Chapter 44 You and the fourth, let's go

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Dong Nuan obediently stopped talking about firewood, finished eating the thorn bubbles, and also drank the humanoid elixir.

Hanjianglou knew it well and knew that it was not easy for two people to be alone. Even though Dong Nuan looked small, he couldn't stand the vicious words of some people in the village.

So, watching Dong Nuan finish eating, Han Jianglou said in a deep voice: "Nuan Ya, go back quickly. If you are tired, just take a nap. If you are not tired, think about what you have read today, and you can talk to grandpa about it."

Let’s talk about it.”

Hanjianglou tried various methods to teach Dongnuan to be lazy, but he directly said that he was afraid that Dongnuan wouldn't be able to accept it.

Dong Nuan didn't hear it, but she had her own little plan.

Regarding Han Jianglou's words, Dong Nuan nodded obediently and said, "Well, listen to the eldest brother of the Han family."

Seeing this, Hanjianglou touched her head and went home carrying firewood.

Hanjianglou turned around and began to think about it in his mind. In the past, he had not thought about including anyone in his protective circle to live together, so he could just live his life in a leisurely manner, eating whatever he had.

It was probably because he had broken his heart in his previous life and had seen through people's hearts. When he came back again, Hanjiang Tower no longer had the hard work he had in his previous life, let alone any ambition to make progress.

Why bother after going round and round and being rejected in the end?

But now, with someone he wants to protect, life can no longer be like this.

I was thinking about how many copper coins I could sell for this load of firewood, and I was thinking about what day laborers could be found in the town.

It doesn't take too long, just ten days and a half.

In one month, it will be the summer harvest season, and the fields are busy. The two gentlemen in the village must hire part-time workers to help harvest the fields. The price offered by the other party is good, and Hanjiang Tower can still stay in the village to take care of the winter warmth.


Dong Nuan doesn't know what Hanjianglou is thinking about.

She returned home. It was not completely dark yet, so no one in the field came back.

Dong Nuan did not stay at home intentionally, but wandered to the back mountain again.

I stayed at home and waited for Mrs. Dong to come back. When I saw that I had come back so early, the chickens hadn’t been fed, and the yard hadn’t been tidied up, I couldn’t help but say a few words.

Others saw that they had returned so early, so they didn't know what else to plan.

Dong Nuan was too lazy to pay attention to them, so he went for a walk in the mountains.

If I don't go back empty-handed, it's hard for those people to say anything, and besides, there's Old Man Dong watching over me.

Just what to take back?

Good fruits are definitely not good, such as peaches of the quality given to Hanjiang Tower, winter peaches will not be brought out at all.

Because they don't deserve it!

Now maintaining the most basic relationship like this is enough for winter warmth.

Dong Nuan is young, so it is more difficult to set up a female household now.

If it weren't for this, Dong Nuan would have run away long ago, so who cares about them.

But running requires identity and guidance.

It's not that easy to completely separate yourself from your family.

If that's the case, then just deal with it.

If high-quality fruits are not available, then try some wild peaches.

Dong Nuan thought in her heart and gave birth to it casually.

Of course, the number won't be too much. If it were too much, it would encourage those people's greed.

And it’s interesting if it’s less. The number is small, and there are many children at home, so it’s not enough. Then it’ll be up to old man Dong to take charge of the overall situation.

Even if Old Man Dong divides the money equally among the five families, the children of each family will still be different.

By then, it will be a mess again.

Thinking of the excitement at home at night, Dong Nuan couldn't help but squint her eyes.

So, what's the point of just tit-for-tat confrontation between the two families? If so, let's have a big fight as a family.

"It's so lively when there are so many people." Dong Nuan rolled her eyes and pulled the wicker sticks to weave a small basket.

The wild peach did not give birth to many, only nine.

Oops, there are less than ten, not enough for the five families to share it equally. I just don’t know how Mr. Dong wants to divide it.

When it started to get dark, Dong Nuan slowly walked home, picking up some wild vegetables on the way. There was room in the small basket anyway, so it was just a convenience.

When I got home, I heard Mrs. Dong pinching her waist, standing on the stove, and cursing: "Ah, one or two, have you rebelled? You can't even finish the work at home, so why not?"

If you go back to your parents' house to help, why don't you just go back to your parents' house and never come back? Why don't you stay at your parents' house and eat your food before coming back?"

The second aunt and the fourth aunt both went back to their parents' house at noon today and did not come back in the afternoon.

In the evening, in time for dinner, the two of them came back. Mrs. Dong was so angry that her mouth was twisted.

When he saw the two people coming back, he waved his rice shovel and cursed.

Although it was said to be a car-wheel talk, only a few words were repeated back and forth, but Mrs. Dong couldn't stand her loud voice, and several neighbors could hear her roar.

Although the second uncle was thick-skinned, she couldn't stand Mrs. Dong yelling and scolding her like this.

Plus, she still wants to lose face.

So, taking advantage of Mrs. Dong's scolding, she hurriedly handed over a large handful of wild vegetables and said with a flattering smile: "Mom, my mother-in-law has something to do and I didn't come back empty-handed. I brought the wild vegetables with me.


Looking at this large handful of wild vegetables, although it was not a good thing, in the farmyard, anything that can be eaten is good. Mrs. Dong's face softened a little.

He turned his head and looked at Fourth Aunt Dong coldly.

Fourth Aunt Dong is now a knife-killer. She is not afraid at all. She shamelessly licks her lips and says: "Auntie, my natal brother is not feeling well and cannot do the work in the fields. Our family is not short of labor, so I will go home."

Look, I haven’t been there too long.”

Mrs. Dong almost fainted from her words.

His face, which looked like old tree bark, stretched instantly. He waved his rice shovel and roared, "Ah, come home and have a look. I'll show you, I'll show you!"

As he spoke, he actually moved his hands directly.

Fourth Aunt Dong was beaten so much that she ran around the house, begging for mercy as she ran.

However, I didn’t say anything, just that I was wrong and I wouldn’t dare to do it next time.

Because she knew in her heart that when it was time to go back to her parents' home to work, she had better go back.

How could he not go back to work at his parents' house if he wished he could go home and poop?

Old Man Dong sat at the back door to enjoy the cool air. After watching the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law fight, he softly shouted: "Okay."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Mrs. Dong stopped with a dark face. Fourth Aunt Dong tilted her head, licked her lips and smiled, ready to pat her clothes and go back to her room.

Anyway, they don't need to cook the meal. The aunt has already taken the initiative to light the fire. If she doesn't have anything to do, she plans to go back to the house to look around and see if there is anything else to take back to her parents' house tomorrow.

There is a lot of work in her parents' fields, and she plans to go back early tomorrow morning.

Anyway, when she comes back, she just gets scolded or beaten. It's not like she can't escape, it's nothing.

They were all dedicated to her mother's family, and Fourth Aunt Dong felt very proud.

Old Man Dong glanced at the unrepentant Fourth Aunt Dong, his face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Okay, since the fourth child misses his parents' family, let's pack up our things and go back to our parents' house. We will spend time back home.

Please ask Liao Xiucai to write a letter of divorce, and you and the fourth child should say goodbye."

This chapter has been completed!
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