Chapter 391 Fighting the Demons, Crazy Zhao Wei

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Sitting in the position of the king of all races, the king from the tiger clan saw this scene, and his face suddenly darkened.

For the entire Ten Thousand Clans, drawing three tribes will undoubtedly result in a loss.

And now, in such a critical situation in the third round, the Tiger clan has drawn the God clan.

Obviously, he missed the top three.

Although the King of the Tiger Clan knew very well that it would be extremely difficult to get into the top three, the first battle was between his own race and the God Clan.

I'm really in a bad mood.

The Holy Spirit King looked at the King of the Tiger Clan with a smile and smiled.

"This time, I still want to make my friends from the Tiger Clan laugh!"

Although he said this, the arrogance in the Holy Spirit King's words did not diminish at all.

The King of the Tiger Clan could only smile bitterly and compliment him.

There is no way. Although the Tiger Clan is a first-class race, compared with the God Clan, the gap is still too big.

Sure enough, the first battle ended with the Tiger clan's defeat.

Moreover, on the God Clan's side, they only dispatched six people and they had already completely defeated the ten geniuses of the Tiger Clan.

With such terrifying combat power, even Su Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"The strength of this protoss is a bit terrifying!"

Su Yu murmured.

Su Yu observed that among the six geniuses dispatched by the Protoss this time, there were four in the middle stage of the Great Sun Grandmaster alone!

The remaining two are all strong men in the early stages of the Great Sun Grandmaster.

That’s just six people, and none of the seed players on the Protoss side have taken action yet.

But just these six people brought a lot of pressure to the human race.

Even Zhou Yuanqing couldn't help but frown slightly.

Soon, as the battle between the God Clan and the Tiger Clan ended, the voice of the Heavenly Sword King sounded.

"The races drawn with numbers 3 and 4 will come out!"

Everyone looked at each other and Tian Lingzi smiled slightly.

, walked out directly.

The early cultivation level of a Sun Grandmaster suddenly exploded.


A pale yellow shadow of the sun appeared behind Tian Lingzi, as if announcing something.

In the demon's room, the burly young man looked at Tian Lingzi and smiled ferociously.

"Unexpectedly, we got lucky and met the human race!"

"In that case, come on, Mordor!"

All they saw was a young man with a horn on his head who smiled strangely and rushed out, his cultivation also bursting out.

A cultivation level not weaker than that of Tian Lingzi suddenly erupted!


Above the square, the aura that uniquely belongs to Grandmaster Sun suddenly swept out.

Fiery fluctuations, like heat waves, rushed towards my face.

However, when he saw that his opponent was a demon, the human race's king's expression changed slightly.

"Damn it, why did we meet the demons? Are the humans really going to stop in the top three?"

"Yes, the Demon Clan's team this time is not simple. They all have the cultivation of the Great Sun Grandmaster, and the leader of the Demon Clan's genius is said to be a disciple of the Demon Emperor and has been personally passed down by the Demon Emperor."

"It's troublesome!"

Several human race kings sighed and frowned.

King Wu said calmly.

"Shut up! Watch the game in peace!"

After hearing King Wu's words, these human kings also shut their mouths obediently and looked at the battle on the square.

Tian Lingzi looked at Mordor, there was no fear on his face, but he was ready to move.

"I have long heard that the geniuses of the demon clan are extraordinary in strength.

I don’t know where the limits of the demon genius are!”

Mordor sneered, with murderous intent emerging.

"I'm afraid you will regret it!"

Mordor let out a low cry and took action instantly, carrying violent fluctuations and killing Tian Lingzi in an instant.

Tian Lingzi was not afraid at all, and also erupted with terrifying waves, directly entangled with Mordor.

Soon, the fight between the two had exceeded a hundred rounds. .??.

Zhao Wei looked at the scene in front of him and smiled lightly.

"It seems that the genius of the demon race is not as powerful as imagined. I, the human race, may not lose this battle!"

As soon as this statement came out, it was echoed by many people.

Only Xiang Shaoyun, Su Yu and Zhou Yuanqing raised their eyebrows slightly.

Although Tian Lingzi and Mordor are now equally ranked, the three of them can feel that Tian Lingzi's aura has begun to become disordered.

Su Yu sighed.

"Alas, Tian Lingzi was defeated!"

After hearing Su Yu's words, Zhao Wei frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Su Yu, I admit that your strength is quite good, but there is no need to emulate others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige!"

Obviously, Zhao Wei was extremely dissatisfied with Su Yu's words.

"Yes, Su Yu, isn't Tian Lingzi and Mordor inseparable from each other? How could they lose?"

Zhao Feng also said.

As Zhao Wei's younger brother, he naturally spoke to Zhao Wei.

Su Yu ignored the two of them and just watched the battle indifferently.

Sure enough, just dozens of seconds after Su Yu said those words, Tian Lingzi's body was hit hard and hit the ground, making a deep pit in the earth.

Tian Lingzi had a look of pain on his face and struggled to speak.

"I think


Mordor, who originally wanted to take action, snorted with regret after hearing Tian Lingzi's words.

"You know the truth!"

Immediately, he looked in the direction of the human room, raised his middle finger, and said with a smile.

"Human race. That's all!"

Zhao Wei's face looked a little ugly. One was because he was slapped in the face by Su Yu, and the other was because of Mordor's arrogance.

"What a fool, you are so arrogant, I'm going to do it!"

Zhao Wei roared, like a mad beast, and rushed out without waiting for anyone else to speak.

Tian Lingzi was taken away by the medical team, and Zhao Wei rushed to the square. The mid-level cultivation of Grandmaster Sun suddenly exploded.

Mordor's eyes flickered slightly, showing a playful look.

"I surrender!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Feng's body suddenly froze and he looked at Mordor frantically.

"Zhazui, if you have the ability, come to a fight with me!"

Zhao Wei roared angrily, he originally wanted to teach Mordor a lesson. Although Mordor was powerful, it was only the cultivation level of the early days of the Great Sun, and it was definitely impossible for him to be Zhao Wei's opponent.

Mordor sneered.

"Idiot, you really think I'm a fool of your human race. If you can't beat me, why bother?"

After saying that, Mordor walked directly out of the square, leaving a frantic Zhao Wei in a helpless rage.

Soon, a talented person from the middle period of the Great Sun walked out of the demon room. He looked at Zhao Wei with a smile and said lightly.

"Demon. Demon Ling!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Ling took action instantly, and the monstrous demonic energy spread across the sky and earth, moving towards Zhao Wei to suppress him.

Zhao Wei seemed to have found an outlet and took action frantically.

In an instant, the battle between the two began in an instant!

This chapter has been completed!
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