Chapter 606 Stewed Goose in Iron Pot

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Seeing that they were about to get married, the nurturing aunt began to talk to Dongtao about various matters related to getting married.

Including, the wedding night, what both men and women have to do, how to get pregnant, assisted pregnancy, etc...

Dong Tao's face turned red when she heard this. After sending her foster aunt away, she heard the news that Dong Nuan was pregnant.

Then, she couldn't help but worry.

"I don't know, eldest sister is pregnant, is it hard?" Dongtao cooed and quickly got back into the preparations for the wedding.

Dongtao got married in June, and Dongnuan's body did not allow her to work hard.

If there is no summons from Hanjiang Tower, you cannot return to the capital at will.

Therefore, they only prepared gifts and no one could be present.

There was nothing that could be done about it, and they all said they understood it in winter and spring.

This year, a large amount of corn was planted in the capital, inside the royal gardens.

After all, there was a bumper harvest last year and a lot of seeds were harvested.

The Agricultural Supervisor has been working hard to breed them and is just waiting to plant them this year.

The first is the royal experiment. After obtaining a large amount of data, more seeds can be harvested to facilitate promotion next year.

So, when October came, the emperor listened to the news from the agricultural supervisor.

“Your Majesty, the yield per acre is five stones!


"Your Majesty, the yield per mu is five and a half stones!"

“Your Majesty, the yield per mu is five stones per dou!


The emperor listened to the words "Your Majesty" in his ears, and then looked at the booklet, which already made people dazzled by the five stones, five stones...

He couldn't help holding his hands and laughing: "Okay, okay, I have to give you a good reward!"

Dong Nuan’s current status is already quite high, how about another reward?

Doesn't this mean that he will be directly granted a title of marquis?

No one dared to say anything, or they had already laid down and had no objection.

As for the corn seeds, several ministers in the court have actually seen them.

But, people didn’t take it seriously, they just thought it was the seeds of some kind of wild flower.

So, I just missed it.


Who is to blame?

It's just that they weren't careful enough or brave enough to try it.

Therefore, it seems normal to be granted another title.

However, many people began to regret it now. If they had known that His Majesty wanted to promote Dong Nuan as a princess, they would have directly promoted her.

No matter what happens, it's still a woman's business.

Where is it like now?

The battlefield has been drawn to their side.


Don't ask, asking means regretting it.

But, I dare not speak.

The royal gardens in the capital have a great harvest, and the warm winters here are not bad either.

After all, she brought some corn seeds and planted them this year.

After harvesting, she kept part of the seeds, and the rest was already drying, and then she was ready to make some new varieties to eat.

When it came to eating, the emperor was at a loss.

He called over the chefs from the imperial kitchen and the agricultural supervisor.

Everyone sat together and began to study how to eat corn.

Is it like wheat, which is directly ground into powder, or is it like corn, which is directly steamed and eaten?

No one knows, they either have to ask Dongnuan, or they have to try it themselves.

This year's harvest was bumper, and we will leave a lot of seeds for next year.

Even so, the emperor waved his hand and allocated several hundred kilograms for them to try.

"You can't rely on me for everything, you have to have your own ideas." The emperor expressed his meaning straightforwardly.

He provides them with a salary, is it possible that they still want to eat free of charge?

That definitely won’t work!

So, work, all work.

Then these people sat together and began to study, how to eat corn?

When they were studying how to eat corn, Dong Nuan had already made a blunt iron pot.

On a cold day, get a blunt iron pot, then mix the sifted cornmeal with water, adjust the flour, and after it rises, stick it around the edge of the pot.

Waiting for the iron pot to become dull, the smell of corn tortillas will come out.

Tsk tsk, so happy!

To keep warm in winter, it’s still a big deal, just stew the goose.

The taste has been directly improved a lot.

Hanjiang Tower is very satisfied with this.

Because, the big goose had chased Dong Nuan before, but of course he was kicked away by Dong Nuan, and then he got scared and didn't dare to mess around.

However, Hanjiang Tower has wanted to kill it for a long time.

Now that I finally got the chance, I just killed it!

You know, in order to remember this goose, Hanjianglou specially tied a small rope around its feet.

I'm afraid I've killed the wrong goose.

At this time, looking at the big goose that had turned into a pile of lumpy meat, Hanjianglou snorted twice and thought childishly in his heart: Humph, I want you to chase my wife and get into the pot!

Dong Nuan's belly is already very big now, after all, there is less than a month left before the due date.

Hanjianglou was scared to death every day when he saw her pregnant belly.

Their glass greenhouse has been built, and vegetables are now being grown. The first batch of vegetables will be ready to eat in a few days.

Dong Nuan was very satisfied with this, and Hanjiang Tower was no longer thinking about these things.

The two of them came to Zhuangzi to enjoy life today.

There was a large iron stew pot directly connected to the fire in the room, and the temperature came up in a short time.

Dong Nuan sat on the kang, feeling the warm temperature, and couldn't help but tell Hanjianglou about the subsequent vegetable sales.

"Yes, I remember it all." Not to mention sending it to the capital, the market demand in Lianzhou is quite large now.

Knowing that vegetables are grown here in Dongnuan, many wealthy households came to inquire in advance.

Some of them came to ask if there could be fresh vegetables during the Chinese New Year.

There are also some people who just want to eat it every day, especially some wealthy merchants.

However, merchants have always been cautious. Because they have a lower status, they are often cautious, but there are also some who are brave enough to ask questions.

In this regard, Hanjiang Tower treats everyone equally.

They are all customers who will send him money in the future.

Well, I learned this from Dong Nuan.

The two of them only talked for a while, and then the iron pot stew was ready and it was ready to eat.

The two of them had a delicious meal and felt the charm of corn.

Last year there was a great harvest in Jingxian County, so Hanjianglou ate corn pancakes once.

The taste is not particularly good, but this is just compared to wheat or millet.

Compared with some cereals, this taste is actually not bad.

Especially for those people who don't have enough to eat, this food is very good and quite filling.

Now that he was eating it again, Hanjianglou squinted his eyes and thought about it for a while.

After dinner, the two of them were in no hurry to leave. It was a very cold day.

We stayed in Zhuangzi for one night, and when we turned around Tianlianzhou, it started to snow.

Not only Lianzhou, but also several nearby states and even Lianzhou to the north have snowed.

"The temperature in the glass house needs to be kept up with the wind protection!" Dong Nuan saw it was snowing and hurriedly told Hanjianglou.

These things are written in Dongnuan's plan.

Therefore, he knows that there is no need to remind the winter warmers, and he will remind the long-term workers every night to take good precautions against wind.

Now Dong Nuan asked about it, in order to reassure Dong Nuan, he went out to take a look.

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