Chapter 115 Want to hug you alone?

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Qin Zhao was very satisfied with her makeup. She walked around in front of Xiao Ce with a bright smile and a naive demeanor: "She should be pretty good as a civilian girl. She won't embarrass His Highness, right?"

Xiao Ce pulled her to him and pinched her face: "She's too thin. She needs to be raised again in the future, at least like Qiu Shui."

Qin Zhao's eyebrows were curved, "People's girls don't have that kind of confidence, Qiu Shui is a great beauty."

She just thought it was funny. Did Xiao Ce's expectations of her be too high?

Xiao Ce just hoped that Qin Zhao would be as plump as Qiu Shui, rather than as beautiful as Qiu Shui, but he did not continue the topic: "Have breakfast first, and then go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony after breakfast."

He held Qin Zhao's hand as a matter of course. Qin Zhao's expression changed again and again. He struggled in Xiao Ce's hand, but still couldn't get rid of his palm.

What is Xiao Ce doing? Didn't you see Qiu Shui looking like he was struck by lightning?

Just before today, Xiao Ce had not held hands with her. He was the prince of the dynasty, so it was impossible that he didn't know that women's hands should not be held casually.

"Your Highness..." Qin Zhao reminded in a low voice: "It is against etiquette and law for us to do this."

Xiao Ce originally wanted to hold Qin Zhao's wrist, but after accidentally holding her hand, he felt that this seemed normal, and her struggle made him unhappy.

Since the relationship between him and her is no longer an ordinary relationship between a man and a woman, why bother with these small details?

"It's okay, you are different." Xiao Ce said, leading Qin Zhao to sit down at the dining table.

His words "You are different" left Qin Zhao speechless.

She was sure of one thing at the moment, and that was that she hugged her thigh too much, which made Xiao Ce treat him more and more as a man and a brother. Perhaps in his eyes, what he was holding was just a cat or a dog, and

Or maybe he just has a little cub.

During breakfast, she immersed herself in eating. During this period, Xiao Ce served her dishes from time to time, which made her at a loss.

As for Qiu Shui's expression on the side, she no longer dared to look at it.

Qiu Shui would definitely think that the relationship between her and Xiao Ce was a very ambiguous relationship between a man and a woman, but in fact it was just the opposite. She and Xiao Ce got along like relatives, brothers or sisters, or like friends.

But the relationship between them is not the ambiguous relationship that everyone thinks.

"Unhappy?" Xiao Ce saw that Qin Zhao didn't say a word and could tell that she was in a low mood.

Qin Zhao tried his best to put on a smile: "I'm just a little nervous. The daughter of the people has never seen the world before. Thinking that she will see envoys from other countries later, the daughter of the people is both excited and scared."

There was nothing wrong with her reply.

Xiao Ce believed it to be true and comforted her softly: "It's okay, just sit by Gu's side and don't make a sound. If you have something to do, let Gu handle it, just watch the fun."

As he spoke, he remembered something serious: "The second prince of the Dayue Kingdom sent a letter with news, saying that he would send funny gifts to the women in the palace. However, the second prince of the Dayue Kingdom is not a good person, and he is afraid of being lonely.

If he causes trouble in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, you should be careful. If anything happens, I will protect you."

Qin Zhao was stunned when he heard this.

The second prince of the Dayue clan, isn't that Seth? Seth later became the king of the Dayue clan during the internal strife of the Dayue clan.

Speaking of which, she and Seth had a grudge in their previous life. That was after Xiao Ce became emperor, Seth came to visit as an envoy and suddenly broke into the inner palace. When she scolded her, she was even teased by Seth.

Later, Seth became the king of the Great Yuezhi and started a war between the two countries in her name. But she knew that Seth's ambition was what drove him to start the war, and it was definitely not because of her.

But the common people believed her and called her a demon concubine who brought disaster to the country and people, and scolded her miserably. Xiao Ce became even more indifferent to her from then on.

Later, when Xiao Ce led troops to attack the Dayue clan, he was poisoned...

"The girl suddenly feels a little unwell and wants to rest at Wangyueju, is that okay?" Thinking of the past, Qin Zhao decided to quit.

She had no desire to meet Seth again. It was because of Seth that Xiao Ce led his troops to fight in his previous life, and was later killed by a traitor.

Speaking of which, if it hadn't been for her in his previous life, Xiao Ce wouldn't have died so early, right?

Although the past events were gone, she suddenly felt that some things were still proceeding according to the planned trajectory, and even Seth appeared.

If she meets Seth, will it cause unnecessary disputes again?

Of course Xiao Ce didn't believe Qin Zhao's words.

He didn't waste any words. When he saw that she had finished her breakfast, he took her hand and walked out.

"Your Highness, I'm really not feeling well. Please take others with you. I can't go..." Qin Zhao became anxious, hugged Xiao Ce's arm tightly, and looked at Xiao Ce eagerly: "Please."

"Do you want me to carry you to the chariot?" As soon as Xiao Ce said this, Qin Zhao was so frightened that he immediately let go.

Xiao Ce was very satisfied that Qin Zhao became quiet, so he took Qin Zhao to the chariot.

Qin Zhao was still struggling: "Can a folk girl not sit on a chariot?"

She was not in the right state last time, but now she is very clear-headed and knows that she cannot share the carriage with Xiao Ce, as this will attract criticism.

In fact, her opinion doesn't seem to constitute an opinion.

"Do you think you can walk that far with your fragile body? Or do you want to carry you up alone?" Xiao Ce curled his lips indifferently.

Qin Zhao was silent.

Why didn't she see in her previous life that Xiao Ce couldn't hear other people's opinions at all?

This man is really arbitrary!

After getting on the chariot and before leaving the East Palace, many beauties from the East Palace came out to watch the excitement.

When they saw that the person sitting side by side with Xiao Ce was Qin Zhao, everyone's mood was particularly complicated. Which one of them was not the woman of His Royal Highness?

No matter how long they have been in the East Palace, no matter whether they are concubines or not, at least they have this status, right?

Why does Qin Zhao deserve to be valued so much by His Highness the Crown Prince?

She is just an abandoned wife, and her qualifications are so mediocre. How can she be so virtuous and capable as to allow His Highness the Crown Prince to pamper and pamper her like this?

Qin Zhao felt the unkind looks from all directions. It was not like she had never been so jealous before, but she had never felt so guilty before.

She doesn't think it's right herself, let alone others?

"Has your Highness noticed the strange looks in everyone's eyes? The whole world knows that it is not in line with the royal rules for a common girl to ride on a chariot with His Highness." Qin Zhao felt like a nondescript clown, and Xiao Ce insisted on going his own way, pushing her to the forefront.

Langkou, I never felt anything was wrong.

"Gu's words are the rules, who dares to say otherwise?" Xiao Ce said, holding Qin Zhao's hand: "Gu is in everything, so you can rest assured, no one dares to say anything about you."

Qin Zhao could only swallow the bitter water in his stomach, give him a smile that was uglier than crying, and no longer waste his words, because no matter what he said, the prince felt that he was right.

This man is a male chauvinist, more domineering than a boss.


The arbitrary Xiao Ce ordered: "Everyone, hand over your votes!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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