Chapter 266 You Are Kind of Delicious

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The clan leader's youngest son is also studying in the county school. Dongzhi is the eldest grandson of the eldest family member. There are many children in the family, so this youngest son is not much older than Dongzhi.

Dong Zhiniang spoke at this time, but her thoughts were simple.

Since I have to get involved with the county magistrate, why don't I take care of my brother-in-law who is studying at the county school?

In this regard, the patriarch thought for a long time, then shook his head and said: "Forget it, the youngest is a scholar. If we really push it out, it will appear to be particularly utilitarian and disadvantageous to him. He works hard and is willing to read, which is better than anything else."

After hearing what her father-in-law said, Dong Zhiniang stopped talking.

After Dong Nuan returned, he went to buy a lot of things, including some wood, and went back in time for dinner.

Dinner was made by Dianthus. Her cooking skills have improved a lot recently, and she has also improved with Dong Wu, who had never been able to take care of her before.

For dinner, we steamed duck, stewed chicken, and fried meat. Dianthus even tried steaming some snacks.

Although the craftsmanship is not as good as those sold in dim sum restaurants outside, the taste is pretty good.

After all, it’s my first time trying it out, so it’s good to have such results.

"Well, Dianthus is fine." Dong Nuan tasted a piece of steamed cake first and thought it tasted good, and praised it with a smile.

Hanjianglou had just returned from school when he saw the little girl raising her head slightly and holding a piece of steamed cake in her hands with very bold movements while eating it.

Seeing this, Hanjianglou couldn't help but smile.

Recently, the two of them have been separated, and Hanjianglou is actually not at ease.

It's just that he still needs to study, and he doesn't want to let his mind wander and think too much.

He used to think that if he and Dong Nuan had the same food, the two of them would be able to live a somewhat prosperous life.

But, slowly, he realized that his thinking was too shallow.

Dong Nuan walked too fast, and he felt that if he slowed down a little, he would not be able to keep up.

Everything is fine for the little girl now, she just needs a backer.

And Hanjiang Tower must work hard towards this goal!

Therefore, even if he wanted to stay warm in winter, he did not delay his studies and went to the county town to find someone.

He came back in a hurry yesterday and didn't even say a few words to Dong Nuan.

Now that you see someone, you can't get close to them.

"Nuanya." Hanjianglou actually wanted to call Nuanbao, but when the words came to his mouth, he felt inexplicably ashamed, and he was afraid that others would hear him and think he was frivolous, not worthy of Dongnuan, or looked down upon Dongnuan.


Therefore, Hanjianglou endured it several times and finally restrained himself.

However, compared to the past, when he called people, his tone was relaxed and his attitude was magnanimous. Now, his attitude is a bit vague, and even his tone is slightly charming.

Like a piece of light feather, it floated quietly to the surface of the lake, causing slight ripples in the entire lake.

It may be light, but it is real.

"Huh?" Dong Nuan's mouth was full, and when she heard Hanjianglou's voice, she quickly turned her head and slightly raised her face to look at the person.

Ever since I took good care of my winter skin, it has become fairer and fairer.

When I went to take the exam last month, Hanjianglou also specially selected the gel cream that was popular in the county and bought it for Dongnuan. The little girl applied it lightly, and even though the spring wind caused her face to be shaved a little, the little girl's skin was still very good.

Seeing the little girl in front of him moving her mouth and puffing out her cheeks, Hanjianglou couldn't help but deepen his smile.

In fact, his smile was not thick, but the upward curve of the corners of his lips was much wider.

This diluted a lot of the fierceness on his face, making him look softer and warmer.

Dong Yao looked around and couldn't help but marvel. He just wanted to say out loud, "Brother-in-law, you can actually smile."

As a result, before the words could be spoken, Dong Chun San covered her mouth and dragged her away.

Dong Yao struggled twice, but to no avail.

In the past two years, I have eaten well and drank well, but I was afraid that I would not be able to stay in the hotel due to my weak health, so I also strengthened some exercise. When I had nothing to do in the morning, I would go out to do a set of boxing.

It is said that the boxing technique was provided by Hanjiang Tower, and I don’t know where it came from.

Anyway, Dong Sanchun's body has become stronger through training. Dong Yao has become slightly thinner in the past two years and is not so fat, but he is not strong either!

He was still young, not tall enough, and was only beaten to death.

Therefore, being dragged away is like a flapping moth flapping its fragile little wings twice, and then there is no follow-up.

Seeing Dong Nuan and Han Jiang Lou clinging together, Dong Sanchun felt sour in her heart.

The deeper my relationship with Dong Nuan became, the more reluctant I was to part with my own pak choi.

But, what can be done?

He can't control this matter.

You can't mess up your marriage just because you can't bear it, right?

Hanjianglou at least has a good character, and he has no family. From now on, he will be like a half-son-in-law. With his own family watching, he won't dare to feel sorry for Dong Nuan.

If it were another person, I would be even more worried in winter and spring.

Therefore, even though he was feeling sad, he took the initiative to give in when the young unmarried couple was clingy.

Dong Nuan hasn't been back for so long. The two of them must have missed each other, so they had better not talk too much.

Even without looking, Dianthus went to get the food and kept the distance between them.

The kitchen in their new yard is quite large. Dianthus is on the other side of the window, and Dongnuan and the others are at the door. They are several meters apart. If the two of them whisper, Dianthus can't really hear them.

Looking at Dong Yao struggling to walk away, Dong Nuan couldn't help but bend his eyes.

When the little girl smiled, her breath was as warm as the little sun, and her smiling eyes were as wide as the beautiful moonlight. No matter how you looked at it, it was beautiful.

Han Jianglou just felt that he didn't think much about it. Just looking at the person, he felt his throat was a little itchy, and his voice became hoarse inexplicably.

Looking back now, more than a year ago, he raised Dong Nuan like a child, which was quite self-deceiving.

"You eat too." After Dong Nuan swallowed most of it, he took a piece of steamed cake with his fingers and handed it to Hanjiang Lou, speaking with a slightly vague tone.

With her white and slender fingers, she pinched the soft white cake and handed it to him. Hanjiang Lou couldn't tell for a moment whether it was the little girl's hand that was whiter or the steamed cake that was whiter.

His Adam's apple rolled, with a bit of inexplicable sex appeal.

It's a pity that Dong Nuan was eating cakes and didn't pay attention, so he missed the beautiful scenery.

"Hmm." A hoarse voice sounded, with a low and seductive tone. Hanjianglou leaned forward slightly and did not raise his hand to take it. Instead, he took the initiative to bite the steamed cake and swallowed it into his mouth inch by inch.


The slightly cool lips finally touched Dong Nuan's fingertips which were also slightly warm.

After the two phases touched lightly, they soon separated again.

Han Jianglou felt that the corners of his lips, which were originally slightly cool, had begun to feel warm.

Dong Nuan also felt his ears itching with an inexplicable heat. At the same time, when he touched the fingertips at the corner of Han Jianglou's lips, the temperature seemed to be much higher.

It was hot and itchy, just like her heart felt at this moment.

Driven by this strange thought, Dong Nuan swallowed slightly and muttered in a small voice: "Hanjiang Tower, you are a bit delicious."

Otherwise, why would my mouth be full of saliva and my stomach, which had just tasted the delicacies, would also be eager to eat?

This chapter has been completed!
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