Chapter 381

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Chapter 381 Destiny is her

"That's right. If Liangdi is free, please follow me to the main hall." Zhang Jixiang responded respectfully.

Although Qin Zhao couldn't figure out which song Xiao Ce was singing, she still happily agreed.

Because she had lost weight recently, she put on makeup before leaving Mochizuki House to make her face look less thin. She was also a little careful with her clothes and deliberately chose a set of clothes that made her look fatter.

Qin Zhao went directly to the study room, and the person serving Xiao Ce was Ru Xi. The moment he saw Qin Zhao, Ru Xi's eyes fixed on him.

She also saw Qin Liangdi last night. She looked very thin last night, maybe because of the makeup, but she looked fine today. Did Qin Liangdi put on makeup on purpose?

Qin Zhao saw Ruxi staring at him and asked in confusion: "Am I embarrassed?"

Ruxi looked away and replied respectfully: "Liangdi is so beautiful that I couldn't help but look at her twice. Please forgive Liangdi."

Qin Zhao felt that Ru Xi did not disgust her. Although it was rumored that Ru Xi was having a heated fight with Xiao Ce recently, regardless of whether this was true or not, at least Ru Xi's attitude was very upright, unlike Nian Su.

She is obviously a servant, but she regards herself as the master.

"No problem."

Qin Zhao replied to Ruxi before saying hello to Xiao Ce.

Xiao Ce took the time to look at her and said, "Sit aside and I will talk to you when I finish my work."

Qin Zhao thought to himself that since he was so busy, why should he spare time for her?

But she didn't say anything and went to sit aside.

After a while, Qiu Shui came and brought snacks. In addition, he prepared a lot of fruits and placed them one by one in front of her.

Qin Zhao thought that was all, but Qiu Shui would come back soon after leaving. She also brought a cup of soup and gave her a bowl: "This is the soup made by the new cook. It is not only delicious, but also good for your skin."

, Liangdi, how does it taste?"

Qin Zhao looked at the snacks and fruits surrounding her in the middle, and then looked at the soup in her hand, secretly thinking that this battle was a bit too much for her.

She could indeed eat, but her belly was only so big, and she had already eaten a full meal before coming to the main hall.

Although he had doubts, Qin Zhao still took a bite of the soup: "It tastes good, but I just ate a lot. Let's put it here for now and drink it later."

"Liang Di is free to do so. If you have any instructions, Liang Di will just give them to the servants." Qiu Shui said, stepping aside and waiting for orders at any time.

Qin Zhao glanced at Xiao Ce who was busy, and then asked Qiu Shui in a low voice: "Do you know why His Highness came to me?"

"I don't know, this slave." Qiu Shui responded respectfully.

His Highness only asked her to prepare some food to wait for Liang Di to come so that Liang Di could eat more. His Highness usually did not ask her to prepare these things, so she did not understand whether His Highness had other intentions.

Qin Zhao sighed inwardly. She felt that the recent Qiu Shui was not very powerful. Not only did Nian Su regain her position, but Ru Xi's presence was also stronger than Qiu Shui.

"How are you lately?" Qin Zhao asked again in a low voice.

Because Qiu Shui was the person she pushed out, although she was using Qiu Shui at first, but later Qiu Shui turned towards her, and of course she regarded Qiu Shui as one of her own.

"My servant is fine, Liangdi, don't worry." Qiu Shui replied softly.

She is indeed living a good life. Although Nian Su has returned to the position and she has less time to serve His Highness, she is doing brisk things and is content with the status quo.

"If you have any difficulties, please tell me. If Niansu bullies you, you have to learn to fight back." Qin Zhao said and took another sip of soup.

Speaking of which, I didn't feel anything like this soup when I first drank it, but after I finished drinking it, it left a fragrant aroma on my teeth and cheeks, and a sweet aftertaste. It tasted really good.

In this way, she chatted with Qiu Shui, drank soup, and occasionally ate some fruit, feeling very uncomfortable.

By the time Xiao Ce finished his work, it was already lunch time.

Qin Zhao and Xiao Ce were sitting at the dining table, looking at the food on the table. She was so full that she had no desire to move her chopsticks.

"Your Highness, please eat. I just ate too much, and now I'm still full." Qin Zhao only regretted that he only had one stomach. He was extremely regretful.

Xiao Ce's original intention was to let Qin Zhao gain weight. After all, she had lost a lot of weight recently, but he forgot that Qin Zhao only had such a big body. How could he eat endlessly?

"Then you can play in the East Palace for a while. If you want to take a nap, then take a rest in the East Palace." Xiao Ce said and looked at Qiu Shui.

Qiu Shui understood and stepped forward to accompany Qin Zhao to the East Palace.

Qin Zhao walked around the East Palace, then went to Xiao Ce's bedroom, fell down and wanted to sleep.

At this time, Qiu Shui suddenly said: "Liangdi, please don't listen to the rumors in the East Palace. Your Highness only appreciates Ruxi's talents. Ruxi is also a true person. So far, the servants have not seen anything strange. However, Ruxi did it deliberately at the beginning."

Approach His Highness."

Afterwards, Qiu Shui told everything she knew about the situation.

Qin Zhao was a little surprised after hearing this: "Why do I feel that the scene where Ruxi and His Highness create a chance encounter is a bit familiar?"

After pondering for a moment, she suddenly remembered that she had used the same method to create a chance encounter with Xiao Ce in her previous life.

Could it be that Ruxi also knew the plot of her previous life and was reborn?

This thought passed away in a flash, frightening Qin Zhao himself.

Yes, when she first met Ruxi, she felt that Ruxi looked a little familiar and had a sense of deja vu.

"I'll sleep for a while." Qin Zhao couldn't remember for a while whether there was a person like Ru Xi in her previous life, but she felt that since there was a sense of familiarity, this feeling must not have come out of thin air.

After the autumn water receded, Qin Zhao fell on the bed without feeling sleepy.

"A person who is capable of playing chess, calligraphy and painting, and who is so beautiful, should have a deep impression on him. Why can't I remember this person?" Qin Zhao murmured to himself.

She must have missed some key information.

A person as unique as Ruxi should be unforgettable at first sight.

After thinking about it for an hour, Qin Zhao still had no clue, so she decided to put it down and take a nap for the time being.

Probably because she thought too much about Ruxi before going to bed, she actually dreamed about her past life. However, there was a veiled woman in the dream. She could not name the woman, but she only knew that she was someone Xiao Ce valued...

Qin Zhao suddenly opened his eyes and finally remembered who this was.

No wonder she didn't recognize Ruxi right away, just because Ruxi appeared a little late in her previous life. At that time, she heard that Ruxi was hated and disgraced by others, but even so, Xiao Ce still looked at Ruxi differently.

, coupled with Nian Su's instigation of discord, she thought that Xiao Ce intended to admit Ru Xi into the harem, and she was jealous of this, which made Xiao Ce unhappy.

She had never seen Ruxi's face in her previous life, and she didn't know how the character Ruxi emerged. She only knew that this masked woman was very talented. Xiao Ce liked talented people and often competed with Ruxi on piano and chess skills.


(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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