Chapter 465 Please seal the prince

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The more Mrs. Zhou talked, the more energetic she became, and she almost stopped sleeping. She took Dong Nuan to talk about the gossip that she had been holding in her heart for too long.

Fortunately, she did feel tired in the end, so she cleaned up and went back to each room to sleep.

On the second day, Mr. Han handed over a note to the palace, preparing to invite Han Jianglou to be crowned prince.

Your Majesty knew that the Imperial Master was coming to Beijing, so he naturally made preparations early in the morning.

Knowing the purpose of the other party's visit, His Majesty was sure of it as soon as the other party's coupons were handed in.

Then, of course, in the afternoon, Mr. Han entered the palace.

Your Majesty has no objection to the matter of inviting the title of prince. After all, it was already stated when he was granted the title of prince that it would be hereditary for three generations.

Don't worry about the character of the prince whom Mr. Han finally invited to be crowned, or what he was like.

What His Majesty said back then must be fulfilled.

Therefore, as soon as Mr. Han asked for the seal, His Majesty agreed.

There is no need to make a big fuss about establishing a crown prince, so His Majesty agreed, and the Han family can simply handle it.

However, the Han family's ancestral home is in Jiangzhou, so there are some things that need to be dealt with back in Jiangzhou.

Some procedures and other trivial matters need to be handled back to Jiangzhou.

Fortunately, Hanjiang Tower has now passed the exam. After passing the exam, you can start your study tour.

To put it bluntly, the Juren master can take leave at any time to do his own things.

Because being able to pass the examination proves that this person has high aspirations and is easy to learn. He no longer needs to be rigid in the academy in order to study honestly and with self-discipline.

After entering September, the weather is no longer so hot, and the warm winter is not averse to long-distance travel.

Therefore, Dong Nuan didn't object to going back to Jiangzhou to go through the procedures.

After all the matters in the capital were arranged, Dong Nuan and Han Jianglou packed up, and then set off for Jiangzhou with Mr. Han and the others.

This journey is not going fast. Although Mr. Han has recovered well now, he is still showing his age, so it is still not good to go too fast, lest his body and bones cannot bear it.

Plus, it's not something to worry about, so they can take their time.

Just think of it as enjoying the scenery along the way.

Since Mrs. Zhou shared the gossip with Dong Nuan, she has been talking about these things enthusiastically recently.

Along the way, Dong Nuan will not feel lonely because there are all kinds of gossip to listen to.

Besides Jiangzhou, there are other places...

I have to say that Mrs. Zhou is really holding back her anger.

They walked from Beijing to Jiangzhou for almost half a month before going back.

After returning home, Hanjianglou first went to meet his brother-in-law, Mr. Zhou, and then went to meet his uncles and other figures in the clan.

Then, the clan leader opens an ancestral hall, pays homage to the ancestors, and then holds a running-water banquet.

It proves that there are successors to the Han family and someone to inherit the title.

After Hanjianglou arrived in Jiangzhou, he almost never left his feet and was busy every day.

After setting up the flowing water banquet for three days, Mrs. Zhou held another small banquet and invited noble ladies and gentlemen to come and enjoy the flowers.

Mrs. Zhou didn't know much about flowers, but in order to have a reputation for hosting banquets sometimes, she had to let the flower girl in the house take good care of her.

The autumn chrysanthemums are blooming very well now, so it's time to hold a banquet.

Dong Nuan has been staying with Hanjianglou recently, handling all kinds of trivial matters.

After Han Jianglou came to Jiangzhou, he was introduced by Mr. Han and met many scholars.

Young and old, everyone was very busy exchanging information and discussing academic issues.

Most of the time in winter, I just act as a tool.

After all, Dong Nuan could not participate in the students' discussion, or it was inconvenient to participate.

Therefore, she spent most of her time working as a tool maker in nearby spice shops and jewelry shops.

Take a look at the popular styles, mainstream spices, etc.

Hanjiang Tower is busy, and Winter Nuan is not idle either.

You can also simply understand the customs of various places.

Although it wasn't as if she was writing a travelogue, it would be convenient for her. If she went to Jingxian County, she would know where to ask for help if she needed help somewhere.

When the Zhou Mansion held a banquet, Dong Nuan also had to attend because it involved noble girls and ladies.

However, Dong Nuan was still a little worried before joining.

after all……

She was afraid that she would fall into the trap and find out that this was the daughter-in-law who was sleeping with her father-in-law, that was the aunt who was sleeping with her nephew, and that was the daughter-in-law who was messing around with her sister and ended up sleeping with her sister's father-in-law by mistake...

Today's warm winter is also one of the main factors, so you must put more thought into dressing up.

Dong Nuan chose a long coat with aqua embroidered stand collar and large sleeves, and paired it with a tea white embroidered horse skirt. Because she was wearing a long coat, Dong Nuan did not wear it. She only decorated it with two luozi.

The tassels sway gently along with the hem of the skirt, giving it a different kind of beauty.

The hair is combed into a bun with clouds, decorated with beads and flowers, and paired with a light pink gem peach blossom style step, which adds a touch of color to the hair in the warm winter and makes the color of the whole body brighter.

Anyway, after reading it, Mrs. Zhou's eyes lit up and she felt that the little girl became more and more beautiful and charming.

She is a woman, and her heart is filled with excitement just looking at her!

Mrs. Zhou has two sons, the eldest son is eleven years old and the youngest son is seven years old. When giving birth to the younger son, she was injured and has been recovering. She has not become pregnant again for the time being.

However, Mr. Zhou has the pride of a scholar and the loyalty of a military commander, so he has no idea of ​​taking a concubine.

In other words, people are so focused on their political careers that they don't care at all about such romantic matters as taking concubines.

Therefore, the backyard is very clean, which makes Dong Nuan have a much better impression of this brother-in-law.

The two children took two days off at home a few days ago, and they have already gone to the academy for today's banquet.

After all, studying is not easy. They are still young and need to be controlled by the academy and slowly develop the habit of self-discipline.

Therefore, when the two children are not at home, Dong Nuan and Mrs. Zhou are the two people in charge of the house.

Mrs. Zhou's dress today is not much different from her past style. She wears a dark-white short coat with large sleeves and an indigo horse-faced skirt, which makes her look more mature and dignified.

She is much older than Dong Nuan, so dressing up like this is not rude, but rather suits her age better.

After the two people packed up, the noble ladies from each mansion had almost entered the mansion, and they needed to receive them.

Lord Zhou is the prefect of Jiangzhou, and the wives and daughters of all the officials under him must give him face to attend such a banquet.

If it weren't for the fact that the adults still had to be on duty, I'm afraid they would have come to join in the fun.

As for the front yard, Hanjiang Tower and Mr. Han will be there to receive you, but there is no need for Mr. Zhou to spare time to receive you.


Cute second update

This chapter has been completed!
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