Chapter 1382 Support

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Zhu Wuchang waved his hand and directly decided on this proposal.

I have to say that Su Yu's proposal is quite good.

It is true that they don't know where Immortal Zhongnan and Sword Master of Tang Dynasty are now.

If they accidentally choose the wrong one, it will not be a good thing for them.

But similarly, under such a situation, while they didn't know the deployment of the Soul-Destroying Organization, the Soul-Destroying Organization also didn't know which team Zhu Wuchang and the others would support.

Under such a situation, the best way for the Soul-Destroying Organization is to let Kong Wujian directly construct a space channel.

Through this space channel, a Tao realm strongman can instantly appear between the Xuanlan Star Territory and the Dilan Star Territory.

In this way, no matter which star field Zhu Wuchang and the others support, they will be able to support that star field in the shortest possible time.

In this way, the pace of the Ninth Academy of Starry Sky can be delayed.

And Su Yu’s method... ??

Undoubtedly, it was a suspicious plan, so the Soul Exterminator Organization had no choice but to let the Sword Master of the Tang Dynasty and Immortal Zhongnan show up.

In this way, they can provide support to another star field.

Thus, in the shortest possible time, relying on two Dao realms and strong men on the Earth Ranking who are above the Soul-Destroying Organization, we can occupy another star field!


The Soul-Destroying Organization can almost be considered a failure.

Just to complete the premise of this plan, someone needs to directly hold down the three Taoist realm experts.

Although Dean Wang is a strong Taoist, his cultivation level is only slightly higher than that of Zhu Wuchang.

If you want Dean Wang to hold down three powerful Taoists, isn't this simply asking Dean Wang to die?

So the best way is to let Liu Wushuang take action.

Liu Wushuang, as a strong man in the Heaven Ranking, has mastered the bloodline of hell. It is not difficult for him to take action to hold down the three strong men in the Tao Realm.

Therefore, the best candidate for this method is Liu Wushuang.


This method was proposed by Su Yu. In Su Yu's opinion, wasn't this just a way of cheating his teacher?

So I am still very worried.

After Zhu Wuchang decided on this method, he took a deep look at Su Yu and said slowly, "I know you are worried about Lao Liu. The three Taoist realm experts are not joking, but don't forget it!"

"When you come out of the Star Tower world, Lao Liu will be able to face the three sword masters of the Great Tang Dynasty in the sky!"

"Although Ying Feng's strength is higher than Kong Wujiang, you have to know that Lao Liu is a strong person on the Heavenly Ranking!"

"As a strong person on the Heavenly Ranking, even the Master of the Dan Palace at the bottom of the ranking can still compete with two strong people of the same realm at the same time, let alone Liu Wushuang!"

"Liu Wushuang's original talent was still above mine. Although it is not as good as you, a monster, but you have to know that you are not the only genius in the depths of the universe. Liu Wushuang was a genius back then, but now he...

…He is still the genius he was before!”

Listening to Zhu Wuchang's words, Su Yu's body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

It is true that he is a genius, he can fight across levels and is invincible in the same realm, but there are too many geniuses in the depths of the universe.

Liu Wushuang was able to stand out from so many talented people back then.

What's more, he and his father, as well as Zhu Wuchang in front of him, are known as the three geniuses, which is enough to explain everything.

And, more importantly, Liu Wushuang was already a strong person on the Heavenly List before he got the hell bloodline.

Now that he has obtained the bloodline of hell, Su Yu really doesn't know how terrifying Liu Wushuang's combat power is.

But judging from the battle when he came out of the Star Tower world.

The three Dao realms could only barely delay Liu Wushuang's pace.

Then... it shouldn't be difficult for Liu Wushuang to delay the three Dao realms.

And, more importantly...

This is just a delay, not a life and death battle. There is a high probability that Liu Wushuang will not have any problems.


Although the Sword Master of the Tang Dynasty was a powerful Taoist, he was severely injured by Zhu Wuchang when he escaped from the Tianlan Star Territory.

The poison was also left behind.

Although the current Sword Master of the Tang Dynasty can still burst into Tao realm combat power, compared to the Sword Master of the Tang Dynasty at his peak, this guy is

There's a lot of difference.

Based on this calculation, it seems that Liu Wushuang has no pressure anymore.

For a moment, Su Yu felt relieved.

What he fears most is that his own methods will cause Liu Wushuang to have some problems, and then he will really feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Zhu Wuchang and the others were extremely clear about Liu Wushuang's strength, and could even be said to be confident.

He immediately decided to use Su Yu's method.

At this time, Fang Qing also smiled and said to Su Yu, "Boy Su, don't worry too much. When we came back from the galaxy, the boss told us that if there is anything that can't be solved, just

Just ask Liu Wushuang!"

"If even Liu Wushuang can't solve the matter, then even if the boss comes in person, he may not be able to solve it 100%!"

Listening to Fang Qing's words, Su Yu's brows raised slightly.

