Chapter 828 Crazy improvement!

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"That spiritual snake is dead?"

Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming saw Su Yu walking out alone, and their pupils shrank slightly.

They saw with their own eyes that Su Yu and Spirit Snake entered the Bagua diagram together.

Now, only Su Yu comes out, which can only explain one thing.

That is.

The spirit snake fell into the Bagua diagram.

And the person who caused all this was Su Yu in front of me!


The two of them swallowed in unison.

You must know that it is a spirit beast from the underworld, and it is not as simple as the Hunyuan beast they encountered before.

This is a spiritual beast that is about to enter the middle stage.

Even if some heaven-level disciples of Xuandao Sect come, they may not be able to defeat them easily.

However, Su Yu, a person who was not even half a step into the underworld, actually defeated such a terrifying existence.

For a moment, the two of them felt as if waves of turmoil were rising in their hearts.

The fighting prowess Su Yu showed was really amazing.

"Senior Brother Zhang, Senior Brother Wang, have you got the nine-color lotus?"

Su Yu looked at the two people and asked.


Zhang Qingxuan took out a lotus flower with nine different colors from the space ring.

The brilliant light caught the eyes of the three people.

Accompanied by bursts of fragrance.

The breeze is blowing.

With a refreshing fluctuation, even the cultivation levels in the three people's bodies seemed to be ignited at this moment.

"As expected of the nine-color lotus, with such rich energy fluctuations, I even feel that the Yin and Yuan forces in my body have been completely ignited!"

Wang Ming looked at the nine-color lotus in Zhang Qingxuan's hand, and excitement appeared in his eyes.

Among the nine-color lotus flowers, there are nine nine-color lotus seeds.

The energy contained in each nine-color lotus seed is extremely rich.

One is even as good as two true flames of the sun.

This is the real good stuff.

If he can absorb all the energy in the nine-color lotus seeds, he can even enter the underworld!

"Now. Start allocating!"

Su Yu spoke softly.

Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming nodded.

"In this case, Senior Brother Zhang, how about you and Senior Brother Wang take two pills each and give me the rest?"

When Su Yu said these words, he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

After all, the spirit snake solved the problem on its own.

Wang Ming and Zhang Qingxuan didn't even pay anything.

Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming nodded.

They are not greedy people. If it weren't for Su Yu, they might not even be able to get the petals of a nine-color lotus.

But now, being able to get two nine-color lotus seeds is already very good.

They are also very contented.

Afterwards, the three of them returned to the cave before.

After skillfully laying down layers of restrictions, the nine-color lotus flowers were distributed.

"There is still one day left before the inheritance begins. On this day, we should improve as much as we can, so that we can have a greater advantage when accepting the inheritance."

Su Yu spoke softly.

Wang Ming and Zhang Qingxuan nodded, each took their own nine-color lotus seeds and came to the location where they were before.

Su Yu sat cross-legged in his previous position, habitually placing layers of restrictions.

Then he took out his own nine-color lotus.

Nine-color lotus breeds nine-color lotus seeds. Each nine-color lotus seed contains extremely rich energy. It is said that a strong person who is half-step into the Yin realm only needs to take one nine-color lotus seed to enter the Yin realm.

level of environment.


Even the petals of the nine-color lotus can be used as a material for refining the Yin-Yang Pill.

The Yin-Yang Pill can even allow a strong person in the Yin-Yang realm to ascend to a small realm without any side effects.

Although, Nine Color Lotus Seeds are only aimed at ordinary half-step underworld experts.

If Su Yu wants to enter the underworld through the nine-color lotus seeds.

I'm afraid one or two won't be enough.

But the good thing is.

This time, Su Yu got five directly.

Su Yu habitually summoned the synthesis column and put the nine-color lotus seeds into the synthesis column.

However, what makes Su Yu a little strange is.

This time, the nine-color lotus seeds could not be synthesized.

"Can't it be synthesized?"

Su Yu was slightly disappointed.

Su Yu now also has an extremely good understanding of the synthesis column.

When something cannot be synthesized in the synthesis column, it can only mean that this species cannot continue to advance.

The limit of this species has been reached.

