Chapter 1033 nothing to say

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Chapter 1033 Nothing to say

"What's going on with you two?" Xiao Ce asked directly after reviewing all the memorials.

"What can happen to this slave?" Zhang Jixiang was shocked and did not dare to tell the truth.

"Qiu Shui, tell me." Xiao Ce looked at Qiu Shui and said.

Qiu Shui's psychological quality was not as good as Zhang Jixiang's, so she glanced at Zhang Jixiang subconsciously. Zhang Jixiang just wanted to kick her. The emperor asked, "What do you want to see him do?"

"Tell me, what exactly is going on?" Xiao Ce's eyes turned cold.

Qiu Shui couldn't stand still and fell to his knees: "This slave is scared."

It's all Zhang Jixiang's fault. The emperor didn't say anything when he asked questions. How should she answer?

"Say!" Xiao Ce shouted in a deep voice.

Now Qiu Shui didn't dare to hide anything anymore, she said: "Slave, I suspected that the imperial concubine was angry with the emperor, so I saw the emperor in the imperial garden today and left first without talking to the emperor."

Zhang Jixiang didn't expect Qiu Shui to explain the matter so honestly. How could anyone say it so straightforwardly like her? Doesn't the emperor have no face?

"Zhang Jixiang, do you also think that the imperial concubine is angry with me?" Xiao Ce asked with a frown.

Zhang Jixiang did not dare to lie: "I feel a bit like the empress is venting her anger on the emperor."

As for whether it is true or not, only the imperial concubine knows.

Xiao Ce was silent for a moment and then asked: "Why does the noble concubine want to be angry with me?"

Shouldn't he be angry that Qin Zhao doesn't discuss anything with him and still uses the child to make an issue?

It was clearly Qin Zhao who did something wrong, but Qin Zhao was angry with him instead?

"I don't know," Zhang Jixiang replied fearfully.

Xiao Ce got up and decided to go to Jinyang Palace to find the answer.

When he arrived, Qin Zhao and his children were taking a nap.

With Qin Zhao's heartless look, it doesn't look like he is trying to vent his anger?

To put it another way, Qin Zhao still eats and sleeps well, no different from before, even if he is getting angry with him.

The atmosphere in Jinyang Palace was a bit solemn. Qin Zhao was asleep and didn't know Xiao Ce was coming.

When she woke up naturally from her sleep and Baozhu came to help her change her clothes, she realized that Xiao Ce had arrived at Jinyang Palace an hour ago.

"The emperor is here, why don't you wake me up?" Qin Zhao slurred and yawned.

Seeing her big heart, Bao Zhu didn't know whether to feel lucky or relieved.

"Your Majesty told me not to wake up the Queen from her afternoon nap," Baozhu whispered.

The Emperor they were discussing was standing nearby, and the Queen just pretended not to see him, and had no idea what she was thinking.

"This is strange. You know that I have the habit of taking a nap, but you still come here at this hour. What's the point?" Qin Zhao muttered as he quickly dressed up.

Xiao Ce was sitting nearby and naturally heard what she said.

If you were still skeptical before, and now you hear Qin Zhao's cynicism towards him, you will know that this woman is indeed trying to vent his anger.

"Everyone, step back." Xiao Ce gave an order.

Everyone did not dare to object and retreated one by one. Baozhu also picked up Little Atom along the way.

When only the two of them were left, Xiao Ce asked: "Why are you angry with me?"

Qin Zhao looked sideways when he heard this: "When did I lose my temper? Isn't it that the emperor is angry with me? The emperor's tone of hitting the target seems very natural."

"You still said no. We met in the Imperial Garden before, and you left without talking to me. Isn't this just a way to vent your anger?" Xiao Ce opened his lips coldly.

Qin Zhao fell silent and suddenly realized that he didn't want to talk to Xiao Ce at all.

"Are you acquiescing?" Xiao Ce asked again.

Qin Zhao smiled indifferently: "That's what the emperor thinks."

After she finished speaking, she planned to leave the room.

Xiao Ce became angry when he saw her like this. He caught up two steps and grabbed her wrist: "Speak clearly before we leave."

"Xiao Ce believes that I am just venting my anger. If I admit it, this topic is over. It seems that apart from telling the emperor these meaningless things, I have nothing else to say to the emperor." Qin Zhao looked directly at Xiao Ce.

, with a calm expression, brushed Xiao Ce's hand away.

Xiao Ce watched Qin Zhao walk away, but did not follow him this time.

He didn't know why he and Qin Zhao came to this point. They were obviously fine before Mrs. Wu's death.

Is it because he was angry with her that she held a grudge? Was she angry with him too?

In his impression, she has never been an unreasonable person.

He felt that he should tell Qin Zhao something clearly, otherwise the relationship between them would become more and more tense as time went by, which was not a good thing.

After thinking for a moment, he still gave chase.

On the other side, Qin Zhao saw Xiao Ce chasing after him, but his expression remained unchanged.

When other people see that the situation is not right, they automatically retreat three feet away.

"If there is any misunderstanding, you can make it clear to me." Xiao Ce went to Qin Zhao and whispered.

"Your Majesty, you are overthinking." Qin Zhao lightly curled his lips: "Your Majesty said that I am letting go of my anger, but that is not the case. I just saw the Emperor and had nothing to say. Maybe the relationship between the Emperor and the Emperor is immature, and it has lasted for a long time.

If we don’t meet each other anymore, we become more unique, it’s just that simple.”

When she saw Xiao Ce now, she didn't want to say a word. This was a fact, and it couldn't be said to be indifferent.

She didn't know why this happened, and she had no idea why.

Xiao Ce didn't expect to hear these words from Qin Zhao's mouth. He stood there in shock, unable to answer the words for a while.

"I just returned to Jinyang Palace to avoid embarrassment. If the emperor feels that this is my fault, I can just admit my mistake." Qin Zhao said again, thinking to himself.

After a while, Xiao Ce said: "You are right, it was me who was wrong."

He thought he was venting his anger on her, angry that she took matters into her own hands and didn't discuss things with him. But he didn't expect that she would become alienated from him as time went by without him seeing her.

It was obvious from her distant attitude that she was not joking.

In the past, even if he didn't talk to her for ten and a half days, when she saw her again, she could always joke around with him with a smile on her face, as if they had never had any trouble. Now she feels that she has a kinship with him, so she doesn't even want to talk to him.

One more thing, he even came over to ask her why. Isn't this humiliating himself?

When Xiao Ce came to Jinyang Palace, he brought a group of attendants with him. As soon as Xiao Ce left, Jinyang Palace suddenly became deserted.

Bao Zhu came over with little Atom in his arms. Qin Zhao took the child and said, "Everyone can do whatever they have to do and be busy with their own business."

Baozhu stayed by Qin Zhao's side silently.

When she got close just now, she heard the conversation between the empress and the emperor. Although she was a little surprised that the empress would talk to the emperor so directly, she felt that this was the temperament of the imperial concubine.

Say whatever you have to say, and you will not hold back because the emperor is an emperor. Even though the truths that the empress told today may anger the emperor, or may be ignored by the emperor from now on, the empress still told the truth.

This is the Imperial Concubine. No other concubine in the harem can be as straightforward and frank as the Imperial Concubine.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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