To be able to make his father say such words, Liu Wushuang's strength has definitely reached an extremely terrifying level.

From this point of view, the best candidate for this method is really Liu Wushuang.

Thinking of this, Su Yu no longer struggled with anything.

"In that case...then get ready to go!"

Su Yu took a deep breath.

Zhu Wuchang and others also smiled after hearing these words.

However, although their army has set off, the Tianlan Star Territory still needs someone to guard it.

After much deliberation, I still chose Shadowfang to stay.

First of all, Shadow Fang's cultivation level is only five Creation Stars. Although with the assassination technique, even a strong man with six Creation Stars may not be Shadow Fang's opponent.

But among their team, Shadowfang is already the weakest.

Even Su Yu, who was the weakest before, already had the combat power of five Creation Stars, and could even kill a strong man with six Creation Stars at full power.

As for Emperor Tianyan, let’s not talk about it. He is a powerful man with seven creation stars.

Therefore, Shadow Ya's stay can also ensure that the combat effectiveness of Zhu Wuchang's team will not decline too much.

In this way, when supporting the Dilan Star Territory, the defense of the Dilan Star Territory can be broken faster.

In response, Shadow Fang didn't say anything and chose to agree.

Taking the jade pendant given to him by Zhu Wuchang, he sat in the Tianlan Star Territory.

Star Territory definitely needs a strong person from the Earth Ranking to take charge, otherwise if the Soul-Destroying Organization chooses to make a sneak attack, it will be more troublesome.

Therefore, it is still relatively important.

However, if there were no sneak attacks, it would be easier.

Shadowfang was also happy about this.

After arranging everything, Zhu Wuchang chose to summon Liu Wushuang and the others.

At the same time, he led the army of the Ninth Academy of Starry Sky and rushed towards the Dilan Star Territory.

The army came out across the sky, Zhu Wuchang and others stood at the forefront, and the battleships were suspended above the galaxy.

Every battleship exudes an extremely terrifying aura, like waves roaring across the galaxy.

On the leading battleship, Zhu Wuchang, Su Yu, Fang Qing, Emperor Tianyan and Long Teng stood on the deck.

There was a smile on Zhu Wuchang's lips.

"The news has been passed on to the teacher and Liu Laoer. Next, we will see when we can reach the Dilan Star Territory!"

Listening to Zhu Wuchang's words, Su Yu and others couldn't help but nodded.

Then, they saw Zhu Wuchang take out something that looked like white jade.

On the white jade, there are lines engraved on it. The lines are extremely complicated and look like transparent tadpoles constantly swimming on it.

The white jade exudes an extremely secret energy fluctuation. Under this extremely secret energy fluctuation, it seems that it can directly cover up the breath.

"What is this?"

Su Yu looked at the white jade-like thing in Zhu Wuchang's hand with some curiosity.

Zhu Wuchang smiled lightly and said, "This thing is called Turtle Breath Jade. It's not a good thing, but

But it has a pretty good effect!”

"That is to be able to conceal the aura, even a strong person in the Tao realm cannot detect the aura!"

"Using this thing can allow us to avoid the investigation of Tao realm experts. In this way, we can better catch them by surprise!"

Su Yu's eyes lit up.

The method I mentioned before is certainly a good method, but it has a fatal weakness. .??.

That is, there are still a lot of people in their team, and it is difficult to avoid the detection of powerful people in the Tao realm.

Once their team is discovered, they will retreat directly. Even if Liu Wushuang is extremely powerful, he may not be able to allow them to support the Xuanlan Star Territory.

And now, with the existence of Turtle Breath Jade, it naturally gives their method a greater chance of success.

For a moment, surging energy surged out.

The Turtle Breath Jade exuded the radiance of milky white energy, and in just an instant, it directly enveloped the surrounding battleships.

Buzz buzz!!!

Between the heaven and the earth, there were waves of micro-sounds.

Immediately afterwards, the battleships with extremely terrifying auras completely lost their aura at this moment.

If it weren't for the naked eye, you would be able to see their warships constantly shuttling across the galaxy.

You can't even feel the breath of these battleships at all.

"Set off!!"

Zhu Wuchang immediately waved his hand, and in an instant the warships roared one after another and rushed towards the location of the Dilan Star Territory.

However, under the envelope of white energy, not only the breath has been completely covered up, but also the roaring sound of the battleship has been suppressed.

at the same time.

In the Xuanlan Star Territory.

Inside the tent of the Ninth Academy of Starry Sky.

Liu Wushuang sat silently in his seat. Below Liu Wushuang were a group of powerful people from the Ninth Academy of Starry Sky.

Among them, Liang Haihui is also sitting below.

Because of the Xuanwu Star Territory, Liu Wushuang was afraid that Liang Haihui would lose control of his emotions after meeting someone from the Soul-Destroying Organization.

So I put it next to me and watched.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the entire camp seemed a little subtle. A powerful man lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

Liu Wushuang also gently closed his eyes, as if feeling something.

