Chapter 970 Answers

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Outside the door of Madam Chengguo's house.

When Li Po arrived, Li Chun had been waiting with Empress Xiao for a long time.

Li Po turned over and dismounted. Empress Xiao took the lead in saluting the emperor. Li Po stepped forward to help him and said with a smile: "Madam, there is no need to be polite."

Then he looked at Li Chun and said, "After leaving the palace, you have become more and more lively. You wander around and no one cares about you. Madam, if you have nothing to do, you should teach her a lesson, otherwise I will be afraid of her someday."

Will fly to the sky."

Li Chun shook his head a few times in dissatisfaction and muttered: "Brother is busy with official duties all day, how can he remember that there is a girl... Besides, I don't go out very often, and I only come here to accompany my wife... It's not like the eldest brother who goes out."

There are a lot of people going to the palace..."

Empress Xiao turned sideways to let the emperor enter the palace while watching them bicker. It was the first time for her to see their brother and sister getting along, so it was a bit strange.

Looking at Li Chun's unbridled talk, one can tell that the extent of the eldest princess's favor is quite consistent with the rumors and her speculations, or even exceeds it.

Li Po was poked by the girl. According to his thick skin, it was not a big deal. He just raised his hand to scare Li Chun.

Li Chunxi smiled and dodged for a moment, then raised his chest and raised his head and said, "Brother, you can't hit me anymore. I'm married and I belong to my husband's family."

Li Po sneered. If you have a husband, you can't fight. What kind of truth is that?

However, as long as he sees this lively girl, his mood will become much clearer unconsciously. Moreover, he is in a really good mood now, and he is even happier.

Well, Empress Xiao is still so eye-catching...

Li Chun also beamed when she saw her eldest brother. She didn't like the atmosphere in the palace very much, especially Nanya. She felt that it was spooky and ghostly. If Li Po knew about this, he would definitely curse him.

The majestic spirit has nothing to do with ghosts.

Therefore, Li Chun saw his elder brother less and less, especially after getting married. Today, he was very happy to see his elder brother alive. He kept chattering, which made Li Po a little annoyed.


After more than a year of renovation of Mrs. Chengguo's Mansion, there are not many traces left by Qin King Li Shimin. The place where the Literature Museum was was still remains, but the houses where the bachelors lived, the quiet rooms where they studied, and the prostitutes lived.

The courtyard was demolished and many trees, flowers and plants were planted, leaving only two pavilions standing between the plants and trees for Empress Xiao to study.

Empress Xiao maintained an excellent relationship with the royal family. Not only did the emperor occasionally visit here, but Princess Li Chun of Fufeng also often came to stay for a few days.

Therefore, not only the descendants of the Xiao family like to come to visit, but also relatives and friends of the Xiao family often come to visit. If you want to see Empress Xiao, it depends on fate.

Just like in Jinyang, Empress Xiao lived in seclusion and generally did not see foreign visitors. She only allowed a few nephews and grandnephews to receive foreign visitors.

When I was traveling some time ago, Wang Yun, the head of the household department and warehouse department, was shocked. He fell ill and caused a huge disturbance. As a result, the number of foreign visitors gradually disappeared and the house became deserted again.

When a woman, once a queen, had the title of the most beautiful woman in the world, she was still safe after the fall of the country, but she had a dispute with an idol on the street, and she overthrew a family like the Gao family.

Even if you want to approach such a woman to flatter her, you have to consider whether you have the weight to do so. If a bad rumor spreads, the emperor misunderstood something, how many heads in your family do you think are enough to be beheaded?

It was the same place as last time. Li Po sat down, and Li Chun took over from the maid to pour tea for his brother. He said with a smile: "Please have a cup of tea. It's just that the elder brother came in a hurry and didn't have time to prepare the black silk hair, which is quite unsightly."

Li Po waved his hand like a fly, "Go, go, don't cause trouble."

After driving Li Chun away, he slightly offered his hand to Empress Xiao, "I bothered Madam a while ago. I originally wanted her to go, but firstly, the traces were too heavy, and secondly, I was afraid that she would kill the person with a sword, so I invited her."

Madam came forward... It seems that the method was too low-handed, and it also damaged Madam's reputation. I'm really ashamed."

Empress Xiao returned the gift with a smile, but said in her heart, of course there is a third one, the eldest princess has just married the husband, how can you be willing to let her show up in public?

"Your Majesty, you are very polite. I have been protected by Your Majesty so far, and I have nothing to repay. It is just a trivial matter and not worth mentioning."

Li Chun interrupted, "My wife's life is too pure. It's good to stir up some troubles to entertain her. If brother ever has such a trivial matter in the future, just look for me... I haven't killed anyone in many years, no."

It will cause trouble."

Li Po ignored her and just said to Empress Xiao: "I want to inform Madam that the Liang Kingdom has been destroyed. Empress Xiao and her family will be escorted to Beijing soon. Madam, please don't panic when she arrives."

Empress Xiao was stunned. He didn't care much about military and political affairs, so no one came to her to say anything. When she first heard about this, she was quite shocked. The Liang Kingdom was destroyed like this? It was too fast...

Well, that's it for now. Liang Guo really has nothing to do with her. I think I met Xiao Xian once, but I can't remember what he looks like.

Furthermore, Xiao Yan's descendants are not close to other branches, so it doesn't matter.

Seeing the emperor's solemn expression, Empress Xiao pondered for a moment before saying, "Does the Supreme Lord want me to see him?"

Li Po laughed, he was very satisfied with Queen Xiao's political sensitivity, "After all, she is a descendant of the Xiao family in Lanling, a member of a famous family, and I can't bear to kill her.

But I don’t know what this person’s character is like. Madam is of the same clan as him. Please help me take a look and give some advice, so as not to cause any more injustice in the future..."

Empress Xiao looked at the young, powerful and capable emperor in front of her, and carefully considered the meaning of these words. After a long time, she gently nodded and said: "This is not difficult. I will meet him when he comes, but this is

I have never seen this person before, so I am afraid that if I see the wrong person, something will happen. Your Majesty, please don’t blame me."

Li Po nodded, "Madam, don't worry, this is an act of saving people, a great good deed, there is nothing to be tabooed about. I also asked Xiao Shiwen some time ago, and he seemed to be reluctant to see Xiao Mian coming back. I don't know why?


Empress Xiao looked at him helplessly, thinking to herself that so many of your ministers did not ask, but asked me instead... Or do you mean that you already know the answer, but you are still asking here knowingly?

"I don't know so much... maybe I have something to do with my uncle Anping Wang Xiao Yan? At that time, after the fall of the Western Liang Dynasty, everyone in the Xiao family came to Chang'an and they were all in a state of embarrassment. Later, my uncle rebelled against the Sui Dynasty and surrendered to Chen, so that everyone could return to Chang'an.

Being implicated, you... feel a little bit resentful?"

Li Po nodded. It was pretty much the same as what others said. Could it be that Xiao Yan's lineage had a backlash? After all this back and forth, the people of the Xiao family in Chang'an now, in addition to holding grudges, were probably also afraid of being implicated by Xiao Mian.

Alas, a subjugated king is trouble... He still doesn't know that Li Jing has already taken care of his worries for him...

This chapter has been completed!
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