Chapter 423 Telescope

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Dong Nuan responded to the Queen's concerns one by one.

The queen couldn't help but nodded after hearing this, knowing that the winter warmth was going well and she didn't need to worry about it every day.

Dong Nuan is extremely talented, and His Majesty still values ​​her. Her daily life should be focused on useful things. It is better not to disturb her with some trivial problems in life.

The emperor was listening and remembered something: "By the way, didn't Youlan Kingdom also pay tribute to some cloth before, saying it was made of silk? Is there any left?"

The distribution of these matters in the harem belongs to the inner court. They will report it to the emperor. After the emperor looks at it, it will be handed over to the empress for further distribution.

Of course, sometimes, the emperor just made a stroke and regarded it as a distribution.

In most cases, this kind of thing is handled by the emperor and empress.

The emperor simply looked at the cloth that was presented as tribute this time, and then asked the Queen Mother, who simply waved her hand and refused, saying that it was of no use.

Then let the queen distribute it.

The emperor really doesn't know if there is any left now.

As soon as the Queen heard this, she knew what the sound in these words meant. Even if there were none, she had to find a way to get two of them: "I specially kept two of them. When Nuannuan goes back later, I will take them with me."


When the emperor heard this, he nodded with satisfaction: "Yes."

Dong Nuan didn't have much idea about this, but after all, it was still a royal reward, so he still had to thank him.

After receiving some rewards, Dong Nuan felt that the topic was almost over, so he brought up the telescope.

At first, the emperor did not realize the use of this thing.

Until, he stood in the Queen's Palace, holding this thing and looking out, and many things in the distance were clearly visible.

However, after I took off the telescope and looked at it again, I couldn't see clearly.

In response to this, the emperor was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted, regardless of the king's etiquette, and slapped his thigh fiercely: "This is great!"

If this thing is used on the battlefield, it will be much easier!

The queen didn't quite understand this. She was holding it to watch the scene.

However, seeing that the emperor was cautious and afraid that she might drop something, she was too embarrassed to look any further and returned the telescope to the emperor.

The emperor caressed the telescope, and after thinking for a while, he asked Dong Nuan softly: "Nuan Nuan, is this thing complicated to make?"

Dong Nuan thought about the process and found that it was not complicated, but it was a bit laborious when grinding.

Nowadays, there are no machines, so everything has to be done by hand, but it is actually not complicated.

If a stronger man comes over, it will be done in no time.

Thinking of this, Dong Nuan shook his head: "It's not complicated, it's easy to do."

Upon hearing this, the emperor's eyes lit up. Just as he was about to say something, he heard Dong Nuan add in a low voice: "However, the key to this lies in the glass. When making it, some ratios and temperatures need to be adjusted."



It turned out that he was waiting for him here.

Technical work.

However, there are people from the Ministry of Industry here.

They receive their salary day by day, so they have to work, right?

No matter how complicated it is, they still have to do it.

They can provide winter warmth, but they can’t do it?

"Then this ratio..." The emperor was afraid of the winter warmth and was reluctant to give up the formula, so he asked tentatively.

Dong Nuan nodded and said, "The adjusted ratio, temperature requirements, and production process are all in the box."

After hearing what she said, the emperor hurriedly lowered his head and discovered that in addition to the telescope, there was also a booklet in the box containing the telescope.

When I opened it, I saw detailed records on how to make this thing starting from the glass, then how to polish it, and how to install it.

The emperor felt that he could do this by himself!

"Nuan Nuan!" The emperor looked at it for a while, feeling satisfied and proud, and sighed. He wanted to say something, but felt that anything he said would be pale.

So, how about just becoming a princess?

However, Princess Jin is a big deal and needs to be discussed with the Queen Mother and the royal family.

He can't boast directly about Haikou yet, so he still needs to wait.

The emperor was happy. It happened that General Wu was recuperating in Beijing recently. He would definitely like this thing after seeing it.

Thinking of this, the emperor waved his hand and gave some more rewards.

Dong Nuan took the things, thanked her and left the palace.

The emperor didn't care whether it was getting dark or whether the palace door was about to be locked, so he directly summoned General Wu into the palace.

General Wu is taking medicine at his house. He just came back in early June, and his condition was not very good when he came back.

As long as it's better, he won't be sent back to the capital with injuries.

After I came back, I was treated at Tai Hospital for half a month.

Dong Nuan knew about this because Wu Ruoruo wanted to play with her after the banquet at Wu Mansion.

As a result, her father came back from a serious injury, and she had no intention of leaving the house, so she stayed with her father at home.

After half a month of treatment, General Wu's injuries have improved. Because his health is so good, he can now go to the ground.

However, you still need to drink medicine and take care of yourself slowly.

Otherwise, if the injury is not healed well, it will easily be delayed when it comes to the battlefield.

As soon as he finished drinking the medicine, he heard that there was a decree from the palace asking him to enter the palace.

General Wu was still very confused about this.

He came back from a serious injury, and it was nothing important. His Majesty just sent someone to tell him.

This sudden entry into the palace?

Could it be that there is a border war?

His young second son, can't he restrain himself anymore?

It shouldn't be, he still retains many veterans.

Nian was worried, fearing that he might bump into her.

You know, when he came back in early June, he was covered in blood, which frightened Nian.

Now that he has finally recovered a little, the emperor didn't call him when he had nothing to do. Why did he call someone again?

However, the emperor obviously also considered the situation of General Wu. He drove the carriage with thick cushions all the way. After entering the palace, he got on the sedan chair as soon as he got off the ground.

My feet barely touched the ground during the whole journey, so I didn’t even feel tired.

General Wu is still a little unaccustomed to this. As a military general, he has never enjoyed such treatment.

When he entered the palace, Dong Nuan didn't know how he told the emperor and how he discussed it.

She went to the palace and brought back a bunch of rewards. Because there were too many rewards, her carriage could not pull them, so the palace specially arranged a carriage to send her rewards back.

When the people in the house saw that the master had received the reward, they were also happy. This meant that the master was valued by the royal family, and they, the slaves, also had a bright face.

Everyone tidied up happily. The housekeeper put the things into the warehouse, recorded them in a book, and took them over to show Dong Nuan.

After all this work, it became dark.

On a warm winter day, we ate at the Queen Mother's Palace at noon, and then went to Rongfei's Palace and had some snacks.

When she went to the Queen's Palace, she kept talking. Before leaving, the Queen packed a lot of newly made snacks for her, as if she was afraid that she would be hungry if she couldn't see her for a second.

Therefore, even at night, you will not be hungry even if you are warm in winter.

However, it was a hot day and those snacks could not be saved, so Dong Nuan left it to the housekeeper to reward the servants in the house.

Dong Nuan kept a plate for herself. After eating, she went to wash up and prepare to read a story and go to bed.


Lovely second update at 15:00

This chapter has been completed!
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