Chapter 660 Time is not forgiving

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Dong Nuan was puzzled, but she and Hanjianglou quickly packed up and went out to take a look.

When the two people came out, Di Jin happened to walk this way. When he saw his master, he bowed first and then said, "Master, someone from Xiangshui County sent a message, saying that the old man is dying."

Hearing the news, Dong Nuan was stunned for a moment.

Maybe time is not forgiving. In a few years, Mrs. Dong has disappeared, and Old Man Dong is no longer able to survive.

But think about it, I have also changed from an innocent child with pigtails to the woman I am today. Everyone has been slowly changed by the years.

Regarding this news, Dong Nuan actually didn't have too many emotions. She just felt that time was ruthless for a moment.

"By the way, has the uncle's house notified you?" Dong Nuan said this, and Di Jin could understand that although she said they were the third uncle of the same family, it was clear who she was referring to.

Winter and spring.

After all, that was Old Man Dong's biological son. He should go back and check the situation. He might as well go to the funeral.

Hearing Dong Nuan ask this, Di Jin nodded: "The person who came here said that he has already sent a message to my uncle."

Seeing this, Dong Nuan nodded, then turned to Hanjiang Tower and said, "I have to go back."

Hanjianglou wanted to accompany her back, but he had a job, unlike when he was in the academy before, he could leave at any time.

So, want to go?

That's not very good. You have to apply to the emperor, and the emperor still needs to consider it at all levels.

If Dong Nuan has a good relationship with the Dong family and has a deep relationship with this grandpa, then it is worth going to Hanjiang Tower.

However, with things like this now, Dong Nuan is not willing to go back, let alone Hanjiang Tower?

However, I still have to walk away in order to save my face.

Therefore, after sending everyone away, Dong Nuan said to Hanjianglou: "You go into the palace to beg His Majesty. You said you want to return to Shuixian County. It's just a formality. Tell Your Majesty in advance, don't be stupid.

There is no need to go."

Hanjianglou is reluctant to give up Dong Nuan, but he listens to Dong Nuan even more.

So when Dong Nuan said this, he did it.

Dong Nuan wanted to go to Xiaowan Village in Xiangshui County, and they also had to go in the winter and spring. It was too late today, so Dong Nuan sent someone to send a message, saying that they would leave early tomorrow morning.

However, how to settle Nao Nao is a problem.

Nao Nao usually sticks to Dong Nuan, and I don’t know if the children can adapt to it once they are separated.

Dong Nuan is not going to take her back because the mountains are high and the road is far away and she doesn’t want to bother with a child. It’s okay for them to have a hard time along the way, so why bother with a child?

Furthermore, after returning home, if Old Man Dong fails, he will have to hold a funeral. It will be a mess, so don't lose the child again.

This is Dong Nuan's plan, but whether Nao Nao can do it is another question.

But Nao Nao always bothered his grandfather, so with Mr. Han here, the problem should be reduced by half.

Early the next morning, Dong Nuan tidied up and explained the situation to Nao Nao.

Although Nao Nao was not very willing, he thought about it and wisely let Dong Nuan leave.

Dong Nuan was also reluctant to part with her, but after considering it, she still didn’t take her children with her.

After she packed up, she took her servants and belongings and went to Dong Sanchun and the others first.

They had already packed up in winter and spring. Dong Yao even asked for leave for this. Dong Tao was actually quite busy. It was almost the end of the year. The farm she owned raised a lot of pigs and sheep because they were fat.

Being a strong man, he came to buy a lot, but even though Dong Tao was unwilling to encounter such a thing, he packed it up and followed him.

After the family packed up, they set off in a hurry.

Of course, before Dong Nuan and the others set off, Hanjiang Tower made a special trip to the palace to ask for a favor.

As a result, he was ruthlessly rejected by His Majesty.

His Majesty said: I understand this wave, I will just pretend to be the black-faced one, that’s it!

They walked on the road for about six days in the winter.

It’s not that I don’t want to go faster.

A group of servants are difficult to bring, and there are corresponding items and the like.

The most important thing is that I did learn to ride a horse in the past two years in winter, spring and spring, but Dongwu didn't know how to ride a horse, and neither did Dongtao.

Therefore, even if they wanted to travel, they still had to take a carriage. It was a cold day and it snowed in many prefectures in the north, making it even harder to walk on the road.

Six days were already the result of their rapid journey.

Six days later, they arrived in Xiangshui County. They didn't have time to stay any longer, so they turned back to Xiaowan Village.

After Magistrate Gou left, the new magistrate who was transferred did a good job in the development of Xiangshui County. The other county magistrate left because of this promotion, and the new magistrate was replaced, which shows that his ability and intention are high.

This can be seen from the number of restaurants in Dongnuan every year.

Nowadays, Xiangshui County is developing well. Even in winter, the county town is still very lively with people coming and going.

Dong Nuan and his party are relatively low-key, but noble people from the capital can tell the difference no matter how low-key they are.

The new county magistrate of Xiangshui County was transferred just last year, and his surname is Chen.

When he heard the news, he was still discussing matters with the officials below. After all, it was approaching the end of the year and there were a lot of matters.

When he first heard that two uncles were returning to their side, he was startled.

I was even more surprised when I heard that one of them was eating food from Xiangshui County.

"Is that the female uncle?" County Magistrate Chen said in surprise as he touched the mustache that he had managed to grow.

The people below hurriedly replied: "Yes, yes, it is said that the old lady came back seriously ill."

When he heard that an old man at home was seriously ill, County Magistrate Chen thought about it and decided to wait and see for the time being.

He would wait to see the situation in Dong Nuan before making arrangements.

After all, even if he arranges it now, the other party may not have time, right?

In fact, this is really the case.

Dong Nuan and the others walked quickly back to Xiaowan Village. Xiaowan Village is also developing well now. The presence of the Dong clan has attracted students from various villages to study and gain enlightenment, which has also brought about a prosperous economy.

Therefore, the roads have been built, each family's fields have increased, and there are many more cattle in the village than before.

The journey was easy, and it wasn't too bumpy when we came back.

But these are not the main point. Dong Nuan simply looked around and the carriage turned into the Dong family's old house.

The old house has been renovated. Now there are five new houses built in a neat row, and there are side rooms on the left and right. It seems that life is not bad.

Dong Nuan has not paid much attention to the affairs of the Dong family in recent years. She occasionally hears some news but doesn't pay much attention to it.

Therefore, she really didn't know what was going on with the Dong family now.

Looking at the state of the old house now, I think it should be okay.

As soon as Dong Nuan and the others came back, they attracted the attention of the village.

After returning from winter to spring, I have mastered my posture very well.

After getting off the carriage, he rushed into the house with staggering steps: "Daddy, daddy!"

The one who cried was sincere and sincere, but those who didn't know better thought he was a filial son.

This chapter has been completed!
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