Chapter 375 Human Hero Zhao Tianxing, Graduation Season

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All those who looked here couldn't help but tremble when they saw this scene.

Some strong men even said in shock.

"The ghost clan was destroyed?"

Countless strong men were shocked.

You must know that although the ghost clan no longer has a ghost emperor, a strong man who can become king in three steps is still among the top beings in the entire Wanzu Continent.

And such a lineup was wiped out in an instant under the snap of a mysterious man's fingers.

What a strength this is!

"Human race, you are looking for death!"

A roar came from the demon realm.

The sound was like thunder, rolling in.

The powerful aura swept over Zhao Tianxing in an instant.

It is true that this is a five-step king from the demon clan.

The powerful men in the entire Ten Thousand Races Continent were suddenly shocked.

Five steps!

Human race!

They looked at the silver figure in horror, their pupils filled with fear.

"Demons? Haha!"

Zhao Tianxing looked towards the demon realm, sneered, and his figure flickered before disappearing from the spot.

The next moment, the space was violently torn apart, and a burly figure suddenly emerged.

The figure's entire body turned into pitch black, with scarlet lines etched on the pitch black skin.

Between the eyebrows, there are ten extremely dark magic lotuses.

It is true that the five-step king of the demon clan arrived, but when he arrived, Zhao Tianxing had already disappeared.

"The damned human race actually entered the realm of my Ten Thousand Races and is looking for death!"

"All Wanzu obey the order and seal off the domain of Wanzu. I will strip this human race alive!"

The Demon King Feng roared angrily, and the sound was transmitted and resounded throughout the realm of all races.

All the strong men from the three tribes were slightly moved.

Immediately began to block himself

field of.

When a powerful demon clan member opens his mouth, especially a powerful man who has become a king in five steps, it is somewhat intimidating.

Some small tribes did not hesitate at all and blocked the area.

"The Wanzu Realm is sealed, let me see how you hide!"

The Demon King Feng laughed ferociously, and his figure quickly shuttled through the realm of all races, just to find Zhao Tianxing.

The ghost tribe is a vassal race of the demon tribe. Unless Zhao Tianxing is stripped of his life, it will be difficult to relieve his anger.

To destroy the ghost clan is to slap the demon clan in the face.

If Zhao Tianxing had not been captured, what else would the Demon Clan have been able to do to stand still among the Ten Thousand Clan?

How can some races that are vassalized under the Demon Clan convince the Demon Clan?

This is extremely important!

Along with the blockade of the Ten Thousand Clans Realm, the Demon Clan dispatched a Zunfeng King to capture Zhao Tianxing in the Ten Thousand Clans Realm.


At the same time, the human territory.

In Kyoto.

King Wu stood by the window, looked in the direction of the Ten Thousand Races Domain, and sighed softly.

"Why are you doing this? With your talent, you only need a few more years, even if you don't use that method, you can reach the stage of becoming a king in four steps."

"Although the ghost clan has been destroyed now, you won't be able to survive!"

King Wu's eyes were a little complicated.

He knew Zhao Tianxing's situation very well. After all, Zhao Tianxing was of the same generation as King Wu.

Although in King Wu's generation, all the edge was taken away by King Wen and King Wu, it does not mean that other people are weak.

King Wu's generation was also full of talented people.

It is also known as the golden generation.

Wu Wangshen

He sighed deeply and waved his hands.

The space next to him was slightly distorted, and a figure shrouded in darkness slowly emerged.

"Pass it on, Qianlong Academy Zhao Tianxing destroyed the ghost clan, congratulations to Daxia and congratulations to Qianlong!"

The man nodded slightly and then disappeared.

After doing all this, King Wu sighed, frowned, and sat in front of his desk, looking at the documents on it.

Above the document is the confirmed location of this great competition of all races.

However, the location column is blank.

After thinking for a long time, King Wu finally filled in a name in the location column.

Dragon Slayer City!

After writing these three words, King Wu seemed to have exhausted all his strength. He lay exhausted on the chair with his eyes closed.

After a long time, I let out a long sigh.

"The human race is still too weak!"


Soon, under the operation of the Warriors Association, the news of Zhao Tianxing's destruction of the ghost clan spread throughout Daxia in an instant.

At the same time, the news that Zhao Tianxing was being hunted in the Wanzu Realm was also unearthed.

"Hiss, the principal of Qianlong Academy is so fierce that he destroyed an entire race?"

"Isn't it true? Even though I paid a huge price to become a king in one day, I finally destroyed the entire ghost clan. You must know that the ghost clan is a first-class race!"

"Alas, it's a pity, Lord Zhao Tianxing, now that the Ten Thousand Races Domain is blocked, I, the powerful human race, can't enter to rescue him."

"Lord Zhao Tianxing, you are truly a hero and a model for our human race!"

"Yes, Qianlong Academy. They are all heroes!"

For a time, Zhao Tianxing's reputation resounded throughout the entire Great Xia.

Especially in the Warriors Association

Under the operation of the association, Zhao Tianxing became a model of hero, and Sun Xu's spread continued.

The reputation of Qianlong Academy has greatly increased at this moment.

There is a vague comparison to the glorious moments of the past.

At the same time, Qianlong Academy also made a unilateral announcement with the news of Zhao Tianxing.

From now on, Li Changsheng takes over as principal Zhao Tianxing until Zhao Tianxing comes back.

But everyone understands that Zhao Tianxing has spent too much money to break through the five steps to become king, and now he is being hunted by demons in the sealed realm of all races.

There is no possibility of coming back.

Everyone was filled with regret.

In the history of the human race, a race has only been wiped out three times.

One is the Dragon Slayer King, who destroyed the dragon clan.

The other one was Li Changsheng and Su Yu who destroyed the Mist Clan.

The last one was Zhao Tianxing who destroyed the ghost clan.

Everything Zhao Tianxing did made Zhao Tianxing completely become Daxia's faith.

Just like the previous Dragon Slayer King.

After all, compared to the dragon clan at that time, the ghost clan only had one less five-step king.

Zhao Tianxing is the second person after Dragon Slayer to be able to do this.

Just when everyone in Daxia was discussing Zhao Tianxing's affairs.

Time passed by, and in the blink of an eye, a month had passed.

And after a month passed, another prosperous era appeared in Daxia.

Graduation season of martial arts academy!

Every year, countless students graduate from the martial arts academy. Once these students graduate, they will either enter the twelve main cities, become members of the Warriors Association, or continue to stay in the martial arts academy to teach students.

Therefore, graduation season is also an extremely important event every year.

This chapter has been completed!
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