Chapter 178: Arrogant Bear King, Sky Sword King takes action

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The army of all races is coming!

In an instant, a harsh sound resounded throughout Hope City.


The emergency horn was sounded in an instant.

Whether in the live broadcast room or in Hope City, countless people stared intently at the wilderness.

There, countless armies of all races came in unison, the earth trembled slightly, and dust filled the sky.

The ferocious monsters released a terrifying aura, intimidating the world.


There is a roaring sound that resounds throughout the wilderness.

"Is this the Wanzu?"

In the live broadcast room, someone said tremblingly.

At this moment, in the territory of the human race, countless people stopped what they were doing and looked at the live broadcast room with trembling eyes.

This is the first time that ordinary people of the human race have seen the scene of an invasion from all races.

And this scene happened in the third stage of the college entrance examination.

Some parents of candidates even covered their mouths and cried bitterly.

"My child is still taking the college entrance examination, why are all races here?"

"Yes, what should I do? Nothing happens to my child!"

"Although I don't have any children to take the college entrance examination, my brother is a soldier of Hope City. With the blessing of Buddha, nothing will happen to him!"

Some people whose colleagues, relatives, and friends are still in Hope City can't help but feel worried.

Facing the surging army of all races, countless people's hearts seemed to be lifted up, trembling slightly.

For a time, the entire Daxia was filled with an indescribable emotion.

And now, in Hope City.

Countless people stick to their posts and stand ready.

At this time, the figure of Marquis Ping'an appeared above Hope City. He was wearing black armor. The mottled blood stains on the armor seemed to bear witness to Marquis Ping'an's life.

With the appearance of Marquis Ping'an, countless people's eyes focused on Marquis Ping'an, whether it was Hope City or the human race in the back of the live broadcast room.

Ping'an Hou said loudly.

"Everyone, Hope City is at risk of survival. In front of us, armies of all races are invading us, and behind us is every inch of the human race's territory."

"In the territory, there are our parents, our relatives, our friends, and our lovers. Once Hope City falls, the goal of all races will be this piece of land behind us!"

Marquis Ping An's gaze was like a torch, sweeping across the entire Hope City, and a turbulent aura burst out from Marquis Ping An's body instantly.

It was a symbol that belonged exclusively to the powerful feudal lord.


Ping'an Hou stood proudly between heaven and earth, and a huge sword appeared in his hand.

On the broadsword, you can even see cracks.

It seemed as if the sword was going to shatter in the next moment.

"I am the Marquis of Ping'an of the human race, and I protect the peace of the human race of Great Xia. Today, I am fighting against the armies of all races in Hope City. The soldiers of Great Xia, please dare to join me in bravely killing the enemy!"

> The hoarse voice spread throughout the world.

At this moment, the blood in the bodies of countless soldiers instantly became hot, and the pupils of some veterans turned extremely red.

A killing intent that seemed to be condensing into substance spread out from everyone.

Figures emerged from the sky one after another, and they laughed.

"Hahaha, I am the grandmaster of Daxia, and I protect the peace of the human race. Marquis Ping'an, here we come!"

These are clearly the masters and powerful men of Hope City.

No matter it is Grandmaster of Stars, Grandmaster of Haoyue or Grandmaster of Great Sun, they all stand proudly between heaven and earth, with weapons appearing in their hands.

Under the sunlight, it sparkles with brilliance.

Everyone's body is filled with terrifying energy, and just standing there gives people an extremely safe feeling.

"First Scout Team obeys orders!"

On the city wall, Chen Xingyu stood upright on the city wall with his hands behind his back.

In an instant, the people in the first scout team suddenly became solemn.

Including Su Yu and others.

Under wartime conditions, they are no longer so-called candidates, but soldiers!

Soldiers of Hope City!

Soldiers of the first scout team!

Chen Xingyu looked at the people in the first scout team, stayed on Su Yu for a moment, and then opened his mouth.

"Then kill!"

These three short words instantly ignited the already boiling blood.

Every soldier, including Su Yu and the others, suddenly jumped down from the city wall as if they had lost their minds and went crazy, facing the countless armies of thousands of people approaching, and fought away.

"Second Scout Team!"

A burly middle-aged man showed a ferocious smile and waved his hand.

"How can you let the people of the first scout team be so arrogant? Tell them that we are number one!"


Streams of murderous aura soaring into the sky instantly erupted, and countless soldiers shouted and roared.

Carrying powerful power, it rushed towards all races and the army.

A thin middle-aged man wearing camouflage uniform smiled.

"When all races attack, it is a matter for my squad in the city. Children, the people in the scout squad want to take your credit. Do you agree?"


Among the garrison teams, countless soldiers roared angrily.

Zhang Xiaobai shouted the loudest.

The 10,000 points Su Yu received before had already stimulated Zhang Xiaobai.

As the number one genius in Kyoto, he has only earned a few hundred points, which translates into only a few points for the college entrance examination.

It's simply embarrassing.

Now that he was finally able to kill enemies and earn points, he was the most excited now.

Even the cold ones

The same was true for Beichen, bloodthirsty fluctuations filled his eyes, and he looked at the army of all races as if he were looking at dead people.