As a result, the synthesis cannot continue.

After all, the synthesis of the synthesis column must also follow the rules of this world, and only what is available in this world can be synthesized.

It cannot be fabricated out of thin air.

However, Su Yu was not discouraged.

Even if it cannot be synthesized, the energy brought by the five nine-color lotus seeds alone is enough for Su Yu to improve.

"In that case, let's start breaking through!"

Su Yu murmured slightly.

Nine-color lotus seeds appeared in Su Yu's hands.

The "Nine Transformations of Hunyuan Jue" in the body began to operate slowly.

Between heaven and earth, there were wisps of extremely subtle power of chaos pouring into Su Yu's body.

The energy in the nine-color lotus seeds was also stripped out bit by bit under the operation of the Nine-turn Hunyuan Jue.

Finally it poured into Su Yu's body.

In an instant, Su Yu could clearly feel the extremely terrifying Yin force, and the Yuan force in Su Yu's body was instantly transformed into Yin force.

Su Yu felt slightly happy in his heart.

Immediately, the "Nine Revolutions of Hunyuan Jue" was operated to the extreme.

He began to absorb the energy from the nine-color lotus seeds crazily.

Time flies by quickly.

One day later.

In the cave.

Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming opened their eyes at the same time.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying wave of energy burst out from both of them.

The Yin energy between the two of them was extremely strong.

Even pure!

There is no longer any fluctuation of Yuanli.

The Yin power spread so much that layers of frost formed on the walls of the entire cave.

As a result, the temperature in the entire space has also dropped a lot.

"The underworld is complete!"

There was a light shining in Wang Ming's eyes.

Indeed, under the influence of two nine-color lotus seeds, Wang Ming successfully entered the underworld.

You know, a nine-color lotus seed can lift a strong person who is half a step into the underworld to the underworld.

As for Wang Ming, as the genius of the Ninth Sword Palace, it is naturally more difficult.

But under the influence of the two nine-color lotus seeds, he still easily reached the underworld.

As for Zhang Qingxuan.

It's even more terrifying.

Before absorbing the nine-color lotus seeds, Zhang Qingxuan had already transformed 90% of the energy in his body.


Today, under the influence of the two lotus seeds, it is even easier to enter the early stage of the underworld.

When Wang Ming entered the Yin Realm, it could only be regarded as his first entry into the Yin Realm. He was still a short distance away from the initial stage of the Yin Realm.

And Zhang Qingxuan has completely entered the underworld!

"Is this the power of the underworld?"

Zhang Qingxuan felt the majestic power coming from his body, and there was a light shining in his eyes.

"I even feel that if that spiritual snake hadn't fallen yet, I would have been able to fight it!" .??.??

"Although it may not be possible to kill it, it can no longer threaten my life!"

Zhang Qingxuan was full of confidence at this moment.

"By the way, where is Junior Brother Su?"

Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming looked at Su Yu.

All that was seen was that Su Yu was still sitting quietly on the spot.

Beside Su Yu, there were already four dried nine-color lotus seeds.

Indeed, in four days, Su Yu had successfully absorbed four nine-color lotus seeds.


Absorbing the fifth one!

The two of them could clearly feel that there seemed to be extremely rich energy in the world, and under the pull of a force, it poured into Su Yu's body bit by bit.

And Su Yu's body seemed to be undergoing extremely powerful changes.

I don't know how long has passed.

Su Yu, who was still sitting quietly on the ground, trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a raging energy storm swept out in an instant.


So much so that waves of roars resounded throughout the cave.

Under this roar, even though Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming were already strong men in the underworld, they were still a little moved.

"With this power, could it be that Junior Brother Su has also entered the underworld?"

Wang Ming exclaimed.

You know, Su Yu was able to defeat the spirit snake before he even entered the underworld.

Now if you enter the underworld.

Wouldn't it be able to compete with the strong men in the late stage of Yin Realm?

Of course, this only refers to the ordinary late stage of the underworld.

Zhang Qingxuan's expression was slightly solemn.

The two of them stared at Su Yu.

next moment.

Su Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

A surge of energy, centered on Su Yu, swept out instantly.

The surging Yin energy is like a wave.


