Chapter 1466: Good Fortune, Good Fortune

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Qin Zhao also doubted whether Xiao Ce's previous life was Ruanjin Powder.

But later, the results of the test were that Xiao Ce had been poisoned. Even if he was not stabbed in the battlefield, he would not survive. The poison had already entered Xiao Ce's internal organs.

Xiao Ce was so busy that day that he had time to come over and take a look at Qin Zhao. Who would have thought that Qin Zhao was still awake when he came over.

"Even for the sake of the child, you have to rest early." Xiao Ce went to the bed and whispered to Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao rubbed his sour eyes: "I thought you would come over tonight, so I waited for a while. It's getting late, so make arrangements."

Xiao Ce took a look at several medicine books on the desk and knew that Qin Zhao was making excuses to appease him.

In order to find out the poison he had been poisoned in his previous life, she read so many medical books in one day.

Even though he had thousands of words, they only turned into a soft kiss on her forehead.

Perhaps because of Xiao Ce's company, or perhaps because he was really tired, Qin Zhao fell on the bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up early the next morning, Xiao Ce had already gone to the morning court.

Qin Zhao also woke up early in the morning and ordered Xiao Linzi to go out of the palace to look for various books in the shops.

All the books on medicine in the Hongwen Museum were sent to Qin Zhao. Qin Zhao only hated that he had a pair of eyes. Seeing this, Baozhu and Baoping also helped to check, but they were not as fast as Qin Zhao in reading, but they still had some problems.

One force.

In the afternoon, Xiao Linzi returned to the palace and brought a large box of books.

Since Qin Zhao became pregnant, Bao Lan has not even had the chance to be near Qin Zhao recently.

She only knew that Qin Zhao had found a lot of medical books, but she didn't know why he wanted to read so many related books.

Although she was excluded, she could still guess that Qin Zhao was looking for a cure for some difficult and complicated diseases.

Could it be that there is something strange about Qin Zhao's pregnancy?

At this moment, Baohong came out of the study. She took a look at the direction of the study and then followed Baohong to the side hall.

"My queen is pregnant, but she still reads so many books. She needs to find someone to persuade her. After all, my phoenix body and dragon heir are the most important." Baolan brought up the topic.

Baohong looked back at her and replied: "We have all tried to persuade you, but if you don't listen, I don't know what you are looking for."

Baolan was originally looking for information, and she became more and more curious when she heard this: "You don't know what your Majesty is checking?"

"Only the treasure bottle and the orb help to look through it, and besides the empress, no one knows what difficult and complicated diseases the empress is looking for." Baohong responded.

Baolan was speechless. Unexpectedly, Baohong entered the study and didn't know what kind of difficult and complicated disease Qin Zhao was checking.

She suddenly thought of the possibility that Qin Zhao might be testing her...

In fact, Qin Zhao was indeed testing Bao Lan, and the results of the testing have already come out.

Baolan, who had always been calm and composed, finally showed her true face, and was using Baohong's mouth to find out what she was looking for.

From the moment Baohong stepped out of the study, she heard Baolan follow Baohong to the side hall, and later heard the conversation between Baohong and Baolan, which further proved her suspicion.

Although it is still unknown who arranged the nail in Baolan, it at least proves that Baolan has a background.

The palace maid she had been guarding against for so long finally showed her weakness today.

A smile appeared on Qin Zhao's lips.

She just had an idea and wanted to borrow Baohong to try it out, but Baohong actually let her try it out.

Seeing Qin Zhao's smile, Bao Zhu couldn't help but be curious: "Is the empress happy?"

My master has always had a sullen face in the past two days, but today is the first time he smiled.

Qin Zhao nodded slightly, "I'm in a good mood."

She simply threw all the boxes of books that Xiao Linzi had brought in on the ground, and then roughly looked at the titles of the books until an ancient book called "Yao Yin Jing An Annotation" came to her eyes.

At random, she picked up this ordinary-looking ancient book.

As soon as she opened the first page of the book, she saw that half of the first page was missing.

Just when Xiao Linzi came over, she asked: "Where did you find this ancient book? It's in such tatters."

Xiao Linzi thought about it carefully and then said: "It just so happened that I was going to the library next door to look for medicinal books. When I passed by a rag shop, this ancient book fell in front of me. When I saw that it was an ancient book on medicine, I also

No matter how much it was, I spent the money to buy it."

Qin Zhao couldn't help but smile: "Interesting."

At first she flipped through it casually, but when she turned to the second page, the smile on her face suddenly condensed.

Bao Zhu saw that her expression was strange, so she stepped forward and took a closer look, and immediately understood why her master had such an expression.

Isn't this the secret medicine of the Western Regions Palace that the Emperor took on the first night after arriving at the Western Suburbs Paddock?

Qin Zhao couldn't hide her excitement for a while, but when she calmed down, she turned the pages of the book much more gently.

She had an intuition that maybe what she was looking for was in this ancient book.

With a pious mentality, Qin Zhao turned over every page carefully. The more she read, the more she realized that Xiao Linzi had picked up a treasure this time. This tattered ancient book recorded some rare secret medicines, and they were all

The two medicines complement each other and are indispensable.

When she saw the poisonous recipe named Qian Jin Yin, her heart beat fast.

The main drug of Qianjinyin is colorless, odorless and non-toxic. There is no abnormality after taking it, and no abnormality can be detected when diagnosing the pulse. However, after taking it for ten days, plus Qianjinyin blindly, a huge poison can be formed in the body of the poisoned person.

The person who was poisoned will lose all his limbs and physical strength, and his body will seem to weigh more than a thousand kilograms, hence the name Qian Jin Yin.

Seeing this, Qin Zhao was basically certain that the poison that Xiao Ce was poisoned in his previous life was Qianjin Yin.

Interestingly, the recipe for making the antidote is also recorded below.

After that, Qin Zhao also read the entire ancient book. In order to give the illusion that she was still reading, she did not stop and continued to read the book. She just wanted to deceive Baolan so that Baolan could not guess why she was reading the medical book.


When Luo Qing entered the palace the next day, she specially invited Luo Qing into the study. Bao Lan was also sent away by her, while Bao Zhu waited outside the study.

After making sure that no one was eavesdropping nearby, Qin Zhao took out the ancient book and handed it to Luo Qing.

After Luo Qing roughly read it, he was overjoyed: "The women of the people will develop the antidote in the shortest possible time. Please rest assured, Madam."

Next, Qin Zhao told the story of how Xiao Linzi found this ancient book. After hearing this, Luo Qing was amazed: "Your Majesty, you are truly blessed and blessed."

Qin Zhao couldn't laugh or cry, "It was clearly Xiao Linzi who found it, and it has nothing to do with me."

"It was the empress who sent Xiao Linzi out to search for it, and Xiao Linzi had such a good fortune." Luo Qing couldn't help but sigh: "This ancient book is really a strange book. The folk girl thanks the empress for giving me the medical book."

As she spoke, she thanked Qin Zhao seriously.

This chapter has been completed!
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