Chapter 814 Reactions from all parties, Yuanli initiation!

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Along with Zhang Qing defeated Ye Yuntian easily.

In an instant, waves of turbulent waves arose throughout the Ninth Sword Palace.

Ye Yuntian is the number one disciple of the Ninth Sword Palace today, and naturally he is also the number one among the disciples of the entire Ninth Sword Palace.

However, it is such a person who loses!

Some old disciples who had experienced Zhang Qing's glory were fine and just lamented that Zhang Qing was back.

But among some new disciples, there was a wave of shocking waves.

At the same time, Zhang Qing's name spread throughout the Ninth Sword Palace in an instant.

No, not just the Ninth Sword Palace.

In other sword palaces, the news that Zhang Qing defeated Ye Yuntian spread instantly.

The Sixth Sword Palace.

In a magnificent palace.

Senior Brother Lei sat quietly on the throne, beside him, while Zhang Xiaotian stood respectfully beside him.

At this moment, the badge on Zhang Xiaotian's chest has changed.

Turned into a golden badge!

In Xuandao Sect, the golden badge can only represent one thing.

Heaven level disciple!

It is true that Zhang Xiaotian, who was previously an earth-level disciple in the Ninth Sword Palace, has now become a heaven-level disciple.

But even though he has become a heaven-level disciple, he is still respectful when facing the senior brother Lei he talks about.

There was no dissatisfaction on his face.

"Senior Brother Lei, some news has come out about the Ninth Sword Palace. Zhang Qing defeated Ye Yuntian and became the number one person in the Ninth Sword Palace!"

Zhang Xiaotian said respectfully.

Lei Ming slowly opened his eyes, with destructive thunder slurry gestating in his pupils.

"Zhang Qing?"

"Sure enough, the first genius of Xuandao Sect can't bear the loneliness after all!"

There was light bursting out from Lei Ming's eyes.

"Ye Yuntian is nothing more than a loser. He is only in the middle stage of the Yin Realm and has not even mastered the artistic conception of the seventh level of martial arts. Yet he dares to call himself the number one person."

"It's just that a waste gathering place like the Ninth Sword Palace makes him a little proud."

Lei Ming said calmly.

Zhang Xiaotian smiled slightly, "Senior Brother Lei is right, the Ninth Sword Palace is just a gathering place of waste."

"Even if Zhang Qing returns to the top, but he is the king among the trash, in my opinion, he is just a trash!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Xiaotian felt an extremely terrifying coercion suddenly burst out from Lei Ming's body.

It enveloped itself.

For a moment, Zhang Xiaotian felt as if he was bathing in the world-destroying thunderbolt, as countless thunderbolts crazily impacted his mind.

For a moment, Zhang Xiaotian felt as if he was about to be blown to pieces.

"This sentence can only be said once!"

"Zhang Qingnai is the number one genius of our Xuandao Sect. Even if his cultivation was abolished because of that incident, you are not something you can evaluate at will!"

Lei Ming spoke calmly, without any unnecessary emotion in his voice.

"If that Zhang Qing is in my Sixth Sword Palace, I will definitely not be able to obtain my current status as a Xuan Sword Master!"

"If he is a loser, then wouldn't I be worse than a loser?"

Lei Ming looked at Zhang Xiaotian with calm eyes.

But such a calm look made Zhang Xiaotian dare not breathe.

I could only say quickly, "Senior Brother Lei is right, I was rude and I will never dare to do it again!"

After hearing this sentence, Lei Ming slowly withdrew his gaze.

"Okay, please pay more attention to the news about Zhang Qing."

"At this time, Zhang Qing suddenly rises again, I'm afraid something is going to happen!"

Lei Ming slowly looked outside the palace.

There was a thoughtful look in his eyes.



The third sword palace.

"elder sister!"

"Have you heard that the number one person in the Ninth Sword Palace has been replaced? He was replaced by Zhang Qing!"

On the top of the mountain, a girl in a green skirt jumped out.

The moment she heard the words of the girl in green dress, the woman in white suddenly opened her eyes.

There seems to be light floating between a pair of beautiful eyes.

A breath rising into the sky stirred the clouds above the sky, and along with it, a surging Yin force of heaven and earth swept across the entire mountain peak.

"elder sister."

The girl in the green dress looked at her sister in surprise.

If she remembers correctly, since her sister became the first person in the Third Sword Palace, she has never been so moved by one thing.

Isn't he the number one person in the Ninth Sword Palace?

The Ninth Sword Palace's current status in Xuandao Sect is already extremely low.

It seems that he is the number one heaven-level disciple, but in fact, there are many heaven-level disciples in other sword palaces who can defeat Ye Yuntian.

The woman in white took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling gently.

"I see!"

After that, the woman in white closed her eyes again.

He regained his calm look again.

The girl in the green dress looked at the scene in front of her and couldn't help pouting.

Finally, out of boredom, he disappeared into the mountains.

When the girl in the green dress disappeared, the woman in white opened her eyes again.

