Chapter 1057 Battlefield!

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The prehistoric star field, the front line of war.

As the Soul-Destroying Organization went to war with the forces of the entire prehistoric star field, a frontline battlefield was directly divided.

At the junction of the Crazy Sword Territory and the Kaitian Territory, this is the front line of the entire battlefield.

Because of the contact between the Crazy Blade Territory and the Kaitian Territory, if the Soul-Destroying Organization wants to completely wipe out the forces of the entire Primordial Star Territory in one fell swoop, the first place to bear the brunt will be the Kaitian Territory where the Kaitian Clan is located.

And a city in Kaitian Territory is called Pingxin City.

Outside Pingxin City is the entire battlefield.

This place is close to the edge of the Open Heaven Territory, and it is also the place with the closest contact with the Crazy Sword Territory.

At this moment, in Pingxin City, there are many top-notch strong men, and there is even a strong man in the universe.

This strong man in the universe realm was promoted through his own cultivation, and he is an ancestor of the Immortal Sword Pond.

It wasn't until the war started that everyone knew about this person's existence.

It can also be regarded as the foundation of the Eternal Sword Pond.

And when this person appeared, it caused waves of waves, because among the three top forces, Changsheng Jianchi is the most low-key top force.

However, at such a critical moment, a strong man from the universe realm was directly taken out.

This is a strong man who shocked Kaitianmen.

After all, what you need to know is that even a top force like Kaitianmen only has a strong man in the universe realm, the master of Kaitianmen, and the Changsheng Sword Pool actually directly took out the second strong man in the universe realm.

At this moment, in a stronghold in Pingxin City.

The ancestor of the Eternal Sword Pond is called Jian Yi. Jian Yi is sitting on the main throne. As a cosmic realm powerhouse from the prehistoric forces that controls Pingxin City, Jian Yi naturally has this qualification.

Under Jianyi were the great elder of Kaitianmen, a strong man in the late stage of Tianxiang Realm, and Vice Dean Li Hongfu.

There are also some powerful people in the Heavenly Phase Realm from other forces. The total number of powerful people in the Heavenly Phase Realm here has reached a terrifying double digit.

And below these powerful people in the Celestial Realm, there are some top beings in the Immortal Realm, such as immortal monsters like Zi Yan.

Several sequences in the Prehistoric Branch created a storm during this war.

Not only have they reached the limit of the Immortal Realm, they will soon be able to enter the Heavenly Phase Realm. They even broke the limit of 10,000 feet. The strongest Xiao Kong has an immortal body of 70,000 feet, which is unlimited.

It's close to the original Zi Fengyu.

Naturally, it also received great attention.

Now, in the stronghold, everyone is discussing how the next battle should proceed.

For a moment, the entire room was filled with an atmosphere of urgency.

"The Purple Sky Leopard has appeared on the edge of the Crazy Sword Realm. It seems that this time it is the Purple Sky Leopard who is on the front line of soul destruction!"

A Tianxiang realm expert from the Zi family spoke with a cold expression.

It is true that Zi Tian Bao was still the third master of the Zi family in the past, but now that Zi Tian Bao has betrayed the entire Zi family, his title of third master has also been completely eliminated.

He was even more disliked by many strong men of the Zi family. In their mouths, Zi Tian Bao had become a thief.

After listening to this man's words, everyone couldn't help but their expressions darkened slightly.

Even though the Purple Sky Leopard was expelled from the Zi family, the Purple Sky Leopard's combat power was still terrifying, especially since the Purple Sky Leopard had a cosmic-level weapon in its hands, which made everyone present fear Bei.

Even Jian Yi is like this.

However, as a strong person in the universe realm who sits in Pingxin City, and the ancestor of the Eternal Sword Pool, Jian Yi is not just a strong person in the universe realm, but a being who has gone further in the universe realm.

Jian Yi snorted coldly: "I want to see whether this Purple Sky Leopard is more powerful or my sword is faster!"

"If Zitianbao takes action, he will be handed over to me!"

"Even if I am no match for the Purple Sky Leopard, I can still hold on until the reinforcements arrive!"

As soon as these words came out, the tense atmosphere in the room also decreased a bit.

After all, the only one who poses a threat to them is Zi Tian Bao, and the other strong men don't matter.

"It's not just the Purple Sky Leopard. According to the information from the scouts, a man in black is also following the Purple Sky Leopard. The aura of the man in black is probably at the peak of the Heavenly Phase Realm!"

Another strong man spoke.

Man in black!

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and a solemn look appeared on their faces again.


Everyone knows the men in black too well.

They can even be sure that the man in black is probably the core figure of the entire soul-destroying organization. Maybe their strength is not top-notch, including the strong ones in the universe, they are probably around one person.

But the methods of each of their men in black are extremely weird.

It’s not like they haven’t fought against men in black before. Perhaps the man in black in front of them is only in the middle stage of the Heavenly Phase Realm, but when their weird methods are used, he can even explode into the late Heavenly Phase Realm.

, even infinitely close to the combat power of the universe.

It often takes three or four strong men of the same realm to stop a man in black of the same realm.