"If you don't agree, then kill the enemy properly. If you let me know that you didn't kill as many as the scout team in the end, hehe!"

The thin middle-aged man chuckled.

Before he could finish speaking, countless members of the garrison team jumped off the city wall and headed towards the army of all races to fight.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of candidates and more than 100,000 soldiers rushed out of Hope City, holding their own weapons.

Enveloped with streaks of spiritual energy, he instantly started fighting with the army of all races.

However, those who can face the enemy head-on are only those who are above the Zang training realm.

As for the existences under the Zang training realm, they were arranged to place energy cannons.

The energy cannon requires spiritual stones to be charged, so a strong person in the Zang training realm does not need to stand guard.

It only requires warriors at the Blood Refining Realm or Qi and Blood Realm to control it.

A veteran stood next to the energy cannon, roaring.

"It's his grandma's. Let me aim it at the center of the army of all races. It's best to blow it up to kill the grandmaster. If not, I'll make the army of all races peel off a layer of skin!"

Soon, the energy cannon was calibrated, and a ferocious smile flashed across the veteran's face.


Boom boom boom!!!

Energy missiles spurted out instantly, like a goddess scattering flowers, wildly bombarding the hinterland of the army of all races.

The missile landed and exploded with a bang.

Mushroom clouds rose up in an instant, and all the powerful men from all races who were close to the mushroom cloud had not yet reacted.

Already fallen into that extreme energy fluctuation.

Only some relatively fast warriors from all races could barely escape those fiery energy fluctuations.

But even so, some strong men from all races were seriously injured.

Before the battle even started, the army of all races had already lost tens of thousands of strong men.

Even this number is still growing, because.

The bombardment of twenty-eight energy cannonballs is far from over.


A roar sounded instantly.

Suddenly, a black bear with a height of more than ten meters appeared between the sky and the earth. The black bear's body was filled with a terrifying power.

I saw that with a gentle wave of its bear paw, it swept away three energy cannons.

The energy cannon exploded instantly on the black bear's body. It only damaged the black bear's hair, and no blood even flowed out.

No wounds!

Although the energy cannon can threaten the powerful master of the Sun.

But since becoming a Marquis, a person's power has undergone drastic changes. It can be said that in the hands of a strong Marquis, even if the energy cannon explodes next to it, it will not be a threat.

Not to mention being crowned king.

The bear tribe is originally a race that is good at defense and strength.


Even if it resisted with its physical body, the three energy missiles only burned its hair and did not damage its skin.

The King of the Bear Clan was extremely angry. He had been a clone of the Dragon-Slayer King before, severely injuring himself and the King of the Tiger Clan.

Although he has healed, his aura is still a little sluggish even after he was crowned king of the Tiger Clan.

A coconut shell fell, killing many strong men of all races.

He died before leaving the army.

But now, the two sides have not yet engaged in a head-on battle. Several missiles have fallen, and the army of all races has directly lost tens of thousands of strong men.

Many of them still have the existence of Feitian realm.

Such a loss makes even all races feel a little sad.

There are many tribes of people, but they cannot withstand such losses every time.

Therefore, the king of the bear tribe was angry.

What the hell is going on!!!

At this time, Marquis Ping'an looked at the Bear Clan's king indifferently, as if a strong king had appeared on the other side, as he had expected.

"The Bear Clan is granted the title of king. According to the regulations, those above the title are not allowed to interfere in the battles below. Do you want to break this rule?"

Generally speaking, when you reach the realm of feudal lord, you can easily take away many lives when faced with the existence below the feudal lord.

If a powerful feudal lord were allowed to break into the battlefield, the situation would be simply one-sided.

Not to mention being crowned king.

Therefore, even all races could not afford such a price, so they made an agreement with the human race that no one above the feudal lord would interfere in the battle below.

And everything the Bear Clan king did before was obviously breaking the rules.

The King of the Bear Tribe looked at the Marquis of Ping'an coldly.

"How dare you teach me a lesson even though you are a mere feudal lord?"

The Bear Clan King Feng roared angrily, simply hoping that there was no King Feng in charge of the city. Even if he destroyed it, what could he do?

It had never woken up from the anger of the Dragon Slayer King, and now another powerful man came to teach it a lesson.

This made him even more angry.

It suddenly slapped the Marquis of Ping'an with a powerful force that even made the surrounding space tremble slightly.

It seems like it's about to break.

When the Grandmaster of Hope City saw this, his expression changed drastically.

"Marquis Ping'an, be careful!"

The Marquis of Ping'an is the only feudal lord in Hope City. If something happens to the Marquis of Ping'an, then this battle will be meaningless.

However, at this moment, a sword light flashed instantly.

It suddenly struck the bear king's palm, and the powerful force cut a ferocious wound on his palm.

Blood spurted out instantly.

A faint voice sounded, like frost, with endless murderous intent.

"Are the Ten Thousand Clan bullying my human race for not being crowned king?"

All he saw was a middle-aged man in white, holding a white jade-like sword, standing quietly between heaven and earth.

Staring at the Bear King ahead!

This chapter has been completed!
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