Chapter 170 The school finally starts

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On the fourth day, the rain finally stopped.

Seeing that the rain stopped, the villagers also breathed a sigh of relief.

The summer harvest is about to begin. If the rains don't stop at this time, the food will rot in the ground. The results of their hard work for more than half a year will be completely ruined.

Fortunately, the rain finally stopped!

Dong Yao woke up early in the morning and found that the rain had stopped. He almost rushed out and ran two laps naked to celebrate!

Wow, it’s so difficult, school is finally starting!

Fortunately, Dong Nuan had quick hands and eyes, and quickly pulled the man back, pulled the sheet over him, and said with a tigerish face: "Dong Yao, you are already a half-grown child, you can't always run around naked, be careful what others say about you

Bad brain."

Dong Yao originally jumped up suddenly because he was too excited. Now he calmed down and realized that if he really went out with his butt naked...

Ha, a large social death scene.

After all, he is not three or four years old, so he can still be viewed as a child.

"Sister, I understand." Dong Yao was still a little embarrassed when she reacted. She quietly touched her pants and jacket and put them on before going down to wash up.

Old Man Dong took Uncle Dong and others to see the crops early in the morning.

Uncle Dong and the others naturally went to dig ditches in the river, even though it rained.

What they need to pay attention to is to see if the river is dredged on rainy days. If there is a large current, will it wash over the river beach?

There are many issues to consider. They didn't come back yesterday or the day before yesterday and slept directly in the ditch.

The second uncle woke up early, worried, and muttered for a while.

The fourth aunt is still lying on the kang unable to move. In fact, she can move a little bit, but she doesn't want to and always goes to order others.

However, Dongmei and the others looked numb and ignored the rest except for a little water and going to the latrine. They were so angry that Fourth Aunt Dong would curse at nothing.

No, I started scolding again this morning.

"Sister, when I passed by that house yesterday, the fourth aunt asked me to help pour a bowl of water, saying it was Sister Mei and the others who wouldn't give her a drink." Dongtao shrank her neck and followed after hearing the commotion in the house.

Dong Nuan complained softly.

"Well, don't worry about her. The fourth aunt and three children are here." Dong Nuan is not ready to get used to that problem. Her own daughter doesn't care about you, and she doesn't want to think about how failed you are. She still only thinks about her mother's family.

Woolen cloth.

Some people are so stubborn that even after exhausting all methods, they still end up in the dark.

However, the family has been separated. From now on, whether the fourth uncle's family is good or bad, Dongnuan has no control over it.

However, Dongmei and the others should not be tricked, as they all have a spirit of resistance.

Dong Nuan has taken good care of herself in the past two days, but Dong Sanchun is worried and won't let her go to school for the time being. After breakfast, Dong Yao walked back to the school step by step. Before leaving, she asked uneasily: "Sister, what are you doing?"

You really don’t want to go?”

"Well, let's go quickly." Dong Nuan waved his hand, signaling the other party to hurry up, otherwise he would be late soon, and the master would definitely slap his palms.

After hearing that Dong Nuan rejected his invitation to go to school again, Dong Yao sighed like a little old man, turned around and strode forward.

Seeing Dong Yao walking away, Dong Wu was slightly relieved. Dong Nuan turned around when she heard the noise. Dong Wu was caught on the spot and felt a little embarrassed. She touched her face in embarrassment and turned around to pretend that she was busy.


Winter warmth:.

Who would have thought?

Will Dongwu, who loves her son like her life, one day almost collapse because Dongyao stays at home for too long?

Dong Yao is a half-year-old boy with a lot of energy. Being stuck at home because of the rain is boring. Apart from endorsements, he still endorses them. The first day was fine. On the second and third days, Dong Yao didn't sleep most of the night and got up to memorize them. .

He just said that he couldn't sleep when he was lying down every day, so he thought about it and endorsed it.

In fact, the warmth of winter is not affected, but if Wu sleeps lightly in winter, the slightest movement will make her head growl.

Then she was tortured, and she kept hoping in her heart that the rain would stop and school would start soon!!!

If school doesn’t start again, my mother-in-law will be driven crazy!

Gu Que

Dongwu, who quietly turned around, still had a bit of embarrassment on her face. She could now memorize most of the Three Character Sutra.

Think about it, before the rainy day, she was still illiterate and couldn't read a few characters.

Who would have thought of this?


Mrs. Dong Wu sighed deeply in her heart and pushed Dong Sanchun: "Can I go to the fields today? How are the crops in the fields?"

It's a matter of food rations, so Dong Wu shouldn't be concerned about it.

"We can't do it. The ground is too muddy. If we step on it twice, we might end up trampling on the grain if we step on it. It's not worth it." I went down to the fields early in the winter and spring to look at it, and I came back only after I found that I couldn't do it.

Old man Dong was sitting under the eaves at the moment, sighing constantly.

Dong Zhi from the patriarch's family came over soon and said that the rain had stopped and that the work of making jelly and rolls would start again.

The parts that each company is responsible for will have to start preparations again tomorrow.

When the family was separated, this matter was also mentioned.

The eldest uncle and the second uncle are responsible for supplying some ingredients for the jelly, while Dong Wu and Aunt Dong Wu are responsible for supplying some ingredients for the rolls.

"Brother Dong Zhi, has that recipe come out yet?" Seeing Dong Zhi coming over, Dong Nuan was sitting by the window and asked with a smile.

Dong Zhi:.

Dong Zhi originally had a polite smile on his face, but after hearing Dong Nuan's question, he almost couldn't hold on to his smile and stepped away.

It rained for three days and he did nothing. He cracked these at home every day.

Finally broke the loneliness.

You can't say that. He still cracked it a little bit, but he's just not sure.

However, the progress was so impressive that Dong Zhi no longer wanted to mention it.

He feels dizzy when he sees those words now.

But it's hard to complain to Dong Nuan, and it's not easy for the little girl either.

Thinking of this, Dong Zhi raised a smile and said, "It's almost over, Nuanya, don't worry."

"Brother Dong Zhi, come on." Dong Nuan smiled innocently and waved at Dong Zhi.

Dong Zhi left quickly, looking at his back as if he was running away.

Almost as soon as Dong Zhi left, Hanjiang Tower came back.

It was inconvenient for him to come here on a rainy day, and he was always worried about Dong Nuan's injuries.

Now that the rain has stopped, we have to come over quickly.

"Nuan Ya, how is your head? Does it still hurt? Is there anything you want to eat?" When Hanjianglou came over, he was not empty-handed, and there were no snacks. After all, it was raining and he couldn't go to town.

However, he has homemade snacks.

Cheese, Dong Nuan taught me this step by step. Now Hanjianglou has become quite proficient in the business. He even sold a lot of money for what he couldn't finish before.

Hanjiang Tower was standing by the window, too embarrassed to go in. Dong Sanchun stood aside as a tool, and the other rooms didn't go out either. They all listened quietly with their ears pricked up.

Although it is said that the more I listen to it, the more irritating it becomes, but it still feels uncomfortable if I don’t listen, and I can’t explain what the psychology of this is.

"It's much better. How are you? It's been raining for the past two days, which must have delayed your ability to collect firewood." Dong Nuan also talked like usual, chatting casually.

Seeing the little girl sitting on the edge of the window sill, looking lazily, Han Jianglou thought she was cute and touchable, so he couldn't hold back for a moment, quietly reached out his hand and rubbed Dong Nuan's head.

Winter and spring:.

Well, I am a background board, a qualified one.

This chapter has been completed!
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