Chapter 32: An Unusual Breakfast

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On the way, Zhu Zhuqing hesitated to speak.

Wang Tingxuan smiled and said, "If anything happens, just tell me. I was quite surprised that you took action last time."

Zhu Zhuqing raised his head and glanced at Wang Tingxuan, "We are classmates, that's right. I want to know your method of absorbing soul rings beyond your years. If there is a secret, you don't have to tell it."

"You plan to absorb the soul ring beyond the age limit? There are many dangers involved."

"I want to become stronger and change my destiny."

After hearing his answer, Wang Tingxuan could only sigh. The Zhu family was kidnapped in the struggle for the throne of the Star Luo Empire. It was very difficult to escape their fate.

Judging from the looks of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, their chances of winning are really not high.

"To put it bluntly, there is actually no secret. For ordinary people, as long as the physical and mental strength are strong enough, the probability of martial soul mutation is higher, and the innate soul power is higher. Similarly, physical and mental strength also limit the ability to absorb souls.

The age of the ring.”

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it was so simple.

But the truth is that simple.

Martial spirits have given humans great conveniences, but also restricted their development. Douluo Continent has a history of tens of thousands of years, and up to now, most people still use the soul skills given by soul rings to fight and create their own souls.

Very few skills.

Human beings are limited to their martial souls. If they lose their martial souls, they have nothing.

Just like the absorption period of a soul ring, after a long period of trial and error, people summed up their experience and came up with the absorption period of a soul ring. After that, they were restricted by this period and did not dare to go beyond the limit.

Tang San was a time traveler and had a secret of his own. Even though he had been taught by Yu Xiaogang for six years, he did not regard the age of the soul ring as an unbreakable existence like others.

When I was about to return to the dormitory, I met Dai Mubai and Oscar. They were probably going to the cafeteria to eat.

Seeing Wang Tingxuan talking to Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai's smiling face immediately became clouded.

He came directly to Zhu Zhuqing's side and asked, "Why are you with him?"

"You don't have to worry about my affairs!"

Zhu Zhuqing snorted coldly, said something impatiently, and walked away from him.

Dai Mubai looked at Wang Tingxuan threateningly, "You'd better stay away from Zhuqing, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Wang Tingxuan shook his head helplessly, turned and left his side, in the direction of the girls' dormitory.

This made Dai Mubai misunderstand even more.

When Oscar saw this, he quickly stepped forward to stop Dai Mubai. After the battle in the Star Forest, no one dared to underestimate Wang Tingxuan, an auxiliary soul master.

"Boss Dai, they may just meet each other, so don't be impulsive."

After being stopped by Oscar like this, Dai Mubai calmed down and knew that he could not trouble Wang Tingxuan no matter what.

After breaking free from Oscar's arms, Dai Mubai turned around and walked towards the entrance of the academy.

"Boss Dai, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to Sotuo City to vent my anger." Dai Mubai's voice was loud, and Zhu Zhuqing, who was not far away, could hear it clearly. Her figure paused for a moment, and then sped up.

When Dai Mubai saw Zhu Zhuqing like this, he also increased his speed angrily.

Oscar scratched his head and could only walk towards the cafeteria.

When they arrived at the girls' dormitory, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu had already tidied up the room, "Why did you two come here?"

Wang Tingxuan explained while taking dishes from the space: "Don't we have to give you time to clean up the house?"

Xiao Wu glared at Wang Tingxuan, "Hurry up and take out the wine, let us have a taste too."

"You also drink?"

"Why not? I've long wanted to try the wine that Teacher Zhao has been talking about. How does it taste?"

"Okay, I just didn't expect that you, a little rabbit, can drink. Do you want me to add a spicy rabbit head to your meal?"

"I am going to kill you."

Ning Rongrong quickly hugged Xiao Wu, fearing that she would actually take action and destroy the food on the table.

"Xiao Wu, he just made you angry on purpose, don't be fooled."

Xiao Wu looked at Wang Tingxuan angrily and bit the meat in her hand fiercely, as if the piece of meat was Wang Tingxuan.

From Xiao Wu’s words, everyone also learned something about Yu Xiaogang’s personality. Of course, Xiao Wu’s words were all good things about Yu Xiaogang.

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But different people have heard different results.

Apart from anything else, at least in terms of being a teacher, Yu Xiaogang is not qualified at all. For so many years at Notting College, he really lived for free and made no contribution at all. He can't blame the teachers in the school for treating him.


This person has not achieved his goal and is unscrupulous, so he is not worthy of close friendship.

"Xiao Wu, Tang San is so powerful, was it taught by the master?"

Xiao Wu shook her head, "The master only taught Xiao San theoretical knowledge, and Xiao San studied the rest by himself."

Ning Rongrong exclaimed in surprise: "Tang San is so amazing, he can create so many self-made soul skills."

"Of course Xiaosan is awesome." Xiaowu said proudly.

At this time, she drank a little wine and her face turned red.

After sitting for a while, Wang Tingxuan left the girls' dormitory and returned to his room to rest.

The next day, Wang Tingxuan was awakened by Tang San's movements as usual, and then prepared to get up.

Wang Tingxuan didn't plan to cook for the people in the college every day, so he didn't go to the cafeteria early.

I thought today's breakfast would be as usual, but when I arrived near the cafeteria, I discovered something unusual.

A tangy aroma came from the cafeteria, it was the taste of meat.

When did Flanders become so generous that he was willing to put meat in his meals?

Entering the cafeteria, Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Ning Rongrong were already sitting at the table.

"Don't think that your cooking skills are the only one that is great. The master's cooking skills are no worse than yours."

Wang Tingxuan asked with a smile: "You will know if you are good or not. How about we make a spicy rabbit head bibi?"

Xiao Wu immediately stood up and said, "You are looking for a fight."

Tang San did not stand up to protect Xiao Wu this time, but pulled her back to her seat and whispered to persuade her.

After listening to Tang San's words, Xiao Wu glanced at the kitchen in the cafeteria, stuck out her tongue, and stopped talking.

Others don't know the master's temper. How could Xiao Wu not know it? Tang San is the master's disciple. She has been exposed to it for so many years. She has a certain understanding of the master.

If you don't eat honestly, you will definitely be reprimanded.

Tang San is probably the only one who can make Xiao Wu calm down.

Wang Tingxuan picked up the tableware and prepared for breakfast. The master handed him a bowl of broth, then grabbed two steamed buns and two eggs from the side and placed them on a plate in front of him.

"Eat well. I hope you can study in the academy with peace of mind and don't deliberately cause trouble."

Wang Tingxuan frowned, is this a warning?

Then let me see what you are capable of.

Some people are better known than meeting them. I hope you have some real skills.

I have to say that the master's craftsmanship is quite good and the broth tastes good. There seems to be some medicinal materials added to it.

These medicinal materials are still somewhat effective for ordinary soul masters, but they are of no use to Wang Tingxuan. His physical strength is very high.

The meaning of this unusual breakfast must be unusual. Looking at the honest Xiao Wu, you can tell that the master is usually quite harsh on others.

Behind this harshness, it probably represents strict training methods.

Watching them compare Wang Tingxuan's cooking skills while eating, Wang Tingxuan could only say to them in his heart, I wish you good luck.

This chapter has been completed!
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