Chapter 984

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The former minister of Hubu and the Duke of Yiyuan County were named Xin, a native of Bingzhou, and one of Li Yuan's old people in Taiyuan.

The reason why Li Po thought he was familiar was not because of anything else, but because this man was quite famous in Taiyuan. The year before last, when Li Po was preparing to lead his army south to Chang'an, someone in Jinyang actually wanted to report this man. You are very angry.

As for whether this man has a daughter who is as beautiful as a flower, you can only remember it when you hear his daughter's name. Because his daughter is so famous, many people will not find out who her father is.

Li Po is one of them.

Warrior Yu was a wealthy businessman in Jin. At the end of the great cause, the treasury was empty, and Yang Guang began to sell his official positions. Warrior Yu was similar to Xue Ju, Li Gui and others. He bought a team leader position from Yingyang Mansion, which was considered an official status.

Then he continued to work hard and attached himself to Li Yuan, the Duke of Tang Dynasty who was left behind in Taiyuan at that time. This was a big deal with huge profits.

There are many rumors about the warrior Xun fawning over Li Yuan. In fact, the most reliable one is that he was well-known in Jinyang and his family was wealthy. When Li Yuan was short of men, he recruited strong men for Li Yuan.

When Li Yuan wanted to suppress the bandits, he sent people to persuade the bandits to surrender. When Li Yuan was short of food and grass, he provided him with food and supplies. When Li Yuan was in trouble with the Wang family, he stood firmly on Li Yuan's side.


Just think about it, what person in power wouldn't like such a loyal and generous person?

So the warrior Xun finally became popular. He first served as a counselor in Taiyuan's left-behind mansion, and later when Li Yuan went south, he served as a cao cao in the general's mansion and joined the army.

Li Yuan entered Chang'an and began to reward meritorious officials lavishly. The warrior Yu was promoted to the title of Founding Duke of Shouyang County, Doctor Guanglu, and then to such important positions as Minister of Rites and Minister of Huangmen.

Later, he also served as the ambassador of Xuanwei in Hedong, mainly because he wanted to use his connections in Jin to stabilize the situation at that time. Unfortunately, not long after he took office, Li Po led his army to fight Li Shentong, and Jin suddenly collapsed.

Unfortunately, the situation took a turn for the worse, and the warrior Yu and others fled back to Chang'an in panic.

Until Li Po led his army into Chang'an, the warrior Yu started his career as a merchant. Apart from hugging Li's thigh, he had no foundation. What's even more frightening is that he was too close to Li, except for Jiang Baoyi and a few others.

, he received the most favor from Li.

Everyone else was still a member of a well-connected family and had family support behind them, but Samurai Yu was alone. Feeling that he could not escape this misfortune, Samurai Yu went home and shut himself up, waiting for someone to come and settle the score with him.

But after waiting and waiting, everyone forgot about this person. Not only did the samurai Yuqian have a weak foundation, but his official qualifications were also extremely weak. Even though he had served as high-ranking officials many times, he was all appointed within a few years, which was almost as good as in the past few years.

After walking around in various places, getting familiar with the official procedures, and showing his face, who can remember him?

When Li Po entered Chang'an City, the warrior Yu had only been in office for two months.

When he poked his head out of his home, trying to figure out how to get back up, he was shocked to find that people had almost forgotten about him.

Compared with those nobles who are remembered everywhere, a businessman is obviously not worthy of everyone's concern. There is no minister in the household department. After Su Dan took office, he only made some inquiries and saw that he did not show up automatically, so he

I will not mention this person.

Samurai Yu's move to avoid disaster seems to take his own life too seriously, but if you think about it in reverse, you will understand that this method of hiding quickly and not showing up is simply too necessary.

There is a minister missing in the household department and no one cares where he went. Just imagine, if he appeared there and they killed him, wouldn't it be silent and no one would complain about him?

After staying at home for a year and a half, living in seclusion, the samurai Yu finally felt that his life was safe, so he went out to visit his former colleagues to see if he could find another official position.

But there is no need to mention what happened to him. People with higher official positions could not see him at all, and a concierge could block him out. People with lower official positions could see him, and most people who saw him were just like him.

a reaction.

I looked at him carefully first, and then suddenly remembered, ah, this is Lao Wu, but I haven't seen him for a long time, where is he working?

Oh, I lost my official position... It's good to lose my official position. How can we work so hard... Ah, you want to rejoin the job? Oh, Lao Wu, please don't harm me...

Most of them look like this. They say that when people leave and their tea is cold, they will freeze to the bone.

Needless to say, in the end he begged Feng Deyi's family. Feng Deyi was not greedy for money and lustful, and he didn't have much close friendship with the warrior Yu. However, Feng Deyi had a really bad reputation. When he asked for help, he turned out to be someone with a bad reputation.

The easiest to be impressed.

As a businessman, you are very familiar with doing this kind of thing.

What impressed Feng Deyi was simply that he liked him.

It is no secret that Feng Deyi likes to collect paintings by famous artists, so when the warrior Yu came to visit, he brought more than ten paintings by Lu Tanwei, Tian Kui, Yang Zihua, etc., which were worth thousands of gold.

The warrior Xun was so generous and generous, just like when he made friends with the people around Li Yuan, he spared no effort.


In the Tai Chi Hall, Li Po picked up the article and read through it. It was very common for the emperor's ministers to directly convey some suggestions to the emperor, which implicitly meant recommendation.

If there is any insight or exquisite flattery in the article that is appreciated by the emperor, even if the person who wrote the article is just a commoner, he will be able to rise to prominence in the future.

This is a shortcut. Many people who have been steadily promoted do not like these people, so they classify them as lucky ministers.

Of course, it is not easy to get the emperor's ministers to submit articles. Firstly, you must be able to meet them. Secondly, you must have real talent and learning. Thirdly, what you write must arouse the interest of the emperor, etc. Otherwise,

Close ministers will not take risks.

The six strategies of the warrior Xun generally agree with these conditions.

Li Po gave Feng Deyi this face, and he had to accept such private discounts in addition to government affairs... The small account book must be recorded, and the guy just now criticized him for revising the history of the Sui Dynasty, so he also included it...

More than an hour later, Li Po rubbed his eyes. When he raised his head, the lights had been lit and his stomach growled. It turned out that it was dinner time.

As Feng Deyi said, the article is indeed quite insightful.

Among them, the most interesting thing in Li Po's opinion is that he thinks that most businessmen are vulgar and only care about wealth.

He suggested that the imperial court encourage businessmen to enroll in school. Firstly, the businessmen can learn arithmetic so that they will not suffer losses in future financial transactions. Secondly, they can learn etiquette and improve the image of the businessmen. When businessmen travel around, their image is improved, which makes people everywhere

They will have a better impression of each other

monthly ticketmonthly ticket

This chapter has been completed!
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