors from all counties to the Governor's Mansion and ordered them to go back and dismantle the forts and report illegal activities. However, if anyone did not obey the court order and wanted to separatist rule, he should report it to the Governor's Mansion and deal with it separately after verification.

Under the reminder of the constant flow of blood, people finally admitted that Li Wu, the general manager of Liangzhou, was a living king of hell, and it was better not to let him see it in his eyes.

So the government order went smoothly, and all the counties and counties demolished all the forts. Li Wu sent people to set fire to those that were not demolished. If the people inside were not burned to death, they were captured and handed over to the government to be sold as slaves.

It can be said that the mountain is high and the emperor is far away. There are a lot of violations of the things Li Wu did, but no one came to make him feel uncomfortable during the unusual season. The censors in the court were not even interested in mentioning it.


Compared to Li Wu, who only knew how to kill people to establish his authority, Li Jing was obviously much more organized.

The southern part of Yizhou, also known as the Southern Barbarians, is mountainous and watery, and is full of miasma insects and jackals. The natural environment is very harsh. Zhuge captured Meng Huo seven times here and burned some of his Tengjia troops.

The Nanman people remembered his name and built several Wuhou Temples.

Of course, those are just what the novel says and cannot be done accurately.

Now Li Jing is the general manager of Yizhou. He is not as wise as Zhuge and not as impetuous as Li Wu.

During the Battle of Tuoshui, many Nanman were captured. Li Jing found some leaders among them and asked them carefully about the situation of the Nanman. After that, he sent people to the largest villages of the Nanman to gather their belongings to redeem them.

leader, or family member.

This is the way Nanman is accustomed to communicate. If you tell them about other things, they won’t understand...

This chapter has been completed!
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