Chapter 944

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The Tang army was resting for a day to reorganize its troops, and the generals gathered together to discuss it again.

Li Nian, the leader of the Buqun, stayed behind with ten thousand cavalry. Together with Xu Shiji and Xue Wanche, he besieged Luoyang and left two thousand soldiers to guard Chengxiu.

Zhang Shigui led five thousand cavalry and continued southward with the main force of the army. The next day, the army set off, went down the Ru River, broke through Jiacheng, crossed the Ru River, and fell into Longxing and Lushan Mountains, heading straight for Luyang Pass.

At this time, the Tang army had completely cut off the retreat of the Liang army in Luoyang, and the Liang army in Luoyang did not even know that the main force of the Tang army had gone to their south and was planning a decisive battle with the Tang army in Luoyang.

On the battlefield in northern Henan, the Tang army had increased its troops to 20,000 cavalry. Wherever the terrifying torrent of cavalry went, it not only completely cut off the eyes and ears of the Luoyang Liang army, but also continued to spread to eastern Henan.


At this time, war broke out again in Shu, in order to cooperate with the war in Henan.

Li Jing, the general manager of Yizhou, left Li Daliang and others to guard Yizhou, and together with Zhang Lun and Yuwen Wo, they led 40,000 troops to start the war to capture Kuizhou, and firmly contained Zhang Zhenzhou and Chai Shao's troops in the eastern Shu area.

In June of this year, the Tang army's offensive was in full swing, but it was only just beginning to take off.


There is a raging war outside, but Kansai has slowly entered a period of stability.

The summer in Chang'an City is getting more and more prosperous, but it is still in a state of looseness outside and tightness inside. The army went to war, and the battle reports flew back to Chang'an like a snowflake.

The constant battle reports made everyone in the Chang'an court nervous.

Li Po no longer left the palace to "relax". He stayed in the palace since the war started, dealing with political affairs as absentmindedly as his ministers, with his ears pricked up, and he was always aware of the war situation ahead.

The actions of Yu Chigong and others in the early stages of the Henan War obviously did not satisfy him. The timing of the army's march eastward was mistimed, and the strategy of setting out from Hongnong to attack the Nanyang defenders was as clumsy as a drunken man.

They didn't want to use the pre-set battlefield, but rushed to other people's homes to fight. If it were Zhou Faming, he would definitely hold them back at Luyang Pass, then withdraw the main force of the army to Xiangyang, and delay the war as long as possible until winter.

At that time, the Tang army was unable to advance or retreat. Once there was a problem with the supply of food and grass, hundreds of thousands of Tang troops would be buried in the mountains and rivers of the south by these idiots.

The shortcomings of the talents of Yuchi Gong and Bu Qun were completely exposed. They have always been the leaders of the generals, but after so many years, they still cannot suppress the voices of the generals in the army and convince everyone. This is


Secondly, the inability to implement the established strategy made the battle situation appear to be a stalemate, relying entirely on the Tang army's elite daring to fight.

Thirdly, they even gave up the advantage of the Tang Army's cavalry and only used infantry to attack and defend... Both strategically and tactically, they were restrained by Zhou Faming.

It's so embarrassing. In June of this year, Li Po's mood was as gloomy as the sky in Chang'an was filled with clouds.

At the same time, he was also in the process of self-examination, and concentrated the army in Tongguan. The Hongnong front line now seems to be a complete failure. There are so many proud soldiers and generals in one place. Not to mention the waste, it also increases the difficulty for Yuchi Gong and the infantry group to lead the troops.


The logistics preparations for the army were too complete, and the soldiers were too elite, giving them the confidence to spend their money wantonly.

Thinking of this, Li Po cursed secretly, damn, could it be my fault?

At that time, he only hesitated for a moment and did not interfere with the decision of the generals... Alas, Tongguan is so close, so it is better to run two steps and lead the troops in person.

Shit, you can't lead a military expedition in person. I've been fighting for so many years, how can I still go to the battlefield and have fun like Yang Guang?

Good things don't work but bad things work. Next, Yuchi Gong encountered the fiercest resistance since the beginning of the war in front of Luyang Pass. For five days in a row, there was no progress.

Zhao Shixun, who was still the best at attacking the city, personally led his troops to the city. He was still fighting without stopping while wearing the Seven Creations, which completely aroused the fighting spirit of his subordinates. The Tang army continued to attack regardless of casualties, and finally broke through the barrier at noon on the sixth day.

In the first battle of Luyang Pass, Zhou Shaode, the left leader of Huangzhou Governor's Mansion, was killed. No one of the more than 5,000 defenders retreated. In the end, only hundreds of wounded soldiers were captured, and the rest all died at the pass.

The Tang army suffered more than 3,000 casualties, and General Zhao Shixun, the leader of the left army, almost gave his life. This former pro-army commander who followed Li Po from Jin to Guanxi and was not injured even when he fought with Qin King Li Shimin almost escaped death.

Stay in Luyang Pass forever.

After the war, he was seriously injured and was sent to a hospital to recuperate.

This battle completely woke up the proud generals of the Tang Army. The southerners were not as strong as the northerners, but their bloodiness was no worse than the others.

What's especially bad is that the Tang army advanced very quickly, and the advantage of catching Liang Jun by surprise was completely lost.

Zhou Faming had no intention of rescuing his eldest son, and he did not withdraw his troops to Xiangyang. He did not have the energy to deal with the fierce disputes in the court. He just took advantage of the opportunity of the Tang army to advance and fight hard at Luyang Pass to prepare for war in Nanyang.

Completely armed Nanyang into a hedgehog.

When he learned that his eldest son died in the battle at Luyang Pass, Zhou Faming burst into tears and took advantage of the situation to hold a memorial ceremony for the soldiers who died in Luyang Pass. The Liang army was furious and wanted to fight to the death with the Tang army.

When the Tang army crossed Luyang Pass and finally entered the Nanyang Basin, what they faced was a huddled and fierce fighting force of more than 200,000 Liang troops.

Under Nanyang City, there were dense trenches, and all around were the camps set up by the Liang army based on the city. They even set fire to the forest, just to make it less easy for the Tang army to build siege equipment.

The momentum of fighting to the death made Tang Jun stop and watch for a long time...


In Chang'an City, Li Po seemed to feel that the war had reached a critical moment, and he became anxious.

But some people are still irritating his nerves at this time...

Bu Zheng Fang, the main residence of the Gao family.

There is a faint fragrance of tea in the study, and the time is quiet.

Gao Shengao, the minister of household affairs, was sitting on the couch, and sitting opposite him was Dugu Xiude, a doctor from the official department. He was from Luoyang and the son of Duguji. After Duguji was killed by Wang Shichong, Dugu Xiude defected to Li Yuan, and Duguhuai

After En's death, he succeeded him as the head of the Dugu clan.

There is no need to elaborate on the prominence of the Dugu family. To be honest, Li Po would have called him uncle because there was a daughter of the Dugu family in the palace.

Another person is sitting on the side, and his identity is not simple either. He is a descendant of the Xiao family in Lanling, his father is the former King Linhai of Liang Dynasty, and Xiao Jing is currently the secretary and young eunuch.

He is Xiao Jing's youngest son, Xiao Cheng. He is still young, only in his early thirties. He is worthy of being the nephew of the most beautiful woman in the world. He is also good-looking...

At this time, he took a sip of tea gracefully and said: "The emperor has no interest in the Turks. It would be inappropriate if we act in private."

This chapter has been completed!
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