It's extremely difficult to deal with.

But now, a man in black with a peak level of cultivation in the Celestial Realm has appeared, which is a bit scary.

For a moment, the entire room was once again filled with a slightly depressing atmosphere.

It is true that the strength of the soul-destroying organization may not be the opponent of the entire prehistoric force, but their methods are too weird. Different men in black have different weird methods. This is what makes them most annoyed.

At this moment, at the edge of the Crazy Sword Realm.

The Purple Sky Leopard dressed in purple looked towards the entire Kaitian Territory with a cold expression, and finally slowly withdrew his gaze.

"What did the messenger ask you to do?"

Zitianbao slowly looked at the man in black next to him.

The man in black was completely shrouded in black clothes, and even the Purple Sky Leopard standing next to the man in black could not see his expression.

You can only judge a person's thoughts through his emotional fluctuations.

The man in black slowly raised his head, revealing his pale face, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Do you really want to know?"

Looking at the eyes of the man in black, Zi Tianbao frowned slightly. He didn't know why, but he always had a feeling of disgust towards this guy.

Then he turned his gaze and fell in the direction of Kaitianyu again.

"I hope you won't hold me back!"

"If you hinder my plan, I can kill you even if there is a messenger behind you!"

Purple Sky Leopard snorted coldly.

However, the man in black didn't seem to care about the threat of the Purple Sky Leopard. He just smiled coldly and had no other thoughts.

Like the Purple Sky Leopard, he looked in the direction of the Open Sky Territory.

After a while, the Purple Sky Leopard's voice sounded again.

"It's almost time, it's time to take action!"

"Let's do it!"

As the Purple Sky Leopard's voice sounded softly, ripples appeared in the surrounding void.

The next moment, behind the Purple Sky Leopard, an extremely terrifying aura erupted, and there were several powerful figures of the Heaven Realm mixed in it.

Each one exudes a turbulent atmosphere.

In an instant, he killed in the direction of Kaitian Territory.

At this moment, on the city wall of Pingxin City, there was a strong man looking far away, staring ahead, and suddenly saw a dense number of figures heading towards the location of Pingxin City.

Immediately someone yelled.

"Enemy attack!"

woo woo woo woo!!!

The piercing sirens instantly echoed throughout Pingxin City.

At this moment, the expressions of many middle and high-level officials who were still thinking about countermeasures in the room changed slightly, and they immediately took action and arrived on the wall of Pingxin City.

Jianyi put his hands behind his back and stared at the densely packed army in front of him, with a murderous intention between his white eyebrows.

"Do it!"

In an instant, many strong men in Pingxin City took action in unison, launching their own attacks one after another and attacking the army that filled the sky.

Zi Yan, Xiao Kong, Chen Jie, and Zi Long stood on the city wall, looking at the army in front, with a tired look on everyone's face.

Except for the purple dragon.

I don’t know whether Zilong is a martial arts idiot or a fighting madman. Facing the army that is like a wave, one after another,

Zilong was actually extremely excited. Terrible fluctuations of the power of the world emerged from his body, and his face showed an excited look. He stepped out with a step, and the 40,000-foot immortal body behind him burst out in an instant.


"Hahaha, you bastards, your Grandpa Long is here!"

Zilong's face showed a look of mad excitement, and the terrifying power of the world instantly gathered on his fist, and he pushed out with a punch, forcefully twisting the surrounding void.

The terrifying power instantly exploded among the enemy troops.

"This really...excited!"

Chen Jie looked at Zilong and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It's been half a year since the battle started, even Chen Jie is a little overwhelmed, but Zilong is getting more and more excited.

Zi Yan's beautiful eyes glanced at Da Jun gently: "The quality this time is not very high, it should be solved soon!"

In half a year, Zi Yan also participated in many battles, and she had her own unique perspective on the scale of the war.

The brutality of the war can be discerned at a glance.

The battle that broke out now was only of a relatively average scale within half a year.

Xiao Kong smiled bitterly: "Every time a battle begins, I envy Su Yu so much. It's obviously a punishment, but the beginning of the war becomes a reward!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it would be great if you let me close the door for half a year!"

Xiao Kong said jokingly.

Zi Yan rolled her eyes at Xiao Kong and said angrily: "If you stay in seclusion for half a year, you may not be able to break through to the 70,000-foot immortal body in half a year!"

Xiao Kong touched his nose awkwardly: "Hehe, that's right too!"

Having said that, the three of them took action instantly and joined the battlefield.

In an instant, on the battlefield, the horrific aftermath of the battle spread instantly.

Mainly those in the Immortal Realm, supplemented by the Heavenly Phase Realm and the Transcendent Realm, terrifying power spreads out between heaven and earth from time to time.

On the city wall, Jianyi's gaze remained in the distance, waiting.

Waiting for the Purple Sky Leopard to take action!

As a strong man in the universe realm, in his eyes, the war in front of him is just a fight between children.

As long as he takes action, it will be enough to end this war in the shortest possible time.


He can't take action.

Once he takes action, of course the opponent's powerful cosmic realm will also take action, but in that case, he will be at a disadvantage.

