Chapter 127 He is here to join them

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When Dongshi heard his grandma speak, he also poked the rice in the bowl with his chopsticks and muttered: "That's right, that's right, why is he the only one who has it?"

"Why, can Dong Shi memorize everything he learned today? Okay, let's memorize it." When Old Man Dong saw the short-sightedness of the second family, he couldn't help but want to roll his eyes.

Old Man Dong spoke in a bad tone. The second uncle was so angry that she lay in the room and didn't come out. She really didn't know that Dong Yao had memorized the book.

Although Dong Yao kept showing off everywhere after that, and Dong Wu almost stepped on her face to say so, the second uncle didn't believe it at all.

Dong Yao?

If you choose to be the number one person in your family, your second wife will believe you, but Dong Yao cannot do that.

That is a idiot who was spoiled by the Dong Wu family.

At this time, when Old Man Dong said this, the second uncle's face didn't look good, and she murmured in her heart: Is it possible that the idiot is still promising? She doesn't believe it!

At this time, it depends on Dong Shi whether he can grow taller or not, so the second uncle slapped him behind his back and said: "Brother Shi, I won't give you a section of my grandfather's back."

Winter time:?

I originally thought that if I knock the bowl, I can get eggs to eat, but in the end, I still have to endorse it?

He knew about Dong Yao's endorsement, but he didn't know that it was because of his good endorsement that he got something to eat.

If you knew that he had finished cooking and ran away, how could you still dare to stay here, waiting for the eggs?

Dongshi stood up bitterly, opened his mouth, and said something about loneliness.

Because he didn't say anything at all, and because he didn't even remember what he learned today.

Which sentence comes from?

Old Man Dong didn't pay attention to the children's homework for a few days, and it turned out like this in winter. You can imagine how ugly his face looked at this time.

The air pressure in the whole family is very low at the moment, and Old Man Dong's expression is even scarier than the darkening sky.

The second uncle was still holding her neck in disbelief, but now she shrank her neck honestly, like a quail.

She wanted to pull her son back, but it was easy to push things out. Want to pull her back?

Old Man Dong had a gloomy look on his face, as if he wanted to eat someone, and the second wife didn't even dare to raise her head.

Second Uncle Dong spent a day digging ditches and was so tired that he had no strength to speak. He didn't understand the cause and effect. When he came back, he heard Second Uncle's mother complaining that she had a fight with Dong Wu.

Uncle Dong doesn't care about this kind of thing, it's useless to care.

How can men interfere in women's affairs?

He can't just hit his siblings directly, right?

If a younger brother or sister becomes shameless and tears their clothes, he won't be able to explain clearly even if he has a mouth, so Uncle Dong's left ear will make his right ear tremble. In addition, he thinks that his mother-in-law has a fierce temper, so he won't suffer any loss.

Now that he heard that Dong Shi would be endorsed, Uncle Dong became a little more energetic.

Isn't he working so hard just to make a living for his children?

"Come on, come on, come on, Dong Shi, you are carrying me, why haven't you said anything yet? You kid, look at your potential, what else are you embarrassed about in front of your family?" When Dong Shi stopped moving,

Uncle Dong was still a little anxious, and his big palm-like hands shone on Dong Shi's back twice.

It's not that he beats children, but he's just used to doing it, and farm work isn't a big deal.

He was in tears when he was beaten in winter. He was not capable of it originally, but now he was urged again and received two heavy slaps. The pain was really unbearable.

Dong Shi endured it again and again, but finally couldn't bear it anymore and burst out crying.

Old man Dong was extremely disappointed when he saw Dong Shi's situation. At the same time, he couldn't help but reflect on whether it was because he was too indulgent towards the children at home.

From now on, we still have to keep an eye on their homework, otherwise they will all be spending money to hang out in school!

Thinking of this, Old Man Dong put the chopsticks on the table with a snap. When Dong Shi, who was still crying, heard this, he was so frightened that he stopped talking because he didn't put it away and hiccupped several times.

Dong Nuan was happy to watch the excitement and refused to say a word of persuasion.

Although Gong Huo was not kind at this time, there was no need to show mercy to the second wife.

Thinking of this, Dong Nuan gently touched Dong Yao with her elbow.

Dong Yao didn't understand Dong Nuan's meaning at first, but when she saw Dong Nuan's kind smile, Dong Yao didn't know how to react, and immediately got into trouble and said in confusion: "Brother Dong Shi, didn't you remember? Master

I talked about it several times today, and it was repeated in the morning and afternoon, so I remember it all smoothly."

At this time, Dong Yao jumped out and said that what he learned today was very simple. He could not recite a word compared to Dong Shi, which would only make Old Man Dong even more angry.

Sure enough, Old Man Dong had a dark face at first, but as soon as Dong Yao's words came out, he stood up in anger, picked up the fire stick by the stove, and came over to Dongshi.

The whole family was frightened. Even those who were not frightened would not be able to jump out to protect Dongshi.

So Old Man Dong lifted Dong Shi up accurately and dragged him to the back door for easy beating.

When Er Bo Niang and the others react, do you want to step forward and stop them?

That was Old Man Dong's hand. Do they dare?

Don't dare!

But seeing the child crying and howling after being beaten made them feel heartbroken.

"This, this, this, my boss, please stop me." The second mother-in-law was so anxious that she went to the room and kept pushing the second uncle Dong next to her.

Uncle Dong Er is still in shock that Dong Yao, that idiot, can carry things, but his son can't!

After being pushed by his second wife, he finally came to his senses in a daze.

When he realized what he was doing, he not only didn't stop him, but he also took a few steps forward, raised his big palm, and struck Dongshi with it.

In the winter, I was beaten by men in mixed doubles, which made me cry so miserably.

Dong Yao was quite proud at first, but when he heard this voice and thought that one day he would not be able to memorize it anymore, he might have to accept such a severe beating, and his whole body felt bad.

Dong Yao wanted to say, wouldn’t it be okay if he stopped studying?

But when she thought about the hardships she endured while working in the fields with her grandpa in those days, Dong Yao felt that studying was actually not that difficult.

The second mother-in-law originally thought that Uncle Dong would stop him because the child had been beaten badly enough, but she never expected that Uncle Dong was not there to persuade others, he was there to join them!

The second aunt couldn't bear the stimulation, so she fainted again after looking at her.

"The second aunt is fainted, the second aunt is fainted!" Dongya has been hungry for a long time, but no one dares to eat first unless grandpa says to start the meal. Now he sees that the second uncle is fainted, and he is busy shouting at the top of his voice

Call out.

Mrs. Dong also felt sorry for her grandson. Seeing that the beating was almost done, she also advised in a low voice: "Okay, okay, just teach the child slowly. It will not be good if he is beaten badly."

"That's it, Dad. Don't get so angry. Brother Shi is still young. Take your time." Uncle Dong rarely spoke out. It's unclear whether he had his own selfish motives.

Dong Nuan watched the whole show, and if it weren't for the fact that eating was not a good look, she would even want to eat and watch at the same time.

Old Man Dong also felt that he was almost done, but there was one step missing. Someone persuaded him, so he followed suit.

"Come back in the evening and continue to check your homework!" Originally, Old Man Dong was thinking of using this time to continue learning basket weaving from Dong Nuan.

But after weighing the balance, Mr. Dong felt that the children's studies were more important.

This chapter has been completed!
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