Chapter 35 Easily advance to the top 32

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Sun Yi originally thought that this knockout match would make him sweat and feel the difference between "Crazy Three".

But the game process was completely different from what he thought.

Montana State University did not stage a desperate counterattack and come back to take the lead.

After returning from the timeout, they still could not open up the situation on both offense and defense.

Although they used double teams to limit Curry's crazy scoring, the Wildcats still played smoothly through passing and cutting.

In the pass-and-cut tactic, Sun Yi and Da Baibian were the direct beneficiaries, rushing into Montana State University's penalty area and bombing their basket.

Seeing that the score difference was getting bigger and bigger, coupled with the fact that it was the first time to play in such a large game, they were very unsuited to playing in this environment. As a result, some players at Montana State University lost their mentality. They made many passing mistakes and were dismissed.

The Wildcats seized the opportunity to counterattack and succeeded.

The head coach of Montana State University was forced to request a timeout again to let the players adjust their mentality.

After returning from the timeout, Montana State University players reduced the number of passes and conducted individual plays.

However, under the tight defense of the Wildcats, the shooting percentage can be imagined, and the shots are frequently hit.

The Wildcats seized the opportunity and frequently succeeded in defensive counterattacks.

Alley-oop dunks, chasing three-pointers, pull-up layups, etc. are frequently performed.

"Hey! The players at Montana State University are still too young, lack experience in competitions and have poor mental quality. The game collapsed before the first half." Another guest commentator, Marv Albert, sighed.


"After all, this is the first time they have entered March Madness. They can't force it too much, just treat it as a one-day trip to March Madness." Miller joked.

After the first half of the game, the outcome of the game lost its suspense.

The score on the big screen was 52-24, and the Wildcats led Montana State by 28 points entering the second half.

Except for Montana State University, which had a little momentum in the opening rounds, it was pinned to the ground and rubbed hard by the Wildcats.

Sun Yi completed 5 steals in the first half, causing serious damage to Montana State University.

Miller, the on-site commentator, couldn't help but sigh: "This little guy dominated the game with his strong defense!"

The short 15-minute intermission ended and the game continued in the second half.

After adjustments during the halftime break, Montana State University's players have adjusted their mentality and their morale has slowly recovered, intending to cause some trouble for the Wildcats in the second half.

After all, this is the stage of March Madness, and you only get this opportunity once a year to stand here.

They finally won the league championship and entered March Madness for the first time. How could they not try their best?!

On the defensive end, he increased his defensive intensity, provided physical confrontation, and fought for every rebound.

On the offensive end, patiently look for scoring opportunities and reduce passing errors.

However, the reality is so cruel. In competitive sports, food is the original sin!

After the first half of the game, Curry felt hot and frequently hit three-pointers from the outside.

Moreover, Sun Yi and Da Baibian continued to attack Montana State University's penalty area, fighting for offensive rebounds.

This allows sharpshooters like Curry to feel more confident about shooting from the outside.

Other Wildcat players were able to hit shots when they were open, without wasting any opportunities.

With such a fully blossoming Wildcat team, there is absolutely nothing the Montana State players can do.

It's not that they don't work hard enough, it's just that the gap in strength is too big.

Not long after the second half of the game, Montana State University gave up its resistance and surrendered.

In the end, the Wildcats defeated Montana State University 94-58 and successfully advanced to the top 32.

This knockout game allowed the outside world to see how powerful the Wildcats are, and it is not a deserved honor to be the No. 2 seed in the Western Conference.

At the same time, more scouts and agents began to pay attention to the Wildcat trio and were optimistic about their potential.

Not long after the game ended, the best player of the game was displayed on the big screen.

Curry almost won this honor. In the 28 minutes he played, he made 7 of 10 three-pointers and scored 32 points, 3 rebounds, 8 assists and 2 steals.

Sun Yi, who was almost elected the best player, also performed very well, and his debut in March Madness was perfect.

In the 28 minutes he played, he scored 20 points, 8 rebounds, 5 assists, 7 steals and 3 blocks.

Whiteside also performed very well, scoring a double-double with 16 points, 14 rebounds and 5 blocks.

After the game, Curry and Sun Yi naturally became the targets of reporters rushing to interview them.

"Stephen, congratulations on advancing to the top 32. Last year you single-handedly led the Wildcats to the quarterfinals. This year you have two helpers, Sun and Hassan. Can you go one step further?" the reporter asked.

"The strength of the Wildcats has been improved, and the strength of other teams can also be improved, and the Crazy Three is full of unknowns. Every game is a final. I can't guarantee that I can lead the team to win, but I will go all out to play every game.

Game." Curry answered clearly.

"During the game, I saw you many times shooting three-pointers during counterattacks. Why don't you rush to the basket and hit two points with a higher success rate? Is this a tactic arranged by the coach?" The reporter asked a tricky question.


"Coach Bob is an open-minded head coach who is willing to try novel tactics."

"As for why I like to shoot chasing three-pointers, because in my opinion, during the counterattack, the opponent will definitely retreat to the basket to protect, and there will be open opportunities outside the three-point line. I am very confident in my shooting ability.


After Curry finished answering, he asked a question.

"Don't you think chasing a three-pointer is cool? And it can effectively demoralize the opponent."

The media reporter was speechless. He felt that shooting three points in the counterattack was unreasonable, but he could not find a reason to refute it.

On the other side, Sun Yi was also surrounded by a group of media reporters, asking all kinds of questions.

"Sun, this game is your first appearance in March Madness. It is your first time to play such a large game and you can perform so well and help the team advance smoothly. How do you feel now?"

"I'm very happy to be able to help the team. Next, I will perform better to help the team go further. This is March Madness and no one wants to go back disappointed." Sun Yi answered truthfully.

After that, Sun Yi answered a few questions without missing a beat, without falling into the trap of the media reporters, and the post-match interview came to an end.

After being interviewed by media reporters, Sun Yi returned to the locker room to join the team.

After the Wildcats players arrived, head coach McClop made a post-game summary.

First, he praised the players who performed well, then pointed out some mistakes made during the game, and finally gave a few serious reminders, asking the players not to get carried away and to guard against arrogance and impatience to prepare for the next top 32 games.

After McClop finished speaking, he waved his hand and told his disciples to quickly take a shower and change clothes, then took them out of the arena and back to the hotel where they were staying to rest.

The Wildcats successfully advanced to the first knockout round, and the next top 32 is their real battlefield!

This chapter has been completed!
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