After all, war is all about which of the top warriors on both sides can keep their composure the best.

Once you take the lead, the opponent will be aware of your presence and be able to assassinate you as quickly as possible.

When that time comes, it will be time to die without a burial place.

After all, once you enter the battlefield, you cannot remain vigilant at all times.

It is difficult to capture the slightest movement on the battlefield.

At the same time, in the void above the nine heavens.

Zitianbao and Jiuhan were hiding quietly in the void, staring at the battlefield below.

"After calculating the time, half a year has passed. Su Yu should have walked out of the prehistoric branch now, but why didn't he enter the battlefield?"

Zi Tian Bao murmured softly. In Zi Tian Bao's eyes, the outcome of the war was no longer what he cared about. What he cared about was Su Yu's life and death.

He wants to kill Su Yu!

Avenge your son!

After just a glance, Su Yu was not found among the vast army, which made Zi Tian Bao extremely unwilling.

"Are you hiding, or haven't you arrived yet?"

Purple Sky Leopard narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of thinking flashed in his eyes.

After a moment, the Purple Sky Leopard spoke softly to the void next to him: "Take action, remember, kill with a deadly blow!"

As Zi Tian Bao's words fell gently, waves of ripples appeared in the void.

As the ripples appeared, a figure seemed to disappear beside Zi Tian Bao.

Jiu Han, who was beside Zi Tian Bao, glanced at this fluctuation in space in surprise, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Because he is standing next to Zitianbao

After such a long time, I didn't realize that there was someone hiding beside Zi Tianbao.

It has to be said that the person next to Zitianbao is really considered to be a top-notch strongman in the secret group.


Jiuhan finally smiled and said nothing.

In the battlefield.

Zi Yan and the others took action frantically, and the terrifying Immortal Dharma Body appeared in an instant. With one punch, they blasted the Dharma Body of a strong man in the Immortal Realm to pieces.

At the level of Zi Yan and the others, ordinary immortal realm experts would basically seek death when facing them.

There is no way to survive.

And the other party obviously knows this, so basically unless several powerful people in the late Immortal Realm join forces, they generally won't come to them.

“It’s really easy!”

Chen Jie smiled slightly, and the long sword in his hand emitted bursts of sword light, which was as dazzling as the white snow.

Xiao Kong's expression was solemn: "This is a battlefield, don't take it lightly!"

The fact that Xiao Kong can reach this point by himself is enough to show that Xiao Kong has a good character. Even when facing such a relaxed situation, he still remains vigilant.

"Haha, you are worthy of being the second rank of the Prehistoric Branch. You are really cautious!"

But the moment his words fell, a faint laughter sounded in Xiao Kong's ears.

Xiao Kong's entire expression instantly became serious.


Chen Jie reacted instantly, and the long sword whizzed out, killing in the direction from which the sound came.

But the sharp sword energy seemed to become extremely sluggish at this moment.

Only a thin figure could be seen walking out slowly, like a creature in the shadows, and his skinny fingers gently pinched the sword energy.

Crushed instantly.

"Jie Jie Jie, the three geniuses from the Honghuang Branch, and Miss Zi Yan, we haven't seen each other for a long time!"

The thin middle-aged man looked at Zi Yan, with a trace of teasing in his eyes.

Zi Yan looked at the middle-aged man, as if she was reminiscing about something. Soon, Zi Yan's face changed, and her expression instantly became serious.

"It's you! The one next to Third Uncle!"

"Haha, as expected of Miss Zi Yan, she still remembers this old slave!"

"It's a pity...the old slave and the young lady are enemies now!"

There was a smile on the middle-aged man's face, and in an instant, he lightly slapped his palm.

The terrifying cosmic power swept out from the middle-aged man's palm instantly, bringing with it an extremely terrifying energy fluctuation.

In an instant, the raging wave turned into a terrifying palm print and suddenly killed the three of them.


Zi Yan let out a coo, and her figure instantly retreated.

Chen Jie and Xiao Kong also reacted immediately. The immortal body behind them suddenly injected extremely terrifying energy into their bodies.

He reacted instantly.

In an extremely extreme state, he escaped the middle-aged man's palm.

"Hehehe, he is worthy of being the genius of the Honghuang Branch. He is only in the Immortal Realm, but he can actually avoid the palm of the old slave!"

When the middle-aged man saw this, he didn't show any anger on his face. Instead, he still looked kind and peaceful.

He took a step forward, and a terrifying cosmic power suddenly emerged from his body.

He is clearly a strong man in the middle stage of the Heaven Realm.

"It's a pity... you will only die from now on!"

The middle-aged man's voice became extremely cold.

"you dare!"

At this time, other strong men also reacted and rushed towards this direction in an instant.

It's just that they are still some distance away from here after all.


The middle-aged man pushed out his fist slowly, and the surging power of the universe burst out instantly with extremely terrifying power.


The terrifying fist seal threatened the three people with extremely powerful force.

The faces of the three people instantly turned pale. Under such terrifying power, they could not even resist at all!

"Are you going to...die?"

Zi Yan's heart trembled slightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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