407. Cruel and weird

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"Is there any news again?"

Tan Xuan immediately drove away Qian Bo. Qian Bo's trivial matters were nothing to him. Even if Su Cheng gave birth to a monster, it didn't belong to him, so he didn't bother to care about it. Xiao Di didn't care about it.

It’s the same, I’ll answer the call whenever I’m called, so there’s no chance of any delay.

He hurriedly put on his clothes, took Xiao Di's commonly used equipment and hurriedly went downstairs. When he got into the car, Tan Xuan suddenly came to his senses.

"Do you still have time to collect these case materials now? Her Flute Pavilion has stopped updating for a long time." Tan Xuan said to himself, and then quickly convinced himself, "It's better to return to normal.

The pace of life must be good, and one thing cannot disrupt the whole life. I will continue to take orders tomorrow."

Tan Xuan picked up Xiao Di and went to the development zone. Xiao Zheng had already rushed there after receiving a call from the team. Xiao Di had left the equipment at Tan Xuan's house, otherwise he would have taken Xiao Zheng's car and passed there.

The commercial housing in the development zone have all been developed in recent years, and are inhabited by young people. However, these young people have also inherited the character of their elders who love to watch the excitement. When Tan Xuan and others arrived, the unit where the accident occurred was downstairs.

There were people crowding around, everyone watching with their legs crossed. Their energy was not inferior to that of the older generation, but their quality was obviously higher. At most, they were whispering to each other, and there was no shouting or rushing around to tell each other.

The people maintaining the scene were very familiar with Tan Xuan and Xiao Di. When they saw them coming, they said hello and let them in.

"Why does it smell like braised pork?" Tan Xuan raised his nose as soon as he got out of the elevator.

"Yes, it smells so good, it makes me hungry."

The entire corridor on the thirteenth floor was filled with a strong aroma of meat, which made Xiao Di swallow a mouthful of saliva and make his stomach growl unsatisfactorily.

Entering 1305 with the door open, in the living room, in addition to the police officers handling the case, there was a middle-aged woman in her forties or fifties and a young man in his twenties. At this time, the woman was crying in grief, and the man was also two people.

His eyes were red. However, Xiao Di did not pay too much attention to the two people. Instead, after entering the door, he turned into the kitchen on the left. Not only were the police coming in and out, but the most important thing was that the scent in the corridor came from there.


No victim was found in the kitchen. It was clean, but there was a large pot on the stove that stood out. The lid of the pot was open, and inside was a pot of meat. The aroma of the meat came from here. This pot of meat was stewed.

I don’t know how long it’s been, and there are a lot of seasonings. It’s stewed darkly, and there’s not much soup left. It smells very fragrant, but it’s just a bit out of place. At this time, someone is putting the small piece in the pot.

A small piece of braised meat with bones and meat is put into the collection bag. Each piece of meat is put into a bag and numbered.

"What is this? Isn't it a murder scene?"

Xiao Di pulled Qin Sixian aside and asked in a low voice. She did not dare to ask Xiao Zheng at the scene because Xiao Zheng was not recognized by her relatives when she went on the mission. She would not get an answer if she asked, and would only get a scolding.

Qin Sixian pointed to the door. The two of them walked out of 1305. After reaching the corridor, they opened the door and entered the stairwell.

"This is the murder scene." Qin Sixian fanned the air in front of him and said with a sigh of relief.

"Then why didn't you see the victim? Has the murderer already moved the victim?" Xiao Di's eyes widened and he looked out through the crack in the door. There were figures shaking in the corridor.

"Aren't the remains of the deceased being collected in the kitchen?" Qin Sixian said with a frown.

"What! You said the stew in the pot... ugh..."

Xiao Di immediately gulped. Fortunately, she didn't eat much for dinner and had already digested it. She only spat a few times after gnashing for a long time.

"He... ugh..."

Xiao Di was so shaken that he couldn't straighten his back.

Tan Xuan also came out. When he saw Xiao Di retching, he immediately went over to help him, patted his back, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

"What's stewed in that pot is the victim, eh..."

It was okay if I didn't say it, but when I did, it got worse and I vomited a lot of acidic water.

Tan Xuan gently patted Xiao Di's back twice more, "I know, we don't see many dead bodies. You have even seen monsters and monsters. When you see this, you don't need to react so strongly, right?"

"Shut up!" Xiao Di pushed Tan Xuan away and glared at Tan Xuan with a pale face, "Can it be the same? The other corpses at least still have a human shape, this one is all in pieces, and... ugh


Xiao Di turned around and spit out another mouthful of sour water.

Xiao Di finally came to his senses, took the tissue handed over by Tan Xuan, wiped the corners of his mouth and eyes, and asked Qin Sixian: "Sister Qin, what is going on, who is the deceased, how much hatred is there, to be killed.

People were quartered and then stewed?"

"According to the reporter's dictation, the deceased should be the hostess of the house. She was married for more than a year. It is suspected that the murderer is the husband of the deceased."

"Then who discovered it?"

"The mother of the hostess, the one crying in the living room, lives in the old city. She invited her daughter and son-in-law to go back for dinner, but she couldn't get through on the phone. She was worried so she came to the house and saw something stewed in the pot.

I reported the case later. According to the old man’s son’s oral statement, his sister and her brother-in-law often quarreled after the Lantern Festival, and it was believed that his sister was killed and dismembered by her brother-in-law. This is only a part of the pot, and other parts are still being searched.”

"When her daughter and son-in-law are gone, how can she believe that the dead one is her daughter? You can't just assume what she says, right?" Tan Xuan said in a low voice from the side.

Qin Sixian shook his head, "Now the corpse is incomplete and too fragmented. It has been boiled for a long time and the muscles have dissolved. If there are no other findings, we can only use technical means to compare and determine the identity of the deceased."