His eyes slowly looked towards the direction of the Ninth Sword Palace.


"Ninth Sword Palace. Zhang Qing, can you really not hold it anymore?"

"That's right. After the knife discussion conference, that's it. If I were you, I would also want to wash away my shame at it!"

The woman in white murmured, and finally there was a slight curve in the corner of her mouth.

Just because of this arc, spring blossoms bloomed on the entire mountain peak, and everything seemed to have completely awakened because of the woman's smile.


Three days later.

Inside Canglan Palace.

Su Yu slowly woke up from his practice.

Behind him, a pillar of Yuanli light slowly emerged.

A ninety-foot-long Yuanli light beam floated quietly behind Su Yu.

Ninety feet!

The pinnacle of the unity of reality and reality.

The next moment, the Yuanli light beam behind Su Yu slowly dissipated.

Su Yu opened his eyes, and a look of regret flashed across his eyes.

"What a pity. One Purple Yang Fruit can only increase my cultivation from eighty feet to ninety feet. It seems that if I want to break through to the Yin Realm, I still need an extremely huge amount of energy!"

Su Yu murmured.

It is true that in three days, Su Yu refined a Purple Sun Fruit and only raised the Yuanli Light Pillar by ten feet.

After all, at the back, it is extremely difficult to raise the Yuanli Light Pillar by one foot.

Coupled with Su Yu's breakthrough, it requires several times the same level.

Therefore, a Purple Yang Fruit only improved Su Yu's cultivation level by ten feet.

But even so, it is already terrifying to improve so much in three days.

"Well, by the way, three days are up and the palace master should be back."

Su Yu's brows raised slightly.

"If I remember correctly, the palace master will also reward me with a Yuan Power Initiation!"

When he thought of this, the corners of Su Yu's mouth couldn't help but curl up.

If you can get this initiation of Yuanli, maybe your cultivation will be able to go further!

Immediately, Su Yu simply washed up, opened the door of Canglan Palace, and walked towards Purgatory Palace.

Soon, Su Yu came to the gate of Purgatory Palace.

"Palace Master, Su Yu wants to see you!"

Su Yu bowed slightly to Purgatory Palace.

"come in!"

Kuangren Zhao's voice came from the Purgatory Palace.

Su Yu heard this and pushed open the door of Purgatory Palace.

As soon as the door was opened, Cang Lan rushed out bitterly and ran into Su Yu's arms.

"Su Yu, you are back, do you know how much I have suffered here!"

Canglan said crying.

A handful of snot and a handful of tears.

It was as if he had experienced something cruel and inhumane.

Su Yu looked at Cang Lan and was stunned for a moment.

At this time, I remembered that I had never seen Canglan since I returned to Canglan Palace.

Only then did I remember that Cang Lan was left in the Purgatory Palace.

"This is what you are."

Seeing Cang Lan's crying expression, Su Yu couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Canglan pointed her little finger in the direction of Kuangren Zhao.

All I could see was that Purgatory turned into the appearance of a cold young man. After noticing Su Yu's gaze, he snorted coldly and disappeared into Purgatory Palace.

"Su Yu, look!"

"This guy beat me for several days without even a single apology!"

Canglan suddenly became a little unhappy.

Perhaps it was because of Su Yu's arrival that Cang Lan gained the confidence and immediately shouted.

However, the words have not been spoken yet.

Then I heard a cold sound exploding in the Palace of Purgatory.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I won't mind beating you for a few more days!"

Hearing this, Cang Lan felt as if someone had squeezed his throat, and he couldn't even speak the words that came to his lips.

"Okay, stop making trouble!"

Kuangren Zhao waved his hand calmly.

His face looked a little ugly.

Su Yu naturally noticed this and ignored the conflict between Canglan and Purgatory, but looked at Kuangren Zhao.

"What's wrong, Palace Master? Why does your face look so ugly?"

Su Yu couldn't help but be a little curious.

Kuangren Zhao shook his head, "It's none of your business, it's Tianyun Sect's business, but this matter is not something you can know."

“Let’s do the initiation!”

Kuangren Zhao sighed, with a hint of sadness between his eyebrows.

Su Yu pondered for a moment, and finally chose not to ask further questions. After all, Kuangren Zhao also said that this matter was not something he could know.

Sometimes, knowing more is not necessarily a good thing.

"follow me!"

Kuangren Zhao spoke calmly.

With a wave of his hand, a crack opened in the Palace of Purgatory.

Following Kuangren Zhao as he walked down, Su Yu suddenly discovered that under the crack, there was a familiar scenery.

The secret realm of purgatory!

"What's going on?"

Su Yu's pupils shrank slightly.

Before Su Yu could react from the shock.

Kuangren Zhao said, "The Secret Realm of Purgatory is originally under the Palace of Purgatory. The Origin Power Initiation awarded to you this time will naturally be carried out here!"

"Did you see that lake? Go over and sit down, and I will give you the Yuanli initiation right away!"

This chapter has been completed!
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