Chapter 435 The fruit turns into dried fruit

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It rained all day and all night.

Early the next morning, the sky turned sunny.

It's just that the weather got hotter after the rain.

Dong Nuan woke up from the heat early in the morning. After getting up, he didn't have much appetite. He simply drank some porridge and took a look at the little prince again. The little prince had grown up in the wind and was now able to turn over and babbling.

Don't understand the words.

Dong Nuan and the nanny played together for a while, and Concubine Rong came back to pay her respects to the queen.

After talking with Concubine Rong for a while, Dong Nuan stood up to say goodbye and left the palace.

On a hot day, although Dong Nuan didn't want to run too much, he thought that he had negotiated a deal yesterday and had to go to Zhuangzi today to have a look.

So, despite the hot weather, Dong Nuan went to Zhuangzi.

After going there, I blew the ice on it first, and then ate the chilled fresh fruit. I held the storybook in my hand and flipped through it casually, thinking in my mind, what should I make and send to Hanjiang Tower?

But thinking about it again, he was about to take the provincial examination, so it was better not to do these things and disturb his study, and wait until the examination was over.

At noon, people from the Imperial College came, saying they were here to buy live fish from the pond.

Dong Nuan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he just asked the big boss to negotiate with the other party normally. What's the market price? It's a little cheaper for him, so he just wants to give it a try.

The Imperial College cafeteria paid great attention to the fish sent to the students. If it really went bad, his shopping would be over.

So, I went to the edge of the pond to have a look and looked at the fish I caught carefully.

After discovering that it was indeed lively and fresh, I was very satisfied with the purchase.

They came with buckets and were followed by a few boys who were responsible for carrying heavy objects back.

Because it is a new dish, I just started trying it and I won’t make too much. I took away ten fishes when I bought them, and I will make a batch at night.

The grilled fish is too big to be divided, but it doesn't matter. Their master chef is pretty good at cutting everything and adding some side dishes. One portion should be pretty good.

That night, when Dong Nuan was trying cold noodles in Zhuangzi, a new dish came to the canteen of the Imperial College.

Grilled fish.

As soon as the students entered the cafeteria, they smelled an overbearing and familiar fragrance.

"Why does this smell feel so familiar?"

"It also feels familiar to me. I seem to have smelled it somewhere, and it was just recently."

"The street behind?"

"It smells like fish."

"Hey, isn't this the grilled fish that Brother Han had before?"

The students who had smelled the smell rushed forward in a swarm, fearing that they would be late and not be able to eat.

Hanjiang Tower was the canteen that he went to normally, so he didn't know about Dong Nuan giving the prescription directly to the Imperial College.

He has been studying hard recently and has no time to go back home.

Some naughty students even asked the cook what was going on with the fish.

The master chef smiled and said: "It was Zhuxin County who sympathized with everyone's hard work and specially gave the recipe to our canteen. If you want to eat it in the future, you will make it often."

It was really given by Dong Nuan. Everyone exclaimed and then subconsciously looked at Hanjiang Tower.

There was a faint smile on Hanjianglou's lips, and he looked proud of Dong Nuan.

The two young masters, Cao Feng and Cao Kun, were already shocked. While lining up, they did not forget to whisper: "Sixth sister is amazing, but why do you suddenly want to give the recipe to the canteen?"

Wen Shuran, who came with them, knew some gossip: "I heard that it was Mr. Wang who went to the palace to ask for it in person, so the princess gave the recipe to the canteen."

Mr. Wang is the imperial master and is very old, but his son is a master in the Imperial College.

Therefore, it is understandable if it is Mr. Wang who takes the lead.

However, they also do it for the good of the students in the academy. Even if everyone knows about it, they still feel grateful.

Hanjianglou didn't know why, but he wasn't too curious. Dongnuan would tell him later.

So, wait in line to eat.

The number of seats today is not too large. There are so many students, so some people will definitely not be able to make it.

"When will it be available again, Master?"

"That's right, you can just drink some soup."

"I don't have to choose. If you add some side dishes to the soup, I'd also like to eat it."

The students started asking questions, not because they were pressuring, but because they were curious.

The master was not sure. After all, there was a person in charge of this matter, and he had no say in it, so he managed it with a smile.

Everyone didn't ask any questions and went to eat with their plates.

It rained for two more days in the next three days.

Rainy days have a great impact on fruits. Some fruits cannot withstand water, and some fruits lose their sweetness if they are washed by too much rain.

Fruits like this are either picked to make preserves in the warm winter, or picked to be flavored.

The sunshine after the rain seems to be extremely hot, making people's scalp numb.

However, once the sun bakes them, many fruits will become sweeter and more fragrant.

Although a lot of fruits were lost due to the rain during the warm winter, they only changed from fresh fruits to dried fruits, so the impact was not big.

When these dried fruits came out, Dong Nuan tasted them and said, "Not bad, not bad."

After adding enough seasoning, the dried fruit tastes really good.

Dong Nuan decided to give some to Cao Xinyao, and Gou Qingyun also gave some.

After all, now that Zhuangzi in Liangzhou has returned to winter, Gou Qingyun will have to spend money if she wants to eat, and she probably won't have so much freedom.

Moreover, after Lord Gou was transferred to Jizhou, it was not convenient for Gou Qingyun to go to Xiangshui County.

So, send some to her too.

The quantity of this batch of dried fruits is quite large, and even if I divide it into two portions in the warm winter, I can’t see any decrease.

The rest is naturally sent to the shop.

In fact, in summer, there are a lot of fresh fruits, but sales of dried fruits are average.

But I couldn't resist the fact that some people just like this one, and the reputation of winter warmth is here, so after I sent it to them, they were all sold out within two days.

Yes, hundreds of kilograms of dried fruits were all sold out.

The shopkeeper even went to Zhuangzi to ask if there were any more?

The price of fresh fruits is better, so in the winter we still tend to sell more fresh fruits in this season.

However, there are also a lot of dried fruits that can be made from some inferior fruits.

So, when the shopkeeper came to ask, she thought for a while and replied: "We'll see what happens later."

The shopkeeper also knew that fresh fruits were in season now, so he didn’t ask any more questions.

Time flies by and it’s August soon.

The weather in August is getting hotter, and taking exams on such a day is not an easy task for students.

Dong Nuan prepared a lot of things for Hanjiang Tower early in the morning, but the quantity that could actually be brought into the examination room was very small.

The provincial examination is on the ninth day of August, but students have to enter the examination room on the evening of the eighth day of August.

Apart from food rations and clothing, you can't bring much else in.

You go in on the evening of the eighth day of the lunar month and come out on the morning of the eighteenth day.

There was no transition in the Dayue Dynasty's rural examination, so you entered on the eighth day of the lunar month and could not come out until the eighteenth day of the lunar month.

After careful calculation, it actually takes ten days. It's scary to think about staying in a small room for ten days in the hot summer.

The problem is, there are still exams to take...

Even scarier.


Cute second update

This chapter has been completed!
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