Tan Xuan snorted coldly, "Don't bother, the deceased was a man, not a woman. The woman was crying wrongly, it was not her daughter who died."

"What did you say?" Not only Xiao Di was surprised, but even Qin Sixian looked at Tan Xuan in shock.

"Tan Xuan, are you sure? How did you see it?" Qin Sixian asked excitedly. Before Tan Xuan could answer, she ran into the room where the scene was and pulled Xiao Zheng out.

"Why, you found out that the deceased was a man, how did you find out?" Xiao Zheng asked a series of questions as soon as he came over. There was no way, if the information about the deceased was wrong, then there was no need to solve the case.

It’s not enough for others to laugh at.

"The ghost of the deceased is hiding in the bathroom. I don't know who it is, but I can see the gender clearly. It's a man. He's dressed like a dog, with a knife in his heart. His shirt is soaked red with blood.

His body was divided after death." Tan Xuan said in a leisurely manner, but his tone was quite certain. If he were not an acquaintance, he would have thought that he was the forensic doctor who had just completed the autopsy.

"Really? I'll go take a look." Xiao Di returned to the room, and ran back a few seconds later, silently reciting the mantra, and the earrings on the temples fell back to their original positions.

"There is indeed a guy covered in blood in the toilet, but why is that guy so confused and like a fool?"

Tan Xuan popularized the science: "The ghosts of the newly dead, unless they are people of great good and evil, or have great resentment in their bodies, or they are people who have practiced cultivation, otherwise their spiritual wisdom has not yet been developed, and they will always look like that. You have forgotten the past.

Are those wronged souls and resentful ghosts awakened by Xiao Sheng?"

"Oh, that's right." Xiao Di nodded. He heard this statement from Tan Xuan, but he just didn't remember it for a moment.

Xiao Zheng on the side finally stopped keeping a straight face, and squeezed out a flattering smile on her big black face, and said to Tan Xuan: "Tan Xuan, can you let me take a look at him?"

Tan Xuan shook his head, "You have too much yang energy, and you have a special status. That guy's aura is not stable yet, and it will dissipate as soon as you attack him. Otherwise, he wouldn't be scared by you and hide in the toilet."


Xiao Zheng and Qin Sixian looked at each other. Qin Sixian immediately returned to the room and quickly took out a photo of the two of them and brought it to Tan Xuan.

"Do you think it's this person?" Qin Sixian asked, pointing to the man in the photo.

"No." Before Tan Xuan could speak, Xiao Di answered for Tan Xuan.

"The person in the photo is tall and strong, and the guy in the toilet is thin and short. He is not the same person at all."

Xiao Zheng and Qin Sixian both looked dark, and the excitement on their faces disappeared instantly.

"Is there another person who died? It seems this is not a simple homicide."

"Isn't that just a good time for you two detectives to show off your prowess? By the way, I can also use my mobile phone to get some more materials." Xiao Di said with a smile. No one watching the excitement is afraid of big things. The bigger they are, the more eye-catching they are.

Xiao Zheng glared at Tan Xuan dissatisfied, "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute."

Turning her head, Xiao Zheng changed her expression again, "Tan Xuan, think of a way to ask who he is and how he died. Once these problems are solved, it will be easier for us to solve the case."

Tan Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "If I had asked all the questions, it wouldn't have been easy for you to solve the case, but you would have solved it directly."

Xiao Zheng chuckled. After having been in contact with Tan Xuan for a long time, he no longer wanted to be as serious as before, "It will be better if the case is solved. I will treat you to dinner then."

Looking at Xiao Zheng's begging expression, Tan Xuan suppressed a smile, "Then if I want to ask it, I have to wait until you all withdraw before I can ask it. You can't let me do it in front of your colleagues and those two people.

Let's do some pretense, and then you can't just take me away? Does this count as surrendering?"

"Stop talking nonsense, then just wait. I'll handle it according to the procedure first, and you can ask after the people leave. Sixian, please urge the surveillance people to find out who came in and out of the thirteenth floor today. Are there any

Let them identify everyone who agrees with Tan Xuan's description. Let's identify the deceased first, don't work for a long time, we still don't know who died."

After saying that, Xiao Zheng turned around and went back, and Qin Sixian also took his mobile phone and started to contact his colleagues. The relationship was close, and there was no longer any politeness between him and Tan Xuan. Since he was here, let's obey the orders together.

"Hey!" Tan Xuan sighed, took out a cigarette and started smoking in the stairwell.

"What's wrong? Is there anything fishy about this case?" Xiao Di looked at Tan Xuan and asked.

Tan Xuan blew out the smoke and looked at the dark stairs at his feet and said: "This case should be very ordinary. It's either a vendetta or a murder for love. At most, it's a case of anger for a beauty. The case is not troublesome. It's not just superficial.

In the above situation, there may be some other things mixed into it. This method of destroying corpses and eradicating traces is not something that ordinary urban white-collar workers can think of. There must be something involved behind the scenes."

Xiao Di's eyes lit up, "You said there is an evil spirit behind this case?"

Tan Xuan shook his head, "It may not be a ghost. I didn't see any other evil spirits at the scene. There are a lot of people now. I'll take a closer look after the others leave. Anyway, as soon as I entered the door, I found that this house has something to do with it.

It’s different.”

"Other existence, what existence?" Xiao Di looked at Tan Xuan confused. There was no difference between this explanation and no explanation. It was still a complete mess.

Tan Xuan chuckled and said: "Those who live in troubled times are nothing but monsters. If they are not ghosts, they are demons. These are the things our Northeast lacks the most."

This chapter has been completed!
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