Chapter 305 Dongwu's Intention to Innovate

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Although Dong Nuan didn't hear Dong Miao complaining behind her, she knew that with Dong Miao's temperament and the fact that she was about to marry into the town, she probably looked down upon her.

Of course, I just look down on it, and I still don’t know how to use this piece of cloth to do this or that for myself.

If you don't mess around, you can make a lot of clothes from one piece of cloth.

Of course, if you want to make a horse-faced skirt or a wide-sleeved coat, there won’t be much room for fussing.

But never mind her.

When I took my things to my old house in winter and spring, there was already a lot of publicity along the way.

It is estimated that by now, the whole village knows that Dong Nuan added a piece of cloth to Dong Miao's sister's wedding gift!

Many people in the village were indeed discussing this matter at the moment. Mrs. Wu came back from cleaning up the house for the Hanjianglou family and listened to it by the way.

"Oh my gosh, it's a whole piece. The color is so beautiful, and the flowers are dyed well. You can tell it's high-quality cloth at a glance. Gee, Nuan Ya is really generous."

"My mother, how many clothes can this make?"

"Then it depends on who it is made for. Just like us, a suit of clothes is made up of six or seven feet of cloth, and there may be some leftover. Then it should be like the one on the Sanchun family, or the one on Nuanya.

I guess this piece of cloth will only be left in bits and pieces after all the hard work, right?"

"Then why does the skirt require so much cloth?"

"Isn't that right? Look at how many pleats that skirt has!"

Listening to everyone praising Dong Nuan for her potential, Dong Wu's face showed unspeakable pride.

On the way back, my steps were wavy.

There is no food or food at home, so I brought it with me when I came back.

But even if it’s only for three or five days, you don’t need to eat too much. The more you bring, the more gifts you’ll bring.

In addition to the old house, I also want to go back to Wu's natal family in Dongwu.

Dong Wu’s natal family, Dong Nuan, visited last year.

I haven't been there since. Normally, during New Year's Day and the like, we always go there as a couple.

After all, it’s cold in winter and walking on mountain roads is tiring. I don’t want to bother my children during winter and spring, so I just go there as a couple.

The Wu family really wanted to let the winter warmth pass, especially after their second uncle came to Dongnuan Manor and became the steward, the Wu family was even more looking forward to the winter warmth.

The stewards at Zhuangzi are given two days off every month. Of course, the vacation arrangements of several stewards are staggered. We strive to have stewards on duty every day. Long-term workers and others can find someone if they have something to do.

My second uncle returned home last month. It is estimated that these people in the family heard a lot of news and sent a lot of letters to the town, secretly asking about Dong Nuan's affairs in the town.

The second uncle won't say much. The Wu family has been separated for a long time, and now everyone lives in his own house.

There must be some competition among the houses. They had no choice but to get winter warmth, so they turned to the Dong Wu family.

Ever since Dong Wu had Dong Yao, she refused to be a Fu Ge Demon or a Fu Di Demon anymore.

Therefore, there is no use for those people from the Wu family to find her.

Fortunately, the Wu family is generally more shameless, unlike those people in the old house who are endless.

After sending a few replies and seeing Wu's cold attitude, they knew what was going on.

After that, I didn’t bother with it any more.

"Nuan Ya, what do you think if I add a string of tassels to the wooden hairpin?" Dong Wu walked all the way home, suddenly thought of her innovation on the wooden hairpin, and asked Dong Nuan in a low voice.

Because the price of the hairpin itself is not high, after all, we must consider the consumer market it corresponds to.

Only people with little money would buy wooden hairpins to wear. Otherwise, they would already be wearing gold and silver.

Of course, there is also the possibility that your wooden hairpins are very artistic, and the pictures of those powerful girls are fresh and fresh.

Therefore, Dongnuan didn't put any thought into it at first.

A piece of dozens of coins is worth only more than a hundred coins, and it is still carefully crafted.

Therefore, the most you can do is to change the direction of a few strokes when drawing patterns to draw different shapes.

As for doing other tricks?

No time to think.

Now that Dong Wu mentioned it, Dong Nuan's eyes lit up and her mood instantly became much better.

The reason why she left the couple in winter, three and spring in the town was also very simple.

She couldn't stay with them forever, and the couple had to learn how to make money on their own.

The foundation has been laid for them, and the supply of goods is available. The rest depends on the two people's own business methods.

Now it seems that this potential has been unleashed, hasn’t it?

Mr. Dong Wu is now getting better at making knots and braiding tassels.

It doesn't take much time or cost to braid a small tassel that can be hung on a wooden hairpin.

Therefore, just by adding more than ten pennies, you can get a replica of Bu Yao. Dong Nuan thought that she could give it a try.

"I think you and Dad can test the water first and make a batch of ten or so, and sell them first. If the sales are good in the future, you can add more." After thinking about it, Dong Nuan gave Dong Wu encouragement.


Dong Nuan would draw some patterns every month and bring them to the shop in the town. From winter to spring, there is nothing else to do now, but carving some small pieces is not a problem at all.

Especially wooden bracelets and wooden hairpins, sometimes they are even innovative!

"Hey, I'll give it a try when I go back this time." After all, Dong Wu's contact time was short, so it's normal for her to be timid.

After the winter warmed up, I gave him a lot of encouragement and also drew some tassel patterns.

The tassels can be divided into different colors and lengths. Some of them can even be strung with small beads that are not very valuable. However, the weight should not be too heavy. After all, it is wood hanging on them. If it is too heavy, it will easily not hold down and it will become warped if it is lifted up.


Dong Nuan is particularly skilled in the innovation of these little things. She can even draw pictures smoothly while listening to Dong Tao talking, and she also knows what Dong Wu is talking about to her.

Seeing this scene, Dong Wu was already stunned!

When the family comes back, apart from necessary social activities and helping out at the old house, there is nothing else to do for the time being.

There are a few people who are close to Dong Nuan's family, and they are asking about Dong Nuan's family's business in the town, whether they are short of people, etc.

In response to this, Dong Sanchun bluntly refused: "The store is not used for the time being. If it is to be used, it must be done by people from the village. Of course, if we really employ people, we must be skilled in crafts or literate, otherwise we can't

You can’t settle accounts even if you work, and it’s useless to ask for it.”

Upon hearing this, most of those people stopped thinking.

If they could read, why would they do this?

As for craftsmanship?

Well, Dongwang and the others do know it, but if they know it, they don't need to work as waiters in Dongsanchun's shop, they can just get the work themselves.

Dongwang, in particular, is doing better and better now. Dongmiao asked Dongwang to help with the dowry this time.

Seeing that Dongwang was taking on more work, some people began to regret that they were reluctant to send people to Dongnuan because they were worried about money.

There's no point regretting it now, Dong Nuan won't accept apprentices anymore.

As for sending them to the town to study?

There are not many carpentry masters in the town. They teach you the craft based on your talent and you only accept it if you are suitable. There is no tuition fee, but after you complete the course, you need to work for the master for five years, and all the money goes to the master.

Compared with Dongnuan, which charges monthly tuition, you can leave directly after your academic performance.

The villagers in the town are really unwilling to accept this kind of thing.

Moreover, if they don’t want it, their master will accept it.

Again, it depends on your eyes.

If it’s not suitable, they won’t accept it if you want!

This chapter has been completed!
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