Chapter 476 Ninghe County Lord

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The Princess's Mansion is not far from the General's Mansion.

However, it snowed two days ago, and the roads were slippery and driving was slow, so we walked for most of the day to get there.

At the entrance of the General's Mansion, the butler was waiting.

After entering, the female family members will be led to the backyard, where they will be entertained by Nian and Wu Ruoruo.

The male guests were led to the front yard, where they were entertained by General Wu and the eldest son Wu Jian.

General Wu is recovering well now. He would like to return to the battlefield, but His Majesty does not allow it.

It's not that Your Majesty is afraid of his superiority, it's mainly because Nian cried twice when he went to the palace to see the Queen Mother.

She can't persuade him, but His Majesty can.

Therefore, after the Queen Mother said a few words, the Emperor thought about it and did not let General Wu move.

There is no movement at the border for the time being, so there is no need to worry too much. General Wu should just stay in the capital to recuperate.

Once the war breaks out, Your Majesty will have no mercy. Even if General Wu is seriously ill at that time, as long as he is conscious, he will be carried to sit in command.

This is a kind of celebrity shock effect, and the emperor also understands it.

"Nuan Nuan!" Seeing Dong Nuan coming over, Wu Ruoruo happily walked over a few steps. After asking softly, she touched Dong Nuan's hand stove and found that it was still hot, which made her feel relieved.

She also thought that if the winter hand warmer got cold, she would replace it with another one. The one in her hand was still warm.

"Ruoruo." Dong Nuan returned the greeting and then followed her in.

Wu Ruoruo is still entertaining, so she can't stay with Dong Nuan all the time.

However, she specifically asked her maids to protect themselves from the winter warmth, and then she walked out uneasily, turning back every step of the way.

Looking at Wu Ruoruo like this, Dong Nuan couldn't help but want to laugh.

No one came to the Anding Marquis Mansion today. An elder in the manor passed away. It is estimated that the young ladies and gentlemen in the manor will not come out to attend various banquets in a short period of time.

There are also people coming to the Lin Mansion today, the same sisters Lin Zhi and Lin Yun from before.

Probably because they had a good chat last time, they also gathered around after seeing the warm winter weather.

Lin Yun still didn't talk much, and Lin Zhi still talked very densely. Most people couldn't get in and could only listen to what she was saying.

I have to say, this little girl is naturally talkative.

It's just that sometimes the questions are so silly and sweet that Dong Nuan gets a headache from listening to them.

"But why do we have to wear bijia in winter? Otherwise, we just wear a coat. In fact, we can just wear a long coat..."

"Well, what is that? It looks so shiny."

"Hey, what is this?"

"Is this really edible? It doesn't look delicious."

Listening to the suffocating questions she asked there, Dong Nuan couldn't help but think, how difficult is the Lin family's life, so why did the girl become like this?

Lin Yun was on the side, looking like she was lying down and giving up. It was obvious that she most likely had no idea about this cousin.

However, Dong Nuan noticed that the two people today were obviously dressed up.

Lin Zhi wore a rouge-pink round-neck, long-sleeved short coat, paired with a ginger-yellow embroidered horse-faced skirt. Around her waist was a delicate ban-step woven with plain white suet and jade beads. She was previously wearing a thick ginger-yellow cloak.

, took it off after entering the house.

Compared with Dong Nuan, who wears Bijia, which looks a little bloated, Lin Zhi's outfit looks more fresh and gorgeous.

The bun and hair accessories were also neatly arranged, and lipstick was added to the lips. Dongnuan took a slight sniff and found out that it was the new lipstick from Zhuangzi. It was sold at Cao Ji's spice shop.

Not low.

Every month in Dongnuan, the split account earns a lot of money.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, wore an ivory white embroidered long-sleeved short coat, paired with a bright red embroidered horse-face skirt, and around her waist was a forbidden step woven with ruby ​​​​beads. The style is also very beautiful.

Dong Nuan didn't take a closer look at first and didn't think much about it, but now that she took a closer look, she felt that these two people...

Maybe he came prepared today, or maybe the Lin Mansion came prepared.

The Lin family's background is actually not bad, but the power of the general's family is there. The second and third sons of the Wu family have already been galloping on the battlefield at a young age, and they will definitely become great figures with great military exploits in the future.

Although Wu Jian is weak in literature, he is now in good health and can study well.

In addition, there are two younger brothers to take care of him, and his life will definitely be very easy in the future. He is also the legitimate son of the general. Even if the family separates and lives separately, Wu Jian will still account for the majority of the wealth of the general's mansion.

In the past, he was disliked because of his bad temper and poor health.

But now, it has become a dominant stock again, and naturally many people are interested.

Of course, everything was just Dong Nuan's guess. She had a calm face and still got along with the two girls from the Lin family very naturally.

That's right...

It might be better if Lin Zhi talked less.

The banquet is just a normal meal and drink. The nobles in the capital are very shrewd. They really look down on you and will not trouble you or embarrass you in such a public place, unless they are particularly difficult to get along with. .

Dong Nuan is a popular person in front of His Majesty, and at this kind of banquet, everyone goes smoothly.

However, it seems that the two Lin sisters are not.

Someone came over to cause trouble for the two people. Dong Nuan remembered that the one with arrogant eyebrows and an arrogant expression seemed to be the county chief.

Dong Nuan doesn't have any friendship with the other party, or it could be said that the other party is arrogant and looks down on a village girl like Dong Nuan, who is from a village girl background, and has never thought of making friends with her.

Therefore, Dong Nuan didn't realize who this was at first. After thinking about it carefully, he pulled this person out from the corner of his memory.

The head of Ninghe County is from Prince Shun's Mansion...

Adopted daughter.

The identity of this adopted daughter is actually quite disgusting.

She was the daughter of the young Prince Shun, Bai Yueguang. Later, Bai Yueguang married an inhumane man. After giving birth to his daughter, he passed away soon after, leaving the little girl pitifully in the man's house.

Prince Shun felt distressed, so he sent someone to talk to the other party, and then he took her back by force, recognized her as his adopted daughter, and made her the county head.

At that time, the late emperor was still in power. The late emperor acted absurdly and Prince Shun acted miserably. He said a few nice words, but the late emperor thought it was not a big deal. With a wave of his hand, the matter was settled.

Even though the emperor agreed with the matter, the adopted daughter's father had no choice but to swallow his breath even if he was dissatisfied.

Of course, because of this incident, there are also rumors in the capital that this adopted daughter may not be her biological daughter. Bai Yueguang was pregnant with the child and married into someone else's house.

There are many theories, but the county lord, who was favored by Prince Shun, acted quite lawlessly, relied on his status, and was always very arrogant towards people and things.

Today she actually came here for the eldest son of the General's Mansion. After all, you can tell by looking at her dress.

Therefore, she was not only targeting the Lin family sisters, but other noble ladies had also been made to cry by her.


Lovely second update at 15:00

This chapter has been completed!
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