Chapter 572 It is very important to learn foreign languages

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After the carriage swayed for a long time, it finally stopped.

After the coachman got off the bus, he seemed to have said something to someone. Dong Nuan listened carefully and probably understood.

What they were saying was that once they caught the person, if the steward was there, when they could arrange to send them out of the city.

Nowadays, border cities are strictly prohibited, so if you want to go through formal channels, you will definitely not be able to do so.

Is it possible that they still have to cross the mountain road?

Dong Nuan thought in his mind that they didn't say how to get there, probably because Lao An and the others were not in charge of this area and didn't understand it either.

The other party didn't say much, probably because they were on guard against each other. If something happened, even if Lao An and the others were hung up and beaten, they probably wouldn't be able to get out any particularly important information.

After Lao An finished asking, he opened the curtain and signaled to Liniang that she could get the person down.

Warm my ears in winter, listen to the noise, and pretend I don’t know anything.

Liniang's movements were not gentle, and even seemed a bit rough to vent her anger.

In the end, the people outside couldn't stand it anymore and muttered a few words with an obvious local tone.

It has been more than a year since the warm winter came to Yeju, and now I can understand the dialects of each county.

But I can't quite understand what they say, and I can barely understand the meaning of the occasional few syllables.

Is it possible that there is a prosperous country?

Liniang seemed a little dissatisfied when she was spoken to, but she softened her movements a little, and even muttered a few curse words. Although she couldn't understand it, it was not a good thing to hear.

Dong Nuan was quickly locked up. Of course it wasn't a woodshed, it was probably an empty room. The smell was a bit strong, and it should be occupied by permanent residents.

These people didn't talk much. They seemed to be afraid that Dong Nuan would hear something, so they put them down and left directly.

There was a guard at the door. Dong Nuan listened and realized there should be two of them.

There is another one on the roof, and another one by the window at the back of the house.

In addition, there are people in the next room, and the sound of winter and winter sounds, it sounds like it must be a place like the kitchen.

There was no sound or movement from the other side of the room, probably because no one was there.

From a distance, one could not hear what Liniang and the others said, and no one appeared within the vicinity where the warmth of winter could be felt.

It can be simply judged that this area should be very large, so Liniang and the others are farther away, so Dongnuan can't hear the sound.

The tied rope is not a problem for Dong Nuan. You can break free with a simple struggle.

Liniang was brought up not long ago, and there was no need for Dong Nuan to show off in Jing County, so the other party didn't know Dong Nuan's true strength.

Dong Nuan is not in a hurry. Although it is a bit uncomfortable to tie his hands, he can bear it for the time being.

It was early in the morning when Dong Nuan set out, and it should not be noon now.

At noon, no one came to deliver food. I was temporarily hungry, but the warm winter was bearable.

In the afternoon, there was a noise at the door, and soon the door was pushed open, making several creaking sounds.

The footsteps of the people who came in were a little light, and it was difficult to tell whether they were men or women based on their voices, but Dong Nuan smelled the breath.

Well, Lao An, the coachman, was there, and so was Liniang. In addition, the two men guarding the door also came in.

In addition to these people, there are three other people, all of whom should be adult males. One of them is quite tall, probably on par with Hanjianglou, and the other two are relatively shorter.

Several people should be able to do it, because they are so big but walk very lightly. Dong Nuan wouldn't believe it if they didn't put some effort into it.

After they came in, they kept their eyes on Dong Nuan for a long time, and then said a bunch of words they didn't understand.


Hey, who would have thought that I would need to add learning a foreign language to my plan in my lifetime.

Although Dong Nuan wanted to fight Youchang State before, but now Dayue is also recuperating and it is difficult to start a war for the time being.

Moreover, once a war breaks out, the people will suffer in the end. Although Dongnuan has no merciful heart to save the world, he does not have any bad hobbies. He just likes to provoke wars and watch people lining up to die.

So, I just thought about it before.

She just covets the soil quality, mineral resources and temperature in Changguo.

But now...

Well, kidnapping an important uncle from another country should be enough to arouse His Majesty's anger, right?

If Hanjiang Tower wasn't worried, Dong Nuan would even want to follow these people and go directly to Youchang Country to catch a wave of big fish.

It's a pity. If we really go there, Hanjiang Tower will probably be able to pick him up directly and send troops to rescue him.

It’s better not to over-stimulate your man.

Dong Nuan thought like this, letting the people come to look at her.

After looking at it for a long time, they said a few words and then walked away.

Due to the language barrier, Dong Nuan was not sure whether all the fish in this net were here.

But if the net is not closed, these people may just transport her away.

Thinking of this, Dong Nuan decided to wait and see again.

If those people took her away overnight, then she would cause trouble at night.

They stayed up all night, and she stayed up all night too.

If the other party waits until tomorrow, then Dong Nuan...

Let's do something tonight too.

It's a dark, windy night, and it's the right time to do something, so there's no need to waste it.

Dong Nuan slowly calculated the possible time in her heart.

Of course, no one cares about dinner, probably because I feel that even after a few hungry meals, I won’t be too hungry, and it will dampen the spirit of winter warmth.

The sounds outside are too far away to be heard clearly in Dong Nuan, so I can only judge the approximate time and where the dinner may be going on through the movements and sounds of the kitchen next door.

As the movement in the kitchen next door became quieter, Dong Nuan guessed that the meals for the masters must have been served.

The next little movement was food for the slaves.

After waiting for about half an hour, still no one came to pick me up.

Is it too early?

Dong Nuan thought uncertainly, the people at the door, the roof, and the back window came to change positions after the noise in the kitchen became quieter.

Well, I can see that there are quite a lot of people here.

Dong Nuan was not in a hurry. After waiting for more than half an hour, the kitchen next door became completely quiet.

Counting the time in his mind, it was probably enough. Dong Nuan quietly broke away from the rope, and then easily pulled the cloth from his eyes.

She was sitting on a bed that was not new. Someone must have slept on the bed before, and it must have been someone with a strong smell.

Sitting in Dongnuan all day, I was choking, and it was hard to move around now.

There are people on both sides, and you need to consider how to kill them quietly.

The rear window must be done first, and the front door must be done last, otherwise it will be too eye-catching.

Moreover, Dongnuan also needs to know the situation here.

Is it hiding in a rural mountain village, or is it built as an eyesore in a busy city?

Thinking of this, Dong Nuan slowed down his steps and silently walked towards the rear window.

In the darkness, no one realized that something was wrong with the people in the room.

They heard no movement and thought Dong Nuan had fallen asleep or fainted from hunger.

At this time, the two people guarding the back window even took a nap because they were too full for dinner.

This chapter has been completed!
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