Chapter 632

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This little girl wasn't mentioned much in the plot, so Dong Nuan didn't think much about it anymore.

And the plot is not irreversible, so what should I do if I think about it so much?

The emperor wanted Nao Nao to be Princess Heyang's escort, and Dong Nuan had no problem with it.

It's better to accompany the princess than to accompany others.

In addition, the queen showed no intention of being unwilling, so Dong Nuan felt relieved and allowed the emperor to make arrangements.

After dinner, Nao Nao and Princess Heyang were both tired. Children tend to get sleepy after eating a full meal.

Dong Nuan has a place to live in the palace, so she can come and stay there.

The emperor happened to have other things to deal with. As for Dong Nuan going to the Agricultural Supervisor to help, he didn't have to do it for half a day. He could go tomorrow.

Therefore, the queen took Princess Heyang back to the palace, and Dongnuan took Nao Nao to rest.

On the way back to the palace, the queen chatted with Dong Nuan about her daily life, and as she talked, she turned to Concubine Rong: "Go and see Concubine Rong in the afternoon."

She only found out about Concubine Rong when Hanjianglou told Dong Nuan after she returned from the capital during the Chinese New Year.

Last year, Concubine Rong was pregnant again, but she was no longer pregnant just four months ago.

Whether there was any harem trap or not is unknown.

Anyway, the final result of the investigation was that everything was normal. Concubine Rong was not in a very good mood because of this incident.

From Dong Nuan's point of view, he was probably a little depressed.

After all, she is not as favored now as she was back then. After the Cao family is revived, she still needs to shoulder the glory of the Cao family, so she is under a lot of pressure.

Nowadays, there are more beauties in the harem every year. Although the number is not large, the new ones are always more popular than the old ones.

Even if he doesn't care about sex, no matter if it's because of personal preference or interests, he will definitely not be able to favor a concubine for a long time.

In the past two years, the most favored concubine Hui was the former Lin Beauty, Lin Yun.

The other party had a new prince last year, which put more pressure on Concubine Rong.

Although Concubine Rong originally had a prince, having more children also brought more honor and sustenance.

In addition, a good child has been pregnant for several months and has feelings, but suddenly they are gone. The mother cannot bear it and it is normal for her to be easily depressed.

The Queen is generous and generous. Of course, as the Lord of the Sixth Palace, she has such magnanimity.

After all, the emperor is no better than other men...

Of course, if you change it to winter warmth.

She still couldn't stand it.

Either live or leave.

Who are you sharing it with?

Even if the times are like this, there is something special in the wave of the times, and Dongnuan should be that special.

If you can't do that, just be on your own and don't mess with anyone.

However, everyone has different positions and different directions of thinking.

The queen is generous and generous, so why should she talk too much about the warmth in winter?

If it hurts your heart too much, there is no need to make more knots in your heart and make more deep-rooted enemies.

The queen kindly reminded me that I should be grateful for the warmth in winter.

But she was tired of all the fuss, and Dong Nuan was not in a hurry to see Concubine Rong.

Nao Nao woke up at noon. If he didn't see himself or the familiar wet nurse and others, he would probably be unhappy again.

Therefore, she slept with Nao Nao for half an hour.

After Nao Nao completely woke up, Dong Nuan took people to Concubine Rong's palace.

The palace of Concubine Rong was filled with the smell of medicine.

When Nao Nao walked in, he quietly pulled Dong Nuan's hand and then slapped her nose.

The little girl was sensible and didn't ask any more questions, but the smell of the medicine was really not pleasant.

Even if you are as sensible as Nao Nao, it is quite uncomfortable and even more unpleasant when it comes to taking medicine.

So, now that I smell it, my little nose tightens, but I still control it.

After all, grandma said, you have to be polite outside and control your expression.

Dong Nuan has already brought her children over, and it would not look good to let Nao Nao leave at this time.

The smell of the medicine was so obvious that when I got to the door, I sent the child away, probably out of disgust.

So, after calming Nao Nao for a while, Dong Nuan brought the child in again.

Concubine Rong's confidant maid came out to pick up Dong Nuan, and even talked to Dong Nuan along the way.

Dong Nuan now has a high status, and the maid is quite cautious about what she says. It is no longer like before, when she only regarded Dong Nuan as the sixth girl in the house, and could say many things casually.

The maid thought about it again and again, and finally said in a low voice: "My wife is very upset. Her body has been like this and she can't bear it. If it is convenient for me, uncle, please give me more advice."

"Did something happen?" Dong Nuan felt that there might be something else going on, so she asked in a low voice.

The maid was a little hesitant to say anything about this. After thinking about it, she finally plucked up the courage and whispered a few words: "The palace is preparing to arrange for the ninth girl to enter the palace. After the empress found out, she was not very happy."

Winter warmth:?

Dong Nuan really doesn’t know about this.

After she came back, they didn't even have time to see more in winter and spring, let alone the Cao Mansion.

I rested at the house for a day and collected the accounts for another day. Before I could finish reading the accounts, I was summoned to the palace.

I really don't know anything about these things.

Hanjianglou didn't say much when he got back, but after thinking about it again, if he didn't ask about the harem women's papers, many people might not say anything to him.

So, it seems normal that he doesn't know.

"I understand." Dong Nuan doesn't know what kind of situation this is yet, so she wants to see the situation after entering.

Concubine Rong has been ill since her miscarriage, and has not recovered well intermittently.

Because of this, her top spot was withdrawn.

After all, you are not in good health, how can you take care of yourself while sleeping?

The palace people are also worried. Now Concubine Rong is no longer as favored as before. Although she holds a high position and has a prince by her side, Your Majesty is also a person who misses old feelings, but...

After all, it is no more convenient than when you are favored.

Moreover, in this place called the harem, it is very obvious that someone is always willing to take advantage of someone who is in a high position.

If their master in the palace is not favored, they will be easily squeezed out by other concubines with the same status in the harem.

When Dong Nuan came in, Concubine Rong had just woken up from her nap.

She had lost a lot of weight, and the loss of her child was a big blow to her. Her complexion was not very good-looking, as pale as if it had been bleached paper.

Seeing Dong Nuan coming, she forced a smile: "Sixth sister is here, sit down quickly."

When he spoke, he was obviously out of breath. After only one sentence, he was slightly out of breath.


Dong Nuan suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart, and quietly tested the original power.

Then, she watched helplessly as those original powers entered Concubine Rong's body, and then slowly dissipated into the air.


Seeing this, Dongnuan almost couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Concubine Rong is so young, how could she be like this?
This chapter has been completed!
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