Chapter 93 Father-daughter cooperation

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Dong Nuan didn't want other people to hear her because of the ears in the partition wall at home, so she dragged Dong Sanchun toward the back mountain. As she walked, she raised her voice and said, "My father and I will pick up some willow sticks and bring them back."

There was no reluctance in being dragged away in the winter and spring. It was getting dark now, but it wasn't completely dark yet, so the mountains behind didn't look too scary.

Just the thought of wolves howling in the mountains behind me at night makes my heart tremble inexplicably in winter and spring.

Walking to a deserted place, Dong Nuan said straight to the point: "It will be the end of the month in a few days, and Dong Xu and the others should be back."

"I know." As soon as Dong Xu came back, Old Man Dong's old tree bark face looked like it was blooming. He was smiling so hard that he was buying this and that. The only thing he could get at home in a month was Dong Xu.

Xu ate it when he returned home at the end of the month.

Dong Sanchun was dissatisfied, so when he spoke, he even frowned.

"By then, Shusheng Liao next door should also be back." Dong Nuan mentioned Shusheng Liao. Dong Sanchun didn't understand, and opened his eyes wide as he waited for Dong Nuan to continue.

Dong Nuan didn't pause for long, and quickly continued: "Dad, the second brother-in-law has bullied our brother-in-law a lot in the past few years. The second uncle is better, at most he just makes a fuss behind his back, but the second uncle is not easy to get along with.

, Dad doesn’t feel angry when he hears it or looks at it?”

How could you not be angry?

But Dongwu, as long as she doesn't touch her son, has a bad temper. Not only will there be no reaction when poked, but it will also be easily broken.

It’s hard for a grown man to just charge into a crowd of women and fight his second sister-in-law in winter or spring, right?

When Dong Nuan asked, Dong Sanchun frowned again and said, "Why aren't you angry? Could it be that you want me to fight with your second uncle?"

When she thought of this possibility, Dong Sanchun hurriedly waved her hands, with rejection written all over her body: "That won't work, that won't work, that won't work!"

If a fight really breaks out, he won't be able to get any favors, and there will be more rumors in the village.

"It's unreasonable to fight directly." Dong Nuan said with a smile, and then quickly explained: "The Liao family had some thoughts about Dong Xing before, so what is the situation of the Liao family? Dad is so smart that he can definitely see it.

Yes, Second Auntie originally wanted to harm our family, but I avoided her. Now why don’t we treat her like a human being and treat her like a human being?"

Hearing what Dong Nuan said, Dong Sanchun instantly became energetic. He rubbed his hands and said, "But didn't your second aunt and the others show no expression?"

If one party does not express his/her opinion about this kind of thing, it is assumed that he does not agree. The Liao family is very proud at heart. Even if they want something, they cannot lower themselves too much.

"They didn't say it, but what if Shusheng Liao and Dong Xing had a physical relationship?" Seeing that Dong Sanchun finally became interested, Dong Nuan reminded her slightly.

As a result, Dong Sanchun said without blinking: "Just like you and the boy from the Han family?"

Being carried all the way down the mountain by Hanjiang Tower means that you have a physical relationship. You have to get married even if you don't want to, otherwise the rumors in the village can crush a person to death.

Dong Nuan glanced at Dong Sanchun with a half-smile, which startled him.

Dong Sanchun rubbed his hands and said with an embarrassed smile: "Oh, can my daughter be like that damn girl Dong Xing? But this kind of skin-to-skin contact is not so easy..."

Dong Sanchun rubbed his hands and began to think about this possibility, and Dong Nuan gave him a little hint: "Isn't the wide river at the end of our village? If Dong Xing accidentally falls, Shusheng Liao and the others will pass by there.


Liao Mingkun originally had the intention of taking advantage of him. If Dong Xing came to his door, wouldn't it look very smart if he didn't go down the ladder?

If Liao Mingkun really rescues Dong Xing, he will be Dong Xing's savior, and the Dong family will have to give life-saving gifts to others.

As soon as Dong Sanchun heard this, he understood that there was room for maneuver.

However, he was afraid of making things worse. After all, the river was so wide and deep, so no lives would be lost.

He didn't like having a second wife, but he didn't want to kill anyone.

Seeing Dong Sanchun's hesitation, Dong Nuan smiled and said: "If you time it more accurately, there is no danger. Scholar Liao is good at water. As long as you jump in time, there will be no big problem."

Of course, just saying this was not enough to make Dong Sanchun make up his mind. Dong Nuan quickly added: "If this matter goes well, I will think of something else to make a living later so that my father can have more private money."


Having said this, Dong Nuan paused and then continued: "Of course, just the two of us will do it quietly, without letting Aniang and the others know."

Dong Sanchun's eyes lit up when he heard that he could save more private money.

It's not that he had any other intentions, such as using money to find a wife outside, nor did the people in the village have such intentions.

He just wanted to be able to hold two coins in his hand and go back to the town, so that he wouldn't just watch and do nothing.

Dong Sanchun hesitated for a while, and finally clenched his fist heavily and said, "Sure, it's up to daddy."

Dong Sanchun didn't ask much about Dong Nuan's livelihood after Dong Nuan. He believed in Dong Nuan's strength.

The father and daughter have discussed it. As for what to do next, it is up to Dong Sanchun.

Of course, using the excuse of picking up willow sticks, the two of them couldn't go back empty-handed, so they got into the woods and worked for a while before returning home.

Since the two of them didn't come back empty-handed, Mrs. Dong just raised her bark face and muttered a few words, but didn't say much.

Dinner was still semi-dry beans and rice, but the dish was a new twist. After blanching the eggplants from the vegetable patch in the backyard, I added some garlic, mixed it, and added a little salt to bring out the flavor.

It doesn't taste very good, but at least it is much better than the bitter taste of wild vegetables, and it disappears as soon as it is served.

Dong Nuan looked at the display, but didn't think about eating it herself, so she only picked up a chopstick for the winter peach.

Dong Tao was startled by this chopstick. She looked at Dong Nuan in horror and finished her meal trembling.

In fact, being thrown out at noon that day left a huge psychological shadow on Dongtao and Dongzao. Now the two of them really avoid Dongnuan whenever they can, and they just want to take a detour.

Therefore, Dong Nuan rarely gave her a piece of food with chopsticks, and Dong Tao was so frightened that she almost went crazy.

After eating, she decided to tell Dong Zao what was going on, but Dong Zao now looked at her with fear in his eyes.

Seeing Dongzao like this, Dongtao reacted suddenly. Dongzao felt that she had been subdued by Dongnuan and was now with Dongnuan?

Dongtao was angry and scared, but it was dark and she couldn't do anything. She didn't dare to ask Dongnuan, so she had to go back to bed and sleep.

But the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Dong Tao really couldn't sleep, so she bravely asked in a low voice: "Sister, why did you pick up food for me at night?"

Dongzao didn't sleep either. She was also angry. She felt that Dongtao had betrayed her, so she couldn't sleep because she was so angry. When she heard any noise, she also listened with her ears pricked up.

This chapter has been completed!
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