Suddenly, Liu Wushuang's eyes opened slightly, and then he took out his identity token, and there were circles of energy fluctuating on the identity token.

As the energy fluctuated in circles, messages emerged one after another on the token.

Liu Wushuang narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the information on his identity token.

Then, a bright light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

After a while, Liu Wushuang put away his identity token, and at this time, the corners of his mouth curved.

"As expected of my disciple!"

Liu Wushuang smiled slightly and murmured softly.

His voice was very soft, but in the camp, there were all the top strong men in the universe, and they were all existences with the most powerful combat power in the world.

Although Liu Wushuang's voice was very faint, they could still hear it clearly.

They couldn't help but look at Liu Wushuang in confusion.


Originally, because they had been unable to win the Xuanlan Star Territory, their mentality had begun to change slightly.

But now, when I heard Liu Wushuang's voice, I was confused and at the same time a little panicked, for fear that some bad news would appear.

However, when they looked at the smile on Liu Wushuang's lips, their panicked hearts calmed down at this time.

"Master Liu, is there any good news?"

A strong man on the ground list couldn't help but stand up and asked.

Following the sound of this person's voice, the other powerful men on the Earth Ranking also cast their gazes on Liu Wushuang.

Their morale has already begun to become a little low. If there is some good news at this time, the morale will naturally rise.

Liu Wushuang felt everyone's gazes, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"Just now..."

"The Tianlan Star Territory was breached by Zhu Wuchang and the others!!"

A faint voice sounded in the camp.

In an instant, the camp became extremely quiet, and only bursts of extremely hot breathing could be heard, slowly.

Tianlan Star Territory has been breached!

This news completely reverberated in their minds, so much so that their eyes began to turn a little scarlet.

Their morale is low, not only because they are unable to break through the Xuanlan Star Territory, but also because the other two star fields have not been broken into.

This has led to them beginning to doubt whether the Ninth Academy of Starry Sky can really annex the four major hub star areas of the Soul-Destroying Organization in one year.

And now...

After half a year passed, they finally heard such good news.

The Tianlan Star Territory was breached, which meant that their teams could finally come together.

Maybe the three separate teams will not be able to break through your defenses, but now, I have reinforcements!

With my increased strength, is it possible that I still cannot break through your defenses?

Thinking of this, a powerful man on the Earth Ranking also showed a smile after taking a short breath.

Even after Liu Wushuang felt that the atmosphere in the camp began to change, the smile on his lips became even stronger.

"Master Liu, don't you know that Master Zhu and the others are planning to support that star field?"

Liang Haihui couldn't help but said at this time.

If Zhu Wuchang was prepared to support them, now he was eager to take action directly and kill those turtles of the Soul-Destroying Organization.

Liu Wushuang glanced at Liang Haihui lightly, did not speak, and just looked outside the tent.

He looked in the direction of the Xuanlan Starfield.

"No matter which place they want to support, now..."

"Follow me and attack!"

"Fight to the death!!!"

Xuanlan Star Territory.

At this moment, in the mansion of the guardian of Xuanlan Star Territory.

Ying Feng was lying on the wicker chair enjoying himself, the sun was shining gently, and beside Ying Feng stood figures wearing dark red robes.

Every figure wearing a dark red robe exudes an extremely powerful aura.

He is clearly a strong person on the Earth Ranking.

"Deputy leader, Tianlan Star Territory has fallen!"

Suddenly, a figure slowly walked out and spoke to Ying Feng in a hoarse voice.

Ying Feng's originally closed eyes slowly opened, and the expression of enjoyment on his face also slowly dissipated at this time.

Instead, there was a gloomy look.

He did not expect that the Tianlan Star Territory would actually be breached by the Ninth Academy of Starry Sky.

As a result, the remaining Xuanlan Star Territory and the Dilan Star Territory where Kong Wujian is located will be under great pressure.

Under such circumstances, Ying Feng's whole body really felt a little uncomfortable.

"Where is Immortal Zhongnan?"

Ying Feng said calmly.

As his voice sounded, in an instant, the surrounding space was slightly distorted, and then Immortal Zhongnan, who was full of immortal energy, also appeared at this time.

The aura of Immortal Zhongnan has also become more powerful than before.

The Sword Master of the Tang Dynasty has improved after joining the Soul-Destroying Organization. Although Immortal Zhongnan is not as talented as the Sword Master of the Tang Dynasty, he has also improved.

Compared to before, it is much stronger.

Immortal Zhongnan looked at Yingfeng and said calmly, "Kong Wujian has constructed a space tunnel. As long as Zhu Wuchang supports any place, we can rush back in time!"

"In this way, even if their support arrives, we can delay their time until one year later!"

Ying Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and after thinking for a while, a smile appeared on his face again.

"So...very good!"

Ying Feng lay on the wicker chair again, and the sunlight from the sky gently swayed down and fell on Ying Feng's face.

This chapter has been completed!
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