Chapter 432 Don't be frivolous!

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Chapter 432 Don’t be frivolous!

"The snacks can't be brought in until a certain time. You can leave them here for now. No one can disturb Liangdi from studying hard." Baozhu said solemnly.

"Why is Liangdi working so hard all of a sudden?" Baoyu couldn't help but be a little worried: "Isn't it because of some stimulation?"

She had heard that Li Chenghui had been running to the main hall at every turn in the past two days, clearly trying to compete for favor and ascendance.

Maybe Li Chenghui's actions made Liang Di feel a sense of crisis, so she used this method to enhance her own strength.

"Liangdi is fine, you don't need to worry, just do your own thing." Baozhu signaled Baoyu that he could leave.

Baoyu glanced at Baozhu, wondering why Baozhu drove him away.

Xiao Ce was extremely busy this time. His father was taking care of himself, and all the political affairs were piled up before him. In addition, it was approaching the end of the year, and he had to deal with everything before taking a break. Naturally, he was extremely busy.

There is no time to spend with Qin Zhao.

By the time he recovered, it was already the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Recalling that he was driven away by Qin Zhao that day, I wonder if the girl has calmed down after a few days.

After thinking about it, he left the main hall and saw the Moon-Watching House in front of him, and he slowed down.

Zhang Jixiang is a good judge of people. When he saw this, he said: "Your Highness, do you want to go to Wangyue Residence for a walk?"

Xiao Ce didn't answer and went directly to Wangyue Residence.

Not long after he entered Wangyue Residence, he heard the sound of the piano.

"It must be Ruxi playing the piano." Zhang Jixiang felt that Ruxi was the only one in Wangyueju who could play such a beautiful piece of music, and it couldn't be Qin Liangdi anyway.

Here, Qin Zhao heard Zhang Jixiang's voice while he was still in the study.

No way, her hearing is getting better and better recently.

At the moment, she asked Ruxi to sit in front of the guqin and continue playing, while she sat at the recycling table and pretended to read a book.

As expected, Xiao Ce quickly came to the study.

As soon as Qin Zhao saw Xiao Ce, he stepped forward to greet Xiao Ce: "I respectfully greet your highness Jin An. I haven't seen you for a few days, and your highness has become handsome again!"

When Xiao Ce saw her smiling face, he knew she was in a good mood.

At this time, Qin Zhao took Xiao Ce's arm and pulled him to sit down: "Your Highness has a blessed ear. Ruxi is playing the piano. Let's sit down and enjoy it."

Xiao Ce glanced at her and asked quietly: "How is your piano learning going?"

"That's it." Qin Zhao said ambiguously.

She didn't know how well she studied, because super memory does not equal artistic talent. In terms of talent, she was indeed a little behind, but she studied hard and tried to one day satisfy her teacher Ruxi.

Xiao Ce didn't ask any more questions.

It's good that this girl Qin Zhao can study hard. How can we expect her to make much progress?

"Just try your best. If Ruxi teaches you seriously, you will study hard and there will always be time for progress." Xiao Ce looked at Ruxi.

At this time, Ruxi played the last note, and Xiao Ce clapped his hands and praised without hesitation: "Not bad."

Ruxi smiled and said: "Your Highness is so complimentary!"

At this time, Xiao Ce saw the Go game on the side and remembered the fun he had playing against Ruxi a few days ago, so he came to Yaxing and said, "Ruxi, play a game with me."

Ruxi did not dare to disobey the order and readily agreed.

Qin Zhao was diligently arranging the chess pieces on the side, and his dog-legged appearance made Xiao Ce look sideways.

"Guess whether Gu or Ruxi will win this game?" Xiao Ce suddenly asked.

This stumped Qin Zhao. One was her teacher and the other was her man. It was not good for her to go to either side.

But she still answered casually: "Of course it is His Highness the Crown Prince. I hope His Highness can win!"

Xiao Ce was in a good mood after hearing her answer, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.

Qin Zhao saw it clearly. She sat down next to Xiao Ce and watched Xiao Ce and Ru Xi playing chess.

A quarter of an hour later, the chess game was at a critical moment. Xiao Ce had been thinking for a long time and was about to make a move when Qin Zhao suddenly hit his wrist hard.

The impact was so strong that the chess piece failed to hold firmly and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Qin Zhao hurriedly apologized. He stepped forward to pick up the fallen chess pieces and placed them on the chessboard casually. Then he looked at Xiao Ce nervously and asked, "Did your highness feel any pain from being hit by my concubine?"

Seeing that she was anxious, Xiao Ce comforted her and said, "It's okay to be alone. Don't bother playing chess alone."

"Okay." Qin Zhao sat down obediently.

Xiao Ce then had time to look at the chessboard, and when he saw the position where the chess pieces fell, he was stunned.

Just because the position of the chess piece is really wonderful, it can be advanced and attacked, and retreated and defended. It is much better than the place where he just wanted to make the move.

Ruxi had long known that Qin Zhao was secretly helping Xiao Ce, and she looked deeply at Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao did the so-called watching the chess without saying a word, but Qin Liangdi secretly helped His Highness the Crown Prince in another way, and she couldn't expose this little secret.

It was precisely because of Qin Zhao's interference that Xiao Ce became more and more obedient, and finally surrounded and killed Ru Xi to determine the outcome.

Seeing that Xiao Ce had won, Qin Zhao hugged his neck and kissed him hard: "Your Highness is so awesome!"

Xiao Ce finally pushed Qin Zhao away and scolded her: "Don't be frivolous!"

"Yes, yes, I was just happy for His Highness, and I got carried away for a moment." Qin Zhao secretly slandered that Prince Xiao was an old-fashioned person.

If she hadn't disrupted the situation, Xiao Ce might not have been able to win.

Xiao Ce is good at chess, but he always wins less and loses more when playing chess with Ruxi. He won this time and he was also happy.

Before Ru Xilin left the study, he purposely passed by Qin Zhao and whispered in a low voice: "Liang Di is not kind."

"Congratulations, Master!" Qin Zhao said with a smile.

Ruxi couldn't help but smile and left the study when she saw that she didn't have a formal appearance.

As soon as there was no more third party, Qin Zhao immediately sat on Xiao Ce's lap.

Xiao Ce was most afraid of this move from her, so he hurriedly lifted her up and put her aside: "I want to test your homework, so sit still for me."

"I am an Adou who cannot be helped. Your Highness, it is better not to ask, so as not to be disappointed." Qin Zhao said and wanted to lean on Xiao Ce again.

Xiao Ce had no choice but to keep a straight face: "Sit tight and don't stagger around. Let's talk about business alone."

Qin Zhao tried to sit up straight, and after a while she said: "But it's uncomfortable to sit up straight..."

Under Xiao Ce's gaze, her protest was ineffective and she had no choice but to sit upright.

Xiao Ce first asked her to memorize silently, and she remembered the content after reading it once, but it couldn't be too obvious, so she finished it by stumbling.

Not wanting it to be like this, Xiao Ce still looked relieved: "Not bad, there is progress."

Qin Zhao wanted to laugh for a moment.

Originally, a person as strict as Xiao Ce had very high requirements, but towards her, Xiao Ce could be said to have no principles at all.

At this moment, Qin Zhao had the feeling that she had seriously hindered Xiao Ce, and that Prince Xiao had become complacent because of her. Now that she had the conditions to make progress, she had to work harder in the future.

Later, Xiao Ce took Qin Zhao's calligraphy test.

There is no way to improve this aspect just by having a super memory, but her writing is stronger than before, her brain seems to be enlightened, and she can still see that her handwriting has improved a lot compared to before.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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