Chapter 494

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The process of the palace examination was actually quite smooth because it didn't take long.

It's not like the provincial examination and the general examination, which have to go through a difficult period of nearly ten days.

The imperial examination ended quickly and the results came out quickly.

Hanjiang Tower did not make the top ten, which was within his expectation.

However, he was also selected as a Jinshi and was sent to Jingxian County, Lizhou as the county magistrate.

Many people actually don't understand all this.

Because, in addition to being a student, Hanjiang Tower is also a prince.

Regardless of whether Mr. Han's title is an honorary title or something else, it is at least hereditary.

The other party is the eldest son, so staying in the capital is actually a good idea. Because of his connections and the strong support of Dong Nuan, even if he enters the Hanlin Academy, he can continue to be promoted in the future.

You can even transfer to other departments, and you may be promoted in a few years.

but none.

Hanjiang Tower was assigned.

Many people were surprised, but they didn't ask any more questions.

Regarding His Majesty's decision, it would be useless for them to ask too many questions.

Hanjianglou has been appointed as the new Jingxian County Magistrate, and he can take office in June.

Dong Nuan has already started packing her things, while Hanjiang Tower is going to attend the Qionglin Banquet and other banquets.

Xiaozhuangzi's side is almost all left to Dong Sanchun. With him managing it, Dong Nuan doesn't need to worry about it.

But here in Dazhuangzi, besides the chief manager, there still needs to be someone to take care of him regularly.

His Majesty had already considered this for her, and it was his people who arranged it.

Of course, Mr. Lin of Shanglin Garden has to participate in life and death, so he can also enter Zhuangzi from time to time.

Except for rose water, the rest of the perfume-making techniques can be picked up by several maids.

Dong Nuan has never thought about spreading the technology of rose water.

Because many of the spices used in winter warmth are very layered and stylish. They are no different from rose water, it just feels different.

Therefore, the rose water business does not seem to be as good as before.

Whether it is warm or not in winter, the impact will not be big.

By the end of April, the cement manufacturing and experiments were all completed.

After His Majesty got the data he wanted, he waved his hand and awarded Dong Sanchun the title he had prepared long ago.

Even though Dong Sanchun had been given a few words of advice by Dong Nuan earlier, now that he was hit by such a big cake, he was still at a loss.

Is he now an uncle?

Although it was just an honorary title, there was no fiefdom, but he could receive a little more money every year, his status was different, and he was also rewarded with a separate mansion.

However, the status has indeed improved.

From a white body, he suddenly became a noble.

I was so excited during winter and spring that I didn't sleep well for several days.

After waiting for the imperial edict to confer the reward, he slept with the edict in his arms for several days, and then dedicatedly offered the edict.

However, the joy of winter and spring did not last long.

Because in early May, Dong Nuan and Han Jianglou packed everything and prepared to go to Jing County, Lizhou to take office.

The previous magistrate of Jingxian County had requested an order from His Majesty two years ago and wanted to retire and return to his hometown.

After all, he can't accomplish much in politics, and he doesn't have many connections. Otherwise, even if he can't return to the capital, he can still go to other, relatively wealthy places.

Since there is no hope of promotion, then return home early.

At least he has a reputation, and it would be better to go home and teach than to die there.

However, His Majesty never agreed.

However, this year His Majesty suddenly agreed, saying that someone would come to take over the matter with him in June.

The county magistrate is not yet in his prime years, but his hair is already mostly gray.

Now when I heard that someone was finally going to replace him, I was so excited that I almost had a stroke.

It's better that the doctor treated me in time, otherwise I might be extremely happy and sad.

Jingxian County is a long way from the capital, and Hanjianglou didn't want to be too tired due to the warm winter. In addition, they also needed to inspect the customs and customs along the way, so they packed up and set off in early May.

I don’t have much to bring, so those maids and servants who are willing to follow will bring them, and those who don’t want to can buy them now when the time comes.

Shizhu is willing to follow, and she is indeed Dong Nuan's confidant. Since she is willing, she will follow.

Qingzhu and the others were from the capital and were reluctant to leave their homeland. Dongnuan was also an open-minded owner, so they were reluctant to go. Dongnuan did not force him to go, but bought a few others who were willing to follow. It happened that Dianthus followed. Just tune them out together.

Shi Qing doesn't stay in Zhuangzi either. He wants to follow Dong Nuan, and Shi Er will definitely follow, as well as Lao Qin, who used to drive the carriage.

Adding all the servants down there, there must be more than twenty people.

Dongnuan and Hanjianglou have different identities, and His Majesty has given permission, so no one can find anything wrong.

Plus, it’s not like you’re raising someone else’s money. If Dong Nuan is willing, who cares?

When I set off, I didn’t bring many things with me. I exchanged most of my things for cash or banknotes, which made it easier to carry around.

In addition to some clothes for daily wear, the boxes and cages also contained some fabrics and some jewelry.

There is a box containing various seeds that Dong Nuan has collected over the past year or so.

Most of them are flower seeds, and there are many others that I don’t recognize.

In the past few months, she begged Meng Rong and Wu Ruoruo to be kind to her, and got a lot of seeds. When she got to Jing County, she could try to plant them.

Nowadays, the capital has begun to build roads, and cement roads are much more convenient than bluestone roads.

However, the production capacity of this thing cannot keep up, and now the output is limited, so it cannot go anywhere for the time being.

However, the things have already passed through the capital. After the winter warms up, it’s no problem to go to Jingxian to do it yourself.

On the day Dongnuan and Hanjianglou set off, many people came to see them off.

Even the emperor sent him off in person, let alone others.

Of course, the emperor changed his previous generosity. This time he just took out five thousand taels of silver notes from his private treasury and handed it to Dong Nuan.

When I handed it over, my heart was bleeding.

His new one, woo woo, hasn't warmed up yet.

If he hadn't given hope to Dongnuan and Hanjiang Tower, he would never have been able to pay this money.

Is this taking his money?

No no no!

This is costing his life!!!

After the emperor sent the money and gave a few more instructions, he went back to the palace on the Dragon Banquet.

No one knew that the emperor covered his heart when he went to the Dragon Boat Festival and felt that he was not feeling well.

Some people and officials didn't intend to see him off. After all, they didn't have much interaction with Dong Nuan. But as soon as they heard that the emperor was coming, they had to catch up.

So, send it, why not send it?

But if you don’t give something as a gift, it won’t look good.

I couldn't get any gifts at the moment, so I could only get some money in the form of banknotes.

Wow, heartache!

After the emperor sent them off, Dong Sanchun and his whole family came to see off his eldest sister and brother-in-law. Dong Yao didn't even go to the academy today.

The little fat man in the past has now drawn a lot of money, but now he is still crying like a fat man. If he didn't care about others, he would probably cry louder.

Dongtao and Dongzao also kept wiping away tears. Dongwu covered her face and cried miserably.

In winter and spring, I feel even more reluctant to part with you, but I can’t let the whole family cry.

This is not a fucking funeral!

This chapter has been completed!
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