Under this extremely rich Yin force, there are traces of extremely subtle Yuan force that are gently undulating.

"This. Haven't entered the underworld yet???"

Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming were a little confused.

You know, Su Yu absorbed five nine-color lotus seeds.

It turns out that the Yuan force in the body has not been completely transformed into Yin force.

This is a bit scary.

This can only show that Su Yu's background is really terrifying, at least several times that of the same level!

Otherwise, it is impossible to enter the underworld under the influence of nine-color lotus seeds.

Su Yu stood up slowly, feeling the fluctuation of Yin energy in his body, and frowned slightly.

"It's a pity. Only 90% has been converted, and the last 10% is still missing!"

At the beginning, the effect of the nine-color lotus seeds was quite large, but as the more nine-color lotus seeds were absorbed, I don't know if it was because of the energy in the body that created resistance.

It still gets more difficult the further you go, and the improvement becomes slower and slower.

So much so.

Su Yu absorbed five nine-color lotus seeds, and his value increased to 90%.

"However, this is enough!"

Su Yu smiled softly.

Ninety percent of the Yuan Power was converted into Yin Power, making Su Yu comparable to some strong men in the early stage of the Yin Realm.

After all, the amount of Yuan Power in Su Yu's body is too strong.

"Junior Brother Su!"

Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming stepped forward.

Although they were a little surprised, the two of them didn't say anything.

After all, everyone has their own secrets, and it is naturally impossible for the two of them to ask Su Yu too many things because of their surprise.

"Next, can we go to the inheritance place?"

Wang Ming's face was slightly excited.

He broke through to the underworld, and his combat power was horribly improved. He might be able to show off his skills in this secret realm.

Su Yu glanced at the time and nodded slightly.

"It's almost time, let's go!"

After listening to Su Yu's words, Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming suddenly smiled.


Tianyuan Secret Realm.

core zone.

Here, there is a dilapidated palace, standing here quietly.

And here is the place of inheritance left by the master of Tianyuan Secret Realm!

The news about Tianyuan Secret Realm is not a secret in the entire Xuandao Sect.

After all, Tianyuan Secret Realm has been opened countless times, and every time it is opened, countless geniuses will enter it.

In fact, there are many powerful people in the Yin Realm and even the Yang Realm who now traverse the Mysterious Sword Realm.

However, no one can obtain this person's inheritance.

But the strong men in the entire Xuandao Domain still enjoy it.

only because

The master of the Tianyuan Secret Realm was known as the number one person in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm during his lifetime!

If you can get this person's inheritance, you can at least become a strong man in the Yin and Yang realm in the future, and you may even become the next number one person in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm!

At this moment, outside the dilapidated palace.

There is already a dense crowd of people standing here.

The eyes of countless people gathered on the dilapidated palace, with a trace of expectation in their eyes, waiting.

Among the crowd, a girl wearing a green skirt had a bright smile on her face.

The whole person has an eccentric look on his body.

Just one look at it makes people feel distressed.

"Junior sister, what are you looking at?"

Beside the girl in the green skirt, a simple and honest young man with a flat head scratched his head and asked with a smile.

This person is clearly the genius from the Third Sword Palace, Shi Tian!

And the girl in the green skirt is naturally Chu Qiruo.

Chu Qiruo did not answer Shi Tian's words, but widened her eyes and kept searching.

"Haha, I didn't expect Junior Sister Chu to come so early. Are you looking for me?"

A gentle voice came from the crowd.

All we could see was that Song Xing was holding a folding fan in his hand, looking like a handsome young man.

When Chu Qiruo heard this, her little nose couldn't help but wrinkle.

Even more disgust appeared, "What do I want from you?"

"I'm looking for Su Yu!"

Hearing these words, Song Xing frowned slightly, "Su Yu? Is that the boy who is not even half a step into the underworld?"

"I'm afraid he has fallen into the Tianyuan Secret Realm now!"

Song Xing's voice was extremely cold.

However, the next moment, there was also a cold voice exploding in the void.

"I would also like to thank Senior Brother Song for caring about me, but Junior Brother I haven't fallen here so easily!"

This chapter has been completed!
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