Chapter 104 The Prince Takes Qin Zhao as His Property

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"Miss Wu and I have met several times in the Zhao Mansion. I can't easily make a conclusion about Miss Wu's personality. I can only talk about Miss Wu's appearance. Anyone who has seen Miss Wu will be amazed. I think Wu will be the best by then.

After the girl enters the East Palace, she will definitely win the exclusive favor of His Highness? Then maybe Miss Wu can be ahead of everyone else and contribute to the royal family." When Qin Zhao mentioned Wu Xiyu, his expression was very dull.

This is different from what Li Chenghui expected.

If it is true as the legend goes, Qin Zhao shouldn't be so calm when it comes to Wu Xiyu.

Could it be that there is a discrepancy in the rumors?

"I also heard that Master Zhao Yu and Miss Wu have a good relationship?" Li Chenghui simply went straight to the topic.

Even if Qin Zhao could pretend and lift this fig leaf, Qin Zhao would never remain indifferent.

"Probably? After all, they are cousins, and Miss Wu is favored by Mrs. Zhao. Naturally, Mr. Zhao also favors Miss Wu. As for how deep their friendship is, if there is a chance in the future, Cheng Hui may be able to go there in person.

Ask Miss Wu, it’s not easy for me, an outsider, to comment." Qin Zhao's mood remained unchanged when mentioning Wu Xiyu and Zhao Yu.

Li Chenghui saw this and was immediately unsure whether Qin Zhao really didn't care, or whether Qin Zhao was too good at pretending.

"Girl, you've been out for a long time. Why don't you go back to the house and rest?" Bao Zhu saw that it was almost done and stepped forward and said to Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao stood up with the help of Baoyu and Baozhu. She said to Li Chenghui: "Chenghui can go and sit at Wangyue Residence when he is free. I'll go back first."

Then, she walked away with Li Chenghui paying attention.

As soon as Qin Zhao walked away, Lu Xin spat: "This is a filthy thing. I really think His Highness the Prince is pampering him, but he doesn't even take Cheng Hui seriously."

"You also said that she is favored by His Highness." Li Chenghui looked gloomy.

Because of this, even if Qin Zhao is nameless and has no status, even if she is just an abandoned woman, she is still more confident than they, the serious beauties of the East Palace.

She originally wanted to give Qin Zhao a warning, but Qin Zhao's words "Your Highness the Crown Prince" made her unable to hold her head high.

"That's because His Highness the Crown Prince is kind. Otherwise, with her status, she wouldn't have the honor to live in the East Palace or in a place like Wangyue Residence..." Lu Xin just spoke and saw Li Chenghui's cold eyes.

She didn't dare to speak anymore.

Wangyue Residence is the closest to the main palace, and many beauties have no choice but to live there. Later, when Qin Zhao was born, he actually moved into Wangyue Residence, which all the beauties in the East Palace wanted to live in.

I just heard that Qin Zhao meant that she wanted to go to the palace, but His Highness the Crown Prince refused. What does this mean? Could it be that His Highness the Crown Prince liked Qin Zhao too much and was reluctant to let him go?

She didn't dare to say this in front of Cheng Hui.

"Isn't the Wu family going to the East Palace? If the fate between the Wu family and the Qin family is so deep, then there will be something good to see after the Wu family enters the East Palace. Just now, the Qin family was provoking, and it was nothing more than wanting to

Use my hands to get rid of the Wu family. Who knows, Qin's words have already revealed her thoughts. The Qin family cares about the Wu family, I just need to sit back and watch." The gloom on Li Chenghui's face disappeared, and suddenly

I am looking forward to Wu Xiyu entering the East Palace.

As Qin Zhao himself, he didn't think much about it at all.

She always felt that she was an outsider. Whether it was Li Chenghui or Wu Xiyu, they would all be Xiao Ce's women.

But she's not, she's just a guest.

She would just wait until Xiao Ce's anger subsided before she could discuss leaving the palace with him. Xiao Ce was the prince after all, and she would be grateful if he could lend her one or two highly skilled martial arts guards to be her bodyguards.

Little did they know that in the main hall, Xiao Ce was giving orders to Zhang Jixiang to keep an eye on Qin Zhao.

"Your Highness, isn't this good?" Zhang Jixiang was a little surprised after hearing this.

"It's for her own good. She doesn't do her job all day long, and only reads some nonsense, which makes her talk more and more openly. You should keep an eye on her. If she wants to leave the palace, bring her back immediately!

If she doesn't learn well, she won't be able to leave the palace in this life."

As soon as Xiao Ce said this, Zhang Jixiang was greatly frightened.

"How is this possible? Miss Qin is only temporarily staying in the East Palace, so we can't keep her in the palace for the rest of her life." Zhang Jixiang's whole body feels bad when he thinks about having to face Qin Zhao every day in the future.

Furthermore, His Highness is not a relative of Qin Zhao, so why should he control Qin Zhao like this?

At this moment, Zhang Jixiang suddenly gradually understood a cruel fact. The problem was with His Highness the Crown Prince. Qin Zhao was just a bit more powerful. He did not know what tricks he used to make His Highness treat Qin Zhao so differently.

His Highness's tone clearly indicated that he regarded Qin Zhao as his property.

"Why not? If she doesn't listen to discipline, I will control her for the rest of her life until she learns well." Xiao Ce saw Zhang Jixiang standing still and looked at him coldly: "Why are you still here?"

Zhang Jixiang didn't know what he was feeling, so he lowered his head and walked away with heavy steps.

Baoyu immediately discovered that there were two unfamiliar palace maids guarding Wangyueju. This seemed unusual, so she immediately told Qin Zhao.

When Qin Zhao heard the news, he came out and saw two palace maids guarding the palace outside Wangyue Palace. Looking at their faces, it was obvious that they were not good-natured ones. There was no smile at all on their faces.

Looking at their standing postures, they must have been trained under strict palace rules.

As soon as the two palace maids saw her, they came to salute her one after another: "Slave Baoping, Baoyuan, please greet the girl."

When Qin Zhao heard the names of the two palace maids, his eyes fixed on them: "Your names are quite special."

"This is the name given by His Royal Highness to the slaves. From now on, the slaves will serve the girl at Wangyue Residence."

The one who answered was Aquarius. He looked about seventeen or eighty years old. He looked calm and sophisticated and spoke appropriately.

Qin Zhao said nothing more and went back indoors.

Baoyu followed closely and asked, "What does your Highness mean by this? Does it mean that the slaves and Baozhu are not serving you well enough?"

Qin Zhao sat down in front of the dressing table, "Don't you think they are more like monitoring Wangyueju?"

It must be that Xiao Cecai specially sent people to guard Wangyue Residence because he was afraid of her escaping. Why was he like this?

Baoyu and Baozhu looked at each other and said in unison: "Isn't it possible?"

"That is the prince. He will not go to Wangyue for no reason. I don't understand why he sent people to keep an eye on me. Do I need his permission to leave the palace in the future?" Qin Zhao

One head and two big ones.

Baoyu had another opinion: "Of course it's because His Highness cares about the girl and wishes her well."

Qin Zhao felt that Baoyu's brain circuit was also strange. She looked at herself in the mirror. If she was a peerless beauty, then this might be the reason why Xiao Ce kept her in the palace.

But with her appearance and her lentil figure, Xiao Ce definitely didn't keep her because he was attracted to her, but he was raising her as a cub, right?

Moreover, he felt that she was a crooked melon and wanted to straighten her out.


There are still 2,000 words left in the morning. I humbly ask for votes and support.

This chapter has been completed!
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